Wednesday, March 12, 2025

President Lungu tours new ZNBC studios


President Lungu is shown how to operate a Studio camera by Zambia National Broadcasting  cooperation( ZNBC) cooperate Affairs Manager Masuzyo Nhlovu during a tour of the studios at Mass Media Complex
President Edgar Lungu stressing a point during an interview with Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) staffer Grievasio Zulu   before  a conducted tour of the newly rehabilitated  studios Mass Media Complex
President Lungu is shown how to operate a Studio camera by Zambia National Broadcasting  cooperation( ZNBC) cooperate Affairs Manager Masuzyo Nhlovu during a tour of the studios at Mass Media Complex
Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) cooperate affairs Manager Masuzyo Ndhlovu explains to President Edgar Lungu the operation of the control room  during a conducted tour of the newly rehabilitated  studios at ZNBC and ZANIS
Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) cooperate affairs Manager Masuzyo Ndhlovu explains to President Edgar Lungu the operation of the control room  during a conducted tour of the newly rehabilitated  studios at ZNBC and ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu in  an interview with Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) staffer Grievasio Zulu   before  a conducted tour of the newly rehabilitated  studios at Mass Media Complex


  1. His Political Advisor has a post Doctorate degree like Nkandu Luo. Although his former work mates say he used to be an assistant in the lab at Chelston Clinic. He was never a Lab Technician. How come he decided to claim that he has a doctoral degree just after Luo said people should stop going to Dubai and buy degrees?

    • The studio looks good nonetheless. Looks very improved. Just replace the office chairs you are sitting on during the interview with real sofas which are more comfortable. This is not a job interview.

    • This is when you see that EL is a clueless president. Touring TV studios instead of meeting industry stalwarts to discuss job creation opportunities. What a waste!

    • @Lombe stop insulting Nkandu Luo.
      How can you compare a thug Kaizer who was sweeping at a clinic with a respectable woman? That man is a hazard to Lungu, time will tell.

    • Have you noticed how they are now scared to mention the cost of these projects since the fire engines and Ambulances raised a lot of dust ………. hehehe! We need to know the cost of this one as well

    • It pains me to see such brainwashed foooools parading themselves that..we had the young Chibamba Kanyama there as DG and the govt couldnt even support him with funds to buy brand new cameras…here is this Lazy moron Edgar who has decided to sell all shares to foreigners who look down on you as monkeys to control our airwaves with their programs.
      Old man Sata would never give away shares like that!!

    • ZNBC is priceless…its the minds of our children that these emptytins have sold to the Chines. Chines would never give a Western

  2. The new set looks very nice BUT it will be worthless if the editorial content is not changed!. 45 minutes of boot licking is tedious to swallow please twapapata.

  3. I am realistic enough to admit that if ECL stands in the 2021 elections. He will win
    Accept and make peace with it while it’s still early.

  4. It will only benefit those in power not the opposition. Let all PF supporters however celebrate. I don’t remember when I tuned in toZNBC TV to be honest.

    • That’s your problem my friend,who cares ?lf you are knocked down my any vehicle , who else is going to care about it other than your family? Me,i watch all the channels and it’s great for balanced current affairs o real news.

  5. @Jon:exactly my point!!WHO CARES THAT UPND TRIBAL FOLLOWERS DO NOT WATCH ZNBC IWE Grand Funk?you just trouble your i know a lot of bantustan fathers who stop their children from speaking bemba and nyanja in their homes in Lsk,Livingstone,central and copperbelt such that when their children go to mix with friends outside,they look very f0olish because they fail to speak a language known by majority Zambians!!!
    Plus I laugh a lot when HH tries to speak bemba as he cannot put 2 or 3 bemba words together.even his nyanja is very very poor!!but in the end,Kainde wants to win,HOW?upnd blind followers can continue hating znbc but life in Zambia shall continue as usual!!

  6. Which chinese tv nationals channels are controlled by zambians and run zambiannspeaking programmes refecting zambian/ African values, yert we let chinese promote their social values on our national tv station.
    Which country lets foreigners own and control the content of it NATIONAL BROADCASTER, doe we really have intelligence/security operatives advising our leaders. Welcome to Zambia the real Africa

  7. You call this a new studio? Everything in that place is outdated. Just look at the camera. Modern studios have HD screens and not billboard paper pastes. Thats UNIPs ZNBC refurbished studio and the whole president and information minister are impressd. Don’t they watch SABC Studios? Zambians are now so used to mediocrity. We deserve better than this rubbish.

  8. No matter how much they will decorate and claim to improve the station, for as long as only amafi namasushi efikalafumako, some of us will never tune to that biased dirty mouth piece.

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