Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Zimbabwe lessons for Lungu


President Edgar Lungu during the meeting with Commonwealth from Secretary-General Patricia Scotland at during the second visit to State house

Uninformed and extemporaneous political statements on other countries could generate into tension and result in hostile relations with neighboring countries. The comments and maneuvers from our President, Mr. Edgar Lungu concerning the situation in Zimbabwe, left much to be desired. This could be a consequence of being a ceremonial president without notable political skills or lacking constructive counselors and advisers to help. Nonetheless, it is imperative for the president’s statements to be passing through competent staff and experts in regional and international politics before they are made public. It would have been much better for our dear president to keep quiet on Zimbabwe as his statements on the situation are incoherent and embarrassing to our country. It is unfortunate that our president’s words are more reflective of a man in fear, playing double standards and outrightly preposterous. The President made two statements in 7 days that are problematic.

First, while in Egypt on November 16th, 2017 Lusaka Times reported that: “President Edgar Lungu says the illegal takeover of power in Zimbabwe by the military is not in tune with modern politics.” Apparently, the president believes that what is happening in Zimbabwe is illegal. According to the Oxford Dictionaries: illegal and unlawful have slightly different meanings, although they are often used interchangeably. Something that is illegal is against the law, whereas an unlawful act merely contravenes the rules that apply in a particular context. Accordingly, the President implied that the activities of the armed forces in Zimbabwe were against the law. However, the law referred to in his statement was neither clarified nor specifically identified. This position shows disrespect for the constitution of Zimbabwe and the armed forces of that country.

Modern politics are constitutional politics, and even the armed forces have a role to play as stakeholders. The armed forces and police are not just a flock of a civilian president’s Bulldogs to unleash on political dissent or for persecuting the opposition. They are critical in providing security, efforts of preserving peace, including diffusing tensions that have potential to degenerate into active conflicts. This is very much in tune with post-modern politics in case our president has not caught on. To this effect, it is perhaps not unfathomable that President Lungu owes the people of Zimbabwe an apology for his insensitive words.

Second, it is reported in Lusaka Times on November 22, 2017, that: “President Lungu urges Zimbabweans to follow constitutional provisions during the transition of power.” Not so fast Mr. President. No one should have a license to play double standards. The question is since when did Mr. Lungu have any regard for any written rules in Zambia? Mr. Lungu ascended to power in the PF through a plebiscite with a shameful show of hands in Kabwe with no regard to the party constitution and electoral rules of Michael Sata’s Patriotic Front. Furthermore, both national electoral victories he has claimed in our country have not been convincing. In fact, the last one was a disputed ballot that has not even been resolved to date. The constitution of Zambia provides for the presidential powers to handed to the Speaker where the election has been duly petitioned. The question is, in this transition of power did Mr. Lungu follow the constitution? Alas, on his return from the SADC Troika meeting in Angola he is reported to be calling upon the people of Zimbabwe to follow the constitution in the transition of power. Where does Mr. Lungu get the moral authority for calling on the people of Zimbabwe to follow their constitution? Isn’t it common knowledge that the armed forces of Zimbabwe intervened in a deteriorating power struggle in their country in accordance with their country’s CONSTITUTION? Today Mugabe is out of power without bloodshed, loss of life or collateral damage. Isn’t it Mr. Lungu the man who recently threatened that if the constitutional court judges emulate their counterparts in Kenya and uphold the constitution to prevent him from running for a third-term, that he has been salivating for there will be chaos in Zambia?

November 3rd, 2017 Lusaka Times reported that: “PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has warned that there will be chaos in the country if judges try to emulate the Kenyan courts and stop his third term bid in 2021.” Our President is a man who neither follows written rules nor respects the constitution of his own country, and therefore he has no standing lecturing the people of Zimbabwe on this issue. I think it would be wise and more prudent for our President to keep quiet than be embarrassing us in this manner. Zimbabwe will resolve Zimbabwe issues in a Zimbabwean way period.

Since Mr. Lungu came to power, he has made many miscalculations from political associations to economic policy priorities, and public spending. Mr. Lungu courted Yoweri Museveni, Paul Kagame, and Robert Mugabe as his mentors. Perhaps this should explain his statement that: “the resignation of Mr. Mugabe has come as a surprise.” What is so surprising about Zimbabwe? Any discerning person could have seen it coming. The 21st Century is inhospitable to life presidents, despotic regimes or cheats governments. Mugabe, Museveni, and Kagame are all misfits in post-modern politics of the 21st Century Africa, and Mr. Lungu must take note. Moreover, rather than be surprised by the events of Zimbabwe and be uttering embarrassing statements, Mr. Lungu should in true humility pick up essential lessons conjectured by the wise in human history. Here are my four lessons for President Lungu from the situation in Zimbabwe.

