Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Zambia Police Drafts 8 Chinese Nationals into the Police Reserve Unit


Zambia Police staff reserve in Charge Superintendent Kayombo Chimwanga, Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming, ZP Deputy IG Malcolm Mulenga, Chinese Embassy to Zambia Director Zhao Ming, Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganja, Zambia Police Lusaka Division Commander Nelson Phiri and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming,
Front row: Zambia Police staff reserve in Charge Superintendent Kayombo Chimwanga, Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming, ZP Deputy IG Malcolm Mulenga, Chinese Embassy to Zambia Director Zhao Ming, Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganja, Zambia Police Lusaka Division Commander Nelson Phiri and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming. Back row: Zambia Police Reserve superintendent Wen Shunfan, Zambia Police Reserve Assistant Superintendent Wang Huarong, Zambia Police reserce Assistnt Superintendent Liu Pen and Zambia Police reserce Assistnt Superintendent Xu Yudah posing for a picture after after the commissioning. PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA

Zambia Police IG Kakomba Kangana commissioned 8 Zambia Police reserves from Zambia based Chinese community; the ceremony took place at Zambia Chinese Association offices in Lusaka Kabulonga

Chinese now drafted into Zambia Police Service

The Zambia Police Service has now inducted some Chinese nationals living in Zambia as Reserve Police officers.

Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja commissioned 8 Chinese as Zambia Police reserves from the Zambia based Chinese community.

The ceremony took place at Zambia-Chinese Association offices in Lusaka Kabulonga on Monday.

The Chinese nationals also donated two vehicles to the Zambia Police service.

Reserve Officers in Zambia have the powers to arrest and detain any suspects.

Meanwhile, Inspector general of police Kakoma Kanganja has warned officers who are in the habit of engaging themselves in active politics and corrupt practices to stop.

Mr. Kanganja said that it was disappointing to note that officers are captured on social media in a drunken state while wearing police uniform.

Mr. Kanganja added that such acts will not be entertained in 2018 which has been dedicated to discipline among police officers’ country wide.

Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG)
Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG) PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA
Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG) PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA
Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG) PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA
Cutting the ribbon (from left to right): Zambia Police Lusaka Division Commander Nelson Phiri, Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commission Zhang Ming, Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganja, ZP Deputy IG Malcolm Mulenga, Chinese Embassy to Zambia Director Zhao Ming unveiling the cars given to Zambia Police by Zambia Chinese Association Picture by JEAN MANDELA


    • What I want to find out is if this move is constitutional or not. What does the constitution say about this move. Kanganja are not the one instructing your officers not to marry foreigner. What is this rubbish you are now doing?

    • I am no longer a PF supporter after this wrong move. A foreigner in Ministry if Home Affairs. Awe sure. No where in the world can this madness happen.

    • @Mushota although I agree with you- at least go to night school or extra classes to learn how to spell and type using ICT! I have just written to LAZ to tell us if this is legal since I can’t rely on Mushota’s PhD to give us an informed opinion.

    • Where are these people who bar.k about imperialism and colonialism myths, kaili.
      Chinese are now getting into your pants…..and you are there smiling as usual.

      This kanganja not long ago issued a directive that police force should not be married to a foreigner, what is the difference in marrying (indirect relationship to police) and engaging a Chinese as a police (direct).

      Nothing against Chinese, but I will never imagine any country would employ a foreigner in their security units, although this is a reserve position.

    • There are nationalities you can recruit for this service, not China. Are there no Commonwealth nationals in Zambia that could have been recruited?

      Tell the President that this is a bad decision.

    • Also for those who lack foresight – You must know that the Chinese Embassy will financially support and heavily equip those 8 Chinese Policemen with all the equipment they need, vehicles, monthly salaries, allowances, etc. These 8 will be more efficient and more mobile than the indigenous Zambian police whose salaries and allowances are never on time. The end result will be that the regular Zambian police will start depending on these 8 Chinese Policemen for transport, fuel, and money (even salaries) – since all will be coming from the Chinese Embassy and China itself. The IG himself will start kneeling to these 8 Chinese Policemen for financial help, and after 6 months, the 8 Chinese Policemen will be controlling the entire Zambian Police Force. That is ECL and PF for You.

    • 1. ZNBC sold to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE
      2. Chimbokaila Prison land sold to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE
      3. Luburma Market sold to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE
      4. NRDC sold to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE
      5. Lusaka City Market sold to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE
      6. RATSA sold to Lebanese
      7. Now Zambia Police being auctioned to tu ma CHONCHO-LEE

      I think ba KOSWE MUMPOTO need to be given rat poison NOW. Problem Zambian are too docile & Dw.anzy

    • Good move IG. They are the only ones who can arrest Chinese criminals in Zambia. Recruit more. ??? (Zuò dé h?o / Well done)

    • This is WRONG….THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL…am PF but this is rubish…

      Imilandu yonse walepanga Mr Kanganja balekwelela…nomba iyi Imilandu waleta kwena balekulonga…

      KANGANJA NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED…This is pure treason

    • @Wemfula Isa Isa – You are one ignorant empty tin..you don’t even know their background; where does it say these are former Police in Beijing? Any Zambian can apply as a Police Reserve if you have no criminal record its a privilege and right as a citizen ….this moron in ZP has just sold out for two cheap Chine vehicles…where is our pride, you giving away land at will no this!!
      WAKE UP!!

