Saturday, September 7, 2024

Appointing Chinese as Police Reservists is Unconstitutional-Lawyer


Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG) PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA
Zambia Police IG Kakoma Kanganji testing one of the cars handed over while looking on are Zambia Police reserve Senior Superintendent Wu Ming (far left) and Zambia Police reserve Assistant Commissioner Zhang Ming (next to the IG) PICTURE BY JEAN MANDELA

Lusaka Lawyer Dickson Jere has argued that the appointment of eight Chinese nationals as Police Reservists in the Zambia Police Service violates the constitution.

Mr Jere who is also former State House Press Aide said the amended Constitution forbids anyone holding dual citizenship from taking part in any national security assignments.

He cites Article 194 (a) which he said clearly states that any Zambian who has dual citizenship cannot join the Defence Force and Security Services, which includes Zambia Police Service.
“So you stop your own citizens from joining the police because they have dual citizenship and yet you allow Chinese who have no links whatsoever to this soil to be part of the same police service,” Mr Jere said.

Mr Jere argued that Police Spokeswoman Esther Katongo is basing her argument on the Zambia Police Reserve Act, Chapter 117 of the Laws of Zambia which allows foreigners to be part of the police reservists and does not discriminate which he said is a colonial legislation of 1950.

He added, “Again, our Article 190(1)(a) defines the principles that governs the Defence and Security Services in Zambia and one of them is to be “nationalistic and patriotic…” So how does a Chinese fit in this equation? Can they be nationalistic and patriotic to Zambia?”

Mr Jere said “the Police PR says Zambians serving in the police service cannot marry a foreigner because the Standing Orders says so…ha! What is worse between a Zambian serving in our own police force or the Chinese? Mind you the biggest scam that government has been grappling with the stolen Mukala trees which predominantly being traded by the same Chinese. Need I say more?”

Esther Katongo
Esther Katongo

But Mrs. Katongo has maintained that recruiting Chinese as Police Reservists is backed by law.

“These are police reserves. The Police Reserves are backed by cap 117 of the Laws of Zambia known as the Zambia Police Reserve Act. The reserves are there to assist the Zambia Police in maintaining Law and order. They are also vital in Community Policing. The Law does not segregate on race. Police reserves put on police uniforms,” Mrs Katongo clarified.

She said, ‘Section 4 of the Police reserve Act states that ” the Reserve shall consist of such persons, resident in Zambia who, having attained the age of 18 years, volunteer for Service in the Reserve and are considered to be suitable for enrollment”.

Mrs. Katongo also revealed that the Police Reservists are usually monitored and according to section 7 of the Act, they make a declaration. We have always had police reserves and they have proved to be helpful in community policing.

“They work under the supervision of regular police officers. These are usually screened. We understand security concerns better than those who are not in the system and whatever measures put in place are from the informed point of view. We had Indians who were Police Reserves and people were okay with it. Why should the Chinese be discriminated on race? We are using the Police Reserve Act which does not segregate on race. When it comes to the marriage our Standing orders are clear. We do not use emotions but the Law,” she said.

Mrs. Katongo said the Police Reservists are volunteers adding that there are regulations which takes care of their emoluments which is too minimal such that those who would want to join for financial gain will be frustrated.

“It’s not attractive. Read the Police reserve act, it is there on Google. It is not even a big document,” she said in reaction to questions from Journalists.

“We are not talking about marriage here. There is no issue of marriage in the Zambia Police Reserve Act. Those are addressed by the standing orders. Read section 7 (3) it also talks about those who are illiterate. Where they affix a thumb print in cases where they cannot write. The engagement of Police Reserves is two years subject for renewal. If anyone will have issues, then the engagement can be terminated or will not be renewed.”


  1. ECL is a lawyer who does not like the rule of law. All this is happening because Lungu does not have Zambia at heart. There are many unemployed Zambians who can take up posts. Next you will hear these guys are working at immigration offices and other Home Affairs departments. Shame.