  • ….. be a Faith, from of old, it is this, as we often repeat, that no Lie can live forever. (Carlyle, 1865)
  • Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again; The eternal years of God are hers;But Error, wounded, writhes with pain and dies among his worshippers. (Bryant, 1839)
  • Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne. (Lowell, 1891)
  • Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (Saint Paul, Galatians 6:7-8 [BSB])

In a nutshell, I appeal to our president to just keep quiet on Zimbabwe and learn the lessons of history. In my mother’s village, they taught us that ichikwanka bachimwena kumampalanya. What has happened to Robert Gabriel Mugabe could soon knock on our door if you without cognitive excuse fail to learn the lessons of the wise as predicted in history. The third term, life Presidency or president without the people’s consent is a lie that cannot live forever. The truth is that power is a temporary trust with which incumbent leaders must do the greatest good for their countrymen and women. Thereafter, gracefully bow out to the next generation of leaders. Even if you crush the truth, disguise the truth, bury the truth; the truth will one day rise up undaunted. The Zimbabwe breakthrough has brought the jubilee in Zimbabwe, the smiles on the faces of our neighbors, and the dancing in the homes and hearts of our kindred south of the Zambezi. It can be contagious. There is nothing sweeter for the masses than a return to liberty and freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of movement. Using government machinery to enslave and silence the masses in their own land under the disguise of peace is a project that will eventually burst and fail. In the unlikely story that this is Zambia, the masses are longing for a return to multi-party democracy of retail politics that our fathers brought to us in the third republic with Frederick Chiluba. For now, we should join the people of Zimbabwe and sing free at last, free at last thank God almighty Zimbabwe is free at last.

By Jones K. Kasonso, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, MBA, BSc., NATech
The author is a Zambian, An Accounting Professor in Washington DC and Dubai.


    • He is indeed a ceremonial president, no intellectual grounding and his lieutenants like Kaizer Zulu and Amos Chanda are even less schooled. Mediocrity at its best

    • The culture of African politicians to steal, first the votes, then the wealth of the country. When challenged, they kill. That’s how it has been.

    • This is such a biased and un-objective take on comments and events in Zim. This is not analysis just propaganda against a Lungu. 1. Military takeovers in what ever form of guise are unconstitutional, no analysis required here.There was an illegal coup in Zim. Lungu’s statement here is correct. Even the Zim army made sure they did not cross this line any further than they did. 2. There must always be a need for reversion of the unconstitutionality of any coup. Again no analysis here. Lungu rose to the occasion and sent the only one whom Mugabe could listen to and respect. That’s how you react in a coup situation, to forestall any dangerous spill over into ones country. I say the author is the one needing lessons here in dealing with international crises. HH has always condemned the…

    • “Jones K. Kasonso, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, MBA, BSc., NATech”

      Lusaka Time’s honoured lady, Mushota would be very impressed with your academic and professional credentials as evidenced by the number of letters following your name.

    • This monologue is the reason they say, “more often display of too many academic credentials is not synonymous with one’s wisdom and knowledge in every discipline”. Kasonso has lamentably failed to demonstrate objectively that as an Accountant he could understand political theories, constitutionalism and why Juntas can never be embraced as guardians of order or national integrity, from the high command. Seemingly, the brother doesn’t understand the politics of Zanu-PF in essence. Absolutely no correlation between events in Zanu-PF and Zambia. What happened was a palace coup born out of long term factional fights within Zanu-PF to preserve the War Veterans interest. The Military outfits are Zanu-PF first and national defense outfit second. They are hired and serve Zanu-PF interests…

  1. Since when did Lusaka Times become the official communication channel for the President? Is that how you became a professor by quoting social media? Ba professor bamo kuwayawayafye

  2. “The armed forces and police are ………just a flock of a civilian president’s Bulldogs to unleash on political dissent or for persecuting the opposition.”

    What is so sad and unfortunate is that the above statement is 100% true in the case of Zambia’s armed forces, the Zambia Brutal Police Force, ZNS, ACC, DEC, ConCourt, Electro Commission, ZNBC. They sincerely believe that they were established to serve only the president and his minions, not the entire population of Zambia. You have seen how fast and high they jump when their president orders them to arrest HH! Or anybody their leader hates!