    • Does this mean every other non-Zambian community will have their nationals drafted into the PRU? We have the Senegalese, Congolese, Lebanese and many more as these would be effective in arresting or bring order amongst the communities they are representative of! Baffles me, though if it were drafting these people to help in expediting justice through language interpretations then I’d probably have had another view. Seems the Chinese are now an established great minority!

    • Still scratching my head….how is this even possible…..just how….Zambia Police falls under the Ministry of Home Affairs….am very disappointed with you Mr President Edgar Lungu…very disappointed

    • @Katondo boys – Lazy Lungu has no respect for the constitution…I am sure this can be challenged legally OR by force next it will be induction of Chinese army soldiers after they donate a few old tankers and rifles. We need to get back our country before its too late…Lazy Lungu does not know what he is doing..he is drunk in State House.
      Zambians need to wake up from their docility …imagine the President and Vice President of the Chinese Community Association in Zambia are Highly Ranked Police Reservists, if any of their nationals commits a crime he will be there at the scene first, out ranking any ZP officer in that Rural Police Station.
      Zambians Wake Up these empty tins are destroying the country!!

    • Where is Senior Citizen to post his long humdrum speeches or BR Mumba to sing us a soothing make-believe country song about the Zambian Enterprise?

    • For those who were born way before Radio Mulungushi, Radio Phoenix, radio Ichenelo etc must be aware of one the popular song that about DEBT, ( Inkongole shilaleta umu sebanya). Zambia got issues with the mounting debt from China and they’ve been warned. Now wonder they GOVT of Zed has been begging us to invest back home whilst there’re no fruit basket. The unemployment rate is ridiculers, and you decide to hire foreigners first. I got 2 vehicles and I can donate one if there was no corruption in the Zambian GOVT. Lungu really has to put his act together, this is completely out of line. This was not President Sata’s vision.

    • A country in misfortune, and misfortune is in a country, once in the hands of a clue-less incompetent numbskull/dullard. Slowly, its de-Zambianization–Zambians loosing control.Until about late 60s and 1980 (Zimbabwe), it was called de-colonization. Now, it is Chainaization of Africa. The corrupt and unqualified mortgage the country in day light. What wasted years, with Chakolwa Lungu. Is there a deal we do not know here? No where in the world do non-citizens get into the power corridors of the state so easily, effortlessly and brazenly. It is getting late to save the country. Is Zambia cursed?

      Police Officers From China to Serve in Croatia in Summer
      by croatiaweek September 12, 2017
      in News
      Foreign police cooperation during summer has gone on for 12 years now (Photo: MUP)
      Police officers from China will work in Croatia helping out Chinese tourists next summer after an agreement was signed between the two nations on Monday in Zagreb.
      For the last 12 years now police officers from 17 countries have taken part in Croatia’s “Safe Tourist Season” project.
      The foreign police officers involved in the project over the years usually spend a couple of months patrolling the roads in popular tourists destinations where there are tourists from their home country.
      “The “Safe Tourist Season” project has been around for 12 years, with 17 countries taking part and it…

    • “The “Safe Tourist Season” project has been around for 12 years, with 17 countries taking part and it is our pleasure that China, as the first nation from outside Europe, has joined the project,” said Croatia’s Interior Minister Davor Božinovi?.
      Number of Chinese tourists growing
      Božinovi? says that there has been an increase in the number of tourists to Croatia from China, and expects it to grow even more.
      “This year, according to statistics from the Tourist Board, there was an increase of 60% more tourists in Croatia from China compared to last year when there was 100,000. We are heading towards 200,000 tourists from China and I am sure that will increase even more,” he said.
      The work side by side with their Croatian counterparts and mainly act as interpreters and helping holiday…

    • The work side by side with their Croatian counterparts and mainly act as interpreters and helping holiday makers who get into trouble. Their main task will be to help with communication and to help guide visitors about local rules and regulations.
      (Photo: MUP)
      International police officers involved in the project so far have worn their own uniforms and do not have any powers on Croatian territory.
      (Photo: MUP)
      “This measure has a symbolic significance, and on the other hand, experience shows that foreign tourists like to see members of their police forces in Croatia. This measure has contributed to an increase in the number of tourists, and with more than 100 million Chinese people annually traveling to various tourist destinations, we are interested in attracting more Chinese to come…

    • “This measure has a symbolic significance, and on the other hand, experience shows that foreign tourists like to see members of their police forces in Croatia. This measure has contributed to an increase in the number of tourists, and with more than 100 million Chinese people annually traveling to various tourist destinations, we are interested in attracting more Chinese to come to Croatia to see personally the beauty our country,” RTL quoted Božinovi? as saying.



