Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba has resigned from the PF government.
In a Facebook post, Mr Kalaba said he has dumped his cabinet post because of the path the country has taken of insatiable greed and shame which he said is clearly unacceptable and unsuitable.
Mr Kalaba said who has held the position for the past four years said he has just dropped his resignation letter as Foreign Affairs Minister with President Edgar Lungu.
He said his fundamental belief is that his allegiance should not be with a position, Party or Person but it must be with the country and its people.
Mr Kalaba who is also Bahati PF Member of Parliament said his conscious and everything he is have directed him to choose the country over his individual comfort.
And some family sources confirmed that Mr Kalaba held a family meeting late afternoon where he made the decision to quit.
They said afterwards, he left for State House where he dropped the resignation letter with President Lungu.
By the time of publishing, Mr Kalaba had switched off his mobile phone and was not available for a comment.
Below is the full Facebook Post
There comes a time in a person’s life when it becomes necessary to die to self for the good of others and if not for that reason, at least to stand for one’s cherished ideals and values. I have just dropped my resignation letter as Foreign Affairs Minister with President Edgar Lungu – a position I have cherished and held for over 4 years. I have taken my decision to resign as Foreign Affairs Minister with a heavy heart but quite succinctly with a clear and resolved mind. I have no shed of doubt that this was a necessary undertaking and an unavoidable one looking at the path our country has taken – a path of insatiable greed and shame which is clearly unacceptable and unsuitable.
My fundamental belief is that my allegiance should not be with a position, Party or Person but it must be with the country and its people. My conscious and everything I am have directed me to choose the country over my individual comfort. To some, this may appear like an act of defiance, yet to those close to me, to those who have watched me wreath in perpetual pain and mourn over my country, this may more or less be a relief because I have finally found peace in my mind and heart even in the face of losing the comfort that the position of Minister brings to give both expression and action to what I believe in. In any case, I accepted this appointment in the first place as a gesture and avenue to serve my Country but when that becomes difficult due to incongruence of values and objectives, there could only be one outcome. This outcome is what I am repeatedly convicted of by my own conscious especially at night when I go to bed to face my own brokenness.
We cannot proceed to manage national affairs with cold indifference when the levels of corruption are swelling and being perpetrated by those who are expected to be the solution. Our youths are wallowing in poverty without a clear plan for them while business preferences and opportunities are always tilted in favour of outsiders, reducing Zambians to mere spectators in the economic affairs of the State. This cannot be allowed to continue. We need to go back to the original agenda of our Party the PF, where the poor and not the corporates must be at the centre of all our decisions. It would appear that the poor Zambians have ceased to be the reason we are holding power. Materialism and the propensity for money has taken over and is arrogantly at the centre of many decisions being made today.
What I wish most for the youths of Zambia is opportunity and success. All I desire is for each and every Zambian to make their own success story – the story they deserve, one that allows them to raise their heads high in a country where effort, work, planning and selflessness will become the hallmark of our people.
I have elected to join the many sidelined Zambians by remaining as an ordinary Member of Parliament representing the gallant people of Bahati. Some will call it politics and yet some will call it sacrifice. Whichever way you choose to look at my action, one thing is certain, I can no longer be a silent listener to the whispers of greed and indifference making rounds in the corridors of power. Contrary to what a number of my colleagues claim, I believe that the failure of the Zambian political and economic management does not lie in the individualistic nature of a lot of our politicians, but it is the result of oppressing this individualism to a level where there is consistent effort to suppress individualistic dynamism in preference for collective carelessness and indifference.
When people begin to feel overwhelmed by fear for speaking the truth, it is time to realize that critical fundamentals have shifted. We all have a role to play in making things right. This is my little contribution – Zambia is our Country, we need and must reclaim it Back.
Many more will quit. Please don’t form a Political party, join UPND or NDC.
Hats off Hon. Kalaba, you do not belong with these crooks!
I can honestly sense ECL’s hard downfall and jail time. We cannot let thieves run our country with impunity. Rise up mother Zambia!! Get rid of self inflicting sores from among us. We can do better. Call for elections NOW!!!!!
Hooooooly shiiit, namatoole yakalipa.
My Lord, just when Edgar start cleaning up Lusaka, we thought he will clean PF team. Yabaaa Harry sure uli mwaume.
The PF of visionless Lungu is now incapacitated.
All those who still support PF are lowlife cowards hiding behind corruption. Pilato is vindicated~Nkoswe Mumpoto.
Next after Fast Forgetful!
The Skeleton Key
Zambia is slowly turning into Nigeria in terms of corruption.
The level of greed exhibited by people in zambia at all levels is alarming!
But what is sad is the people who are supposed to stop this nonsense are the ones in the forefront and at the centre controlling state house.
What is even more scary is the same people are calling upon the heavens to pour us with favour.
A poor country a christian nation the third hungriest country in the world with rotten politicians.
May the earth swallow you and dump you in the biggest sewage!
So now tell us how corrupt Kalaba is and how it was a tragedy he was even a minister !
Well done Kalaba, you are a principled man and I have great respect for you.
Zambia needs more people like Kalaba and GBM who resign on principle.
