Thursday, March 6, 2025

Harry Kalaba is a Fraud, I’ve experience to know a Fraud when l see one


Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF)
Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF)

Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) has dismissed the resignation of Former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba as meaningless and inconsequential.

Responding to those that wanted him to support the decision of Mr. Kalaba because he has been critical of the happenings in the party, Mr Fube said party members should stand with President Edgar Lungu and not to be swayed by those forming political parties.

“How do you want me to think objectively,you mean l must agree with you. I am sorry l can’t.”

“If you guys are not Happy with EL go and join NDC and leave us with our poverty. Bawishi, we have come a long way with PF before it was even fashionable,I suffered under Mwanawasa, I was one of the few bussinessmen that was constantly funding the party.”

He added, “I have enough experience to know a fraud when I see one. EL is our man unless the court says otherwise then we can consider others,definitely not Harry Kalaba.”

His comments follows on after political analysts suspected the move is an attempt to pressure President Edgar Lungu, who is considering seeking a third term. Mr Kalaba is said to be a possible candidate for the 2021 presidential election, should Mr Lungu step aside,

Speaking to Reuters, Lee Habasonda said: “People have started realising that they will not get nominated as long as Lungu insists on standing.”

However, Mr Kalaba did not refer to his presidential ambitions in the Facebook post, instead focusing on what he says is growing corruption at the highest level, as well as his desire to serve his “country and its people” over “a position, party or person”.

Meanwhile, PF Luapula Province women have told Harry Kalaba to consider quitting as Bahati Member of Parliament citing underdevelopment in the constituency.

Provincial Women’s Chairlady Mary Nkandu, the longest serving Provincial women leader in Zambia and resident of Bahati Constituency said Mr. Kalaba’s resignation as Foreign Affairs Minister was not enough since he was still MP.

Ms. Nkandu, a former journalist said being a resident of Bahati herself she had always received complaints from people about lack of development in the constituency.

“Since ba Kalaba has resigned as Minister, let him also consider quitting as MP because we are as good as not having a representative. He is not regularly visiting the people. I am a resident of Bahati, I don’t see him. People have no access to him because he doesn’t even pick up people’s calls. Ask anyone in Bahati, they will tell you the same,” Ms. Nkandu said.

Ms. Nkandu said Mr. Kalaba had neglected the people who voted for him by not developing the constituency because he was not regularly visiting them.

She said township roads in Bahati were impassable because Mr. Kalaba was spending time on petty issues instead of developing his constituency.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nkandu who was elected to his current position in 2006 has assured the PF Central Committee that the party in the Province was intact and in full support of President Edgar Lungu.

Ms. Nkandu explained that Mr. Kalaba’s resignation had not in any way shaken the party in the Province because he (Kalaba) wielded no influence.

She said the party in the area had resolved to rally behind President Lungu’s leadership ahead of the party convention.

“We are 100% behind President Lungu. He has done a lot for Luapula and even our women here are so happy. We are unshaken by Kalaba’s resignation. It’s nothing and has no impact on anybody including Bahati,


    • Between you and Kalaba, you’re the one who is a fraud. Not so long ago you were championing an agenda to split LAZ but you lamentably failed, like you’ll fail even worse to succeed Lungu. Leave Kalaba alone!

    • Kalaba has exercised his democratic right to resign which should be respected. But the reasons for his resignation are certainly ambiguous and highly flawed in logic. By and large, the brother has misunderstood himself. Traits of emotions, false Prophecy, peer pressure and some infatuations being behind the decision devoid of substance are vivid. He may be overstretching himself. Any ambition may be very hard to thrive if not impossible to build himself a national constituency should he want to prop-up. Bahati constituency has nothing to show reminiscent of his leadership. I don’t know how and where he will galvanize his support if not fishing from the same pond of frustrated PF and those tired of waiting in the opposition. I believe the many shortcomings of PF indisputable can be…

    • …… I believe the many shortcomings of PF indisputable can be internally addressed. Its neither an implosion nor explosion, but a doomed palace fight he is trying to launch. Good luck!

    • KBF, why didn’t you say it when Kalaba was still Lungu’s Minister?. That’s not how you lobby for a ministerial appointment. There are better ways of getting the president’s attention. You are worse than what you are calling Kalaba.

    • Honestly between HK and KBF whose practising licence was suspended for chewing a client’s money like his master, who is the fraud? Harry may have his own weaknesses like all of us, but he has human feelings unlike those whose long hands and fingers are uncontrollable.

    • Thats because he is a fraud as well…these fooools have to grow up and stopping talking ill of people when the leave; if he is fraud why did you keep him as Foreign Minister? Why cant you simply thank someone for their services something the lazy one in State House can not do.

