Monday, February 3, 2025

SADC Troika against military coup in Zimbabwe


The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Organ Troika Plus on Thursday, said it noted with “great concern” the unfolding situation in Zimbabwe.

“[The] SADC Organ Troika further reaffirmed the need for SADC Member States to remain guided by their Constitutions. [The] SADC Organ Troika called upon all stakeholders in Zimbabwe to settle the political challenges through peaceful means,” the short statement said.

“Having considered the unfolding situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe, the Organ Troika recommended the convening of an urgent Extra Ordinary SADC Summit and committed to remain seized with the situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe.”

The Council Chairperson Ministerial Meeting was called by SADC Chairperson, South African President Jacob Zuma, on Wednesday, to discuss the unfolding political and security situation in Zimbabwe.

The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Chairperson Ministerial Meeting was held in Gaborone, Botswana on Thursday afternoon, and was was attended South Africa; Angola; Zambia; and Tanzania.

“The SADC Organ Troika Plus reaffirmed SADC’s commitment to African Union (AU) Constitutive Act and the SADCs Democratic Principles, as they relate to the unconstitutional removal of democratically elected Governments,” the statement read.

“The objective of the meeting was to consider the unfolding situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe.”

Below is the full statement

Press Release: SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Chairperson Ministerial Meeting held to discuss the Political Situation in Zimbabwe

The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Chairperson Ministerial Meeting was held at the SADC Secretariat in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana on 16th November 2017, comprising of the Republic of South Africa (Chairperson of Council of Ministers), Republic of Angola (Chairperson of Organ), Republic of Zambia (Incoming Chairperson of Organ) and United Republic of Tanzania (Outgoing Chairperson of Organ).

1. SADC Organ Troika Plus reaffirmed SADC’s commitment to African Union (AU) Constitutive Act and the SADCs Democratic Principles, as they relate to the unconstitutional removal of democratically elected Governments.

2. The objective of the meeting was to consider the unfolding situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe.

3. SADC Organ Troika noted with great concern the unfolding situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe

4. SADC Organ Troika further reafirmed the need for SADC Member States to remain guided by their Constitutions.

5. SADC Organ Troika called upon all stakeholders in Zimbabwe to settle the political challenges through peaceful means

6. Having considered the unfolding situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe, the Organ Troika recommended the convening of an urgent Extra Ordinary SADC Summit and committed to remain seized with the situation in the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Done at Gaborone, Republic of Botswana, 16th November, 2017

The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting
The SADC Organ Troika Plus Council Meeting


    • Congratulations to the army generals of Zimbabwe for removing that creature from power. He was bad influence for Zambia’s very dull dictator.

    • SADC is playing a wait and see game. SA is the only super power we have in sadc and this is the time for it to show us what it can do for the region.

    • Come on, what’s there to discuss,,,93years old Mugabe would do with some good rest in jail or at home,, the man is tired he needs a break from everything, even from 41 years cucci grace

    • Lungu is the best person at the HELM in Zambia

      He is a democratic

      Mugabe has done nothing wrong, I cant stand this coup thing going on.

      Makes me sick



    • More talking shop and collecting travel allowances. ACTION – NONE.

      Where were these so called “leaders” when Mugabe was killing Zimbabweans and rigging elections – they were silent.

      All we can expect from them is useless words and support for their fellow DICTATORS. It will only be THE PEOPLE that can make change happen.

    • Wasted time from the SADC Whatever.
      There are only three practical solutions SADC can come up with namely;
      1. Organize SADC military force and help Mugabe defeat the Army
      2. Advise Mugabe to step down, support the army and negotiate for smooth transition of power.
      3. Leave the Zimbabweans to sort out themselves.

    • This move in Zimbabwe must be supported and lauded. A lesson for all African leaders. None of you are invincible as you think. Africans are slowly liberating themselves.

  1. This so-called SADC region is satisfied as the Zim status quo benefits them. Where will South Africa be without cheap labour from the North of the Limpopo river. A prosperous Zim will mean all skilled Zimbos will relocate to their country. SADC grandies don’t want that.

    • Zimbabwe has four neighbours, (Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia). Let us just impose trade sanctions on this country whose economy is on its knees and force the generals to go back to the barracks. Zambia is tired of keeping refugees who are ungrateful.

  2. sadc knows u5 as tribal leader.
    tax evader
    6times loser
    amagedon worrier
    staurborn like a donkey

    upendi will never rule zambia as u5 and gbm ruthless illiterate are top 2

    were is conelius mweetwa unzasu president
    . hamududu or garry nkombo were potential leaders .
    U5 is very selfish worse than mugabe

  3. Imwe ba Troika, listen to me Terrible, there is already a coup in Zimbabwe by Grace Mugabe and her cronies. This military action is not illegitimate nor is it a coup, it is just an action meant to correct the coup which has already taken place. What is wrong with correcting a wrong?
    Now tell under5 that there will be no bloodshed in Zimbabwe. Unlike under5, Zimbabweans are not blood thirsty like our very own under5 of the “armageddon fame. The under5 idoit declares armageddon on Zambians for rejecting 5 times, and when markets and educational facilities are torched he denies any knowledge of it. Really? So what in your under5 opinion is armargeddon?

