Friday, March 28, 2025

Home Affairs Minister Sternly Warning PF Youths



    • Unbelievable, why Kapyongo looks and sound so guilty?
      The PF-cadres behaved extremely orderly and professional.
      Watch on The Post(Mast) videos, since those cadres behaved that cool then might be UPND.

    • But zoona
      So this giant midget speaks like that even in cabinet and someone saw it fit not only to appoint him minister but to retain him?This is tragic,i know kapasos in villages who can do better.
      He does not even see the shrinking space.First he was using his cadres to attack people now he himself is being attacked by the hounds he bread and whom he has failed to discipline.Ya ya ya ya illiteracy has a heavy price.

    • @Nubian Princess sometime you just got the nail on the head! I was wondering myself where all this was leading to! The rain in the background didn’t help!

  1. Kampyongo your youth cadres are lawless because this is what you have always taught and told them to be.To harrass those that do not agree with you. Now you know that lawlessness can get out of hand and can not always be contained to your advantage.It is time to reap what you sowed!

    • mitimiti
      Imagine elementary lessons,and the ka f00l is a minister did he not see this coming?And when the time to go comes he will be chased by the likes of Kamba and Max Chongu.PF,what a tragic experiment,a lesson of what not to do,what not to be.

  2. Now your hungry thug youths are catching you stealing logs and you throw a tantrum………when the same thugs are attacking radio stations you keep quiete ??

    • We could have managed this trade better for youths’ self employment if ever there was a semblance of honesty in this government.

      For example, if government allowed each district to export just two containers per month, the District Empowerment Fund will have $300,000 per month for Youth Projects, imagine the trickle-down effect!

      Unfortunately, no entrepreneurial acumen and state-craft to see others benefit from God Endowed Natural Resources. BA PF KOSENI FYE NOMBA, PANTU INFINTU FYA KABA, 2021 IS SURE BOILING OR MELTING POINTS

    • Enough is enough Kampyongo. Those boys are your lieutenants. You created them. You are their mentor. They are always doing things according to your expectation. They have done many atrosities under your blessing before. Now they have touched where it hurts you the most. If you want to change their syupidity starts with yours.

  3. I must admit am impressed, am hard to please but for the very first time this Kapyonga sounds like a wise guy.
    Hope he talks to that ka Kennedy Kamba thug also.
    Disrespect and violence by all means should not be tolerated, We need to maintain sanity.

    • ……..kikikiki ” ati I am hard to please!”
      You get mesmerised by Kampyongo’s syupidity and you claim hard to impress?
      Man everybody else is disgusted but you are impressed.
      You must be a very unserious person.

  4. Not when you are stealing our resources. The youth have every right to stop those trucks especially when after ECL banned exports of mukula tree

  5. Elsewhere Amos Chanda says President Lungu has commended the Alert PF Youth for effecting Citizens Arrest on the Mukula Export Criminals. Kampyongo is singing a different tune. Threatening the same PF Youth for embarassing the PF Mafia govt. Corruption..Corruption will collapse the PF Koswe Mumpoto govt. It never Rains it Pours for the Corrupt PF President.

  6. Hon minister is upset that the youths have abrogated the principle of collective responsibility which the party stands for…. Just thinking in front of my key board!

  7. Proceeds of corruption must be shared accross the party ranks and files. Corruption is a PF philosophy and every member must benefit. Why should the president and his ministers each alone?

  8. Enough is enough Kampyongo. Those boys are your lieutenants. You created them. You are their mentor. They are always doing things according to your expectation. They have done many atrosities under your blessing before. Now they have touched where it hurts you the most. If you want to change their syupidity starts with yours.

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