    • If this was really for the betterment of Zambia, why was the entire Police IG summoned to an association premises to hold a commissioning ceremony. Why not at Force HQ, or at Lilayi? So if I have a wheelbarrow to donate to the police, can I summon the IG to my village to be commissioned as a police reserve? Why are our government institutions lowered so low? These Chinese cannot even be recruited in the police service in China. If they were so interested in the service why were they not inducted in China? In China a foreigner cannot even be hired to sweep the streets or clean the toilets. In Zambia you are giving the Chinese the power to dispense law and order. Really? This is not about law and the constitution, it is about the pride of Zambia. The most unpatriotic party in Zambia is the…

    • It’s not IG, it’s minister Kapyongo.
      Kapyongo has failed, scandals everywhere. Even the $42 million was under him at local government.

    • BR Mumba

      I thought citizenship with green registration number is one of the qualification to be a police officer? AND THAT IS THE CONSTITUTION MR PF SUPPORTER. The fact is China does not accept/allow dual citizenship, it well means that these chinese we have allowed in the police service are foreigners. There is no way a china man will forfeit his chinese citizenship for Zambia to get in the police service.
      So yes it is unconstitutional

    • This is what happens when u have a STUPI.D President in the pocket of Chinese. 75% of the time, he’s drunk & globe-trotting.

      When I told you, don’t vote for this drunkard, you insulted me. All the sacrifices of our Independence struggle heroes has been washed away bcoz of PF greed for Chinese bribes & loans.

      Mukula Trees gone to Tu Ma CHONCHO-LEE
      Small-scale mines sold to Tu Ma CHONCHO-LEE
      LAND sold to Tu Ma CHONCHO-LEE
      NRDC sold to Tu Ma CHONCHO-LEE
      RATSA Sold to Lebanese
      DEAD-NBC sold to Tu Ma CHONCHO-LEE

      Next they’ll enter immigration, Army, Councillors, parliament

    • What the hell is all this fuss about?
      Most of the Asians in madras are police reservists . most of them have more than one passport.
      This is not new Dickson must know this.
      Chiwamila mwenye kunkhala buju osati nchwa nchwa?

    • Garbage IN…..Garbage OUT.
      You voted for those lawmakers……
      Check out the quality of our so-called PhDs, then what would you expect from Grade 12 MP then?

    • Police reserve is not the same as police officer. This is more or less like a neighbour wood watch for those who are struggling to understand it.

    • If the Chinese are Zambian citizens, then they deserve to be appointed to any post of their choice, provided they qualify. Especially if they were born in Zambia.

      African Americans’ ancestors are from Africa. However, their American-born children are American citizens. I didnt see anyone complaining when Barack Obama, half-Kenyan and half-whatever else, became USA President. You all celebrated. Some of you talking large are all immigrants from neighbouring African countries, thats why you have relatives in Malawi, DR Congo and South Africa. We can trace your History.

      If the constitution, which even our leader doesnt follow, allows for this appointment, then the Zambian-Chinese can hold any position in Zambia. why, you think you can just take their billions of funds and restrict…

    • …contd..
      why, you think you can just take their billions of funds and restrict them? Thats why USA will forever be the greatest nation. Maybe some of you should carefully look up the work “Citizenship”. Born in Zambia and now acquiring citizenship of another country, I know what Im talking about.

    • For all those who continue to refer to Indians being employed as policemen or whatever, the key message of this public outcry is the term “ZAMBIAN”
      I don’t think anyone would have raised MUCH concerns if those Chinese were born Zambians, which is the case of those Indians you refer to. If you are not a citizen by birth you can not join a national security branch. Period. No racism against Chinese, but simply this is a fact. The Kanganja team breached the Zambian constitution either due to lack of knowledge or due to corruption, in either case, they should take personal responsibility and quit or be fired. Period.