    • peter, look it is simply lack of Vision direction and confusion, and ubututu poor background of your leaders not exposed at all



    • you peter , are you zambian, donot insult Zambians at all , as the general normal Zambia is hard working
      , but your system is died , and wait we shall be making changes very very soon , donot ask how ?


    • @ jay Jay
      I agree with you this is very very depressing…Zambia as a sovereign state…how do we have “Chinese Nationals”…in our Police Force….are they naturalized Zambian citizens? I don’t think so…….NOW I KNOW ZAMBIA IS IN DEEP SHIIIIT…….and what kind of a Police officer is Kanganja……..I GIVE UP

    • Did we check to find out if these reservists are not actually Chinese Intelligence Officers? I was in Panama six months ago and the InterContinental Hotel in Panama was swamped when the so-called reservists arrived to join Panamanian Police and Defense Forces.

      Come to find out all the reservists were US Intelligence Officers working along side the Panamanians. If that is the intention I applaud the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise for engaging these reservists. Such activities enhance security as well as allow the locals to have a broader perceptive on global law enforcement.

      What is crucial is for the local force to quickly tap into an advanced system so as to take advantage of new ways to achieve policing at an advanced level. What minions like Jay Jay may not understand is…

    • Continued …

      What minions like Jay Jay may not understand is that, the Chinese population among the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise will soon surpass that of any country in Africa. The other thing, they don’t understand is that just because they live in the UK they know it all.

      They are a dimwit majority of the so-called advanced people–that is, the crowd of ignoramuses. Little or limited knowledge is their greatest enemy and yet, intellectuals they think of themselves to be but far from that they are … vagabond abroad they are, missing their home native lands which they denigrate at every opportunity just to give themselves one more reason they left their countries of birth. Pathetic creatures they are …

      What’s in it for the Chinese? To be able to protect their…

    • Continued …

      Continued …

      What’s in it for the Chinese? To be able to protect their nationals … for instance, on my last trip to Zambia last month, I made a connection to Lusaka via Nairobi and I was shocked to see that CRJ 900 which usually carries 12 in First Class and about 44 in the main cabin had 9 Seats in First Class taken by Chinese or passengers who looked Chinese to me.

      In the main cabin about 24 of those seats were taken by Chinese or passengers who looked Chinese to me. The Chinese have numbers about the country that even the locals don’t have and to protect themselves, you now have reservists. Other nationalities included Indians and just about 5 Zambian were on that flight.

      At a higher level though, there is always collaboration between agencies of different…

    • Continued …

      At a higher level though, there is always collaboration between agencies of different countries which have similar objectives but that subject matter is too advanced for minions like Jay Jay … it is beyond their pay grade it would be a waste of precious time to excogitate.

      But just for the sake of a few comparison, while in Jordan a few years ago I went to Dead Sea and very soon realized that all the para-military police on the Jordanian side were actually Israeli Security Officers because they were better equipped to handle any case even if that was inside Jordan.

      When you go to the actual place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist on the Jordan River, that too is inside Jordan and yet the only police forces around there are the Israelis who are actually…

    • Continued …

      When you go to the actual place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist on the Jordan River, that too is inside Jordan (a sovereign nation I must add) and yet the only police forces around there are the Israelis who are actually flown in for duty from Jerusalem by choppers. Same thing when you go to the West Bank on the other side even parts of Jericho on the Palestinian side.

      In Hong Kong despite the expiration of the 100-year lease from the British, I found this August during my visit there that the Royal Police from the old guards are part of the force there and now that China wants its influence in the region felt due to their One China Policy, Chinese forces are in Hong Kong as well. I can cite more but like I said earlier, this is beyond Jay Jay’s scope of…

    • Continued …

      I can cite more but like I said earlier, this is beyond Jay Jay’s scope of realms. Overall, great move and it is a vote of confidence from our Chinese colleagues that the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise are heading in the right direction.

      Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr.
      Copyrights reserved – Original Content!!

    • How many of you complaining here have raised an issue with the recruitment of Zambians of Indian origin as Police Reserves? Why is this different? Before opening mouths carelessly, try to take a wider picture of the situation.

    • @abilima,
      I know you are trying to think outside the box, but the issue here is as you rightly stated “Zambians of Indian origin”, but these are “Chinese Nationals”. That makes a difference.
      Those bamwenye were born in Zambia, and are Zambians by birth. These Chinese don’t seem to be, unless Kanganja prooves otherwise.
      Zambians are busy debating masonry, while tu ma Chinese are practical and busy grabbing land, shops and now Police Force.

