Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Chinese national forged the export permits for the prohibited Mukula trees-Kapata


Minister of Lands Jean Kapata (r) at COP23 in Bonn
Minister of Lands Jean Kapata (r)
POLICE have arrested a Chinese national for forging export permits used to export the prohibited Mukula tree, says Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata.

In an interview with the Daily Nation Ms Kapata said it was not true that the Forestry department had been issuing permits for the exportation of Mukula tree, but that some Chinese nationals had forged the documents.

Ms Kapata said the culprit had been arrested and the ministry had since written to the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to also charge the culprit for money laundering.

Ms Kapata said the Chinese national allegedly forged Forestry Department papers and signatures of officers to transport the logs.

She said it was sad that foreigners who came in the country disregarded the laws of the land and started illegal harvesting of the prohibited Mukula tree.

She said forging of the documents and signature was a serious offence in Zambia and the law would be followed in dealing with this issue.

She warned that anyone found defying the ban would not be spared as they would face the full wrath of the law and that no one would be shielded.

Ms Kapata further warned all transporters involved in illegal transportation of Mukula to desist because once their trucks were impounded they would be forfeited to the state.

“Chinese nationals forged the documents and signatures of officers so that they can transport the Mukula logs and as I am talking now they are in police custody and many cases will come out against them,” said Ms Kapata.

Ms Kapata said the situation is worrying because Zambia is losing precious species of its trees due to illegal felling which is on the increase around the country especially by the foreign nationals.

She said the Provincial forestry and Zambia police have intensified patrols in all the affected areas because the trend has reached alarming levels.

Ms Kapata said the security wings will not relent in impounding all trucks in order to bring the smuggling of the country’s natural resources to manageable levels.

“We are going to forfeit the vehicles of those Chinese national and will not shield anyone and be it South African, Mozambique or Zambian trucks as long as they are carrying Mukula they will be impounded and forfeited to Government,” she warned.


    It’s his way of helping the ailing economy
    He creates employment for the wood cutters and truck drivers
    Kindly intervene Mr President, or else Beijing will have to step in!!!

    • Feck beijing and their criminal elements that have flooded Zambia.. ….it would do the Chinese well to read about idi amin of Uganda and the Indians.. ..

    • Chinese have brought investments to Zambia and should be revered

      My take is, they are far superior to Africans and should be let scotch free

      It is like A black Policeman trying to jail a white Scottish person here? You must be kidding me.

      I understand this was an error of judgement by their part, for what it is worth, let them go Ms Kapapata

      This is water under a Duck’s back. On wards and upwards we move on to other things, me thinks

      I hold a PhD



    • Why is Jean so obsessed with Mukula logs? The Chinese didn’t pay anything to Kapata or what’s going on here??
      So now she is in charge of exports and tax collection? What if ZRA clears the Chinese?

    • The Govt is only issuing permits to TASILA LUNGU’s agents. she has now become the richest woman in zambia, building mansions in Lusaka

  2. And you accuse a foreigner of breaking the country’s laws and yet your president did exactly that to be where he is. So what are you talking about iwe Kapata?

    • These thieves can not be trusted with anything…we need independent security wings to tackle this problem not Jean the dull cadre who can not even respond to BUFFON CK’s accusations of her being a player in the Mukula smuggling ring. Why are we not working with Namibian and Tanzanian customs to tackle this problem? The answer is PF officials are involved in this illegal trade…

  3. This is the RUBBISH we invited upon ourselves by IGNORING OUR OWN PEOPLE think foreigners will develop our country,by having CORRUPT LEADERS who put money first before Zambian people they are supposed to serve,busy dishing out land and other natural resources to foreigners!!

  4. I have been reading about Police impounding Trucks loaded with Mukala trees all over the country for over a year…if these logs and trucks are forfeited by the State as this dull Kapata states could she please produce an inventory of what is currently in these impound yards.
    If a China man can forge papers what of the high ranking officials in the PF and the connected ones like Tasila Lungu!!

    • It’s your hate language and vulgarity that has put a virus on your device. How come I don’t see them. Slow down on insults mwana.

  5. A shame that Mukula and other trees are being cut indicrimanatory. I was so shocked recently passing in the gravel road from Mwinilunga to Manyinga at the level of rampant cutting down of trees. I wonder if that area is being regulated.

  6. Bla bla bla bla and the contraband was taken over by me who has a forged appointment as minister because no one can question my ability to smuggle.

  7. Imagine that a Zambian forged official documents in China, & attempted to illegally export prohibited government trophy.
    As we speak the Zambian embassy / consulate would be asked to come & collect their citizens body for repatriation back to Africa.

  8. The narrow mind-scope and low self-esteem expressed in some comments above is simply shocking.

    How can a genuine African support the exploitation of African resources by criminal foreigners masquerading as investors? China itself protects its industries and resources to the marrow. Just try to smuggle a panda bear from China and see what happens to you. We will be glad to read you biography on LT.

    As if it is not enough that we have to go to the World Bank, IMF and various donor nations begging for loans, now we even have our people supporting exploitative acts that only serve to keep us impoverished and dependent.

    No wonder Kwame Nkrumah said ‘Africa shall remain divided under it’s own peril!’

    • @Nine Chale…Exactly my thoughts, and my observation, too. Instead of the comments showing vehement outrage about it, most of them display some shocking indifference to the matter. A foreigner is exploiting your natural resources, and it doesn’t make you mad? Some are even cracking jokes, and trying to excuse what this foreigner did. If a Zambian did this same thing in China, he would be behind bars for many years. You can understand how Europeans exploited this continent of it’s natural resources for hundreds of years, while the natives stood idly by and cheered, and even helped the foreigners in the looting. Seems like we Africans are way too stup1d to understand the value of the natural resources that God has given to us. That’s why foreigners come over to exploit them,…

  9. Jeann Kapata leave crime cases to law enforcement agencies. The whole lot of you minister thick Jeanne taking up the duty of the police officer. Is she working or busy pursuing her interest in mukula?

  10. The stealing of Export Papers and official signatures from the Forestry Department, and the attempt to export the Mukula Timber, by Chinese Nationals, has everything to do with inside job and Zambian Collaborators in that Department.
    The Zambian law must take its course.
    The first Comment on this page, by a Chinese National must not be allowed to pass unchallenged.
    We have allowed Foreigners to have Economic Power and in turn undermining our Political Power. Like in Tanzania and other countries, foreigners are employed by indigenous people.
    The PF government should consider creating another Body to specifically deal with Economic Sabotage. DEC should continue with Drug related issues.
    Investors are welcome to Zambia. But they should respect our laws.

  11. This points to corruption by high ministers why should anyone even attempt to forge papers when there is a blanket ban ??? Unless you tell us some export is being permitted….

    It’s like saying someone was caught exporting ganja with forged export permits

  12. How I wish we had a leader who would act like Idi Amin or Mugabe on these foreigners. In Zambia foreigners are treated like kings no matter how lowly they are. Our leaders fall backward to be walked on. We are so docile. Everything belongs to the Chinese and Indians. They are so many of them, every corner you turn you will either find a Chinese or an Indian like you are you China or India. Can the government do something to regulate the number of these people in our country.

  13. What a poor headline! The Chinese national? Which Chinese national? If he is not known then it should be: “Chinese national forged the export permits for prohibited Mukula trees-Kapata”

  14. Jean Kapata plus Kaizer Zulu arr also culprits on Mukula tree. They only allow their trucks and not everyone else. Jean has become rich such that at her place she has about 8 brand new latest model cars that the Chinese have given her in exchange of favours such as Mukula tree among others. Even the President is part of the Mukula Cartel..

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