    • Chinese penetrating every fabric of our society. If Paul Ngozi, the legendary Zambian Singer had been alive he would have had something to say about them. Remember ‘Half muntu’ song of them days?

  2. What is the rationale of having chinese in the reserve, has the chinese population reached such levels that it now necessitates pipo of their own nationality to oversee them.
    We have set a dangerous precedent here.
    The chief of all armed forces including the police is the President of Zambia so it means that this has his approval.
    Rather than reservists it would have been better to hzve community liason personnel that our police discuss issues affecting the chinese communities


  3. Read the law, which h…h would swear to protect and defend if ever he was to be elected for the first time in 2031. But then according to h..h’s warped reading of the Zambian constitution it is his turn to be President of Zambia. Do we have turns based on reg.ions? NOooooo!!!

    Naye uyu kos.we Dickson akamba chiyani?

    • @ kwa hae don t be so blind in your support as a cadre. If you are a true Zambian then look at this topic in that way. Are you so empty minded that you have to bring HH into this theme? Get real please, this is our country we are discussing. Police are not allowed to marry foreigners but foreigners can join the police service. What rot is this.


  5. I dont like the way we look at Chinese in Zambia.Why do we want to treat them like they are from Pluto.
    Remember we now have alot of Chinese on our gates and allowing Chinese in our reserve might just help with curbing crimes instigated by the flood of Chinese in our country.

    • You are a fool. Chinese are loyal to each other unlike you Zambians. A Chinese ZP can not arrest a fellow Chinese criminal. They have penetrated your security system to understand how to curcunvert the law in their criminal dealings.

    • Are you for real? Illegal mining – Chinese! Illegal mukula tree reading – Chinese! Illegal large scale land allocations – Chinese!!! All this at the expense of the majority poor Zambian. Where is our pride as a country?

    • In jail for TREASON!

      When it is LUNGU, Kapyongo and the IG that are the ones ACTUALLY committing TREASON, giving our country to the Chinese fos a few Dollars kickbacks!

  6. This cantankerous attitude is subversive as it is retrogressive. How many Zambians are languishing around without jobs who can wholeheartedly take up these posts while they look for better alternatives? Do we want to mortgage the whole of this country to the Chinese? Ever since the PF came into power the only thing they know is kaloba this, kaloba that. You have sold our national airwaves now you want to compromise our security? What gibberish is this? The Chinese are having a field day with their stupid bonanza crap which has destroyed families and now this? Cry my beloved country.

  7. Just read the quoted clause…Dickson Jere is wrong peperhaps has not read the sited law, we may use emotions to argue about this but under clause 7 (2) of the chp117 act Police Reserve allows non Zambians to be Police Reserves and there are rules which guide same.LAZ can guide not the mischievous Dickson Jere..We may not like it including myself but it has been there all along in the Republican Constitution…

  8. what qualifies Chinese for these high positions in police?
    I wonder if we have Zambian reserve as police commissioners.

  9. Just read the said piece of legislation, we may not like it including myself but the Republican Constitution allows it…Let LAZ clarify..

    • Police Reserves don’t get paid instead offer a free service that’s why one has to be in gainful employment or business because the Police doesn’t pay for the work rendered…

    • This is not employment comrade kudos. Anyone can belong in the neighbourhood watch. Except that as a reservists your standards are high.

    • Look at the PF rats gathering in one corner seeing nothing wrong while the rest of the country is outraged….just like 42/42 , just like lungu allowing ministers to stay on after parliament, you seem to have a nack of supporting what outrages the people, the support base of the PF rats is contracting and you are increasingly finding yourselves in such rat corners……

  10. According to Katongo:

    It is wrong for Police to marry foreigners for security reasons, but right for foreigners themselves to be inducted into the service.

    What sort of logic or reasoning is this?

  11. I don’t care how much a flood of Chinese into Zed there is…the fact is they are NOT Zambian nationals and shouldn’t be given Zambian state jobs.

