Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cabinet calls on DCs, Mayors to implement Decentralisation policy


President Edgar Lungu congratulates newly appointed Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Administration Patrick Kangwa during the swearing in ceremony at State House
Deputy Secretary to Cabinet for Administration Patrick Kangwa has urged District Commissioners (DCs) and Mayors countrywide to work together to implement the Decentralisation policy.

Mr. Kangwa said DCs and Mayors should ensure that they follow what the constitution stipulates on decentralisation so that the wheels of the policy do not slow down.

Speaking in Chongwe district yesterday when he paid a courtesy call on Chongwe DC and Mayor, Mr. Kangwa said cabinet remain resolute to implement the decentralisation policy.

He pointed out that DCs and Mayors are servants of the people hence, the need to shoulder the responsibility in serving the people.

Mr. Kamgwa emphasized that no controlling officers should stand against the implementation of policy as it is the only development tool to reach to the people.

He was delighted with the unity that is being exhibited between Chongwe DC and the Mayor as it key for development.

Mr. Kangwa affirmed that Chongwe should take full advantage of Chilimbana iInstitute which is building capacity of local government officers on decentralisation matters.

And both Chongwe DC Frazer Musonda and Mayor Geoffrey Chumbwe said the decentralisation policy will be fully implemented by their offices.

The duo said Chongwe was a role model district as institutional differences have been brushed aside to pave way for quality service delivery to the people in different communities.


    • Dr Mushota. The decentralisation policy seeks to empower local governments (councils) with more responsibility to run local affairs instead of having everything decided in Lusaka.

      Under the current system, even a road repair in Chipulukusu compound has to be decided upon and approved in Lusaka.

      The Initial plan was to even have provincial assemblies, like “regional parliament” if you will. This was touted as a way of dealing with the thorny issue of the Barotse Agreement and autonomous demands. But functions like national security, ie army, police, shushushus, and other were to remain under Lusaka direct command. Schools, agric and what have you, including budgeting was to be under the council’s.

      A form of Federal government or like in the United States.

      This was shot…

    • …The full implementation of the program was shot down in parliament, on account of COST!!

      But the idea is actually in the new constitution “Dr” Mushota, although they want to implement it in particular form.

  1. This guy is campaigning for DCs to work together with Mayors! I thought decentralization is devolution of activities that were handled at a certain central (higher level) place to several lower levels. For example, from Ministry HQ offices to local councils. So you just implement the new system. I don’t even know where the DC comes in.

    • As much as his appointment is welcome, Patrick visit North-Western Province and see for yourself how the Provincial Administration is and has perpetually frustrated this effort. Administration is a HR function and when wrong people are in places of authority nothing moves bwana.

  2. He has started tours to raise imprest!!!!ink not even dry and please stop calling meetings over the weekend Saturday is family time….8am as if you have nothing to do…

  3. This Govt fails to distinguish between the role of DCs and Mayers and Council Chairpersons in a devolved and decentralised system of governance, for political expedience. They are failing to instruct the DCs (civil servants) to report to Mayors (politicians)at district lelel, just like Permanent Secretaries do report to Ministers the provincial levels.

  4. Ubu ubuwelewele tweba. Let this DPS go to school to learn stages of decentralizion. DC position just squanders GRZ money and derails development

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