Monday, March 3, 2025

We are fixing the health systems, beginning with infrastructure and Human Capital-Dr Chilufya


Sanjin Construction Engineering Group Company Limited workers busy working on the up grading of Levy Mwanawasa Hospital
Sanjin Construction Engineering Group Company Limited workers busy working on the up grading of Levy Mwanawasa Hospital
Health Minister, Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced that the Medical Training institute which is situated at Levy Mwanawasa Hospital and being constructed at a total cost of 170 Million Kwacha is expected to open its doors to student recruitment in the first quarter of 2018.

“We are building a 3000 capacity training institute. It is an annex of the upgraded Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital. So there are two key Projects happening here . The expansion of the hospital into a 850 bed capacity hospital and also the completion of the training annex. And the aggregate is what is called The Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital,” He said.

He stated that this would change the way human capital development in the health sector was being done because come first quarter of 2018, the first intakes of under graduates in various health sciences, including medicine would be enrolled.

“The total will be 3000 and some of them will be post graduate. So we are adding 3000 academic spaces for our under graduate and post graduates combined,” He said.

He stated that this was a game changer as training of specialists would now be conducted which would increase the number of speciaists from 200 countrywide to more than 500 by the year 2021.

“That is our strategic intent. Clearly stated in our National Health Strategic plan,” He said.

“So when we say the PF Government of His Excellency President Edgar Lungu has intentions and is firmly on track to ensuring universal health coverage for the 16. 2 Million Zambians, This is what we mean. We are fixing health systems begining with Infrastructure, Human Capital and the other variables. What you are seeing here is speaking to both infrastructure and human capital. We need the hands to deliver our women, to save our children and to provide a tertiary level care and we need to train this human resource in a robust manner,” He added.

He stated that Zambias centrality as a country and its democratic credentials also qualified it to be the centre of excellence for training in the hub.

“As we speak, we are attracting students from the region. And the complexion of our cancer diseases institute for instance, constitutes students from Mozambique, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Malawi, e.t.c. And we will continue with that trajectory in the coming year. So Zambia as a centrally located country, peaceful in nature with good democratic credentials, is slowly becoming a centre of excellence in training and we will train here, a whole range of specialists,”He said.

Levy Mwanawasa Hospital Director Physical planning Kakubelwa Mulalelo speaking to journalists whilst Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya listens during the tour of expansion works Levy Mwanawasa Hospital
Levy Mwanawasa Hospital Director Physical planning Kakubelwa Mulalelo speaking to journalists whilst Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya listens during the tour of expansion works Levy Mwanawasa Hospital

Meanwhile, Dr Chilufya has revealed that the faculty Staff were already available to work at the Medical training Institute in all the major disciplines.

” This we must remember. Earlier this year, President Lungu upgraded Levy Mwanawasa Hospital into a University Teaching Hospital. And this we have annexed to the university teaching hospital. We already have faculty staff. Our consultants are the ones that teach even in the university of Zambia School of Medicine. So we already have faculty staff in all the major disciplines and even faculty staff in the sub specialties. They are already ready, overly ready to start the academic programes.” He said

“And I must give you comfort, the teachers who teach in the school of medicine where we all trained are the same teachers who will continue teaching here. Some of them will be teaching as part of the Ministry of Health Professorial staff and some of them as university of Zambia staff. In the Health sector, we have this family, this fratenity of practitioners who we use to provide both professorial and clinical services and we dont have to start establishing or looking for lecturers. We already have faculty staff and we will only bring in more to expand the cources, ” He added.

Sanjin Construction Engineering Group Company Limited workers busy working on the up grading of Levy Mwanawasa Hospital
Sanjin Construction Engineering Group Company Limited workers busy working on the up grading of Levy Mwanawasa Hospital

And Hon. Chilufya has stated that Equity has been embraced in the way the distribution of infrastructure was being done in the nation. When asked if Institutes such as the one at Levy Mwanawasa would be extended to other parts of the Country, the Minister said Universities were being built across the nation.

“We have been embracing the Principle of equity in the way we distribute development in this country. We have Universities being built in the northern part of this country. We have Robert Makasa University. We have Universities being built in North Western Province, Lewanika University is being built. We are expanding access to university services for Our Children. Because education is the bedrock and so we are planting these infrastructure for training in an equitable fashion, ” He said .

“Countrywide , you will find structures to support education either in the health sector and other sectors. So the facilities that you see in various parts of the Country, some of them will also be training health workers. Some of them will be networking with this facility and will operate as compasses were certain programs will be done. We have established a Zambia college of medicine and we have accredited a number of hospitals in the Country. Minimum of 17, that are now conducting training in those facilities. We dont have to send our doctors , Our Nurses to come and specialise in Lusaka or on the Copperbelt. They are training right there because the institutions have been licenced, accredited and we have accredited trainers there. We are also associated with the college of Health Sciences in Southern and East Africa. So we have international recognition already and we are also working closely with other international organisations of repute in the academic world to ensure that the standards are high. So, we have a network of institutions. A network of hospitals countrywide that are part of the Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital and the Zambia college of Medicine and surgery. So training will be taking place there while the underwriting will be done centrally, ” Said the Minister said.


    • Mere patchwork. This is a desperate effort to create evidence after the fact, something to show for the disappeared billions PF has borrowed.

    • Whilst you are at it deal with the issue of buying fake drugs buying expired drugs and the selling of drugs by unlicensed people!

