The opposition UPND has written to the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation requesting for the public broadcaster to host its party President Hakainde Hichilema on the “Sunday Interview program”.
According to a letter received by ZNBC Director General, Mr. Hichilema is requesting to feature on ZNBC TV on 17th December, 2017.
In the letter party spokesperson, Charles Kakoma explains that Mr. Hichilema will endeavour to expound his attractive economic vision for the country.
And Kakoma explains that the UPND President will also use the opportunity to wish the Zambians a happy Christmas and progressive 2018.
ZNBC which is now advocating for an increase in TV levy from K5 to K10 has off late been hosting members of the Patriotic Front with the most recent being President Edgar Lungu who stated that the country was facing serious challenges under his watch ranging from the Agriculture, and governance such as him contesting elections for a third term in 2021.
As long as you can explain your connections to the Free Masson underworld and clear the air on your privatisation theft.
Clear the paradise issue and your sponsoring of hate propaganda at Zambian Witch Doctor.
Grevazio don’t forget these important questions
There is absolutely no reason why the opposition cannot be allowed to feature on any broadcaster platform including ZNBC.
Remember how CK thought he would never need coverage outside politics. I urge Richard Mwanza to be professional and accommodating. One day we won’t be in power.
Ba Kudos tapali ifwomulelanda. Marubbish yekayeka
Wabetole kudo
I agree with Mr. Kudos, if allowed to feature on ZNBC, Grevazio grill this man on the privitisation of the mines scandal, Namwala ethnic cleasing, blocking of the presidential motorcade in mongu, freemasonry, paradise papers, Mapatizya formula, Armageddon, tribalism, failure to recognize the president, convention for UPND, his connection to the openhier foundation and many more. Please draw questions carefully from the aforementioned because these are the issues that have dented this man and that make him UNSUITABLE to go to the state house.
Is Mr mwanza the DoP. I thought the director of programs office and not an individual should’ve been addressed. What if he is on leave or out attending to some seminars or workshops and never get to see your letter on time what are you going to say. Are these people in upnd really matured? There bloggers are as immature as them. Honestly speaking is the how you address an official letter. That looks more of a personal letter to me. The DG for znbc does not make such decisions ba under5 party. Kikiki
UPND is just trying to expose ba PF.
Just ask HH where he got his money from. Up to now I have not heard his answer for the question asked by Mpo of SABC. HH like ducking questions by going to say. “you know Mpo, what is important is not where I got my money, what is important is that how we fix the economy and provide jobs for our people”. This statement is now stale. He keeps repeating it. He want to tell us he will fix the economy without telling how he will do that? How naïve! He cant even tell us how became rich you want us to trust him with our Country? Now ways! Freemsonry cannot provide jobs for the Zambian people. The Zambian people will develop the Country collectively not by one individual claiming he hold the key. How can you be the only one for Zambia’s woos? How?!
Grevazio also remember to ask him where he got all the 100,000 cattle from. HH refused to answer that question in South Africa on SABC so pressure him to answer before you proceed.
Sit down, be humble
I hope the not so humble request to ZNBC is granted all the same so that this scum of the earth Kaponya (HH) can be exposed for the crook that he really is.
Paradise papers
Free Massonry
Sponsor of hate speech at Zambian Witch Doctor
Grevazio make sure this cheap crook of a thug answers all our questions.
Don’t give this arsonist a platform.
@Iwe Mr Kudos, This what is called double standards, why didn’t you call up reporters or ZNBC to ask ECL the same questions, around his wealth?. You should be concerned with those who are in government now and looting. During Privatization, HH was a private individual and not a politician. Therefore, if ever you had any questions, you should have asked Chiluba and others who followed up. Did you have the guts to ask Chiluba?And Free Masonry – George Washington, Benjamin Franklin or Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Phillip) are some examples of Masson. what has that got to do Politics? That is his private life. KK had his Gurus from India, so why do you make a fuss out of that? Satanism and Armageddon seems to be in your dreams.Let anyone ZNBC ask HH, how he hope to tranform the country, and we…
Satanism and Armageddon seem to be in your dreams.Let anyone ZNBC ask HH, how he hopes to transform the country, and we will judge him on his vision. The rest is ma rubbish chabe.
