Monday, March 17, 2025

Zambia is set to host the first ever Africa-Israel Summit slated for 2018


President Edgar Lungu with Isreal Prime Minister at State house in Nairobi after the Inauguration ceremony of President Uhuru Kenyatta
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu last night revealed that Zambia is set to host the first ever Africa-Israel Summit slated for 2018. This came to light during a special televised interview on ZNBC. The President had taken an impromptu visit to the national broadcaster studio’s yesterday on a spot on check of the refurbishment of the studio’s.

In reaction to a question, from the presenter, Gravazio Zulu who wanted to know what the Head of State thought of some within the Zambian political society who were complaining over the his frequent travels abroad.

“I don’t like to travel but I unfortunately I have to travel for the sake of the Zambian people and because it is my job.” President Lungu said.

Furthermore, the President said that before going to Kenya for the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta, he was informed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to meet him on a bilateral level for a discussion and this in part prompted him to travel as this was not something he could delegate to someone else nor the Zambian Ambassador to Kenya, as it would send a wrong signal to his counterpart PM Netanyahu. And it was during his bilateral engagement with PM Netanyahu that the Israeli PM revealed his desire to see Zambia host the summit instead of Togo as it was earlier planned.

“For whatever reason we have been given the mandate to host this summit which will bring its own benefits to Zambia.” President Lungu reiterated.

On the other hand the President shared his wisdom during the same interview concerning SADC’s role specifically the Troika Organ, which is mandated with the maintenance of Democracy,Rule of Law, Peace and Security in the region, which President Edgar Lungu heads as its chair.

President Lungu narrated that ” when the situation broke in Zimbabwe I was in Egypt and when I returned I called Zimbabwe and spoke to President Mugabe who told me that there was no coup but rather it was an internal matter, a ZANU-PF matter which was been resolved internally. But even then when we saw the continued unfolding events in Zimbabwe, an emergency Troika meeting was convened in Angola and I had to travel and there we resolved that President Zuma and President Lorenzo should travel to Zimbabwe and get facts of what was transpiring there. And before the two Heads of State could travel, there was news that President Mugabe had resigned. Furthermore, the courts in that country ruled that what had traspired was within the context of the law, so there was nothing more as SADC we could do except to respect the ruling of the courts and Zimbabwe’s sovereignity”

President Lungu equally took time to inform the nation that Zambia’s rating international was high. He attested this to the fact that Zambia under his charge has managed to make use of its geo-political location to its advantage while at the same time the manner in which he has conducted himself as Head of State. He further argued that this could even be seen by the number of Heads of State that had visited Zambia since his ascendancy to the Presidncy in 2015. He also informed the nation that he is expecting his Angolan counterpart, President Lorenzo of Angola next month for a state visit.

The Head of State also challenged those who are critizing him over his international engagements to offer credible criticism and he will listen and that they should ask themselves why he didn’t travel to Ivory Coast for the Africa-EU Summit if he really loved to travel so much where he is represented by Her Honor the Vice President Madam Inonge Wina.


    • When you start dancing around with Israel, know that you’ll soon be dealing with ISIS and their type. Is it worth it? Ask Kenya.

    • This is a monumental landmark in your country.

      President Lungu keeps taking those giant steps towards a lifelong legacy.

      Israel is welcome.

      I am a PhD holder.



    • I lived in Israel, “the chosen people are racist” they hate Africans! They will spit on you and call you “Kushi”
      When the come to Africa they just pretend to be good people but they are evil. Africans are insulted every day and chased around like stray dogs.
      = Neveh Shannan

    • Someone told you it was the “holy land” and you foolishly believed…if you believe such nonsense you also subconsciously believe that Israelis are a holy people more pure than you and are they chosen ones. Go and do you research you will be shocked at what you will find and why the Israelis detest black Africans.
      Wake up from your folly and docility and study about self to set yourself free!!!

    • Someone told you it was the “holy land” and you foooolishly believed…if you believe such nonsense you also subconsciously believe that Israelis are a holy people more pure than you and are they chosen ones. Go and do you research you will be shocked at what you will find and why the Israelis detest black Africans.
      Wake up from your folly and docility and study about self to set yourself free!!!

    • Emmanuel Mbola is playing well in Israel.
      Emmanuel Mayuka too has started at high note.
      Emmanuel Mwamba should be transferred to Israel, he be cleansed.
      Emmanuel Jesus of Nazareth humbles..

    • You do realize that by the sheer numbers of Christians, Zambia is actually more Israel than Israel. God is sending the Israeli PM so as they can receive Jesus again. They have fallen off for too long. God bless Africa, Zambia and Israel.