    • 3 ministers working:
      – Chitalu
      – Kalaba
      (Both from Luapula, both threats to Lungu).
      – Kapyongo, is also working, in a disastrous way.

    • @Nostradamus
      Come ön bro! Not chitalu chilufya, this the guy who denies that sweden donated those ambulances , but his ministry of health ‘ bought’ the ambulances from the money given by sweden,, really?? Imagine the tequila Christmas gift card you sent me, if someone asks me about the bottle of tequila am drinking, then I say no @Nostradamus didn’t donate they bottle of tequila for Christmas but I bought the bottle of tequila for myself using the gift card @Nostradamus sent me,,, really??

    • @Ndobo, you got me yet again. Chitalu Chikkala, insulting you Swedish.
      Boyi I bought Norraland Guld beer. Enjoy Tequila.

    • Misplaced priority…there will be more return in investment if Chilufya spent more time dealing with controlling cholera and other preventable diseases, improve quality of life in townships by providing clean and safe water and sanitation.

    • We agree with you only on the fact that you are fixing your pockets by stealing from the poor Zambians and inflating the prices of ambulances a hundredfold.

  1. for the first in zambian history the dollar is doing fine against major convertable currences. This a period when doller shoots up.

    For this first time meaie price has shown resileounce.

    2021 you have a choice




    who are you voting for

  2. These are LIES just to keep people blind to what is actually going on. What systems when you cannot allow medical marijuana to cure cancer and other diseases. California have passed over marijuana cure and are talking about legalizing Magic Mushrooms and Apricot Seeds that have B17 vitamin that cures Cancer. Big Pharmaceutical companies that are giving you HPV vaccines you are giving our girls with cancer virus while giving you money to build Cancer hospitals won’t be there save you. You must be arrested for Genocide for giving Cancer Virus to your own people.

  3. You mean well Dr but your name is soiled by aba ba Koswe, ba pompwe mwishibila nsala. Pantu amano ya kwa koswe kuli cheese awe sure

  4. Good investment in human capital and infrastructure.
    Zambia doesn’t need a messianic leadership to deliver investment in human capital and infrastructure.
    Zambia needs a leadership that believes in teamwork.
    A good team of Zambians NOT some KNOW-IT-ALL guy.
    That’s why I believe Zambia should move away from appointment of ministers from MPs to increase access to more talent.

  5. …Somewhat I don’t trust some people presiding on any project….there is always an element of tender price exaggeration…its pity not so many people would translate the monetary to the building being constructed as they would if it was a purchase of an ambulance. K170m(K170 bn) can do much more than we are being told…next govt whether its in 2021 or there after will need a very critical surgery, forensic, re-evaluation of some of these projects…those state of art guest houses mushrooming everywhere will have to be forfeited at one time…like was done to FTJs

  6. Dr, at your appointment you spoke about prevention, now look at PATHETIC Lusaka, please show us that you have the guts and close/clean Intercity, streets, Soweto etc.
    The say that you are working??

  7. Easy to build all these institutions… but it is running them and the through-life support where you are failing lamentably. The existing institutions are failing and collapsing under your watch… UNZA, CBU, Chainama, Evelyn College, etc. all are struggling and I’m not convinced that adding more would improve anything. But go ahead with your plans and prove me wrong, I’ll be happy.

    By the way you don’t need to brag about it as this is your basic duty. And please for once let a Zambian company or person be the project manager for some of these easy, low risk programs. When are we going to empower our own people over these Chinese, many of them are just learning on the job with no prior proven experience.

  8. Nothing new. Now the rats are blowing on your wounds so that you feel OK after stealing massively from dull and poor Zambians.

    They will sweet talk you into dancing dununa reverse and when you go to sleep…another massive loot will be underway.

  9. Dr. Chitalu Chilufya strikes me as an intelligent and hard – working young minister. The only problem I have with him is that he is too attached to outmoded Western orthodoxies in dealing with alternative therapies that have become accepted in the US and Europe such as the use of medical use marijuana as Lombe (MA) has correctly pointed out. Even the WHO has established the efficacy of marijuana in treating cancer and epileptic patients, but our young minister cannot see this and chooses to be dragged to court over the issue by Peter Sinkamba!

  10. The other bone I have to pick with him is his Lusaka-centric bias in the development and distribution of medical facilities. Of course, there are feeble attempts to spread these to other favoured towns like Ndola and Livingstone. But look at the dilapidation of Kitwe Teaching Hospital. This hospital, established in 1958 as Llewelyn Hospital, is meant to serve the second largest city and serve as a referral hospital for patients in the surrounding provinces. But while old hospitals are being refurbished and new and larger are being constructed in Lusaka, the Kitwe Teaching Hospital seems stuck in a time warp. The only thing that has changed is the appellation from a central hospital to a teaching hospital!

  11. iwe Dr Chilufya the credit goes to Dr Levy Mwanawasa. There was existing policy for expansion. Of course very good continuity of Mwanawasa visionary leadership. However, you are failures at continuing Mwanawasa’s anticorruption legacy. I heard that Chilufya you are also stealing. If you are doing that, please stop. It’s bad. Corruption is worse than Cholera.

    • MCS left them all this infrastructure hullabaloo they are flaunting to the feeble minded Zambians.

      He could tell them, “Are you not ashamed that 50 years after independence, you have only 3 universities, while Zimbabwe has 16 universities…”

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