    • abilima 2.3 Zambians of Indian origin are Zambian by birth and Citizenship. The Indian embassy does not recognize them as Indians.

  1. What!!! Someone needs to reverse this decision. That’s a threat to national security!! There is nowhere in the world such a thing can happen. Do Zambians really love and care about their country?

    • @3.1 Mzambia… they DO SO to have the numbers to send to the battle front, those who join do so to gain some privilege of some money, education and citizenship!! The countries you have mentioned DO THIS ESPECIALLY WHEN THEIR OWN NATIONALS ARE NOT SO WILLING TO BE DRAFTED INTO THE MILITARY, then they look to those they can use to fight their dirty wars for them!! They started a long time ago in colonial times, our own people fought world wars for them!! NOW,HOW MANY OF THOSE FOREIGNERS RISE TO HIGH RANKS apart from being battle front soldiers!! We should NOT JUST COPY but WE SHOULD FIRST UNDERSTAND THE SELF INTEREST OF THOSE SEEMINGLY “BENEVOLENT” NATIONS!!

  2. What? Am I dreaming? Chinese have now penetrated the police. Cry my beloved country. Noooo. Where are we heading to kasi?

    • We Africans are so accomodating to foreigners it unbelievable we wouldnt dare give such posts to our counterparts on the continent but we would give Chines and give them a gun as well…stupidity of the highest order…this why I say this are wasted years under this govt of empty tins!!

  3. This what PF corruption does – worst scumbags of the highest order.
    When we say Bemba’s & their Nyanja bunch are corrupt scums with no morals or conscious – people blame us.

    By Dec2018, I would not be surprised to find Chinese Immigration Officers at the airport.
    We keep on telling that PF is a party of corrupt scums!
    So, next time you should not even be surprised to find a Chinese Chief in your village.

    ECL and PF are a very corrupt bunch of thieves draining mother Zambia.

    • @8 Phantom, your comment WAS going to make sense if he didn’t mention tribe! I am from the East BUT LIKE ANY PATRIOTIC ZAMBIAN, I AM AGAINST THIS ROTTEN MOVE! These RESERVISTS WILL BE SPIES WITHIN THE POLICE SERVICE and WILL SNOOPING FOR FELLOW CHINESE CRIMINALS TO ENSURE THEY COMMIT CRIMES WITHOUT PUNISHMENT!! In the times of anti-robbery squad, we had an “Indian” in the name of PATEL who killed many blacks, some of them for mere loitering at late hours, all in the name of fighting crime but he had some racial hatred and was more interested in protecting his wealthy Indians rather than the country at large- this is a repeat game to worse degree!! THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP IN ZAMBIA,it NEVER HAPPENED UNDER KK, A BETTER FRIEND OF CHINA THAN THESE MONEY MONGERS!!

    • Also for those who lack foresight like “Bwaafyaa” above – You must know that the Chinese Embassy will financially support and heavily equip those 8 Chinese Policemen with all the equipment they need including a vehicle each and paying their monthly salaries, allowances, etc. These 8 will be more efficient and more mobile than the indigenous Zambian police whose salaries and allowances are never on time. The end result will be that the regular Zambian police will start depending on these 8 Chinese Policemen for transport, fuel, and money (even salaries) – since all will be coming from the Chinese Embassy & China itself. The IG himself will start kneeling to these 8 Chinese Policemen and after 6 months, the 8 Chinese Policemen will be controlling the entire Zambian Police Force – coz…

    • Dear Bloggers and ALL Zambians – Now this when you will see the true abuse and mistreatment of Zambian workers at the hands of Chinese Employers. ECL and PF have really outdone it this time – guys corruption is really bad – it makes somebody to stop thinking. With 8 Chinese Policemen, what would happen if a Chinese Employer kills a Zambian employee? Who will investigate the case? Will it now be possible to investigate Chinese Employers, say AVIC, if they engage in illegal activities? Where will you go to report if a Chinese National encroaches or grabs your land?? Where to go if a China-man beats or sleeps with your wife? “Bwaafyaa”, what are you going to do if a China wants your ancestral land in Eastern Province? Guys this is really Serious.

    • @ The Phantom.. PLEASE READ my post well @8.1, Labeling ethnic groups within one country as “this,that” will NOT END THE ROT!! IT IS GUYS LIKE YOU WHO LEAVE THE “COMMON ENEMY” TO FIGHT YOUR OWN BROTHER WHILE THE ENEMY LOOTS YOUR COMMON HERITAGE! YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE who posted an ethnically based comment on this article and YOU MUST BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! OUR resolve should be UNITY OF PURPOSE TO EVICT THESE CORRUPT PF WHO HAVE UNDRESSED OUR DIGNITY but you are busy witch hunting on ethnicity,something useless, used by foreigners for ages to plunder and enslave Africa and its people!! Wake up and think a united Zambia, a united Africa!!