  3. Its really laughable that UPND is still in deep denial and keep chasing own shadows. UPND must realise by now that its them to blame for the missing opportunities because they opted to create a dictator (HH) in their party but always try to blame others. In terms terms of lessons to learn from Zimbabwe, its UPND which must know that there is no difference between HH and Mugabe in terms of clinging to a position without subjecting it to democracy.
    For God’s sake, HH has has been in that position for 11 years and continuously losing elections. The question is, is there a party constitution in UPND? If so, what does it say about presidency leadership? Face it, HH = Mugabe2 and if he cant respect his party constitution who on earth can be so stup1d to trust him with National affairs? Be…

  4. cont’d
    For God’s sake, HH has has been in that position for 11 years and continuously losing elections. The question is, is there a party constitution in UPND? If so, what does it say about presidency leadership? Face it, HH = Mugabe2 and if he cant respect his party constitution who on earth can be so stup1d to trust him with National affairs? Be brave and ask HH to resign allow for convention and democracy maybe something may come up otherwise forget it.

    • Hillary Clinton has contested for party and US presidency for as long as after her husband completed two full terms in office. This is despite holding a very senior position under Obama’s administration. And she still has not given up for the presidency.

  5. Direct involvement, intervention or public participation in politics by military could be perceived by certain observers as unconstitutional. It all depends on the context. Perceptions remain impressions until they are proved to be inaccurate. It is unnecessary for compatriots to attack each other openly over a different country’s political culture, norms and practices. National law and international law are two sides of the same coin. Resources permitting, then it is possible to enforce the international law. Opinions about anything, including political ideas are welcome and protected under the constitution. When you speak, you are enjoying your freedom of expression. When I speak, then I must apologize for expressing my opinion?

  6. There are decades when nothing happens ,and then there are weeks when decades happen… like in Zimbabwe .Lungu ,therefore its unwise to think such things will not occur in Zambia.

  7. I think the president is right…no matter how you look at it, constitutionally, there was a soft coup in Zimbabwe, which is wrong!!!period.

    I call it as “civilized coup”. Whether you like it or not,, it was against the constitution of Zimbabwe although it had a blessing of the people.. It was people against Mugabe, period!! That is why there was no blood-shed!
    You can agree or disagree with me, but the fact remains the same,,, that it was a coup organized and influenced by the people.

    • @puyua

      “……it was a coup organized and influenced by the people.”

      Your statement above is wrong. The Zimbabwe military intervened when it became clear that Mugabe was organizing his wife to take over power. The military has openly said they won’t allow anybody without a military background and armed struggle credentials to order them around. Remember also that they have been the protective force around Mugabe and facilitated his 37+ years stay in power.

  8. When I started posting comments on the online media, my first comment on Mr Lungu was that there was something about him that did not add up. This article has declared me innocent, I was right to think that Lungu has a brash public persona as opposed to humility.

  9. Kasonso, Ph.D??? In my understanding the illegal take over of power by the army and urging people to follow their constitution is one and the same thing: IT PLACES EMPHASIS ON CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY, where is the problem there??? And you are praising the army throughout your article, you do realise that the army will not relinquish power to any other ordinary politician except one of theirs like Mnangagwa??? Be careful what you support.

    Then when I got to this part, “November 3rd, 2017 Lusaka Times reported that: “PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has warned that there will be chaos in the country if judges try to emulate the Kenyan courts and stop his third term bid in 2021.” I STOPPED READING, HOW CAN A KASONSO PHD PUBLISH THIS POLITICAL NONESENSE WITHOUT ANALYSING THE SITUATION??? THEN I…


    • Lungu was threatening violence against the constitution and the people of Zambia if the constitutional Court rules that he cannot stand. It’s unfortunate you stopped reading. Nga College walipwile? aikona naCollege walekele pakati? you never finish anything in your life.

    • If a PHD holder can publish such rubbish above, why would you envy college??? GBM taile po ku college but he can employ you!!! So it’s not about education or knowledge it is about WISDOM, Matwi. After that comment about the judges, the presidency quoted from the constitution of Zambia the article which guides a head of state to counsel judges, why don’t you show us where he abrogated the law with his comments??? A head of state is the custodian of national security, it is his prerogative to warn of danger should his intelligence system feed him information on an imminent threat to our peace and freedom; He didn’t threaten anyone. So being educated does not make you wise, only knowledgable like Kasonso PHD above!!!