    • The religous brainwash and ignorance is expressed in your statement.This Isreal is a creation of human beings in 1967.It is by zionists for zionists so please do not confuse yourself and others.By the way they do not believe in your Jesus as messiah.Judaism has nothing to do with your religion and sorry to disappoint you .Isrea is America or is it vise versa.Africa remains a play ground to be colonised.Ony in another form.The battle now remains between the west and east over Africa`s resources because our leaders are forever outward looking for solutions and have no faith within and from their people to find home grown solutions.Modern economic slavery is what it is and bringing back dignity and self confidence in ourselves will help us break free.We have even lost shame in begging to be…

  1. LT, all countries who are members of the Commonwealth host High Commissioners from one another. Ambassadors are to or from countries which do not belong to the so called commonwealth.

    Zambia has sent a High Commissioner to Kenya, not Ambassador. It does not look nice when a journalist writes makes some silly mistake.

  2. Hosting Israel-Africa summit in our filthy capital? We’re gonna be ashamed to the whole of Africa and eagle eyed Israeli security will think Lsk is a security nightmare with hawkers downtown.

  3. What benefits are we talking about by simply hosting this event? Our president seems to have lost touch with reality. Does it mean that when a lot of presidents visit Zambia, then our lively hood improves as well? There is cholera right there in Lusaka THE CAPITAL CITY and we brag about hosting events?. Is this why you manipulated the votes in your favor to bring misery on us? Your presidency has been a disaster to say the least. Save your face in the remaining 3 years otherwise, yours will be a nightmare after you leave that seat.

  4. Now you cant wait for Israelis to come Zambia and when they start exploiting you you will be crying again.Poor people.

    • Yes, check out TCAD….Tokyo international Conference on Africa’s Development. Japan vs Africa. Checkout Beijing meetings…

  5. The Israeli PM Netanyahu has been to Kenya twice and Lungu had to travel to Nairobi to meet him.That tells you where Israel’s key African partners are thus Zambia hosting a summit is just a smokescreen purely for furthering Israeli interests.

  6. Hosting that event when you have illegally deported one of them after he exposed corruption? Trying to save face? wait is there even a face to save?. Ba sakalanyongo!

  7. Just the other day corrupt pf and the sene gonssse chased an Israeli from the mines….i don’t think this will happen.

    If it does happen that Israeli summit in Zambia, I will eat my words and salute lungu…but I know what I am talking about and I don’t salute theives…

  8. Wise move President Lungu. He that walks with the wise shall be made wise but he that walks with fools shall be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20)- Look at America, the most prosperous & powerful nation in the world; this is an open secret, they love & defend Israel (especially President Trump’s administration). Zambia shall be great again! God bless Zambia!

    • You have no clue about who you are deaing with.Read history and you will overstand.This Isreal has nothing to do with your Bibical Isreal james.This Isreal was created by flesh and Blood after the second european tribal war you prefer to call world war in 1967.They( your colonial master ) took other people`s land and by the way it could have been Ugandae now persecuting people who are not their race.What is holy about it? Wake up from the intoxication of religion which tool they have used successfully because of gullible people like you who dare not use logic to question some matters so layed bare before your very eyes.

  9. Gosh! The whole African continent being taken for a ride by Israel; an American military base in the Middle East! Pathetic, to say the least. God save Africa.

  10. Israel against Blacks..
    This can’t be the Jews the Bible talked about.
    These people are hateful ignorant and sound exactly like the Nazi propoganda leading up to the Holocaust.?

  11. Loud and clear, Mr. President. Thank you for bringing the Israelis, your explanation of the recent national issues is good. It demystifies a lot of speculation and lies that have plagued our country.

  12. Jay Jay get your facts right, Holy land not holy people, we all striving to be holy Israelis are not holy but Chosen yes sir no doubt about

  13. ECL says for whatever reason the meeting will be held in Zambia! For whatever reason? Surely he should know or should have asked. Does he have to accept everything? Is that why he travels “for whatever reason” ?

  14. Amazing! Jesus said to the Samaritan woman @ the well, “we Jews know whom we worship because it is from the Jews that salvation comes; but a time is coming & is already here, when by the power of God’s Spirit people will worship the Father as He really is… God is Spirit, and only by the power of His Spirit can people worship Him as He really is”.(Jn4) There is prophesy about a land in Africa where the sound of wings are head. A land beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. “A time is coming when the LORD Almighty will receive offerings from this land divided by rivers, this strong & powerful nation, this tall and smooth skinned people, who are feared all over the world. They will come to Mount Zion, where the LORD Almighty is worshiped (Isa 18). Open your eyes Christian Nation of Zambia…

    • Its funny how you people quote these things written by a third party…i mean even when this Jesus was alone in a room someone had bugged his with sophisticated CIA tech and was listening.

    • *…i mean even when this Jesus was alone in a room someone had bugged it with sophisticated CIA tech and was listening in to everything.

    • Jay jay, wiyapwilo mulilo pamakasa. I pity you. All I wish for you is that you repent and receive this same Jesus you are belittling. Don’t let the god of this world blind you so that you do not see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4). Wish you well brother.