Zambians! Tulo! I don’t know why a billionaire would be pleading for a puppet broadcasting station to interview him when he can just start his own TV station. It would cost him something like K30 million to start his own TV station.
@HH Oval head are you so full that you can’t see that the letter is addressed to the Director General who happens to a Mr Richard Mwanza and unless there is someone else of the same rank and name. Grow up please ! Whilst we may not be in sync with UPND and it’s leadership, HH happens to be the leader of the second biggest party in Zambia. We must encourage PF to even the playing field!
@General kanene… you seem comfortable with free masonry. Well we are not.
We respect your decision to point other leaders and envelop yourself with them, please, please leave us out of it.
You also seem comfortable about him helping kafupi Chiluba destroying our nation cause he was a private citizen?
There’s everything wrong with the that, cause that’s bordering a lack of morals and values.
HH wants to rule us minus morals and values. He is still the same person who messed us up with Chiluba. What they did was collective, therefore, a collective blame. You cannot be bamuselela kwakaba.
You guys seem not to understand how disliked your ayatollah is despite spelling it out for you in 5 and still counting elections.
Majority of us are Christians… the last thing we want…
(cont—) is a Freemason bringing a curse our way. If only HH can cite those American presidents you are sighting on ZNBC when he is invited.
He knows we won’t accrpt that cr.ap just like privatisation, that’s why he cannot go there.
The Ayatollah of the UPND in full dictatorship mode has demanded an audience with the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise on television and so it should be!!!
He can dictate who, why when and what should happen because he can just like he dictates what happens with his parte
Ayatollah, Ayatollah, Ayatollah!!!!!
Grevazia also ask him why does he want to wish Zambians a happy christmas when SDAs don’t celebrate christmas
Gen Kan, in case you do not know, Masons have links to the occult or the underworld, also called Satanism. They practice diabolism which is devil worship with its offshoots of sorcery, black magic and the list goes on. The occult, as you may say, is an axis of evil. As for your concerns about KK, that was then, but today, Zambians including KK I believe, have woken up to the reality of a God who hates evil and loves you and me and has graciously opened his hands through Christ to receive all those who accept him (John 1:12). That is why Zambia today is a Christian nation in principle, while the onus to actualize this remains with individual citizens in their relationship with God. If indeed anyone who hopes to rule this country has links to the occult, this same God will not allow it. I…
If indeed anyone who hopes to rule this country has links to the occult, this same God will not allow it. I sincerely wish what is being said about HH is not true. If it is, then he stands no chance, because this same righteous God, who hates evil and loves Zambia, will surely not allow her to be delivered into the hands of evil (Matthew 6:13). But if HH is clean, he has as good a chance as any to rule this nation. Wish him well.
Am confused… I thought UPND leader is on record telling the BBC and other international community they are not allowed access to ZNBC?
Let’s see him get vindicated…
Because you don’t live here. That is why you are confused.
In this new era of Zambian democracy, it is hoped that ZNBC has already undergone an open heart surgery, if not a heart transplant.
Iwé Kawalala just like your ayatollah wamuyayaya.
Yes I don’t live there cause HH and ka Chiluba rapped the country and sold everything that’s why he will never rule.
Kawalala… let me ask you a question…
If you came across a rapist who in the past used to rape women and 20 years down the line, the chap is selling himself to rule women, would they vote for him?
I can answer for you! Answer is NO… so what does Ayatollah really think of us? Cause in this regard, HH is synonymous to a rapist and reason why I do not live in Zambia.
Am confused because of him. How do you sell country’s assets to yourself?
I have lost count of my smiles each time your ayatollah losses an election.
I enjoy this… he is always fambling
You can see in the photo above HH is in a begging posture after all the other platforms including the BBC have not been of any help in making him popular. ZNBC is truly national. It has wide audience. Tabatuka uko wafuma. Now you want to come back to those you insulted. This perhaps confirms the U5 tag. Grow up and be part of us here in Zambia. BBC is in the UK and the majority of Zambians do not watch it. Talk to Zambians ,not to outsiders, they won’t take you where you want to be. Only Zambians can do that.