    • Let him just count his blessings one by one, he is dealing with humane southern African soldiers, if it was West African or North African soldiers they wouldn’t have wasted time, they would have wasted him like Gaddafi or Robert Guey of cote devoire.

    • Quote from a blogger(Zambian Eagle) :

      So far in Zimbabwe. No death, no injuries, no casualties, no beating, no running battles, no harassment.
      It seems coups can be more peaceful than Democratic elections.

      This is some how true. It so peaceful than some elections we have witnessed.

  4. This issue is an internal ZANU-PF wrangle, These guys (army) are ready to protect Mugabe for as long as they are in full control of everything. These are all friends and if anything, this an army for ZANU-PF. The lesson here is not to be called commander-in Chief is just symbolic..what is Mugabe commanding now…lesson to other heads of state who think that when you are a Commander in Chief then every body will listen to you.

  5. 37 years in power and you want negotiate what…the only thing Uncle Bob can negotiate is they do not hand him over to the wolves at the Hague. But we know what happens to these leaders immediately they dont have State doctors looking after them around the clock.

  6. He looks like nothing has happened! !!. Still arrogant and defiant. Even patting the back of the General who’s supposed to have overthrown him. That’s RGM for you.

  7. SADC must set up a special military unit on stand by to deal with the military junta in Zimbabwe should they refuse to hand over to ligitimate govt

  8. They travelled in entourages, collected per Diem just to consider and note what is happening in Zimbabwe, there were no action points. For this reason could they not have skyped this conversation seeing it was a meeting for noting and considering.
    Awe sure Africa for real…the problem is we dont even feel sorry for ourselves yo start with.

    • That’s the essence, just turn him into a ceremonial figure to be attending to kindergarten stuff.

    • You do not understand the Zimbabwe army.Mugabe is under “country arrest” and has been asked to hand over power.It is not a coup.If he refuses as he has done,against popular sentiment,constitutional means will be used to remove him..through his party and parliament.Mugabe is not control of the army which disobyed orders to arrest the General and Commander of the Army.

  9. If an organisation is headed by Tyrants what do you expect of it ? This is a toothless organisation. I know the founders like KK formed this organisation to fight against foreign forces. But that era is gone. The whole organisation need to be reformed. Certain countries should not even be members of SADC if it was a serious institution. Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe should have not have even been a member later on chairman. This is an organisation of dictators or former freedom fighters trying to protect each other. Only Mwanawasa tried to bring sanity but was frustrated by the same group of dictators. Abush SADIC abush Mugabe. Viva Zimbabwe military forces.

    • Only if HH was president, this organization would be okay whether it’s composed of dictators. .oh god I wish this were so.

    • Ndanje always out of touch with the topic at hand, i think you came out legs first, that’s why you always out of line , HH has nothing to do with this article.

    • HH has everything to do with the article unless you don’t see that I am replying to an HH supporter and that HH has made a comment on the Zim situation.

  10. Rubbish SADC. Nonsense Troika. Toothless bulldogs. You have ignored the suffering of the masses for too long. You allow the regional leaders to abuse the poor people. Why wasn’t Mugabe tamed? Salute the Generals. He would have been paraded on the streets if it weren’t for their high regard of him and the Law.

  11. I am in agreement with sentiments expressed in comments that espouse the fact that this meeting was unnecessary. The Zimbabweans are clearly in charge of their own destination and are going about it in a diplomatic and probably viewed as unorthodox manner, by those who expected to see chaos. I hope the outcome will in itself reflect their determination to bide by their constitution.

  12. Soldiers of Zimbabwe have used wisdom to bring democracy in the country. There is no way you can allow someone holding on to power since independence, it is not fair.This situation seems to be temporal.

  13. The majority of us in Zimbabwe are happy with the action by the generals to remove a dictator who was using unconstitutional means to impose his wife as President of the country.All Zimbabweans,including the opposition,are united on this matter.Sadc is advised to stay out of it if it wants good neighbourliness.
    The parliament of Zimbabwe is convening on Tuesday 21 November 2017 to impeach the President by abusing the Constitution in allowing his wife to denigrate the former Vice President and war veterans who are recognised by the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

  14. What kind of coup is this you Zimbos? Oh! I almost forgot the General said it is not a coup. They just want to cleanup the dirt surrounding Mugabe. After all the Generals are very good friends with Mugabe. What coup! It could even be Mugabe himself behind all this nonsense. Very cunning fellow that Mugabe – and you think you can win a negotiation with uncle Bob? Ask the British!

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