    • Exactly my point, how will they understand a chap from intercity bus station who includes Bemba, Nyanja and Tonga words in one sentence?

    • Those chinese will be pilicing the resident chinese……this is now a 2 tier police with the Chinese with their own police to do as they pleas…..

  12. IG, please reconsider this decision. Reversing a decision doesn’t mean one is weak but it demonstrates quality of a dynamic leader who is ready to absorb feedback. Please Sir, reconsider……

    • IG is as corrupt as lungu , forget about them listening to an outrage by Zambians , they are now looking where the next bribe will come from…….

    • Please spare this bootlicking IG. He has nothing to offer on any matter of serious public concern. Like the other bootlicker on the copperbelt told you, Kanganja’s role is to say YES BWANA. This is not his idea but his master’s. There is no way this nonsense could happen without Koswe’s consent, as commader-in-Thief. This is a matter of national security remember! This illustrates how deeply Koswe is entangled in his filthy dealings with the chinese that he is absolutely indebted to them. It is the same way he is indebted to corrupt elements like Kaizer that he can never touch them. Koswe has never been in charge of this country or simply he just doesn’t care. Mwanawasa should be turning in his grave.The Chinese give him serious commissions from infrastructure projects that they…

    • You dont need LAZ to interpret anything here as everything is clear and straight forward. Katongo says the ZP reserve act does not descriminate again race yes it doesn’t if you hold a Zambian passport. The “Indians” she refers to in her syupidity are Zambian born with passport and green registration cards.

  13. Why should a Chinaman take a job that is rightfully a Zambian’s???? With the Chinaman invading the police service, what will the Chinaman not do n this country? What should the power that be compromise the security of this country in this manner? Little wonder this country is most vulnerable because of a leadership that does not think beyond their nose!!

    • You ignorant people police reserve is not a job. I was a reserve while working for another company. It’s the same as neighbourhood watch. If you think neighbourhood watch is a job then go for it.

    • The 8 ZP Chinese will ensure all Chinese in Zambia quickly and corruptly formalise papers for their pistols and other fire arms for “self defence” . So every Chinese will be carrying a gun with licence. When they shot a Zambian it no longer be murder because the gun is licenced.

  14. Does the kateka really have a clue on governing this nation?? I truly wonder because this decision can never happen without the commander in chief knowing about it. And the whole president consented to this really, this man is not fit for that great office. The IG is even worse because if he were competent, he would advise his boss just how scandalous this decision is. Something is seriously wrong with all these people in government today chipate pate everyday…

  15. The sovereignty of this country is at stake and the state security machinery is blown wide open to foreigners and Chinese mafia gangs!! What is wrong with this pitiful leadership in PF? Will this be their legacy – ? Many Zambians who love their motherland are appalled at this stupidity!!

  16. For those at the back, Zhang Ming is the chairman of the Chinese association in Zambia meaning his the main link to govt. This appointment has been done in bad faith weather its backed by law or not. If these guys really wanted to volunteer, they would have done it with the Leopards Hill neighborhood watch or the ngwerere one NOT the police force. Jere has spoken about mukula trees, what about the inhumane treatment? who will police it when these guys are close to the IG? this govt is retrogressive!

    • Hehehe when you saw lungu breakout in spontenous dancing at airports and other public places all alone shocking even his aids ati he is humble…….not knowing the man could not believe his luck…in control of state coffers , yaba…….

  17. Was it nit 6 weeks ago that the government announced that turkish police will be training our police in latest techniques. Can we do anything as zambians
    Now you mght ask why we bought all that riot equipment from sth africa.
    Am sure the government is already foreseeing major problems in tne lead up to elections.
    Is this not the way mugabe and zuma started their longevity at the helm of their countries.
    China largest supporter/ finsncier of Zimbabwe. Nsver look at issues in Zed in isolation

  18. The Indians the Police PR is talking about are Zambians of Indian origin those can join and have green NRC but these are Chinese from China not Zambians of Chinese origin. So its very much illegal

  19. whether LAZ interprets the Law in favour of the Chines it is just not right to have these crooked chinese as police reserves, period. Government should just recind the decision.