Ask and you shall be given.
Is this the way it is done or what? It sounds like you are imposing yourself on ZNBC and Zambians as a whole. Be humble man.
DJ7 HH is a Zambian and has the right of access to ZNBC
His entitled just like ALL of us.
It’s really ridiculous that opposition should be asking to be featured on the National Media. It shows that something is wrong. An Impartial ZNBC should have been rotating the invitation to include all formidable opposition parties. Just interviews, those are nothing, and you see the type of topics that are being suggested here by cadres which are really stu.p.id. I can imagine ZNBC inviting a Minister and with him some other people from the opposition, and allow these people debate on topics that matter to Zambians. Thats how you can educate people. That’s how we get to know what the ministers are doing and their plans. That’s how people get to know Parties Manifesto to make sound decisions during election, hence eliminating ba kaponya who are there to intimidate people
The answer is NO
That letter is personal .
how do start ati Dear Mr Mwanza.
Mr Mwanza went for his Masters
that letter was written by an u5 comedian
Ulichipuba iwe Grade 7. Noko ichintu
This is how you start.
Dear Sir,
no wonder no one takes you seriously
I take HH very serious and not that red eyed drunkard
No matches please, can they make sure nabasha machisa pansé
iné nshamonapo … how does he even choose the day and time?
Ushè njipusheko kewná mwé, DeadNBC tabakwata diary? Am sure they have things to do and the need to check if bwana HH can be accommodated.
This is an institution with lined up programmes, you just cannot budge in to interrupt and be given audience.
You need to queue just like anyone else. Ulefwaya untolokè, am scheduled to appear on the same day.
What’s wrong with your PA?
These people are amatures. thats why they will never rule Zambia. PERIOD
Plus keep calling ecl ati chakolwa
60% of Zambians are chakolwa just like ecl. when you call him that name they also feel insulted.
kumwa sitilesa,manje kamwedwe. I drink spirits on weekends when am braaing,kumwa ungamwe but not to the point yozitundila muchibudula.
I agree with Mr. Kudos, if allowed to feature on ZNBC, Grevazio grill this man on the privitisation of the mines scandal, Namwala ethnic cleasing, blocking of the presidential motorcade in mongu, freemasonry, paradise papers, Mapatizya formula, Armageddon, tribalism, failure to recognize the president, convention for UPND, his connection to the openhier foundation and many more. Please draw questions carefully from the aforementioned because these are the issues that have dented this man and that make him UNSUITABLE to go to the state house.
No just bring steven shurkar part two. u5 will chicken out i tell you
I think Grevazio is not that s.tu.pid to ask those questions that you are praying, unless he gets instructions from somewhere. Grevazio is a professional and will not be drawn to ask such.
You will be singing another song after that interview.
This is the opportune time to prove whether ZNBC is for PF only or not.
This is not a request but an ill-motivated demand. An honest request would read something like: ” … we seek your indulgence to consider featuring our party president (HH) on your Sunday Interview programme at your earliest convenient time … “.
Such kind of arrogance only gets worse especially if allowed to taste power!
mmmmmm, bambo, are you begging for a job ?
Where is the rule of law if an opposition leader has to ask to be interviewed. Are they not the same people who complain that this man is denting the image of the country when he is interviewed by foreign media?
@Ba Kudos & saibwende. Most of the issues above you want Grevasio to ask Mr H.H were already answered by Mr.Hichilema on Radio Phoenix Let the the people talk were the interviwer allows the General public to ask his Guest questions.Sunday Interview is just like the previous ZBC’s Face to Face programe that does not incorporate you viewers/listeners to ask the Guest.Since it seems you missed out let H.H explain again and again to people like you, may be you will stop your false accussations about him to the general populace.
He dodges all the questions posed by callers. He is sly.
Let him explain once and for all maybe we can consider him in 2026.
@ Kudos, If you promise to vote for him in 2021, then he will probably consider answering you.
