President Lungu said the Traditional Leaders have demonstrated patriotism and love for human kind by apportioning land to be used for the resettlement of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The president noted that what the chiefs have done is commendable because other traditional leaders could not have accepted to release land or host refugees in their regions.
President Lungu stated that some traditional leaders in some parts of Zambia have been denying land to government for developmental projects noting that such chiefs wouldn’t have accepted to host asylum seekers.
The head of state said helping asylum seekers is a noble thing to do because they are not responsible for the confusion which has caused them to flee their country.
He said every well- meaning human being should be in the position to help and thanked Mwata Kazembe, Chief Kambwali and Chieftainess Kanyembo for giving part of their land to the refugees.
Government in conjunction with its stakeholders will soon move refugees from Kenani Transit Refugee Camp to a permanent camp because the number of refugees entering Zambia from Congo has kept increasing day by day.
And Mwata Kazembe said the traditional leadership will host the Congolese refugees and consider them as brothers and sisters.
The Traditional Leader noted that the people of Congo and Zambia are the same hence the need to help those that were running away from civil wars.
The Mwata said that establishment of a permanent camp should be done urgently before the rainy season begins as the transit centre is unable to hold the ever increasing number of refugees from Congo.
President Lungu meet the three Chiefs in Nchelenge before touring the Kenani Refugee Transit Centre where over 6,000 refugees are being kept.
The Zambian Head of State later addressed the refugees, assuring them that Zambia will keep them safe as long as they do not violet the country’s laws.
The President also called on the International Community to assist Zambia deal with the refugee situation as the population keeps increasing on a daily basis.
Why thank them?There was no way the Chiefs could have refused to avail land for the refugees.All land in this country is vested in you your excellency
NATHAN means GIFT. JONATHAN means GIFT from JEHOVAH. You are a gift from God to this great nation. When SABC called you JONATHAN it was prophecy. If you want to win the 2021 elections, you should legally change your name to JONATHAN. I AM SEER 1.
Good one – Others think that they are mocking him when they call him that name: Jehovah’s Gift.
Let our brothers and sisters from the congo be relocated everywhere in the country. The borders between Zambia and Congo were drawn up by imperialists. They have no place in the AU. Give them jobs, land and wives to marry as the need may be.
We are one people. People of the dark continent. Let the light shine.
Compare this story with the one that came out in Watchdog.
Comments attributed to the President are somewhat unfortunate and divisive because he seems to to insinuating that that there are some traditional leaders working against the government in Zambia. Can we have a FACT CHECK on these statements? Moreover, is the President also suggesting that chiefs play a role in granting asylum to refugees in Zambia? What is the real reason taxpayer resources were spent on this trip when the President has civil servants he could have delegated at a fraction of the cost to gather relevant data on this refugee situation? Is PF hoping that these refugees might be a source of votes come 2021?
Ati gift from God olo ulaspota. Edgar to be gift from God?? kikikikikikikiki
What facts! Go to new location of chinkankata district and ask why works have delayed