  20. I tell you the truth Zambia has really gone to the dogs. Cry mother Zambia. What’s the use of having a constitution when its not being followed?

  21. Here we go again…confliction in the law. And who is to blame? Certainly not Mrs. Katongo. It is you lawyers, including you Dickson. It is you lawyers who draft the laws before they are passed in parliament. If some laws like the Zambia Police Reserve Act are colonial, where is LAZ? The Police Act must be reviewed in totality to make it foolproof and relevant to Zambia. And not only the Police Act, but all the laws because there seems to be a never ending problem with our laws vis a vis the Constitution. Reviewing of laws should be an ongoing process and not only when a lacuna pops its ugly head. Standing orders too, otherwise known as by-laws, should conform to the law. If you lawyers have a problem with the English language, involve language experts to phrase clauses for you, taking into…

  22. If you lawyers have a problem with the English language, involve language experts to phrase clauses for you, taking into account your usual jargon, but in simple terms that are clear to the ordinary person. Instead of blaming the police, blame the law makers. The Police simply act according to the law, even if it may not sit well with public opinion. It is the law!

  23. Amalume aEdger Lungu, kodi mukumvwa vokulabila banthu apa. M’vweshe, anthu akwiya ka. Vinthu sivilibwino, yesesani kusintha vinthu. Sanvwa anavwa nkwagwa ili mumuthu.

  24. The amended national constitution is the supreme law of the land. So it is what we should follow, not those police reserve acts what and what. Governance in this country is getting worse by the day. Now we are risking our country’s security system by recruiting foreigners

  25. Another PR disaster by lungu and his lying lawless corrupt advisors……..just like 42/42 all this outrage could have been predicted and planned for…….you should have formed maybe 8 teams community liasion comprising 1 Chinese and 1 Zambian officer , 2 per team……at this moment in time team lungu seems not to care about public preceptions of them…..they might realise their folly when it is too late….

  26. Meanwhile Lazy Lungu and tins are busy chewing cheese to notice…he will only notice at the airport tarmac when boarding an aircraft.

  27. Mbili Yakale – Ignorant- Any act that contravenes the constitution is null and void. This police fimofimo should have known that the constitution is the supreme law. If they don’t know this as law enforcers then we are in trouble.

    • Still, the so-called legal minds have failed to harmonize the law with the constitution, full stop. Sleeping in chambers!

  28. Mrs Katongo, you quoted Section 4 of the Police reserve Act states that ”the Reserve shall consist of such persons, resident in Zambia who, having attained the age of 18 years, volunteer for Service in the Reserve and are considered to be suitable for enrollment”
    Are the Chinese ‘suitable for enrollment’?

    • Take note: It doesn’t say Zambians, but “such persons resident in Zambia (This includes foreigners with residence status) who, having attained the age of 18 years VOLUNTEER for service in the Reserve.” This is a voluntary service with minimal emoluments. It is not a job. If you are aggrieved, get all you loafing relatives from the village to volunteer, I’m sure they will be taken on. We need regular patrols in our townships, the more Reserves we have the better. Zambians themselves shun the Reserve Service because of the money. So if Zambians cannot come forward, the foreigners will. So to answer your question: YES, the Chinese are suitable for enrollment, “not employment”, if they are resident in Zambia, if they have attained the age of 18 and if they are medically and physically…

    • So to answer your question: YES, the Chinese are suitable for enrollment, “not employment”, if they are resident in Zambia, if they have attained the age of 18 and if they are medically and physically fit and have no criminal record. I cannot doubt the part of physical fitness. Those flying kicks may come in handy in defending you from thugs attacking you.