Those questions are irrelevant and don’t bring food on your family plate.
@KP, Generally, I would have welcome a roundtable discussion, where you have ECL/Inonge and HH, discussing all aspects of the economy. Asking each of them what their plans are.
We the people can then judge.
I don’t like Interviews, they don’t tell you anything. Its easy for HH to dodge the questions, but I can not imagine ECL will let him go without responding precisely and the other way round.
I think all the questions are relevant. He is asking for the people’s VOTE and to rule over them.
HH cannot select what should or shouldn’t be asked of him.
One important aspect GZ had to ask in details is privatisation including the Sun in Livingston, how HH undervalued the sale to sell himself.
Privatisation is key, cause HH, kafupi Chiluba are the reason am not in my own country.
As I keep referring to this analogy… a rapist cannot ask to be an all woman president years after rapping women.
It depends on the interviewer. Grevasio has a unique way of putting one in the grill.
The problem with HH is that he wants to do everything that ECL does. He always to speak after the President has spoken. Just because ECL featured on ZNBC, he also wants to feature. If ECL visits Copper belt, he will also plan a visit to the Copper belt after the President. I find this behavior cantankerous. HH should just plan his activities independent of the President. He is not in league with the President. ECL did not vote for himself. He just want to govern.
Yes, he reactive and NOT proactive, unfortunately.
It’s a sign of weakness, if you ask me.
Gravazio ask this man also how he became Chairman of Sun Hotel in Livingstone the company he privatised. He was the liquidator and sold the former Intercontinental Hotel to Sun Hotels. This was totally unethical.
You cannot be an auctioneer and the bidder at the same time.
Just ask HH where he got his money from. Up to now I have not heard his answer for the question asked by Mpo of SABC. HH like ducking questions by going to say. “you know Mpo, what is important is not where I got my money, what is important is that how we fix the economy and provide jobs for our people”. This statement is now stale. He keeps repeating it. He want to tell us he will fix the economy without telling how he will do that? How naïve! He cant even tell us how he became rich you want us to trust him with our Country? No ways! Freemsonry cannot provide jobs for the Zambian people. The Zambian people will develop the Country collectively not by one individual claiming he hold the key. How can you be the only one for Zambia’s woos? How?!
In Congo Drc opposition leaders have their own TV stations , they support local artist and football teams. Hh do the same to prove your leadership
This is as how it should and as a matter of fact UPND need not apply to further. But rather ZNBC should have invited HH on this educative platform hosted by Mr G Zulu.
Let us all stand united despite the political divide, God bless our beloved country Zambia. Bob
That’s very true @ Bob, there’s only one small thing about human ego we all have.
The bible even says…
It is do unto others as you’d want done unto you?
So if you are not going to recognise the repliblican president as president, institutions that do recognise ECL are already at odds with you and they equally will not recognise you.
As I said the bible says do unto others… then I realise that someone actually believes in other things so cannot relate.
I can see this topic has ruffled some feathers!!! Where’s Bonehead Mushota???
getting boned…
ZNBC invite whoever they want to interview so why should HH apply to be interviewed?kekekekekeke….shocking!!am sure Kainde has now seen that WITHOUT ZNBC,HE IS DOOMED BECAUSE HIS NONSENSE ONLY END UP ONLINE WHERE ONLY 2% ZAMBIANS ACCESS IT!!!UUKOSE HH!!!
ZNBC should not allow this evil man to feature on ZNBC because we dont want to hear his rubbish.let him feature in the mast,prime TV,Muvi TV or whatever!!!ZNBC CAN FEATURE THE LIKES OF EDITH NAWAKWI,ELIARS CHIPIMO,ETC WHO DO NOT PRACTICE POLITICS OF PROVOCATION!!!
plus HH’s supporters have told us that they dont watch ZNBC,so why should he beg to feature there BECAUSE US PF LOVERS WHO WATCH ZNBC DAILY DO NOT WANT TO HEAR RUBBISH FROM KAINDE!!
NJIMBU BB 2017!!!
Just yesterday, you were completely a born again with objective comments. Today, you are back to your roots of hatred. Very disappointing.
