Minister of Energy David Mabumba says this is part of Government’s robust investment plan in the electricity sector to connect power to all parts of the country.
Mr. Mabumba has told Journalists at a media briefing in Lusaka today that government is committed to ensure Zambia does not experience the power deficit that recently hit the country.
He however states that the power deficit was not because of the inefficiency by ZESCO but due to climate change.
Meanwhile Mr. Mabumba has dismissed media reports suggesting that Indeni oil refinery has been sold.
He said Government is looking for a partner to revamp the oil refinery at a cost of 8 hundred million dollars.
He must be the only minister who sticks to his brief. He also seems to know what he is doing!
Ba Minister ilyashi ukulowa!
“part of Government’s robust investment plan in the electricity sector…”
What “investment plan” is that ?? The only investment plan Lungu and his PF have is to borrow and steal for themselves!
And now the money is GONE. Eurobonds finished. Huge Government deficit. Unpaid pensioners and farmers. IMF said NO because of the rampant STEALING. What are they going to use to “invest” ? Zim Dollars?
Indeni is a liability. Get rid of it.
All the time everything is hidden in generalities! What is the break down of these investments that will add 1400 Mw and what stages in the next 3 years will those projects be coming into production?
These guys are working very hard and making sure that Hakaivotela Heka Hagain!
with PF its we will do this and that yet nothing happens,we have enough power problem is power leakages first develop a smart grid even with a low power monitoring system of zigbee,then talk more power.
Is it these zambian journalists or is it LT this was at a media brief ……did they not care to ask how, from where ?? Is the minister including power capacity for plants that have not even found investors yet ??
We expect to hear how?
What’s wrong with Africans kanshi?
Is it Batoka Gorge project he is dreaming about again, the one which Wina told us would be online by last Christmas (2016) meanwhile even the road to the site is not completed
Is the 1400 MW addition the installed capacity at what capacity factor ??? Any capacity addition in any efficiently technologies is positive for the Zambian energy sector The minister in talking about the Zambian energy outlook 2020 should have been more pronounced giving a comprehensive risk profile of energy hydro generation giving the potential risks embebbded in those technologies whether moderate or high
Its positive addition 1400 mw but I like the single addition that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam would make to the EAPP region and Such potential 6000 to 60000 MW of potential power generation and such should be the potential for Zambia
For market structure residential and wholesale the minister should move on and rebalance the large share of taxes and fees charged for power between the wholesale and the real price being charged to an average residential household in kanyama or matero The addition of 1400 MW then will trickle to many Zambians
Achieving the 2020 energy generation capacity with climate change targets will require more organised efforts and development of the current energy framework When a minister is giving an outlook Consumers are flexing as the capacity by suppliers Energy producers are outlined Perhaps what we should ask more is the law that will guarantee that capaicity and call on those to align their EPC contracts to such and ensure delivery
Between Supply and Demand there often an equilibrium price that is often reflected in the capacity as GRZ moderates through incentives and subsidies So energy outlooks and Power Trading should be made firms as people focus clearly and leverage…
That is why the law that guarantees power in capacity is often important in market development and design as people moderate the risks implied in the generation methods
The progress is towards the 1400 mw is good but there is more potential that could be realised by abena Kabende Pa musaila pali bana Marry Pepala just after Pa Mabumba above the megre 1400 Mw in sights of Zambia’s Huge Hydro and Solar potential including other fossil
It was a lovely time in luapula naka pale
Try some IPO for some sights also through IDC i am sure interests is there from Chinese and others with value///