The butterfly effect in action…
“Zambian political and economic management does not lie in the individualistic nature of a lot of our politicians, but it is the result of oppressing this individualism to a level where there is consistent effort to suppress individualistic dynamism in preference for collective carelessness and indifference.” Kalaba.
This is exactly the point, A Ministers says Wheelbarrow, he is gets fired. Kalaba talks about bad 2017, he is forced to resign, where ie PF heading to?
BRAVO HARRY !!! Let the intelligent people get your point, the st.upi.d ones will still find a reason to castigate you for resigning. Your reasons for resigning are clean and clear. Be prepared, Ba Koswe will start digging dirty to tarnish your name, forgive them.
You cannot put GBM and priciples on the same sentence the man is full of corruption and shamelessly greedy!
Lungu should call in the army to help fight this endemic corruption. They can do a pretty good job.
He is a brave man indeed, it is time for Lungu to show his leadership if not the PF has lost it before 2021, things are not okay in this government
Good riddance mantwenu yakwe! What has he done for Zambia?
It’s time for any PF minister with a shred of conscience to show they abhor thievery and resign, like Kalaba has done. Don’t wait to be fired by the “humble” thug. I have always maintained the PF govt is a criminal mafia organisation. There will be no Zambia left after these rodents have milked it at the rate they are plundering. Waiting for 2021 before ridding the country of the evil villains is mad thinking! It’s like waiting for a guy raping your wife to first ejaculate before apprehending him!
Lazy Lungu will happily surround himself with bootlickers and venomous MMD assassins; I wouldn’t be surprised if he nominated Miles Sampa. When we tell you Lazy Lungu has no vision and that’s why old man Sata handpicked him solely as a short term replacement whilst he was in hospital…you think its a joke.
He might as well appoint Kaponya Bowman as foreign minister as the country has already gone to the dogs!!
It too Kalaba so long to realize that his boss was a crook. PF is a bunch of thieves, period.
Koswe has to really say something now. Is he still drunk from the new year’s eve Chawama outing?
Lungu’s indifference towards corruption in his administration shows that he’s most likely deeply entrenched in it himself. That may explain why he seems scared to call out corrupt people, or even try to halt corruption in the country. How can you call others out when your hands aren’t clean either? Those of you who’re still too naive to accept that Lungu is corrupt, those mountains of garbage in the city where he himself resides should’ve given you a clue. These guys have let Lusaka go to rot, literally in terms of garbage and in terms of corruption. This is a shame given that 53 years after independence, we seem not only to be in stuck in terms of development, but we’re actually retrogressing. While countries around us are making an effort to make their countries better, we’re…
(Continued)…the only laughing stock in the neighborhood. These corrupt people in office are literally selling the country away. They’re giving our resources away for virtually free, just so they can have a small kickback, at the expense of the suffering masses. A few years from now, Zambia will be littered with empty holes, where valuable minerals used to be, with nothing to show for it. They’ve no conscious whatsoever. They go to sleep at night with no guilt concerning their corruption, while the majority of Zambians sleep on empty stomachs. Will we have a country left for our children and grandchildren, once these crooks are done looting it? What a shame.
The cancer of corruption has spread its too late to cut off anything as these rats breath and drink it every morning, lunch, dinner…the whole thing is rotten!!
I would have to be reminded of any other minister that resigned from a Zambian cabinet – except the late Great L.P. Mwanawasa who resigned as Chiluba’s Vice President. I believe there are many more who feel like Kalaba, but are probably entirely dependent of their ministerial salaries for survival. Well done Kalaba!
Where is the deluded Mr. B R Mumba to stagger in here and toss us his make-believe threadbare tomfool stories about his Zambian Enterprise…really preposterous…wake up from your folly Mr. Bonehead!!
Where is the deluded Mr. B R Mumba to stagger in here and spew his make-believe threadbare tom-fool stories about his Zambian Enterprise…really preposterous…wake up from your folly Mr. Bonehead!!
Where is the deluded Mr. B R Mumba to stagger in here and spew his make-believe threadbare tom-fool stories about his Zambian Enterprise…really preposterous…wake up from your docility Mr. Bonehead!!
Where is the deluded Mr. B R Mumba to stagger in here and spew his make-believe threadbare tom-fool stories about his Zambian Enterprise…really preposterous…wake up from your folly Mr. Bone.head!!
Where is the Mr. B R Mumba to stagger in here and spew his make-believe threadbare tom-fool stories about his Zambian Enterprise…really preposterous…wake up from your folly Mr. Bone.head!!
GBM resigned as Minister of Defence in Sata’s govt;
Dora Siliya resigned as Minister of Transport, though to give way for investigations, in RB’s govt.
VJ resigned in Chiluba Govt.
Aka Mbikusita Lewanika resigned in MMD Govt as Commerce Minister.
Emmanuel Kasonde resigned as Finance Minister
Chilufya Kapwepwe resigned as D/Minister Finance
Offcourse Davies Mwila resigned as D/Minister, Defence.
To mension a few.
This makes our democracy even more meaningful … God speed Ba Kalaba wesu.