Anyway, judge yourself what type of a person.
Ati “..we are requesting ZNBC to feature HH so that he can address the issues affecting the nation”.kekekekekekekek….who told Charles Kakoma that the issues affecting Zambia could be solved when HH talks about them?HH never offers any solution whenever he talks.HH is a prophet of doom.instead of giving Zambians hope or wishing them well,all HH could say is how poor Zambia is,how life for Zambians is worse than in Somalia,how PF has turned Zambia into Haiti,etc!!!HH THINKS ZAMBIANS HAVE NO EYES TO SEE THE GOOD AND BAD THINGS DONE BY PF!!
Never allow HH’s nonsense on ZNBC!!
NJIMBU 2017!!
Give HH air-time at ZNBC…he has all the liberties that come with being a Zambian…let him blab and blab all he wants…ZNBC has a chance to show that they can give chance even to the most revered critic of the government.
I am vote is still on Edgar…whether he stands in 2021 or not…….
ZNBC please feature him. Grevazio prepare your questions well. Don’t let hh dodge any of the questions you will ask you. Hammer him don’t treat him with kids gloves. He always goes ballistic when asked how he got rich and tells callers to go to school like everyone who has been to school is rich. Ask him about upnd women who went to DRC for juju to seek his release from prison. Also ask him if he sleeps at graveyards like his business partner Mukuni. Special request please let this problem be on for two hours and let callers ask their questions as well. Oh I wish ZNBC could have two people interviewing hh at the same time.
sorry program. Give him another date not what they have demanded for.
he may spoil drinkers xmas . . . .suggest January 6th
In the letter party spokesperson, Charles Kakoma explains ati that Mr. Achilema will endeavour to expound his ‘attractive’ economic vision for the country- “beauty” is in the eyes of the beholder is it the listener!.
How many utopian visions, does this fellow have this time, which is so different from his first, 15 yeas ago and from the one he hallucinated on BBC?
@Premier This crook uses an A4 sheet of paper called a 10 point plan for the economy.
He doesn’t even know the meaning of Democracy.
HH has been the only one with a vision for this country in the UPND camp for the past so many years. I wonder if he also changes his focus of the vision because things change. No one can dare challenge Mr perfect.
To Know a person is to allow him and give him the opportunity and see how practical his logic is
Its not rhetoric but economic reality and fit for Zambia Give him the opportunity and be confirmed in his reasoning whether fit for Zambia or Not
To Denny him the chance is to unnecessary elevate him more than his self worthy
The response to this well intentioned request will determine whether ZNBC is really a public broadcaster.
This is shocking, how can you request for a programme and provide the day you wish to be featured to a well established government institution like that, ZNBC does not operate like cows grazing in Namwala flood plains where they graze anything green. You are the same people calling PF government as “Chipantepante” no programes and you want that to continue. Anyway your request is welcome but you have to be scheduled. Vote for GBM during Congress. Vote for GBM under UPND ticket 2021. “Bola panshi GBM nishimbi”
Ine ndemona kwati GBM ni “soldering wire”. He melts under pressure or is it heat.
Under Five still uses “Amalegeni,” catapults! see photo on Tumfweko!
The most dangerous leader and party in Zambia.
Moderating? He uses catapults! The photograph is on Tumfweko! He is an Under Five.
It is a waste of time. His party destroys infrastructure.
Shall we add arsonist to the list of negatives?
Can Airtel disactivate that Hollywood Alerts which is stealing my Talktime. I’m on roaming & failing to deactivate it by sending UHGOSSIP to 555.
Has he grown weary of Muvi TV already? Please ZNBC, this guy insulted you! He also insulted the judiciary. Now needs your help? Let him go to one of his Three Mansions and rest.
Fear not give him chance. He should remember to respect elders and women that was the first thing i learnt in Zambia 1978 i was young and handsome blue eyed Irish man. Give HH a chance Period I am a fun of him but hey you loose nothung.
