Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Government shuts down three Hungry Lion outlets in Lusaka


 Hungry Lion Levy Mall

Hungry Lion Levy Mall

Government has shut down three Hungry lion outlets in Lusaka namely Hungry lion at Levy Mall, Hungry Lion Cairo road and Hungry Lion Kulima Tower.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya announced that the three outlets were shut down Thursday morning after Vibro Cholera was found in the food samples taken at the three outlets.

Dr. Chilufya has since directed that all food outlets at all shopping malls in Lusaka be inspected for Cholera.

And a fresh case of Cholera has been recorded in Lusaka.

Ndola City Council Spokesperson Tilyenji Mwanza confirmed that a 28 year old male of Chifubu is being treated for Cholera at Main Masala clinic which is a Cholera Treatment Centre.

Ms Mwanza said the patient is currently receiving treatment and is in a stable condition.

“We are told by the District Director Health Dr. Gideon Zulu that there is no history of him travelling to Cholera prone areas and he is believed to be a resident of Chifubu. Dr. Zulu has henceforth informed us that Ndola has now been placed on a Cholera alert,” she said.

“However, as a Local Authority we would like to announce that we are currently mobilising ourselves to put in stronger measures as directed by His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu that will see a cleaner Ndola. The Local Authority’s Department of Public Health will also be carrying out inspections of restaurants and any other food handling businesses to ensure they are trading in healthy environments,” Ms Mwanza said.

She also announced that the Local Authority has further banned the sale of ready food on the streets and anyone found selling will have their goods confiscated.

“Ndola City Council would like to announce that it has also called for a round table discussion with representatives from the Street Vendor Association to chat the way forward for the city of Ndola with regard to street vending. The discussion will be chaired by His Worship the Mayor Mr. Amon Chisenga,” she said.

“And, Ndola City Council would like to appeal to out counterparts Kafubu Water and Sewerage to ensure that we have sufficient water in the city. We have received complaints of dry pipes in areas such as Masala of which the Local Authority has taken it upon themselves to deliver water to the residents using the fire trucks.”

Cholera victim being buried this morning in Shimabala by Council officials.
Cholera victim being buried this morning in Shimabala by Council officials.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church has announced that it has cancelled all Church gatherings including Sabbath worship at its Lusaka Central Church.

The Church’s Communications Department said to the prevailing health situation in Lusaka and the Government’s directive restricting public gatherings to contain the situation, Church members are advised that there will be no church services taking place including Sabbath worship.

It said the church will give further updates on worship services once any changes/developments occur.

“Members are advised to obey the health guidelines given by government during this period. Members are all encouraged to worship at home and observe the day of Fasting and Prayer. Let us also pray for the situation to return to normal and pray for the bereaved families,” a statement read.

And Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has postponed the Zambia Police Service 2017 National Annual Ball which was scheduled to take place on 12th January, 2018 as a result of the outbreak of Cholera.

Mr Kanganja said the cancelation is in line with the Public Health Regulation number 8 of the Statutory Instrument number 79 of 2017which restricts public ceremonies or gatherings of more than five persons.

“The annual ball will only be held when the situation normalizes and this will be after relevant authorities review the Cholera situation in the country,” he said.


  1. Have all water sources in all areas been tested, by the way? That is one sure way of contamination and spread. It is important to contain the sources and treat those affected very quickly. You may lift the ban on the sell of foodstuffs and fruit later, but the water used to wash and process these may still be a source of the bacteria.

  2. The major reservoir of Cholera is us Human being ourselves. 80% of infected people do not show any symptoms but can infect other people who may develop the disease and end up in a cholera treatment centers. You see, where the problem is; ourselves. If the minister announces that we have 2000 cases, it literally translate that they are 8000 people out in the population who have no symptoms but potential source of infection. The message is; wash your hands each time you use the toilet because you could be a source of infections to others.

  3. I agree with one of the bloggers. All the kitchens are Zambia are filthy. It’s only the front that is clean. Healthy inspectors must be serious & objective when they visit these premises and resist the temptation of being offered meals.
    Remember most food handlers come from high density areas.these ladies are not allowed to put on artificial nails because they can harbour bacteria but you will find them with very long nails.
    I appeal to the army to further inspect compounds and compel residents to clean their premises.
    The local authorities ‘ve lametably failed

  4. Somebody is called His Excellence but the guy is presiding over a diaease of poor ssnitation and hygiene. How excellent is that person.

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