    • Laws are made by man but they should not enslave him. The Zim situation has everything to do with the good of all the people and not few individuals benefiting.

    • Zambian Citizen ine ndemona kwati ulikakopo sana or ichili dramu should I say. You have missed the entire article and you are only making noise on one word at the end of the article, with three letter at the end of the author’s last name. 4 times…Ph.D, PHD, PHD, PHD is the author discussing a PHD or Lessons for the President from Zimbabwe? buleima nga wataipa PHD?

    • it seems you don’t get it. Problem is you don’t have an opinion of the article above; to you, it’s something you believe religiously without your own opinion. Sorry, dude if you can’t use your own brain.

  10. The Author is simplistic and just want to create animosity by stating what he himself does not believe in. As can be seen by the qualifications, he is so learned and informed that he can miss such a clear point.

    The first statement by the President was based on the issues as they were. The Military seemed to have taken over power. No one knew how the events were going to unfold and hence the statement and caution. It is in fact that statements by EL and others that made the Zimbos to actually soften the Military front running.

    The second statement was simply enhancing the fact that, the transfer of power in what ever form it was going to take must be Democratic. To me the two statements are consistence with each other and also with international law.

  11. The Zimbabwean police commissioner was booed when giving allegiance to the incoming president. It is like police are generally hated. Is it that they have no ethics to follow or what? How can you be the most hated in society?

  12. Lies all the time, even fabrication an audio where Gen Chiwanga is threatening to overrun Zambia and calling Lungu a small boy and unfortunately this is fodder for the ones with bitterness. According to BBC, Lungu was given a thunderous welcome as he entered the stadium. There’s no short cut to State House and if you’re meant to reside there it come to pass. But lies can’t turn cabbage into Tbone.

  13. The author is good example of some educated danderheads the country has who are so subjective at articulating issues rather than being objective…

  14. This is a well written load of rubbish aimed at the gullible whom as I can observe have already taken it hook line and sinker.. How ever I would like to comment on the author’s request for ECL to apologise to the Zimbabweans. Apologise for what? If Zimbabweans were offended by what ECL said would they invite him to the inauguration of Mnangagwa? I don’t think so.

    • Just wondering how people can get university degrees but can be taken in by stories that never happened but were created by a bitter and vengeful individual.

  15. Lungu should learn the fundamentals of diplomacy. He has to work to cultivate good relations with the new leadership in Zimbabwe in the spirit of good neighbourliness. The Zimbabweans had a problem which they resolved the best way they knew how. This president must know what to say in public and what he should have discussed with the military in private in Zimbabwe. If he was against what was happened, why did he travel for the inauguration???? He should have stayed away in protest.



  18. What I found most disturbing was Lungu asking the soldiers to return to the barracks. Really, mukulu wabo?

    From where did he draw the incumbency?

  19. Mr. Kansonso whatever you are called I don’t agree with you, you sound to be holding unwavering grudge against the president, you are an accountant but not worth his salt and you are a disgrace to the accounting fraternity here in Zambia especially ZICA as a regulatory body, you don’t seem to be ethically guided as an accounting professional. Your analysis is flawed and one-sided, as an accountant your analysis must be objective and not subjective, yours is subjective, this makes me question your academic credentials. in short, you lack the core values that an accountant must uphold namely; integrity,professionalism and virtue. We accountant are trained to be advisors not only to the corporate world but also to politicians, we are in short partners as far as national development is…

    • saimbwende saimbwende ZICA accountants are objective on stupid statements made by the head of state about another country? ZICA are neutral on corruption and economic plunder and waste of public funds by the Lungu PF? Do you mean ZICA was neutral and dancing when these criminals where buying one fire track for the price of three? Which accounting was that? Do accountants offer political advise or Financial advise?Does the ZICA professional ethics code regulate objectivity in accounting for and auditing financials or political opinion. Did the author speak for ZICA? Since you are the champion of the virtues of ZICA, what respect are you showing in addressing a titled gentleman with a wrong title and a wrong name. You can’t even spell names which village accountant is this? You are a…

    • Accountants in Zambia are the biggest crooks. Put an accountant as a treasurer of an organization, he’ll dribble you with those terminologies which lose a layman.

  20. “President Edgar Lungu says the illegal takeover of power in Zimbabwe by the military is not in tune with modern politics.” The president was right, you cannot have the military, people sworn to protect the constitution and civilians fighting the constitution. Mugabe should have resigned in the 1980s.