  29. I am so disappointed with you Zambians, especially the so called Diasporas, you are exposed to these seeing community police officers on the streets of Belfast and London, Chinese, Indians, Pakistan, Zambians all are in this thing called community police. wake up Zambians!

    • Constitutionalism is the issue. Also, we don’t have enough security intelligence to keep these foreigners in our security services in check. They will simply infiltrate our nation and manipulate Zambia further. The Chinese are not stupid. Be very careful.

  30. Im a PF supporter,..But on this one I dont support the decision by police… we have massive unemployment …so the few opportunities even the police reserve job must go to indigenious Zambians.

    This level of corruption is just un acceptable and unpatriotic.

    We need to be a Self Respecting Nation whose simple task such as neighhood watch can not be outsourced to Chinese, wheather this China-men are Zambian citizens or not.

    Above all we Zambians are toooo docile… One would expect that by now organised labour to be on the street demonstrating aganist this decision and action by the Police.

    And most importantly, this is huge compromise of our national security and intergrity.

    Can the Chinese do the same ..Never

    • Iwe ch!kala police reserve is not a job. They are not paid anything. It’s a voluntary service to the community. If you want a career with zp. Go to lilayi. It only takes 6 months to become a police officer.

  31. As usual the Chipante pante PF ZPS and Its Commander in Chief,Koswe Mumpoto has no idea what the Constitution says about foreigners being appointed in the Police Force. Somebody needs to sue Kanganja and his Koswe Mumpoto Commander in Chief for this illegal and unconstitutional recruitment.

  32. I am sympathetic to PF, a non-member and “diasporaian” Zambian citizen.

    The President and his government must forthwith reverse this decision. It is not right. Read the mood of the citizens on this miscalculation. Back down. Don’t be arrogant.

  33. It’s not different from Indians who come and get employed in our mines. It’s fun because a Zambian can never become a police reserve in India or China. When the president goes out of the country, he gets insulted left, right and centre. When investments come from other countries into Zambia, Indians come flocking to get employed and end up getting jobs which Zambians can do. The president and ministry of home affairs need to step up their game. We can’t have foreigners working as clerks and getting paid thousands of dollars when that money can go into the Zambian economy. We must stop this nonsense. As a matter of fact, I’ve not met a single Indian in Zambia doing what Zambians can’t do.

  34. Fellow Zambians if we are not happy let it not end up in talking but action is required here. Lets save our Zambia this is the land that GOD has given us.

  35. I’ll not comment on the recruitment of the Chinks in our ZP, but just want to say that if the dual citizenship bars you from participating in your national affairs then it’s as useless as being a Zambian born but with foreign nationality.

  36. Stop crying people. Instead, tell LAZ and the legal minds that be, to interrogate the law seriously and professionally and come up with decent laws for Zambia. Edgar doesn’t formulate laws. So don’t be driven by hate. Focus on the problem and the problem is that our laws are infested with lacunas and the so-called legal minds in Zambia are responsible. If your mind is clouded with hate and you are not being objective, even your beloved HH may find the same lacunas and he will receive the same insults.

    The supreme law of the land. Any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is Void to the extent of the Inconsistency. Read Below.
    PART I
    1. (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic of Zambia and any other written law, customary law and customary practice that is inconsistent with its provisions is void to the extent
    of the inconsistency.
    (2) An act or omission that contravenes this Constitution is illegal.
    (3) This Constitution shall bind all persons in Zambia, State organs and State institutions.

    Part VX section 193 to 194 the constitution only allows Zambian citizens to be serve in the police service.

    193. (1) There are established the…

  38. This rank foolishness that Zambians must stand up to curb. But with Kampyongo as Minister of Home Affairs this pathetic aberration of our integrity and dignity as a nation can not comas a surprise. A sensible leadership would immediately rescind the decision and apologise to the people of this country. This just unbelievable and inconceivable that a worthy government and a responsible leader worth of his salt with the love of the motherland at heart would allow this nonsense under his watch!! Please let the nationals police our nation. This government is raping the very essence of being Zambian! This is incredulous! Who is in charge in this country?