HH niwa Tulo! I don’t know why a billionaire would be pleading for a puppet broadcasting station to interview him when he can just start his own TV station. It would cost him something like K30 million to start his own TV station.
now I understand why you are not a billionaire, everytime you make profit from your katemba you invest in Sharon next door,here is $30m dollars investment that will run only for two weeks and iba revokes its licence, why put such an amount into a business prone to a dictatorial axe? you must be mad bauze.
waKaso chi.kala
Should the ZNBC Sunday Interview of HH be given a green light, HH should respond to questions on the following issues: privatization of the mines; the undervaluing and insider trading in the sale of the Mosi-oa-Tunya hotel; the attacks on non-Tongas in Namwala; the blocking of the presidential motorcade in Mongu; the Paradise/Panama papers; failure to recognize ECL as president; failure to hold a convention in the UPND; the Brenthurst Foundation/Oppenheimer connection; and many others.
My other proposal is that a veteran and seasoned broadcaster who has nothing to lose in asking tough and probing questions like Frank Mutubila should be invited as the host interviewer
you chaps are you saying grave sisal is so dull he can’t come up with his own questions?
It baffles me how HH would want ZNBC to interview him, on top of that he has chosen his own time and date to be interviewed. My suspicion is that the Secretary-General of the
Commonwealth of Nations, Patricia Scotland may have asked him to write to ZNBC for sunday interview and the reply, which is likely to be a declination, will be used as proof to what he has been saying about PF and ZNBC.
He should ask Those who watch dogs in Zambia to interview him. How can you be asking a network you had despised all along? Under Five.
Water follows its level. It is up to ZNBC to invite whoever they see fit to come. If someone has no substance but brings confusion to the nation why should such a time waster be invited? ZNBC have more important things to do than to hear an arson spokesman talk.
File the paper or throw it in the dustbin. Don’t answer him!
You request and send the paper to the press! Well, the answer NO!
good call HH, this is just to expose PF and lungu as a mini dictator…………the best PF and lungu can do is accept this challenge and hope HH slips up……otherwise to refuse him air time is setting yourself up for the dictator tag……..
IF Lungu had any advisors worth their slat, they should be having their tongues salivating…
spaka like lilo,
Typical of all UPND zealots, you are assuming that HH is so clever, so brilliant, and all – knowing that he will emerge unscathed, triumphant, and smiling from a ZNBC interview. But this could turn to be a double-edged sword which could end disastrously for HH if he is grilled by a well – prepared, well – informed, aggressive interviewer who has done adequate research on some of the controversial issues that revolve around HH.
1. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
2. Proverbs 8:5
O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.
3. Proverbs 10:11
The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
Is Zambia full of demonic possessed people who lack true wisdom and knowledge going by the many absurd comments by some bloggers ? genuinely speaking what substance can one get from comments which are 100% accusations in nature and lack evidence ? May be Zambia is one of the countries which is highly possessed by the demon legion which has also found haven in most of the so called educated Zambians and can’ t use their hard acquired knowledge to redeem the country from corruption and total collapse economically?
How so true! That too is my cry, and concern.
I the other Observer am Officially abandoning this Name. I do not Comment on Political Issues but only on issues that help to leave the World better than we found it. This name is too Ambiguous. It leaves one in an endless loop. Cheers!
Well observed. It is too detached and very aloof. What an endless loop!
free mason or not just let him fetaure, what God has protected no one can distroy. 100000 cattle for what when God says give to the poor, mukazinkalako na chifundo,
Don’t forget to see BBC hard talk before the interview and include all burning issues left out in that interview especially the tax haven, freemasonry and source of his wealth vs privatization of companies now in his hands.
what do you mean third term, did the constitution say he has already saved second term or it’s in your mind?
Does HH and the UPND have to ask to be interviewed, really?. With all the things going in the country surely all our political leaders should be heard so that we hear the their side as well, this will help us know where we stand with them.
The letter was very unprofessionally done. First of all, it’s not justified. Secondly, it addresses an individual and not the office, amongst others. But with that said, being the national broadcaster, taking instructions from the current government, it wouldn’t have mattered how well the letter would have been written, the largest opposition leader would not be granted such an audience.