  4. To ALL Bloggers and every Zambian..

    We need to be serious guys and remove PF – this can not be tolerated like this.
    This kind of corruption should end – ECL is not good for Zambia.

  5. Napapa sana. Police officers have been told not to marry foreigners, but look at what is happening today .
    The IGP welcoming foreigners at the highest level in ranks as Police Officers(reserved).Can someone educate me on this?

    • Its stupidity of the highest order…these chaps will be even be shooting you down as they are allowed to carry guns as reservists!!

  6. This is f…cking ridiculous , we heard that now the Zambian government is giving land to the Chinese, where in China can you find a black man as a police officer. I am certain there are many young zambian men who will serve as a police officer. I am certain the Chinese will be chuckling to themselves at how stupid we are becoming, alter nonsense.

  7. We told you that these morons have mortgaged this country to the Chinese because of Kalona but gullible followers are dancing kwati nibakoswe mumpoto, what has left to give the Chinese? Wake up you goons and smell the coffee.

    • Those loans are free…soon your children will be working for free on plantations as we have put utterly dull shortsight bums like Edgar and his appointees as leaders.
      In their country you as a black man can not get a job as a Store guard.

  8. This govt has exceeded all recorded occurrences of stup!dity and !diocy. I do not think any court in the world would find me guilty of labeling PF supporters as being brain dead at this point. A kettle of water has a higher IQ than PF and its rat president and clueless supporters.

  9. Zambians serving in uniform cannot marry foreigners because of the possible threat of compromising national security. Yet Zambia Police has recruited sophisticated foreigners to join them! Hypocrisy of the highest order. Is this really constitutional or the constitution is being amended as we go? What is really wrong with us bantu kanshi?!

    • That minister you refer to is a former Katondo Street trader… really laughable…what would come out from his empty hollow head apart how much kickback he will get!!

  10. I don’t blame president Lungu. It’s us the pipo to blame. He told us that he had no vision but we went ahead & voted him in. In 2016, his slogan was dununa reserve & we all know what reverse is, but again us the Zambian danderheads went ahead & gave him our votes. Now u are all saying fonyofonyo. Its just that old man Kaunda has no strenght at the moment otherwise he would have told u all that u are stupid *****s.

    • And you are so retarded that you have never complained about Police Reserves of Indian origin that we have had in our Police Service for decades.

    • abilima – Do you know what that word “origin” in your sentence stands for? Not everyone who is not black is a foreigner…

  11. Next the army, the air force, prisons immigration vice president minister of foreign affairs, minister of finance minister of home affairs etc. we are now under the chinese colonialists. security has been compromised for the sake of some vehicles and i guess money. Kankanja you should be ashamed of wearing that uniform you have sullied and dirtied the name of ZAMBIA POLICE SERVICE. SHAME ON ALL WHO HAVE SOLD US OUT TO CHINA. THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER, CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY INDEED.

    • Next even at Department of National Parks & Wildlife you draft Chines and at Forestry Department they will draft in Chines to oversee the movement of Mukula trees…these foooools are literally auctioning everything for a few coins of silver!!

  12. Also for those who lack foresight – You must know that the Chinese Embassy will financially support and heavily equip those 8 Chinese Policemen with all the equipment they need, vehicles, monthly salaries, allowances, etc. These 8 will be more efficient and more mobile than the indigenous Zambian police whose salaries and allowances are never on time. The end result will be that the regular Zambian police will start depending on these 8 Chinese Policemen for transport, fuel, and money (even salaries) – since all will be coming from the Chinese Embassy and China itself. The IG himself will start kneeling to these 8 Chinese Policemen for financial help, and after 6 months, the 8 Chinese Policemen will be controlling the entire Zambian Police Force. That is ECL and PF for You.

  13. What do you do when a constitutionally elected boma starts doing things that are totally unconstitutional? There is no question that the territorial integrity of Zambia as a sovereign state is at stake here! It is worrying that government can sink so low to start recruiting untrained cadres and foreign mercenaries without security clearance into our security wings. Can someone educate us why it is wrong for a Zambian police officer to marry a foreigner and why it is suddenly okay for foreigners to join our security wings? This is very serious breach of national security!

  14. Dear Bloggers and ALL Zambians – Now this when you will see the true abuse and mistreatment of Zambian workers at the hands of Chinese Employers. ECL and PF have really outdone it this time – guys corruption is really bad – it makes somebody to stop thinking. With 8 Chinese Policemen, what would happen if a Chinese Employer kills a Zambian employee? Who will investigate the case? Will it now be possible to investigate Chinese Employers, say AVIC, if they engage in illegal activities? Where will you go to report if a Chinese National encroaches or grabs your land?? Where to go if a China-man beats or sleeps with your wife? “Bwaafyaa”, what are you going to do if a China wants your ancestral land in Eastern Province? Guys this is really Serious.

