Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zulu attributes incompetence of some Politicians to disputed 2016 election


Lusaka Politician Maiko Zulu says the incompetence being exhibited by some elected leaders in government is because they stood on the ticket of the party whose victory in the 2016 elections is disputed.

In an interview yesterday, Zulu said it is distressing that the Constitutional Court did not tell the nation whether or not the 2016 general elections were free and fair adding that it is the more reason why certain elected government leaders have continued with their ineptness.

Reacting to Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba’s image in a deep sleep at a meeting which has gone viral on social media, Zulu said it is difficult for some leaders to perform to the expectations of the electorate because they are taking advantage of Zambians by concentrating on salaries instead of service above self.

Zulu has since styled the Mayor Wilson Kalumba as an embarrassment who has failed to preside over the affairs of the Greater City of Lusaka.

“It is distressing that the Constitutional Court did not tell the nation whether or not the 2016 general elections were free and fair adding that it is the more reason why certain elected government leaders have continued with their ineptness” Zulu said


  1. “The money Edgar looted from Zambia is difficulty to trace because it is stashed in countries like Bahrain and Mozambique where there are no records and he uses agents.”

  2. “It is distressing that the Constitutional Court did not tell the nation whether or not the 2016 general elections were free and fair adding that it is the more reason why certain elected government leaders have continued with their ineptness” Zulu said.


  3. WHAT ABOUT by- elections done on POST 2016 ELECTIONS, were they FREE and FAIR? We had had 19 local elections in May MIGHT PF scooped 11 and upnd managed 5 the rest shared by the other parties. AND in AUGUST we had another by-ELECTIONS, might PF scooped 9 upnd 3 and the rest shared 1.REASON? Since 2016 GENERAL elections PF will plainly win on its STRONGHOLDS and UPND will also WIN on their STRONGHOLDS. The MAIN battle grounds are COSMOPOLITAN cities like LUSAKA,COPPERBELT,LIVESTONE and CHIPATA CENTRAL. As long as upnd fails to impress SOULS in these proximities (HILDA whatsoever) will always fail to HANDLE presidential petitions case until her retirement AND leave the upnd zealots in limbo waiting for petitions case in Namwala, Mazabuka and Choma central while ECL is working in 6.5…

    • The constitution mandates the ECZ to declare winners of elections. ConCourt is a court, it presides over disputes. If the dispute is not proven beyond reasonable doubt, it will not compel the ConCourt to order the ECZ to nullify the election. Since there was insufficient evidence to warrant a nullification, the ECZ declaration remained valid. It’s sad that you suspend your functioning brain to read and understand these things that are very clear in the constitution (downloadable from google!!) and rely on whatever the upnd says and you religiously believe them. What a life….

  4. This is all cooked up. That is why the scenery around the Mayor is minimized in the photo. Telling from his chair, the Mayor must have been in his office taking a nap in his free time, like say lunch hour. There is nothing wrong with that. The chap responsible for this lie is taking everyone for a fool. Because surely, had this bee a genuine case, he would have wanted to capture the meeting around the Mayor so as to prove his point beyond doubt.

  5. One thing I want ask Zulu, did he expect to be an MP with his rastafarian hairstyle or what. Surely he needs to exhibit some seriousness in himself first. As a lawmaker was he going to respect the laws of parliament? Wasnt he surprised that he lost miserably? People did not take him seriously from the word go. He did not show seriousness himself. Next time let him start by standing as a councillor and let him listen to his wife’s song first “vitendeni “.

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