  39. 193. (1) There are established the following national security services—
    (a) the Zambia Police Service;
    (b) the Zambia Security Intelligence Service;
    (c) the Zambia Correctional Service; and
    (d) any other national security service, as prescribed.
    (2) The Zambia Police Service shall—
    (a) protect life and property;
    (b) preserve peace and maintain law and order;
    (c) ensure the security of the people;
    (d) detect and prevent crime;
    (e) uphold the Bill of Rights;
    (f) foster and promote good relationships with the Defence Force, other national security services and members of society; and
    (g) perform other functions as prescribed.
    Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) [No. 2 of 2016 81 Establishment of Defence Force and functions Establishment of national security services and…

  40. (3) The Zambia Security Intelligence Service shall—
    (a) ensure national security by undertaking security intelligence and counter intelligence;
    (b) prevent a person from suspending, overthrowing or illegally abrogating this ConstitutioConstitution; and
    (c) perform other functions as prescribed.
    (4) The Zambia Correctional Service shall—
    (a) manage, regulate and ensure the security of prisons and correctional centres; and
    (b) perform other functions as prescribed.
    194. A person is qualified to serve as a member of the Defence Force and national security services if the person is—
    (a) a citizen who does not hold dual citizenship; and
    (b) qualified as prescribed.

  41. I do not like what am seeing in the photo. Chinese to be reserve police officers as if we are short of manpower. This is shameful indeed. What has gone wrong with the presidential advisers? MAYBE they want to see him out of State House. This act is like entrusting your weapon with the thief you just overpowered.

  42. Ba Esther knowledge and humility are important in a job like yours. When there is a diffedifference understanding or interpretation on a piece of legislation we need to look to the others who are qualified to resolve the issue and are an authority in this case the Courts. It is not enough to claim “us in the system understand better” we all have been there and one point you will leave. The section 7 you are referring us to in fact tells you that a foreign National of another Country cannot swear allegiance to the Zambian State just like a Zambian holding citizenship can not swear allegiance to a foreign Head of State. Police should surely have the capacity to research and advise those making decisions with Political ramifications to correctly interpret statutes.

    • The reason is there yes. It’s corruption. Chinese have given huge Christmas gifts to the police command in compromise for the appointments.

  43. If they are citizens it is not unconstitutional! An Indian had served in AntiRobbery Squard in the 1980s in Kitwe and Ndola and he helped wipe out crime. No one from “UPND” said, then that was illegal! Please don’t listen to a party of “Nos!” Everything in Namwala is No if it is done by a non-Namwalan! When will you ever know this?

    • Oooooh! Did you say in the 1980s? Please Sharon remind me. What year is this. From your thinking I can see that you were not yet born by the 1980s so you were not there to say the crap you are saying.

  44. Diversity is important. There are issues you can address better with someone who understand the people better. You see it in America. When a group of police officers, white and black go to a black person often the whites let the black talk. Simple. Hazaluza winangu – Hagain!

  45. Indians used to be police reserves what is wrong with chines doing so at their expense. If anything there are serious matters involved.

  46. Zambians let us be in unity and forget about PF UPND MMD etc and do what is right let us not be idol this is our land we don’t have land in China.Chinese cannot come and patronise our land although we are poor we will not allow poor salaries, bud work culture, conclusion the leaders we have are not leaders are criminals I have been a PF supporter since 2006 until now this tells me that rotten state will not continue

  47. This is the same story in Kitwe! There are over 125 non documented Senegalese armed guards garding the GEMACANTON mine for Mr. Gounasse who is a tax evader. These jobs protecting the mine should be for Zambians, not foreigners with weapons and the taxes not being paid by Mr. Gounasse who is smuggling his emeralds from Ndola and avoiding to sell ZAMBIAN emeralds in ZAMBIA to avoid taxes — very unpatriotic

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