Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has removed the entire senior management team at Solwezi General Hospital for negligence.
Dr Chitalu got incensed by the deplorable conditions he found at the hospital when he paid an impromptu visit around 22:00 hours yesterday.
After seeing dirty floors, walls and witnessing neglected patients, Dr Chilufya described the situation as negligence saying his decision to remove management would serve as a warning to others who were running health institutions.
“The whole management team will be removed so that we place a team that will care for patients properly, a team that will support the medical superintendant to run the facility and that must be done immediately. This must send a warning to everybody running a health facility that these are positions of trust and we expect you to provide health care in clean environments and competently so. We have to ensure that we don’t compromise on the quality of care,” said Dr Chilufya.
This is what people of North Western Province have been crying about, including that neglected Solwezi Chingola Road. When we complain that our hospital is small given the population, we are insulted left right and centre. This government wants to blame hospital management instead.
Bwana minister is this legal?
Remove them, too political no work.
Most decent minister was provoked by dirty people in white uniforms. Shame
Its ethnic cleansing! Give us the names of the people who were removed.Kasama General Hospital repeat this closely and do some analysis
I hope this was not politically motivated but a decision made after the observation and complaints made by patients. If so more facilities need to be visited across the land and adequate budgetary support provided to run the institutions properly.
Question is why have you spared the Medical Superintendent. We all know that a fish starts rotting from the head. Maybe be you should also remove yourself! Might as well go a step further and remove the visionless humble man at plot one
You are clearly used by your balls as your brain uttering these Cetiments.
We need to know which political parties do these people in Senior Management belong to. What tribe do they belong to. By removing, did the Minister transfer them to other hospitals or did he fire them. To my knowledge, Government GENERAL ORDERS is very clear on how you can fire someone. I think we need to revisit the Constitution because the last time I checked, its the responsibility of the Permanent Secretary to deal with all human resources and Administration matters.
All the same if these guys were incompetent, they should be removed but proper procedures of removing people from office should be followed.
Clearly wrong… the minister is correct. This happens here in Europe, it is called gross incompetence and endangering the public which is an instant dismissal.
Stop using your emotions in such circumstances, other people have probably died unnoticed because of such negligence. Those who’ve died and were being abused are a people too who had no voice. The minister is their voice.
This is not political. Can’t you reason that the minister is actually supporting the public and not to please those abusing the public.
Now watch and see how all hospital management in the country will pull up their socks.
Don’t just comment without full information and don’t compare Europe with Zambia in terms of health standards because there are none existent.There are basically no resources and the few resources given are plundered by a few greedy individuals. If the health standards in Zambian health facility are that poor, who is in charge of the Ministry of Health? Dr.Sampa you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Bwana Minister just adopt the COHSASA standards, then you will not have to lose your sleep.
So basically in your intelligent capacity, we should never strive to be better right?
I cannot debate with such a caliber. You Satana should never be allowed anywhere near power in government.
This guy is mad…..
He is mad and corrupt. He does all procurements for hospitals. He is failing to procure cleaning materials for Slowezi GH and takes the blame out on the poor management. He is doing this to cover his dirt activates. Time will tell. He is not the good he tries to portray. Mark my word.
Had it to take the whole Minister of Health to ‘see’ this? Where were the following?
1. PS Health (based in Lusaka at the Minister of Health offices)
2. PS NorthWest (based in Solwezi)
3. DG Solwezi
4. Solwezi Hospital Superitendant
All these people oversee Govt operations (inluding this hospital).
If the above FOUR individuals did not ‘see’ that something was wrong at this hospital, they deserve similar punishment.
the problem is not management but poor government funding ,just introduce back the k5 user fee .
I go to solwezi general hospital whenever I feel sick. This hospital has been in a deplorable state since I moved to solwezi 15 years ago. The nurses are never in the ward at night. There is a wifi hot spot near the entrance where they all spend their time browsing. In as much as they need internet to research on some of the patients needs, it eats up on available time to effectively attend to patients. The infrastructure leaves much to be desired. The floor is rougher than the old chingola solwezi road. It needs massive rehabilitation in any case even close the hospital while someone attends to repair works. Maybe close one ward, work on it, close another one until the works are done. Firing Management alone is not a solution, look at the root cause. The hospital has not been in good…
1.Infrastructure in most health institutions in the country is in a deplorable state.
2.North West province is neglected.Muchinga has even got more infrastructure developments than Solwezi
3.Will the firing of management sort out the mess if they are not given the resources?
4.Bwana Minister, why don’t you delegate some of those duties.Visiting a hospital at 22oohrs.I think you are just making allowance s for Christmas and New year.
Did this news reach State House. Maybe the great leader of this great nation can learn a lesson in leadership and fire non working Ministers in Labour and Lands etc…
You are the one @7.1 who is mad! Sorry, no medulla oblangata man!