I see problems for PF and ECL this is not a good sign for them 27th December 2017 – Hon. Mulusa the Minister of Planning Fired (ECHOS CORRUPTION IN PF ADMINISTRATION & STATE HOUSE), 2nd January 2018 – Hon. Kalaba the Minister of Foreign Affairs Resigns ( ECHOS CORRUPTION IN PF ADMINISTRATION & STATE HOUSE), whose next …………….. TUTWA, KBF, yayaya this RAPID DISCHARGE at the waste.
This is not ordinary at all ubu bwafya mu jambojambo naikaba.
Body language can tell; look at Kampyongo (Home Affairs), Kapata (Lands) and Mwila (Defense) at cleansing Press Conference on one side, and Vincent Mwale (Local Govt), Chitalu (Health), Chimense (ZAF) at Cholera debut…… you can clearly see there is total disjointedness in their verbal outreach to the cameras!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“More Money in Your Pockets” was PF’s slogan before elections. Now their slogan is: “Its out time to eat”
What do you expect from a man who drunk a widow client’s benefits? A leopard does NOT change it’s spots.
The worst mistake he will make is to join UPND. He is better than those tribalists. He should just form his own or wait for an opportunity in PF.
Kalaba Should be beaten for going against the establishment that made him to be who he is today
Well, they say what goes up must come down! Ba Lungu chapwa!!!!!
Disaster and serious disaster for PF. Many die hards will comfort themselves and say it happens bla bla bla but surely that is a bog blow to PF.
sinking boat………
What does the famous MUSHOTA have to say about this?
@CHAHANCH Mushota has aslo resigned from LT (Kalaba being her first cousin) in sympathy. Nick has heard about Mukula and is encouraging Mushota to return but Mushota wants papers (ILR) first!
This is unprecedented Well done Kalaba.
Lungu is a corrupt lazy theif who heads a corruption gang centred in statehouse ….lungu gets a cut from all over inflated tenders through his gang.
I’m glad someone has told Lungu very loudly his mediocre leadership sucks.
Congrats , CK told you of the corruption ,wait and see the beginning of the end of the PF and ECL, mind you Kalaba was the main pillar at the time PF was divided
CK covered his tracks he is one of the most corrupt *****s within the PF all those shady tenders on the copperbelt were under his belt, It just looks like LT bloggers have a tendency to call heroes without checking facts how about being subjective…….
Good riddance despite all the dirty work he did during the 2015 PF crisis.
Malume, if CK cannot be prosecuted now it will be difficult any time beyond now bwana, in a revolution the end points are totally different from normal life undertakings.
ECL missed the opportunity to have HH finished politically during his stay in jail, due to stupidity of Kanganja and Kampyongo in the way they conducted themselves prior to his arrest – political armatures. This backfired like a muzzle-loader reaping off the very hands that were aiming, kwempe fye nemfwa
Enjoy till 2021 Zedians.
Kalaba clobbers the PF hard .Well done Mister Integrity 2018.
usaka Times hasn’t got journalists to scoup headlines of Henry Kalaba resigning from PF corrupt Lungu’s government.
This speaks volumes of fake news peddled by Lusaka Times on behalf of corrupt PF regime. What a pity to be used by corrupt Lungu as was the case of Fred Membe under Sata PF regime. Journalists in Zambia are all untrustworthy.
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. Lungu can’t lead a nation. If he has no shame in stealing from a widow, what more of a country?
Lungu has really disappointed those gullible cadres who believed in him. He is the most corrupt President this country has ever had. He is stealing in broad day light with impunity. He doesn’t even care whether people are noticing his corrupt activities or not. Sadly, there are people who still believe in this guy. You judge a person by the friends he is surrounded with, Kaiza Zulu, Freedom Sikazwe, Amos Chanda, Kampyongo, Sichalwe etc. Honestly, can this team inspire hope in Zambians?
Some of us have been consistent from day one calling lungu a corrupt theif …we will be vindicated…….the office of the presidency requires integrity , how can you have a president who does not mind being called a corrupt theif every day ???
Now you watch the corrupt theif occupying statehouse……he will call for a truce and halt to corruption and the need for a new beginning………after he and his gang have stolen everything……watch this space…….expect a call to national prayers to deliver the rats from corruption…..lungu is getting his bible ready….
Things are falling apart. This boat was showing cracks from the base when cadres expressed discontent on the group chat. Then we had Kabwili’s break away exert pressure and call out the stench of corruption. Now the collapse of hundreds of Mukula trees and cause the earth to shake in the PF camp.
As the country wallows in poverty and disease, the Government has to come out in the open, least suffers the consequences of its political Cholera.
At the end of it all, we the people must remain demand a better way of life and express this through the ballot.
Long live Zed.
Surely, something is seriously wrong with the PF Government. Harry Kalaba, such a a soft spoken person, humble and doesn’t pick quarrels anyhow to quit… anyway fili ukotuleya banensu
kudos mr kalaba.we need such persons in our country
We need urgent elections in Zambia to correct the corrupt regime and ensure that we have people who can honestly work for the country.
Surely, why we watch corrupt practices on our door step and let LUNGU and his minions continue to rule like we all have no brains.