    • @29 The …RASCAL, and indeed YOU ARE!! You have TOTALLY MISSED THE POINT!! Ever since I declared that I am from Eastern Province you are on the offensive!! YOU NEVER even read well my comment to see that I AM OPPOSED TO THIS MOVE AS MUCH AS YOU ARE!! YOUR MENTALITY IS WHAT HAS FACILITATED FOREIGNERS GETTING EVERYTHING FREE AT OUR EXPENSE BCOZ YOU WANT TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IN DISUNITY when FOREIGNERS COME UNITED WITH A STRATEGY! Please read very well my original comment @8.1 and for ONCE PUT ZAMBIA FIRST BEFORE ETHNICITY!!

  15. when i arrived in Zambia 1978 they used to have Indians, whites in the police and Zambia army and Air force, here in Ireland we have Zambian soldiers in British army I don’t understand you Zambbians

    • That was a few years after independence …do you think the colonists just upped and left in 1964? Think Think Think …some people dont use their heads anymore….lazy to do anything!!
      Wake up!!

    • Zambia belongs to the commonwealth. Common wealth nations shared resources more back then remember. China is not part of the common wealth. Those British looking nationals were actually Zambians, the Indians too. Shut up if you do not know and have anything smart to say.

    • There loyalty is to China govt not Zambia….IG is there smiling like a fooool…education and exposure is important as you learn about other cultures and what they really think of you!!

  16. Do these *****s ever stop to think before doing something? Even just to think HOW THIS ACTION WOULD LOOK? It is one stupid act to another, sha!

    • This is one point I agree on that Hakainde stressed on yesterday EDUCATION its important..we have a Diploma certificate holder as Home Affairs and Justice Ministry!!

    These Zam/Sino Police officers are AVIC’s enforcers in Zed, & as a result Mukula, Ivory/ Government trophy, & Minerals, can now exit Zed unhindered, all because of Jona’s Greed.
    Meantime Ba Jona bale konkafye munuma!!

  18. All these people commenting negatively above are HH’s blind followers who never miss an opportunity to paint PF black!! MWANYA YOUR TRIBAL KAINDE SHALL NEVER RULE ZAMBIA!!!
    the news above is very clear.those 8 a chinese reserve policemen will be working in chinese communities.in short to police chinese citizens in Zambia.IN CASE YOU DONT KNOW,WE HAVE A NUMBER OF AMERICAN,BRITISH SOLDIERS ATTACHED TO ZAMBIA ARMY,ZAF AND ZNS.IT HAS BEEN LIKE THIS FOR YEARS HERE IN ZAMBIA.even Zambians work in foreign land such as American army,British army,ect!!
    so chill HH followers and lets talk about HH’s floped Sunday interview where he failed to answer a single question properly!!BURNING LIKE FIRE HERE WONT AMEND HH’S DESTROYED IMAGE!!
    NJIMBU BB 2017!!

    • IG Kakomba Kangana commissioned 8 Zambia Police reserves from Zambia based Chinese community.
      The Zambia Police Service has now inducted some Chinese nationals living in Zambia as Reserve Police officers.

      Where did you read that “those 8 a chinese reserve policemen will be working in chinese communities”?

      So your PF friends who have condemned this, are suddenly UPND? Interesting….

    • You are the same koswe rats singing that HH will sell the country to anglo….now look you rats even have Chinese in the police to help you steal…..

  19. I’m Zambian and I’m in the USA reserve national guard. So what’s wrong with having Chinese nationals who make Zambia their home being reserves. Besides that might help control the unruly Chinese.

    • lies…. Trump is chasing foreigners and u think he can allow you to be in the national guard… before ur even in the national guard, they will make sure u speak English and that u undergo the course for u to get a green card and test your level of petrotism to the USA. i am sure these guys have not been here for more that 3 years and scrutinized…. so u cant compare Britain and USA…

    • Really laughable…He says he is a reserve national guard next someone will say I am a Chief Security Guard at Walmart in Dallas Texas!!!

    • Iwe ka #Capt Mulenga Chibuta usukafye imbale noku pipa utukote, uletushinga butter ati “…USA reserve national guard…” bwetubwetubwetu

    • you are in that position because you pose no strategic economic threat…you will always have a American above you….in our Zambia where foreigners are worshiped, not a good idea…..some times some of you people must think strategically instead of comparing Zambia to western or other rich countries….Zambia is open to exploitation and must be guarded jealously

  20. Africans, Zambians in particular have a long way to go in emancipating themselves from mental slavery. Any person of lighter skin is seen as holier than the black man. Zambians like to fawn all over any light skinned man. We even drop all our beliefs principles and policies so as to copy the lighter skinned. Police one time told officers you can’t marry a foreigner but here they are recruiting Chinese into the force. In Lusaka one time they recruited a muzungu who everyone knew smoked mbanje but it was alright because he was light skinned. Without critical people like Pilato our country will be sold

    • In China they hold Art Galleries where the place pictures of black faces next to chimps and other apes…these events sell out, they have Soap adverts that portray black skin as greasy dirt..they see nothing wrong with that.
      Here you have this idi.ot IG smiling in that car….these are wasted years my friends!!

