By Nevers Mumba, MMD President
Life has many faces. Two people living in the same house don’t view life the same. This is even more so for the sixteen million Zambians whose views of Zambian life are as varied as our finger prints.
It is these varied views when expressed freely which define who we are as a people. No Emperor, King or President should stifle any person who wishes to describe his personal life experience.
Pilato has a way of speech that may offend those who are affected, but infact we should not miss the strong message that is veiled in the satire.
No Sovereign should be tempted to silence such expressions, because if we do, we shall deny ourselves the opportunity to refine our national destiny.
Challenging leaders is a daily exercise of one’s freedom of expression. You cannot use the police to arrest conscience. You cannot use courts to interrogate conscience. Zambia’s growth and prosperity is bound up in our collective perceptions of life and the freedom to publicly express them.
Every Zambian President since independence has been called names. Kaunda was called “Fonko fonko.” Chiluba was called ” Kafupi.” Mwanawasa was called “Cabbage.” Banda was called, “Nyama Soya.” Sata was called “Chuumbu Munshololwa.” and now Lungu is being referred to as “Koswe.” It comes with the position. Even I was called Mumbo Jumbo by Kalaki.
Artists must be encouraged to participate in highlighting the challenges facing the nation in their unique way which may include satire, poetry, song, sculpturing etc.
We therefore condemn any acts of intimidation against Pilato or any other artist.
Zambia Shall be Saved
Mambo Jambo!!!!!!!!!!!
Ni wiso uleyeba……listen to koswe reply by Chester …bushe niwiso uleyeba.
Ba mumba can you tell us hh has dragged tayali to the courts over his freedom of expression. He also categorically described who hh is using his freedom. Any advise please?
For me it’s simple… I see Pilato, I f*** him up. Period.
I think Pilato is same thinkers of P.K Chishala and Paul Ngozi.
Pilato also was not specific, he was generalising that Ba Koswe out break. I wish he can re-do:
“Umwaumne wa kulutu” by P.K
@1.2, Tayali mentioned HH’s name while Pilato did not mentioned anybody’s name. That’s the difference.
@1.2, Tayali mentioned HH’s name while Pilato did not mention anybody’s name. That’s the difference.
Mumba is a serious curse to those who call themselves christians. someone is insulting your president and you say hands off him? what a shame of a pastor! I cant measure the amount of hate mumba has for lungu.
So Koswe is no longer President Dental Fimofimo.
Thats how it is when you turn away from God even silly things you start view them alright
One wonders – would it have been okay then to late Chiluba as a monkey?
Silliness is your opinion, which you are entitled to, but you are not entitled to the facts.
Pastor Mumba
U have missed the point. Koswe is not only Lungu but anyone stealing from people, companies, public ministries, Churches and homes is “Koswe”.
Let’s not lose focus or limit the scope of the song to the president. Even kambwili and HH, all these guys, including you Mumba, fall under the same category “Koswe”
This Koswe fleeced his congregation and abandoned it to make more money from politics. Ask him how he lost his house in Riverside, Kitwe.
“Have you ever seen a dead donkey?” Those that have read ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell should understand the meaning here. I wish to advise defenders of excesses to wait until same is unleashed on them!!!
kkkkkkk no one has seen a donkey dead. old benjamin when asked how he felt after the animals were liberated from the colonial shackles of Mr. Jones at manor farm
Pastor you need to inculcate a spirit / culture of praying for our leaders not condoning such spiritual you might think it’s cool for pilato to sing this way coz ur in the opposition what if tomorrow you are in power would you condone such? It’s time u gave advice as a man of God not as a politician ur struggling to be.
We are praying for a new leadership.
We have asked God to get rid of the PF pests(rats).
If you think HH is the legendary Pied Piper you are mistaken. At State House where he wants to go, there are no rats. ECL is squeaky clean.
Just when I thought Lucifer has changed into Archangel Gabriel, he resurfaces with more nonsense. Hands off who and by who? A person has died after being petrol bombed and you’ve not even spared one second on the issue. Bitterness will not take you back in government corridors. You messed up when you lost the greatest chance one can get after Mwanawasa sacked you as his VP.
Another name added to you was Mumpuwelwa for having failed in so many things. And you are growing old very fast. Turn back to God bwana
Nevers Mumba is no longer a pastor because a man of God cannot support Pilato’s nonsense!!!