PF should be booted out sooner than later. We cannot wait for 2021 we need them out now.
We need urgent elections in Zambia to correct the corrupt regime and ensure that we have people who can honestly work for the country.
Surely, why do we watch corrupt practices on our door step and let LUNGU and his minions continue to rule like we all have no brains.
PF should be booted out sooner than later. We cannot wait for 2021 we need them out now.
I am with you on this one Mweol because come 2021 we won’t have any resources left. The truth is that his excellence the president and his ministers have failed and I don’t think they have any vision to govern the country. We need fresh elections because these guys don’t have a clue of what they are supposed to be doing for the people of Zambia. It is so sad. How did we find ourselves in such a mess?
First of all elections for what? first Identify who the suitable candidates are and please don’t think of HH & GBM because they also cut from the same cloth and besides let those that what to run the country give us their line up. Politicians are greedy and are in office not to serve the masses therefore beware…..
First of all elections for what? first Identify who the suitable candidates are and please don’t think of HH & GBM because they also cut from the same cloth and besides let those that what to run the country give us their line up. Politicians are greedy and are in office not to serve the masses therefore beware….. Remember in FTJ’s Govt how ministers resigned & that alone didn’t stop corruption, we need a serious revolution at this stage.
Where are the PF bloggers that are paid to counter basic reasoning?
Day off or drafting lyrics for tomorrow’s post-press conference praise songs?
Dununa Liveshi!!
@One Zed
They are in State House awaiting further instruction from Kaizer on how to counter back.
Even their social media “for dummies” crash courses will not work today, only a dozen stiff drinks and snooze will temporary ease the pain!!
Captain koswe
The Bubonic plague is wrecking havoc on the masses.
Its a pity the electorate bought into a no message campaign, other than that you lied that you were Gods chosen making the people believe that their God given intelligence was less important in an electrol decision.
The boat is sinking, all you have is a straw(itete) to hold on to.
Lt General Koswe Commander of Joint Corrupt Stewards (JCS),
“The Seven Social Sins are:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle. ”
Sometimes bravery involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater.
Bravo HK
Oh my oh my oh my!!! My Kalaba my best minister you have resigned!! You are a man we need galant men like you..with you all the way
good job Kalaba, you have slapped lungu in his face. he has been refusing that corruption exists, now his cabinet has lost 2 ministers because of corruption.
The Lazy Bum will be left with sly Mutati who will then form a splitter PF Party and declare himself President!!
Good move Hon Kalaba. You leave with your integrity intact.
Kalaba is a degree educated young man who should not be rubbing shoulders with kaponyas ..I can guarantee you he has seen more than enough especially on the Presidential Challenger!!
Happy new year to you all.
I don’t know about you, but up to now I don’t know what Lungu’s plans for the country are. When he was sworn in, he said he wanted to continue with Sata’s plans. I leave that to you to judge him if he has attained those.
In my opinion, the president sees his position as a cash cow which he uses to enrich himself. In his tenure as president corruption has become so palpable and we thank Kalaba for exposing him.
It’s plain to see that our president lacks the drive to develop Zambia and I don’t fancy him as a man who can do it.
Let’s wait and see how he is going to react to the resignation, but I don’t expect any tangible reasons from him.
It’s a pity Guy Scott couldn’t continue as president because of our constitution, unlike having a president…
Let us have that Indaba suggested by KBF or else many more will follow the Kalaba route and resign… Ine ndipa mwinshi 🙁
Where does this leave chief bootlickers like Lusambo? Laid bare.
Patiently waiting for Zambian Citizen. Ba njimbu bena will just come and bark Pali upnd while my friend Mr Kudos is gnashing his teeth in confusion
Citizenyoko, will come with his conspiracy theories, just wait. In the separate article, he already mentions something. He is still getting instruction from Kaizer. HH Oval head, Ndanje khakis and Kudos are off duty today, it seems.
The country has been taken for granted by Some Ambassadors and their Deputies who have taken Missions abroad as their personal farms where developmental programmes are been run by relatives or indeed coz Ambassadors are busy looking for middle men to handle the shares when deals are over.Some Ambassadors are ever on very Un necessary trips in fetch of perdiem and never in stations year in year out supervising their own projects in the name of looking for investors who will never be found.promises of fake oil importation, irrigation machines, fake building projects fake donations etc without consideration of how much the government is spending in air tickets and hotel bookings.Its really shameful .well done HON. Minister you at least ran your mile with your head up.Shame on those who are…
There is more news on this item on Zambian Observer.
Please honorable kalaba work with NDC, like the way DR kambwili is doing, continue serving as member of parliament, and put more pressure on PF in parliament.i know u can work well with CK
Kambwili was one of the worst Ministers in PF. Kalabo should avoid associating himself with Kambwili so that his name remain untarnished. If possible let Harry Kalaba join UPND. He is a man with some decency and can easily blend in UPND.
Brave move, Harry. I really hope you will not disappoint us like Kambwili with those corruption allegations. I hope someone will get convicted. Do it for Zambians.
Errr….. hallow….it is your beloved lungu who is corrupt or heads the corruption enterprise….