  21. Politics has lost its glory, politicians use flattery and beautiful words to persuade you to follow them. Once they come into power they fail to keep the promises, then you wake up and realize that hypocrisy and deception is real

  22. Lungu mwandini dont listen to praise singers. That is how they misled robert. When chips are down, u will hear them say “was i there?”. Always do good. The characters encouraging u will melt in the heat of ur troubles.

  23. One of those Donkis that do not sync with their degrees. How does a truly educated person write like that? How do decent people respect such a guy, sorry I mean Donki. The language is no different from a kaponya really.
    I wonder what Stephen Sackur would call this, I will consult him tomorrow.

  24. The separation of powers has for a long time been based on the executive, legislature and judiciary. I now want to challenge constitutional lawyers to add the military as the fourth organ as proved by the Zimbabwe experience.

  25. THE Above statement is absolute rubbish and childish to say the least because THIS authors biased,subjective and misinterpretation of the Presidents counsel has been taken out of context by a wanna-be intellectual who,from this pile of written nonesence,can only be described as educated for nothing….i suppose in this day and age of media free speech i wont hold it against Lusaka Times for giving such *****ic writers a platform

  26. Read the chain of qualifications of Mr Kasonso backwards and you will understand his problem. Let me explain. NATech=National Accounting Technician: a guy who had a poor secondary education certificate like Division Three at Cambridge and could not qualify to university. Meaning no brain. Such people naturally crave for recognition, so Mr Kasonso repeats his GCE O level subjects and passes them one by one. After three years of trying he collects the requisite O levels to qualify for a first degree education. Still does not get the recognition that he wants. To cut a long story short, next is an MBA and others follow, still no recognition because people can see that essentially he is incapable of reasoning. Next he goes to America but still no recognition. You know this type don’t you?…

  27. Contd…
    Next he migrates to America but still no recognition both home and abroad. You know this type don’t you? Just check where he lives and you will find that he lives in a dump, humble dwelling with wall paper peeling off, nothing to write home about, he cannot debate sensibly with his fellow professors who acquired their qualifications due to their intelligence. He probably spends his time debating with technicians and flounting his “achievements” and how “intelligent” he is compared to them. This is a natural dull or dalu as we call them, craving for recognition and never quite achieving it. When he finally dies in America he will not have left enough money to repatriate his remains back to Zambia for burial. He will be buried in an unmarked grave.
    I am not being scandalous,…

  28. Contd..
    I am not being scandalous, I just happen to know the type. And I am sure many others know this type too. Unfortunately he has compounded his predicament by choosing to become u.p.nDonki.

  29. Terrible…interesting debate!Everyone sensible is now UPND kanshi funyepo fisakala nyongo bikenipo baUPND Bakontolole! Please continue, there are two more qualifications that this illustrious son of the soil has not even listed to his name his MDiv and ACCA. There is a BS from Oxford there. Which degree is more valuable an UNZA village degree or an OXFORD global degree. We know that at 40 he has no matches wherever he goes. In Zambia, there is no job that can afford him. He can talk and write and confront anybody without fear or favor. Meet the good and genius Prof K. bikapo ayobe mambala or ayakwa Lungu. Degree CONTEST: Terrible vs. Kasonso = 0 vs 8; Lungu vs Kasonso =1 vs 8 no match even at Presidential level. And the win is the Rev, Dr. Prof K. CPA…..


  31. SILENCER …your brain is half dead. You can’t even type in normal case. In the constitution of Zambia there is NO such a thing as Sata’s term of office for any disgruntled character to come and finish. It’s a person who has held office twice, 2 terms period. Nomba mambala alechenga kwati nikoswe pakwiba imbalala….Alasela kabwalala a sonte apo aibile…NO Third Term VCL!!! Not every sensible person is UPND…watch out!

  32. Akachila Kambushi. You say my brain is half dead yet I dont see the full life in yours. Just to give your brain some life please look up the phrase ‘tenure of office’ and then come back and disgrace this space with your UPND nonsense. I put my last post to make my statement and I am glad it caught your attention. Tamwaikaimone plot one try Dumbumwezi mungawine hazaluza nafuti, hazalila na pettition nafuti. PF all the way Lungu 2021.

  33. Lungu needs to know that people round him are not supporting him so maybe he needs to be more like Mugabe!!!! Look at the bad people talking about him!!!! Listen to the angryminerzccm blog!!!!!!!

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