Zambia will be too small for Pilato and all these people (HH,GBM,Nevers Mumba) who tell him to sing silly songs wont go with him in the grave.the f0ol (Pilato) could die alone at the hands of people he is insulting!!!am told he is in South Africa,but even there PF lovers can sort Pilato out!!LETS WAIT AND SEE!!
NJIMBU BB 2017!!
Ediot, you wish him dead for being honest with the truth.
Pilato will live and not die, all you pathetic rats will be dropping dead from your own evil deeds.
You don’t qualify for B.B. 2017, you only post PF defensive tribal drivel here.
Comment:njmbo u a de Satan himself how can u say DAT to your friend its u and your family DAT will die in jesus’s name not piloto
We brought down Kk & Unip, We brought down FTJ & outlived him, We brought down Nyama soya & MMD.
We are bringing down your corrupt, heartless & ruthless PF regime.
Your days are surely numbered!
Every RAT has its own day!
I have tried listening to radio stations and have not picked this song playing, is it only on social media and in Southern province where they listen to it
Nafuti Nafuti PF 2021 it will be eastern northern/luapula only
Rats don’t tolerate criticism, they unleash wrath when presented with the truth.
Non of you are discussing the points raised by Pilato.
You are only good at throwing back insults when you are put to your defense.
Can you as well address the points raised by tayali which has seen him be dragged to courts by someone who can’t stand criticism. If pilato has freedom of expression why not tayali. Why should tayali be dragged to courts over his rights of speech. You see there’s nothing like absolute freedom. Where your freedom ends is where your friends freedom begins.
@9.1, you have repeated your question, let me also give the same answer I gave @1.6. Tayali mentioned HH’s name while Pilato did not mention anybody’s name. That’s the difference.
It is called Lungu-idiciosis.The tendency by an incompetent and clueless misleader to chance s presidency and become allergic to criticism.
This is what freedom of speech means allow people to express themselves freely that’s how democracy can grow. Allow people to pretest and be able to show their grievances to put those in office to task.
Personally I will go for Pilato’s throat the day I see him. He should be let of the hook on this.
Well said the scriptures, ‘The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways’, (Proverbs 14:14).
In other countries, Pilato would have been pound into a cake, even in big democracies like America. From the time I heard about the song, I have had an incredible temptation to insult Pilato’s mother and Father but I had to restrain myself because I have right conscience as opposed to Pilato. It’s not bibilical and in our culture to insult elders even if you hate them, whether Lungu, HH, Kambwili, Milupi, Nawakwi although some so called Pastors hypocritically try to justify the act. Surely. You can’t differentiate between ‘Freedom of expression’ and ‘Abuse of freedom of expression’, hypocrite.
Liar you don’t know American democracy.
Easy mate! Rember Tomato, Tomato Balunda by “2wice”
“People who cannot handle criticism cannot handle the truth”
no matter what he says?come may come june? come september?come october, 3masion u5 will nevr rule zambia .
let us wait for u5 vs kama boy bout in dundumwezi court
Former Pastor Nevers Mumba was cursed the day he left the work of God and followed money…He betrayed God and there’s nothing substance about him unless he repents his sins of greedy…
Can I be clear here? Calling someone “Satanist” is criticism? So tou if we call you Indoshi, it is criticism? Kikikiki. Napapa, thinking iyi.
Wise words Dr Mumbai, well done
I for was a supporter of Nevers Mumba and I even voted for him when he stood for
Nevers Mumba has always supported savagery, he’s the man that unleashed Bowman on Richard Kachingwe. I don’t know what kind of a pastor he is, no wonder Michael Sata referred to him as a pastor of faeces
If there is a paster on earth who is useless he is one of Mumba taype
What!! You mean I did not sweep properly under the carpet?
Mbeba ni mbeba
True, that is why Mbeba is not Koswe
This SONG is a good one ISH.
Alilubana umu guys! God have mercy on his soul!
When the Holy Ghost goes away 7 demons come!
Satanism ibi ukucila na koswe pantu koswe kuti mwamwipaya .
Nevers you are a Lost sheep why encouraging insults when the Bible says let us create a man in our image and likeness if God wanted he would have created us like koswe Do not compare the image God with anything that Cannot speak or worship The Almighty Creator
Very funny comments on this thread yaba hahaha
Ba Mumbai isn’t this just a case of jumping on the bandwagon? So that we can see you are also alive?