Bravo Harry, let them brag about poorly funded projects.
it cant be said any louder than this. ELC how much longer are you going to stick to KZ? your power base is being eroded by the day. Christian for lungu please advise your earthly god.
NO WONDER SOMEONE WANTS TO JOIN THE GUNG OF THIEVES- FORMER MATERO MP its matter of ask the crocodile how the Hippo lives…
Just speculating! How many senior PF politicians, in addition to Guy Scott and GBM etc, were then eyeing for the PF Presidency after the demise of President Sata? The real cartel may just be sprouting to the surface as the rains intensify in 2017/2018 political season.
Badala, corruption is eating Zambia from statehouse , wake up….
Now Lt Gen Koswe [[Commander of JCS] is feasting on Cholera funds
PF has got nothing to offer zambia, apart from composing loud tarven music by Chester and JK.
the man have just stolen big luapula we no longer count on kalaba.we people in bahati we say let him go he has stolen enough.and you are even crapping for him.cry my beloved country.
mr real, are you real or product of pf induced genetic imbec!lity?
Mr real apart from being a mentally+ genetically challenged illiterate imbeci1e, you need to go back to Kinder garden, & go through the education system again, thats if theres any proper education system left in Zed, after your Khoswe’ leader has reversed everything, apart from developing corruption, free flowing sewage, & uncollected garbage!
“CRAPPING” is sh1tting, & you have been doing a lot of it in sheki- sheki cartons, & throwing your fec@l matter onto Lusaka’s streets.
Is this also a resignation from PF?? Luapula grassroots are in celebration that Harry has resigned calling him treacherous. Harry had presidential ambition. He was about to be fired. Is this a noble gesture or self preservation???
I’m with you buddy! He was about to get fired, clever boy resigned before the order.
There you go……now got instructions from Kaizer on how to tarnish Harry `s name.
Pull it off for God`s sake, man……
You know what you know, kanyenye, I know what i know. Knew about Harry 3 months ago. Did you know he doesn’t go to state house after the OP guys exposed his clandestine operations with the same guys who duped Miles???
Finally Kaiser has given instructions to the low life scum to issue fake info.
Are you really from Luapula? This is a son of the soil that genuine people from Luapula should be proud of. He stands out and has removed the shame brought about on Luapula by the likes of Chiluba, Savior Chungu, Francis Kaunda, etc.
Yes you know what you know…..4 months ago you told us the arrest of kambwili was imminent…..we are still waiting badala….
Bambi multi fipuba cacine. Its like your skulls are just filled with sewerage
Good things come to those who wait, spaka…that company Kambwili was using for govt contracts has fraudulent papers, ACC is just waiting for DPP to give guidance. Even Nevers was found to have misappropriated public funds while in foreign service in Canada. Next is judgement…
Bambi mui fipuba cacine. Its like your skulls are just filled with sewerage
@Zambian Citizen
You are lying
Luapula grassroots are in celebration of Harry Kalaba!
Just behold as Patriotic Fissure (PF) rifts into a valley.
Mbuya tupeniko imbeba batupela Koswe kwindi!
Why should those with presidential ambitions get fired???
he was about to be fired he has presidential ambition let him goothee people willcome in his place.the party is bigger than kalaba.he is too pompus and jealous.
Gentlemen and ladies you are just scatching the icing on the cake. The truth will come out in the days to come. For now I will give Kalaba the benefit of doubt. Government will continue.
three similar comments in row…..and saying almost the same thing and being posted at almost the same time.
Government continues. Deputy presidents, vice presidents resign but that does not mean short cuts for some other people to assume power. We are a democracy. We vote for who to lead. We have a time table for elections.
But kudos to Kalaba atleast he resigned. He is not fired like Kambwili and Mulusa who would be in their positions if they were not fired.
i will not be surprised if lungu resigns
If Kalaba was genuine on his resignation, he would have waited for the President to accept his resignation before putting up that dirt in the Press. It seems he was up for dismissal and decided to pull a “fast one”. The truth will catch up with him. We will hear more, but I would not be surprised that the man mishandled the Jerusalem issue. If you think that Govts. collapse just because 2 – 3 senior Ministers resign, think again. Mwanawasa as VP resigned from Chiluba’s Govt. Chiluba had to go and wake up Mwanawasa to become President years later.
It’s good that a few individuals are reasoning beyond their pockets. Zambia shall be free the moment the two political parties are discarded (PF and UPND). Ever since these two parties started their scramble for power, Zambia has been on the down fall. The leaders of these parties have no vision but self centred. Very selfish people who have brought division in the country. We need new ideas not from PF and UPND whose vision is statehouse, tribalism and corruption.
I suppose you are a follower of Kambwili because of your short memory. PF and Kambwili are one. Kambwili cannot be a champion for Zambians and I hope you won’t make the same mistake you made on voting for Lungu. Think think think and learn from history.
Well-done Kalaba. There is nothing more important to one’s life than the comfort of one’s conscious. Principled people value peace of self than material benefits. Mulusa and You make Zambia proud.
I pray to the Lord Almighty to grant both if His mercies!