  21. This is a trend setter! I encourage hh to appoint a Chinese as his vice president for administration, the vacancy still exists right? Could improve his fortunes at the polls.

  22. We are about 10 fulltime Indian nationals in the Zimbwabwean police force. We are NOT reservists.

    • @38 Indian Police Officer…SO WHAT?? Zimbabwe is another country and under what conditions and ranks do you serve and for how long?? Are Indians involved in wildlife poaching, illegal cutting of endangered tree species, theft of minerals, ill treatment of labourers..etc?? Is it a problem of Indians failing to speak English the official language of Zim that they brought you in to serve some narrow Indian interests??

  23. There goes your rihno horns. Chinese are musters of corruption…..

    This is where lungu and pf are selling and compromising the whole of Zambia……nothing is sacreade anymore.

    This was tried in Angola , the result was a 2 tier police force , one manned by Chinese for Chinese who become untouchable to the indginous police….

    The best was to send 10 or so Zambian police to China to train and language skill…..so as to deal with the Chinese theives we have….

    • There are Zambians who can speak Mandarin out there who could have taken up such roleson Part-time basis…there are students who have studied in China who can speak fluently who have returned but because they do not have anybody to speak with that skill simply goes to waste..they can take up such roles and swear allegiance to our constitution.

    • @38 Spaka… YES, IF and IF there is a good reason to EVEN have these Chinese in the police, can we try what Angola had tried. ANY PERSON GOING TO FOREIGN COUNTRY EXPECTS TO BE PROTECTED BY THE NATIONAL POLICE THERE UNLESS THE COUNTRY IS AT WAR!! IF the Chinese come here and cannot speak the language then let them go back,simple! WE CANT BE GOING TO LEARN MANDARIN FOR A SAKE OF ONE SECTION OF FOREIGNERS WHO SHOULD BE SPEAKING OUR OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OR OUR OWN LOCAL LANGUAGES!! Where in the world does a foreigner impose conditions on locals apart from OUR NOW ROTTEN COUNTRY??

  24. Njimbu,
    Africans are known to be haters of their own brothers, all because of jealousy that the brother might be successful too or even more successful, that is why you embrace foreigners above your fellow county men, because they are not your competitors. Njimbu you are one of those African, how come that a Tonga can never rule Zambia but a Chinese can be a police man in zambia? It is that jealous the foreigners have exploited to even made you kill one another.

  25. I am too upset to say anything really sensible. This is the dumbest thing PF has done since yesterday. Zambia is to always be policed by Zambians.

  26. Zambians worship foreigners. Foreigners are always assumed to be well off, yet the majority that come to Zambia are hustlers and unemployed in their native land. Zambian women will take off their kaputula for a poor older trashy muzungu.

    A decade ago, the white man first came to Arica as missionaries and ended up owning your land. Now the chocholis are coming in as investors and taking over whatever land you owned after independence. Zambia are promised jobs as opposed to part owenership and we all for it. You shall continue being slaves in your own nation. shame on us

    • When you see the list of names of these eight Chines..you will find that the top two are the President and Veep of Zambia Chinese Community Association who have been inducted. They know every Chinese in the country …if Chines have a problem they go to them for advise.
      This is careless of PF’s part ..really careless and shortsighted!!

  27. Professor Clive chirwa predicted this in his 2015 poem “My Name Is Chaos Africa”. Colonisation has began come a century African will be in minority…watch this space….mufken

  28. The Chinese have no ethics anywhere in the world in all recorded history. For this I edge the Zambia Army to act and protect the only thing that is left for us, our Constitution. I do not care how sophisticated the Chinese are, all I care about is my motherland Zambia. You corrupt thugs your days are numbered.

  29. It is up to us here on Lusaka Times to start a change dot org petition to have this removed. We are always just speaking and doing nothing. Something has to be done.

  30. You are right Nzelu. I’m feel you, but I’m really tensed up looking at how Africans are treated in the world including how they lack of basic discipline and standards to manage their own affairs is beyond comprehension. What shall we leave for our children? What are we going to them happened to their native land? I’ve to be honest for the first time, I feel my blood boiling over the way our country is being run.

  31. The Law says “a member of Zambia police must be a Zambian” while the police reserve act says ” a police reserve can even be a foreigner”.
    standing on an antihil shoulting the loudest does not mean you are right,NO!!plus upnd cadres always rush to make comments minus knowing the truth as long as the issue seems to be against PF!!change guys.majority Zambians wont vote for your tonga god HH based on falsehoods!!HH HAS TO CONVINCE ZAMBIANS HOW HE CAN IMPROVE OUR ECONOMY!!!THESE PETTY ISSUES WONT TAKE HH TO STATE HOUSE-NEVER!!
    NJIMBU BB 2017!!

