Monday, February 24, 2025

Bootlicking and loyalty are one and the same-Bowman


President Lungu with Copperbelt Minister Lusambo flashing the PF symbol
President Lungu with Copperbelt Minister Lusambo flashing the PF symbol

Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo has defended his statement in which he declared himself as Zambia’s number one bootlicker for President Edgar Lungu.

During last weekend’s PF Interactive Forum at Protea Hotel in Ndola, Mr Lusambo when responding to questions from Journalists on sentiments that he is a bootlicker, declared in the affirmative that he is indeed Zambia’s number one bootlicker for President Lungu.

The statement drew some condemnation from some sections of the society with Musician Pilato issuing a statement condemning Mr Lusambo and anther musician Petersen composing a song over the same issue.

Featuring on the Hot Seat radio programme on Hot FM on Thursday morning, Mr Lusambo said he has no apologies to make over his statement.

Mr Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament said those condemning him do not understand loyalty in politics adding that bootlicking equates to loyalty which is essential in leadership.

He said all the Ministers are serving under the pleasure of President Edgar Lungu and 100 percent loyalty is important.

Mr Lusambo explained that by declaring that he is number one bootlicker, he was merely declaring his unwavering support for President Lungu and his administration.
He said he is disappointed that some local musicians have even started composing songs mocking his statement.

“These musicians are just wasting their precious studio time by writing songs that don’t even add value. They should use their talents to compose music that will build the nation and not focusing on non-issues,” Mr Lusambo said.

He added, “In politics, the appointing authority puts you in office because he or she knows that you share in his vision. For mem I was first elected M.P in Kabushi and later on President Lungu appointed me to serve in his Cabinet because he felt I shared his vision for Zambia.”

Mr Lusambo stated that in politics, those who do not want to stay loyal to any leader are asked to leave or they get fired.

“When one is loyal, it does not mean that they cannot advise the President. We all do that when we meet in Cabinet but there is also a principle of collective responsibility which binds us all after a decision has been made. If those that do not agree with a collective position, they are asked to leave.”

Mr Lusambo also defended his stay in the PF having left the MMD just before the 2016 general elections

He said in Zambia, politicians have been changing parties since the colonial days adding that there is nothing wrong with switching political camps as long as the people vote you into office.

Mr Lusambo said the majority of Zambian politicians served in the Federation administration and later moved into UNIP at Independence and also crossed over the MMD in 1991 right through to the PF administration.


    • Chiluba was 100 times smarter than President Lungu and a Billion times smarter than Bowman and we denied him the THIRD term. say what you say but come 2021, Lungu kuya bebele nd Bowman will go with him.

    • Lungu is a god to PF00Ls. National day of prayer & the church being constructed are all testimony to PF00Ls worshiping Lungu.

      Miles Sampa knelt before Lungu on day of prayer & shortly he was rewarded by being sent together with KK to persuade Mugabe to resign & his suspension being lifted.

      Soon all PF00Ls will have small golden statues of Lungu where they’ll worship him day & nite.

    • If what he is saying is true that bootlicking and loyalty are the same then we can also assume that utu chawa and stupidity are the same?
      This is the trouble with people who buy degrees they are empty tins. The only certainly is such people end disgracefully and his is littered with such people as Alexander kamalondo; Daniel Simooloka; Kangwa Nsuluka and many more…

    • Even @Mushota has questioned this dodo about his bootlicking credentials! How I would like to see him crawling to see ECL at his state house office! Thank you Mushota for not being a loyalist bootlicker!

    • Loyalty is actually having similar principles and beliefs as your leader and always supporting and agreeing with him or her on these principles and beliefs, whereas Bootlicking is agreeing with anything a leader or the perceived bread-maker even if you don’t have a similar coconscious beliefs. n example is the case of Kambwili’s behavior about PF and Lungu Jonathan before he got fired. Lusambo, when Lungu is out of power you will then realize the difference between Bootlicking and Loyalty. For now you are LOST IN THE SEA and you have chosen to be blind if not foolish.

  1. Chiluba was 100 times smarter than President Lungu and a Billion times smarter than Bowman and we denied him the THIRD term. say what you say but come 2021, Lungu kuya bebele nd Bowman will go with him.

    • Loyalty is actually having similar principles and beliefs as your leader and always supporting and agreeing with him or her on these principles and beliefs, whereas Bootlicking is agreeing with anything a leader or the perceived bread-maker even if you don’t have a similar coconscious beliefs. n example is the case of Kambwili’s behavior about PF and Lungu Jonathan before he got fired. Lusambo, when Lungu is out of power you will then realize the difference between Bootlicking and Loyalty. For now you are LOST IN THE SEA and you have chosen to be blind if not foo.lish.

  2. Just when you think Africans are getting more mature politically, you get a chap like this appointed to such a position using a wrong criteria.

  3. There are even bootlicking songs? I thought so far it was just Bra Gee comedy on #1 Bootlicker? Let me go look for the songs

  4. Some people make me wonder!!! Bowman is being ridiculed that is a boot licker ,and him Bowman is proud of that ,as he is justifies that its loyalty to the president . The ISSUE at hand is about Bowman Lusambo coming out clearly that HE is supporting ECL for 2021 general elections; The question is, WHAT is wrong if Lusambo endorses ECL for 2021 elections,Even If the CONCOURT verdict rule in favor of ECL why condemning their Judicial proceedings? My POINT, is that FINAL-SAY is coming from ELECTORATES during POLING DAY,not CONCOURT decision or PF central committee or PF NEC , NO ! Zambians will DECIDE who to rule them democratically,If ZAMBIANS will be HAPPIER with ECL, definitely HE will re- voted . Sometimes don’t ignore the principle of ZAMBIA being CHRISTIAN NATION, GOD ALMIGHTY will…

  5. LT, imagine a big newspaper. The front page item with the biggest heading in bold is the headline.

    Now imagine this fluff on that paper as a headline. Doesn’t quite meet the cut

  6. How can our country prosper with people like this guy in authority? Zambia is a cursed country, if this is the kind of people it has leading it.