Mercies from which God? May be Lucifer…. Because he is good at blessing hypocrites like Kalaba…
Well-done Kalaba. There is nothing more important to one’s life than the comfort of one’s conscious. Principled people value peace of self than material benefits. Mulusa and You make Zambia proud.
I pray to the Lord Almighty to grant both of you if His mercies!
Well it is good when people resign in principle especially when citing corruption. But surely this is not the time Kalaba has realised that there is corruption in the PF led govt. He has been eating and dining with them, now what has changed for him to come out so late. Now that he has cited corruption let him go and report to the ACC, teba letuka Kambwili aba? Bring out all the information not this half baked info!
Let ACC take responsibility and investigate, that club is there on taxpayers money. Don’t encourage them to sit passively, waiting for Kalaba to give them evidence. Its ACC job to find proof and not individuals.
This is the reason people don’t report anything because the politicians have been so clever to put the onus on the citizens, it’s tricky because no one will do that.
We people ought to put pressure on ACC and not on individuals.
@general Kanene
ACC will work when God blesses us with another Levy Mwanawasa.
It is blowing in the wind talking about the system which cannot function.
Yes,he supported the confusion which ushered ecl into the Zambian presidency.He was one of those who insulted CK, but it’s nice he has realised that what he did was totally wrong.I think this is what is the mind of tutwa ngulume.Please paint mwanasa as a hero of afight against corruption,he instead institutionalised corruption.Be analytic.He was dubious failed to enact a new constitution during the first term.Viva CK, I am UNIP.
Interesting,very interesting.Those who have been opposing the decisions of the PF government have been vindicated.People who are in the system are jumping out.Is this revolution time?
I really don’t get when people say he had presidential ambition and that he was about to be fired. What is wrong in having ambition? Are we not practising Democracy? Leaders like ECL, HH and Nawakwi do not understand Democracy because they don’t want to be challenged. These guys thinks they have permanent positions. People need to compete fairy for any position without intimidation. You can’t keep on shielding all other Zambians with brilliant ideas as if you’re the only person with brains. These three leaders are the most selfish individuals Zambia has ever seen.
That was one party state theory describing anyone who had different views.
PF goons we have been singing this song for far too long and now its time to smell the coffee you charlatans. This is the most corrupt, inept, clueless branch of criminals masquerading as leaders hell bent on causing untold misery and mayhem never seen before. What a shame. Any sane leader worth his salt would resign from this gang of thieves. HH is waiting to take the mantle, why are we still hesitating to try him?
Kalaba mwaice wandi na CK you are blind; you have just strengthened UPND which will fix you upon getting power from you. what a foolish move!!!. NDC has no leadership to rule this country. You are wasting your time. If I were you I would have stuck with ECL. I pity you.
This is a warning shot at PF government. Straighten up your crooked ways or your crooked ways will soon straighten you up!
Quote: “Materialism and the propensity for money has taken over and is arrogantly at the centre of many decisions being made today.”
This confirms how many of us feel as we read and hear about what is going on in Zambia today.
Please, where is Mushota the fake PHD. Has he been rushed to the hospital or has been rushed to chainama. Am told he has received the news with shock and that he had severe diarrhea and some bit of insanity.
Plz anyone to find out for.
Quote: “When people begin to feel overwhelmed by fear for speaking the truth, it is time to realize that critical fundamentals have shifted. We all have a role to play in making things right. This is my little contribution – Zambia is our Country, we need and must reclaim it Back.”
I must say this is the clearest and strongest message to be sent from a (former?) cabinet minister in PF government so far.
Chipimo, where are you? We need untainted people like you to lead our mother Zambia.
Koswe is probably still drunk and has not realized what just happened. He’s probably not even realized that he fired Mulusa
Interesting, isn’t it? More jargon than facts at play. Honestly, respectable as the Hon. MP is, he should have bravely pointed out the actual corruption he has noted. To be as verbal as the former minister is, is merely being a coward. Reading between the lines, it is crystal clear that there is much more than meets the eye. Surely, even hh will never want to come and run a country where speculation would be the order of the day. People who hate certain leaders or politicians will never see even an iota of goodness in them( leaders) whatever they will do. That said, does not mean corruption must be condoned, no. Since the said minister has quit government, let him tell the country the facts he has gathered about his claim.
quit the corrupt pf . what you waiting 4
which corruption. be specific
u5 will never rule Zambia
under5 main role/objective will be expanding his businesses and protecting his fellow business people to vulture the zambia wealth.And he will have no regard for the people adn tell them why they voted for him and yet didn’t ask them apart from the 3.5 provinces!!Watch out CK.The under5 weakened the mmd,so if CK is associted with him, he will be weakened as well.
and these immotional tribal dreamers think thr hour has come for u5 three masion
22 cabinet ministers left mmd and formed fdd. who is this boy. ask miles. ask mulenga sata. ask shinono
read history
Don’t get too excited.
Give it time.
…… daggers out!
When cabinet finally accepts zero integrity in the office of the president……when the president sees nothing wrong and accepts being called a corrupt theif then know that GRZ is gone… the dogs.
