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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tazara suspends its train services indefinitely


anzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has received four new diesel-electric mainline locomotives and 18 new passenger coaches valued at US$22.4 million.
Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) Trains
The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has announced an indefinite suspension of all train services between New Kapiri Mposhi and Nakonde Stations, due to the sudden withdrawal of labour by unionized employees in Zambia.

The employees are demanding payment of their unpaid salaries for October and November 2017.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today TAZARA Head of Public Relations Conrad Simuchile.

Mr. Simuchile said the suspension of services implies that the Mukuba Express Train that was due to run from New Kapiri Mposhi to Dar es Salaam on Tuesday 5 December 2017 will not do so.

He explained that similarly, the Kilimanjaro Ordinary Train that is currently running southbound from Dar es Salaam to New Kapiri Mposhi, will not proceed beyond Mbeya Station in Tanzania.

Mr. Simuchile said the suspension of services in Zambia will remain in place until further notice.


  1. The quality of zambian managerial decisions mixed with political decisions has led to this. Its time we got someone smart to run some of these institutions for us. We have failed.

    • As Zambians, we need to run our affairs and not wait for someone out there to make a decision for us. The problem we have in Zambia is that we look to the Government for everything even very small items that we can generate ourselves.
      Look at CBU. Student are rioting because of this mentality that GRZ will feed us. Useless. As a government worker myself, I have resolved that I will not solely depend on the GRZ salary. I have other means of making money. My wife is at the market selling produce from our small land, I am busy especially over the weekend surpervising work at the small farm land. In all my efforts, I am able to feed my family and live comfortably. Fya ma stiking fyakale ifi.

    • No you need to say that we need someone smart to run the country. That’s how you can get good political decision on these institutions.

  2. Do you honestly expect our national leaders(some of whom are self-proclaimed bootlickers)to care for this railway company when almost everyday they are flying around, locally and internationally? And some ride in luxurious 4 x 4s.This is a hopeless country

  3. Zed is awonderful country with amazing potential and people.
    The problem is the people running the country are there just to line there pockets and have NO vision.

    • He wanted to own the railway and run it for himself. He was being. Should any General Manager who runs own shares?? How many shares will remain after 100 years?? It will have been privatisation through the back door!!!

  4. We have no capable pipo to run our own investments they can’t even creat business for the rail line it’s a shame

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