  15. Your time is here Christian Nation of Zambia. These are extraordinary times. This is not an accident but fulfilment of a prophesy. Embrace your position Zambia as the next leader of the Christian renaissance. God is control and Christ our Saviour is in charge. God Bless Zambia!

  16. “I don’t like to travel but I unfortunately I have to travel for the sake of the Zambian people and because it is my job.” President Lungu said.

    He travels for my sake?

  17. It’s embarrassing to read UPND comments about.
    I will repeat my earlier statement.
    The UPND have the most shambolic and childish FOREIGN POLICY.
    We have a choice to be a friend to Israel and/or Palestine.
    We need to work well with other countries.Making sweeping statements that Israelis are racists is irresponsible and childish.
    Lets not sink so low and exhibit ignorance like these UPND cadres.
    The US and the UK officially supported apartheid.They openly voted for apartheid in the UN general assembly.
    Furthermore,can the UPND robots tell us what EXACTLY is the Israeli-Africa Summit about?
    You can’t just start demonising the Israelis when you don’t even know what the summit is about.
    From an ideological point of view Zambia needs Israel or else the threat of being overrun by Islam…

    • There will be no Israeli Africa summit in Zambia.. the IMF has just refused Zambia the bailout, the IMF does not refuse loans to friends of Israel.. …smell the coffee.

    • Spaka like lilo, even if one is a friend or family member. If they borrow and not return, you question them and at times say no.

    • Nzelu

      Eygpt owes much more than Zambia and has rampant corruption but because Israel lobbied for them because of their strategic importance, eygpt was given the IMF loan….israel holds great sway in the west and sometimes what Israel says goes…

  18. Wise move President Lungu. He that walks with the wise shall be made wise but he that walks with fools shall be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20)- Look at America, the most prosperous & powerful nation in the world; this is an open secret, they love & defend Israel (especially President Trump’s administration). Zambia shall be great again! God bless Zambia!

  19. the suffering that most of you talking about god, religion and all that bs are going through will only be overcome by hard work, not prayer or yesu or all that nonsense.
    wake up Zambians!.
    and what’s wrong with saying no, we’ve pressing national issues that we’re focusing on. we do not want to host the summit. thanks for the invitation, but I’ve important matters to attend to i’ll not come, but not ka chi kala ka lungu and his blind followers, he was invited, so what? pick your battles. turn down events and get to work
    it’s begging or the planting season, farmers have no input or direction….. we will never get anywhere until we can first feed our population, you can wear all those cheap oversized suites but no one cares about you.
    so frustrating with these fools

  20. Zambians are very igonorant. Israel is a racist country, and is NOT a CHRISTIAN country too. Blacks from Ethiopia, the Falashas are discriminated against. Israel was the strongest supporter of Apartheid South Africa.
    The reason lunatic Lungu wants Israel here is because it has no freinds in the Southern African region, and also because Lungu wants to be protected by the Mossad. This whole agenda is not in the interest of Zambia, but for Lungu and his warped mind.

  21. @HaJayJay is talking like he to has Three Mansions too, like his boss! God bless Zambia! Israel and Zambia! Hope they build more ZITs and UNZAs! Unfinished projects! One Zambia One Nation! Zambia please open your eyes and see the guys who want to be in leadership! They have Three Mansions! One in Namwala, one in Monze and one in Lusaka! Hahahaha

  22. “For whatever reason we have been given the mandate to host this summit which will bring its own benefits to Zambia.” President Lungu reiterated.”

    The state of Zambian leadership!

    • Our President does not seem to have any direction of his own. He seems to go for whatever he is told by others. He says for whatever reason…..

    • Look guys, the “WHATEVER REASON” the President was talking about is not the theme of the summit. It is what the conveners of this summit, both Israel and Africa, have seen in Zambia as a nation that has prompted them to choose her for the summit. How do you expect President Lungu to know this unless he is expressly informed. We can only guess that the reason is that Zambia is Africa’s high flying democracy, a haven of peace and stability despite threats of Armageddon by those who what to shed the blood of Zambians for “whatever reason”. By the way, what grades did you get in English guys?

  23. There is so much ignorance in Zambia just about almost on all key strategic issues. The country’s leadrership is not any more better as most of them are disguised illiterates whose education is scanty and based on poorly funded educational system starved of research materials such as books and comprehensively equipped learning resources. Some of key ministries are in the hands of next to technically mentally retarded fellows placed in jobs in which they are poorly equipped to handle. Hence the ruling elite is much more focused on self-aggrandizement schemes and disguised looting of public funds with impunity as they all know that they got into office via rigging at elections. They owe no Zambians anything as they got into office based on their own despicable ingenuity in an elections…

  24. It is a shame to read ranting of a people called Donkis. Sometimes I feel ashamed to read this garbage and see the division this party has caused in the nation! What a shame!

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