To our leadership in the PF. We are now getting weaker as the clock ticks. Twapapata this situation in not lnssumoutable. Bakateka lesa amingile muchifuba and get conscious with reality. These resignations,suckings,youth rebellions and other perceived scandals are only handing the opposition strength. Twalachuka nokukakwa on top of it. Listen to the calls and act decisively as you have done on the cleaning of Lusaka. Mukula, Ambulances,Fire fighters,Dual carriage way,Ama uniform yama soldier, and the Auditor General,s reports. Twalapusuka sure? Please include answers in your press conference mailo. Let’s start winning back the numbers we are rapidly lossing. God bless Zambia and the lovely people.
Really laughable …you asking your fellow velvet monkeys to investigate theft of maize in the neighbors farm with high walls. You have eaten too much without shame…Lazy Lungu can not answer any of those questions even if he gave Times Reporters questions.
Lungu is a corrupt theif imwe ba koswe….you are loving a criminal but hating his crimes….and you if you have not looted you have nothing to fear……
The man who is teaching you to sweep all scandals under the carpet, you can not expect he will answer any of those questions.
He wants to hide behind collective responsibility, where no one is responsible for anything.
This President is not learning from his mistakes. Kuwaya waya fye.
general Kanene – The Bum is a lazy coward who retreats in State House like those snails in Zambia do during the rainy season when you sprinkle salt near them. He has not got the balls to face up anyone expect for another hapless sleeping bum called Mayor Wilson.
Well done Hon.Harry Kalaba for ditching corrupt Edgar Lungu’s PF Govnt!!
Indeed things are bad but never join upnd because you cannot retain your seat in Luapula under upnd.Kainde may finish you like he did to Sylvia Masebo,Patrick Mucheleka,Mulenga Sata and others.Kainde&GBM are just as corrupt as those in PF!!
Your are a new Levy Mwanawasa Hon.Kalaba!!
Whatever happens, my southern koswe hh and kasama koswe gbm, and fat koswe Chishimba Kambwili are surely and certainly not the alternative leadership that we require. So what are you suggesting Hon Kalaba?
We have replaced governments before and ended up regretting.
Oh oh latest!! Latest!! Hon Harry Kalaba refutes the facebook story as “fakebook”.
Mr President you still have chance to redeem the party, your Government and above all your integrity.
Ensure that you have the right people to tell you what is obtaining on the ground.
Overhaul your cabinet, get rid of bad eggs.
Try to include people of integrity from other regions other than your kith and kin from East and North.
We only have this country lets not ruin it to ungovernable level.
Check closely people who surrounds you and do the needful,most of them are liabilities to your self and government.
Lungu is a corrupt theif imwe ba koswe….you are loving a criminal but hating his crimes….
Ati CK ….what is wrong with our heads…
The honeymoon is over in the PF Party and Government.
Corruption and plundering of National Wealth has permeated all Government Ministries, including the Defense Forces and Security Services.
Lies and Deceit culminate into Self Destruction.
When God loves you, He warns well in advance. President Lungu God is revealing things to you believe us. Please stop, take a good insight inspection at Government and other institutions and make the necessary but fair changes and disappointments.
Most people surrounding you aren’t genuine and it takes wisdom and firmness to correct it. The majority Zambians will for sure remain loyal to you and please don’t be afraid. Look at how many projects have stalled, why are mines not paying proper taxes when copper prices have soared? Why is Copperbelt the bedrock of PF neglected in development, why is Lusaka the worst attractive city but yet these are anchors of PF? It’s not too late sir, take a break and reflect, correct things and be in charge, period!
Lungu is a corrupt theif imwe ba koswe….you are loving a criminal but hating his crimes….
Just go quietly! We know if you are not with us you are against us. It is better to lead a nation with loyal leaders than those who have an agenda. Zambia shall succeed. She is doing very well. The copper prices are great and hope we can begin to reap the good Hagain!
Tabaponta pakuya, you may want to return one day.
Paradise papers say that HH has stuck money in Panama. It is the money he dribbled the Zambian government during privatisation. That is why he is rich.
Here is the secret to succeed your excellence, personally constitute a secret, non partisan and independent intelligent think tank that will report to you on the state and functionality of your Ministries. How do this is entirely up to you because it appears most people that are surrounding you are either compromised, infiltrated, are sponsored by bitter opposition or just want you to fail.
Give the think tank the latitude to see things as they are on the ground good or bad and from there, act diligently and make own assessment based on what they feed you and then act decisively. There you are! People still love you and want you to fulfil campaign promises, and 2021, you will be smiling all the way back to State House.
Hehehehehe … are a comedian….
Are you the only Jew in Jerusalem who doesn’t know what is cooking?
Are you sure the King is not benefiting from the rote?? You must be blind and which people still love …..?
Ba Malinso are you dreaming?
He is part of the secret and open corruption.
and which normal thinking people still love him and his corruption?
Njimbu must be laughing at you Ba Malinso.
No one in PF should pretend. This is the beginning of disaster .Those who choose to remain will have a lot to answer for to the people of Zambia.The damage is too much.There should be no talk of third term. Just go and 2021 seems too far!
The drama, zambian mentality smh the only conversation we should be having is one of seeking accountability.