    • Make what comments iwe koswe …….you were the ones shouting HH would sell the country to Anglo now look , you pf koswe rats now even need Chinese police to help you loot properly…..

    • Njimbu the !d!ot, that is a colonial law from 1950 that has been surpassed by the current constitution. What kind of sick creature are you????

  32. Ba Koswe shuwa. Is this what has become of Zambia? Wearing Chinese underwear was not bad enough that you had to get Chinese police. Hope they are durable.

  33. this total nosense zambians have not finished to take up these jobs at all , as this is totally corruption meat to lets these chinese use these uniforms to steal and protect their many criminal chinese that are being arrested and this nonse should be stopped now and now . You even wonder who advised who this stupidity which has come of Zambia. It is always nonsense after nonsense

  34. When lungu was assuming power I read about his defrauding a widow, I had doubts about his suitability but thought the man had seen the light , but when he became president and would start spountenous dancing at airports I knew Zambia is in trouble……totaly wrong character for plot one….

  35. Shallow thinking of Kakoma Kanganja. Don’t we have enough Zambians to join as police Reserve? Those chaps will start killing innocent Zambians and Kakoma will be defending those foreigners. If anything its a way of stealing money because he shall put fake chines names on pay role and he will be chewing that money.
    We are living in a troubled world and we do not expect Kanganja to start exposing our country to foreiners that is a national risk. Its only in Zambia you can do that because world leaders are now security sensitive. Anyway this is the result of ba koswe mumpoto

  36. Why are you complaining?
    You voted for VISE, HUMBLE, ANOINTED and Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation.
    Start learning how to use chopsticks and kiss the bum of the new Imperial Power!!!
    @ Katondo boys, are you going to support new Master from fuc*-ling province in 2021? Or you like to be fuc*ed by Imperial Master Ling?

    • Mukose, otherwise mukalobe lyauma. Ba PF ninshimbi. Zambians who voted in this Government will not give you that space. Just wait for your sixth time loss in 2021. Or is it the reason you want to usurp power because you have seen the writing on the wall in 2021. Nga cakutila ulefuluka bu refugee, go to the DRC. Nga bakufulumuna kulya then you can come to Zambia to enjoy your much cherished refuge status. We will host you in Nchelenge.

  37. Very soon we will see Chinese nationals in the Zambia Army. We are surely headed for trouble. Just what is in it for us, to recruit Chinese in our police service? Have they written off some debt that we owe them or what?

  38. The venerable B R MUMBA has signed his rant as original and copyright. My dear who would want to copy that drivel.
    Your ego is greater than your literary and logic skills. Keep practising you just might write a worthwhile piece………..eventually.

  39. This is same as telling your friend to put discipline measures in you own house.
    You can’t run you own home affairs…..shame on whoever authorized this useless,shallow and depressing move.

  40. Guys, we have Zambian MP in some European country!!! I cannot remember the name, but he even came here in Zambia and a delegation and Michael Sata (MHSRIP), even boasted that even him has a white man as VP… So it is fine… They are not being paid,,, just reserves!!!

  41. Russians invade other countries e.g Ukraine, Georgia using the pretext of serving fellow Russian language speakers. Chinese will be doing the same in Africa. I demand to know from our ministry of home affairs how many Chinese people are in Zambia and what are their occupations for this to be necessary (to have Chinese police officers in Zambia)

  42. I am not sure why Zambians are getting so upset at this late stage of the game?! Face it folks – we are undergoing our second wave of colonialisation, this time under the Chinese.

    Wakey wakey – it started with Sata and this agenda is now being aggressively advanced by Senior at the helm, Rupiah Banda, Chikwanda et al!!

    Like the British the Chinese, and right under your wide open eyes fellow Zambians, are “buying” (read stealing) our land, business, economy, all for a song and to the immense financial benefit of a few koswe who, incidentally had nothing a few years ago, but now are weighed down by incredible riches.

    The Chinese are grabbing our soil, our land so that it has become nigh on impossible for any decent hardworking Zambian to buy a piece of land. And it will only get…

  43. I am not sure why Zambians are getting so upset at this late stage of the game?! Face it folks – we have been undergoing our second wave of colonialisation, this time under the Chinese, for some time now!

    “Colonisation of dwanzy Zambians MKII” started with Sata, this agenda now being aggressively advanced by HIS truly and forever attached to the mouth of the brown bottle, RB (PHD in Corruption, Theft and Self-Aggrandisement), Alex Chikwers (Masters in Greed, Corruption and Self-Enrichment) etc.

    Like the British, the Chinese are “buying” (read stealing) our land, business, economy, etc, and this is happening right under your wide open shiny god fearing Christian eyes fellow Zambians!

    Our inheritance – our land, mineral wealth, natural resources and culture – received from our…

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