    We need people who can critic Lungu, and not “Yes Men or Women”.

  7. Bowman you are definitely right. Loyalty to the President, the appointing authority. Politics is not like a company or NGO. It is politics and loyalty is paramount period.
    Whoever is saying otherwise just shows that they are envying Bowman. So many people would like to have that position but they dont know how to do it.
    Bowman teach them how to be a Minister because you are already one unlike those who dont even know how they day will end. Viva Bowman Viva Lusambo Viva Edgar, Viva Chagwa Viva Lungu

    • We know.
      Just insult HH everyday and every night. Be obsessed with insulting Lungu’s real threat. He’ll reward you with a position.

      Watch Tayali

  8. These are young men who we expect to issue intellectual and inspiring statements for fellow young people but nowhere near that level. Lusambo kuwayawayafye. Another Munkombwe in the making. Sadly the illiterate Kabushi constituency will vote this guy again. Development in Zambia will always remain at the personal level unfortunately until we change this mentality!

  9. My foot My foot! Once a cadre always a cadre.Obviously he does not even know the meaning of the word ‘loyalty’. It is true what they say ati: “Sebana wikute”

  10. The man is a doormat and loyal to his stomach, just as he was loyal to MMD and left when a new master shown up, he will leave this one too.

  11. The President needs Ministers who can advise and offer solutions and not bootlickers waiting to be told what to do…Bowman is a danderhead and President Lungu should realise that he’s got better PF MPs who can perform better than this dude..

  12. Its his time to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Where were you haters when Lusambo spent days behind bars when he was MMD die hard youth Chairman. Lusambo is doing a good job on the Copperbelt, he is a natural born leader, unlike that Mwenya Musenge whose precupation when he was C/B Minister was to enrich himself.
    The people of Kambushi knows how generous Lusambo is. Even before he become an MP, Lusambo would feed the whole constituency. He would supply the needs of the people.
    We need great people like Bowman in this country so that people like abena Kambwili can behave themselves.
    Long live Bowman Lusambo!!!!

    • Leaders are not there to feed the electorates. Zambia has still got high levels of poverty more than fifty years after it got its independence because people vote for those who buy them a tin of chibuku even when such people have no vision for the country.

      You should be voting for those with a vision of creating an environment for people to work hard and prosper. Leaders are not there to give hand outs.

    • Feeding people as good as it is, is only good for one day.

      Are Zambian citizens only going to rely on being fed by their leaders and other people in authority?

      When do we shift to empowering one another with the necessary tools, skills and capacity to feed ourselves ?

  13. Visionless Lusambo so called provincial minister, what does the poor guy do in that office? We deserve a better Minister in thst important province than mposa mabwe.

  14. I would rather have a person who can tell me my shortcomings than a bootlicker. A bootlicker will be afraid to tell you when you are wrong for fear that you may not be happy with his advice until you end up in a ditch.

  15. Bowman is VERY RIGHT.
    In politics,loyalty is everything.
    You can’t work against the appointing authority.It’s just as simple as that.
    If u have a friend and they openly show you that they don’t value LOYALTY then be ready to be stabbed in the back or them f#$king your wife.

    Originates from American English, i.e. Boot+lick = (Boots come in contact with dog poo, human poo, etc…that’s why we wear them to avoid our feet coming in direct contact with such filth, much less lick it.)
    Bootlicking means:- too eager to serve and please somebody else in a way to gain advantage that shows you do not have respect for yourself.

    Originates from Latin word: l?g?lis which means: legal.
    Loyalty means:- faithful to a cause, Party or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity.


    So, as a Country, we have an entire Minister of the most dominant province in our Country who, by his own admission, does not know the difference, just as Lungu, by his own admission, had no vision for Zambia.

    “Nothing is as dangerous…

  17. I don’t know whether an English can agree that the words Boot-licking and Loyalty are synonyms. Can, for example, a leader say, “I demand for bootlicking from officers under my supervision” as much as he would say, “I demand for loyalty from officers under my supervision?” I think Daniel Munkombwe had a better argument in justifying politics of the belly than what the synonym that Bowman wants to create. May be he can explain it better in vernacular language.

  18. I want 2 bliv tht Bowman’s level of understanding is sumwat cockeye . Lyk sum1 earlier said , may b he cud hav xplaind it beta in bemba. But if he thinks loyalty is the same as bootlicking then we hav a problem.

  19. Wasting time on semantics, Bowman has told you what he meant and he is right. The moment you are loyal to someone these armchair critics who are not different from their under five politician, just criticise anything unless it is coming from their “King” the little god of cattle.

    • @Kevin Munde,
      Semantics? What semantics, Kevin?

      Which part of “Bootlicking Vs Loyalty” don’t you understand?

      You, Kevin, sound like another Bootlicker vainly trying to gloss over meanings of two distinct words. LEARN TO BE LOYAL, not to lick Boots.

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