Chiluba made similar mistakes! Appointing snakes in positions of honor! Snakes started to bite him! Please look around, Sir! If it knees down and kisses the ground like a Muslim, chances are that it is Muslim! If it hisses like a snake, it is a snake! If it behaves like a child, it is an Under Five.
Your sir has no clue!! The man can’t lead.
HH is corrupt! Wamuyaya.
You only see HH in the mediocrity of your party. You fail to govern and look around see HH. You don’t know where to run to and feel the inevitable is coming. HH is coming ba Victor! Just try to breath and deal with reality.
Okaaay let’s see….muchibote!
Only a Sewer Rat will thrive in those filth strewn, fec@l clogged drainages & streets, in the middle of Lusaka town.
For me thats the only development I can see the Lord of Kuku /Chawama compound -Jona Chakolwa ever bringing to Zed.
Now we wait to hear from president Lungu who shields corrupt mimisters. Kalaba was a distinguished God fearing Minister and a very senior one for that matter. His resignation has caused some shiki in state house because Amos Chanda has mothing to write to defend their corruption. What a terrible downfall of a corrupt resigme!! Kambwili is vindicated.
Please don’t mention Kambwili….. Zambians let’s think. Don’t praise *****s just because he making loud noise. Soon you will start telling us Kambwili for president. Kambwili contributed to the problems we are facing now. He created Lungu and divided the country. Zambians voted for Lungu because CK campaigned vigorously on tribal lines. No more mistakes please!!
Its alright as long as he doesn’t do a Miles Dampa
UPND is like a disease. It is like cholera.
Now Miles will be a Minister. I admired Miles Sampa but I was so wrong. The man has no principles and he can be a disaster for leadership.
Mulusa fired ( for presumably wheelbarrow utterances)
Kalaba resigns due to greed and ‘a shift by PF govt from the ideals
KBF calls for an indaba
PF youth demand an explanation for the 10 trucks of Mukula they impounded
These are some recent headlines.
What else is there that we do not know?
kampyongo, and state house special assistants, awe mwandi, ndeloleshafye.The only drawback is the developments going on, although they are being used as conduits for stealing states funds.Inflating the costs.This is what under5 is good at,he will up it 100 folds!!Beware of hides of march!!
The koswes have started falling and dying in the wrong places and the bubonic plague is upon us, God help us, these koswes think you had anointed their chief koswe when in actual fact you gave us intelligence to make sound judgment when chosing who to lead us, we got so lazy to the point of not even taking time to hear chief koswe sell or outline what he was to do for the electorate.
That dununa reverse song must have had the devils autograph on it.
Kalaba my village mate please don’t go halfway go all way…..resign your mp position and recontest. In your letter you recite corruption in PF as your reasons for this resignation therefore you should completely distance yourself from this corruption by doing away with anything associated with PF.
There goes a Luapula Boy!
Behold as the Patriotic Fissure (PF) rifts into a valley!
Open letter to the President of the Republic of Zambia: Dear Mr Lungu, I just in my humble way wish to bring to your attention that any happenings in any ruling government Will always have an impact of any given country…in this case the recent revelations in the PF is definitely negatively affecting our country Zambia. Remember it’s not about PF or Mr Lungu it’s about our lives. To this effect I am calling upon you to come out,hold a press conference and clarify some issues. Keeping quiet will not solve anything. It’s better now than later before the party and of course Zambia is plunged into a DRC kind of situation. I support you but this will depend on how demonstrate leadership. If the situation is beyond your capacity, please kindly step aside and allow Mrs Inonge Wina to finish…
Continued…Mrs Inonge Wina to finish our term. Remember you’re president and you have the power to discipline any of your subordinates unless of course you’re compromised which means you do what I have suggested. There’s a lot of goodwill from the people of this great country but we can’t take this for granted. Only God has the monopoly over all things. You’re just a steward of God’s creati
The opposition are quick to pass comments, especially negative comments on ECL and the PF fraternity. Their unquenchable desire is to see the PF government fail miserably so that HH wins the next elections. We know it’s all about HH..but belive it or not, ECL is the chosen one and Kalaba’s resignation has nothing to do with the DESTINY of the chosen and charismatic leader; in fact, it’s just a drop in the ocean.
good deed Hon.Kalaba..way to go
show us the corruption?
Go well, finally the penny has dropped. This is 2018, and people have had enough. Lets now see what happens going forward. Was it not Fube who called for an Indaba, PF leadership better yield his words otherwise more ministers and members will leave. Zambia is our country and should not be held to ransom by a few people.
Congratulations Mr Kalaba, you are great n greatness shall follow your way.
Free advice though, do not contaminate your shiny self by joining crooks like kambwili n musee n do not associate yourself with greed failed politicians like masebo gbm jst to name a few, I can however strongly advise you to form a party, below are suggested names
1. Youth serving zambia (YSZ)
2. Advancement of Youth for zambia’s development (AYZD)
3. Development first Zambia forward (DFZF)
4. National development for the youth n advancement of Zambia (NDYAZ)
In the Western world a resignation of a politician is very normal, in Africa it’s like an earthquake.
Open letter to Under Fives: This means nothing! It will not change 3 provinces against 6!