    • Is it the same “honest” Kelvin Fube Bwalya named in Kalulushi rigging below? A video in which United Party for National Development(UPND) Kalulushi Candidate Evaristo Mwalilino’s  driver  is revealing how Hakainde Hichilema and Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba’s Kalulushi Constituency  votes where concealed has gone viral after it was aired on Prime TV.
      In the video, Wanna Chiyanga is confessing that his boss Mwalilino was given K21000, K360 000 for 21,966 votes and dropping the election petition respectively.
      He disclosed THAT  President Rupiah Banda, Information Minister Kapamba Mulenga and axed PF Deputy Chairperson for Elections Kelvin Fube Bwalya(KBF) and Mwalilino were heavily involved in the scheme of things.

    • You should now all register how we are suffering for NDC under Lungu for future reference. PF are corrupt to the core and Lungu is now the Godfather of Corruption taking over from RB in yesterday’s meaningless reshuffles.


    • Poverty. Ba Mary Nkandu nabena abo they are fooling PF top leadership. The general members of society nabamisula ba PF. You are thieves!!! You won’t make it in 2021.

      These do not rhyme right:
      President Harry Kalaba
      President Chishimba Kambwili
      President Hakainde Hichilema.
      People, after President Edgar Lungu, Kindly consider names like President Felix Mutati or Edith Nawakwi.

    • @ Thorn in the flesh:
      How about Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation for third term due to exemplary performance in fighting Cholera?

    • At least there is democracy in PF unlike in your UPND and HH where no convention has taken place.

      PF with or without ECL will still beat HH and UPND in 2021. UPND and HH are a fraud!!!!!

  1. Even when a politician is a failure, not developing his constituency, like Kambwili-as long as he is against ECL, the opposition will praise him. Very shameful that Harry wasn’t performing in his area. Wise words KBF. Third term?? Our Constitutional Court will determine this matter, not BBC or Reuters.

    • MP are not supposed to develop constituencies according to the current constitution. Their main function is to make laws perform oversight over the executive. The best they can do is lobby for projects from the executive or make the Constituency Development Funds are spent on worthwhile projects. Though, even CDF is an anomaly.

    • And those projects are suppose to develop areas, not so??? The mp after being voted by people in that area is suppose to be in touch with those people who will give the mp info on what is lacking. The mp will then push for these projects through the executive and CDF. The mp will equally make laws WITH the input of the Zambians in his area who voted for him/her because he is in touch with them, something Kalaba clearly failed at!!!

  2. Mr. Fube,
    As you said “…“I have enough experience to know a fraud when I see one…”, can you please enlighten the readers about your “experience” (LOL) “…to know a fraud…”?
    Does that “experience” arise from be found “experienced” by the LAZ and had your practicing certificate cancelled?
    Or the “experience” was gained when, as you “proudly” stated, opening doors of the High Court at 2 a.m.?
    Or perhaps when collecting bags of cash from Indian owned company to “lubricate wheels of justice”?
    By the way, can you explain how you got back your practicing licence back? I hope that there was no “fraud” involved? Or it was “influence peddling” from the higher authority?

    • Walya iwe. Kelvin bwalya is a master fraudster and pretends to be an MCF and a lay preacher in UCZ!
      Hypocrisy at play.

  3. So are people trying to prove me wrong? Didnt I say that we have forgot about Kalabas resign already? Come on lets move on, the President will appoint another there are so many capable Zambians unlike in other parties where they cant see people except one because of tribalism.

    • Not at at. There are no capable people in PF starting with Koswe. KBF is a ka crook. A disgraceful lawyer. Lawyer waba kabwalala. That’s a fool Koswe will appoint to work at state house because of his loud mouth.
      Bwalya was critising Koswe the other day for sidelining original PF members in preference to MMD. He has started hero worshipping Lungu after being tipped for a position at storehouse. Old PF members will be shocked how KB will turn against them when appointed. He will be more “loyal” than Lusambo as long as he is eating. KBF loves money thats all and will do anything for money.

  4. Why is it that all of a sudden HK is a “fraud”or “was not developing his constituency” just because he resigned. Where were all these people, including the LT bloggers speaking against him now when he was still Foreign Affairs Minister? This kind of hypocrisy must come to an end bane…. Are we together?

    • It’s you to tell us where you’ve been all that time hk was been condemned for failing to develop his constituency. He did not resign on his own accord but was forced behind doors. His resignation was long over due and never came as a surprise to the insiders.

    • @ HH Oval head… maybe i am missing something here… i cannot seem to recall anyone from Bahati constituency complaining over his non performance prior to his resignation. If you have a link to a news article with that info, please share it here for our benefit. But then again, the guy was always traveling with ECL due his many trips.
      If he was still F.A minister, would this talk be there right now??? My point is that if a person decides to go, let him/her go without insulting or over condemning him or her. You will garner more respect for being mature. But if you argue with a mad man, no one will tell the difference. Mind you political positions are temporal. Even CK was made to apologize to the Tongas as spanning a number of years calling them names


  5. Bahati Constituency! Your MP can now focus all his energies to you. In the past he used to spend too much time airborne from Paris, New York, London, Dubai in the Sadc etc so he didn’t have time now he has. The only issue I have against him is he should have consulted you before he leaped. Miles thought Matero was his he didn’t know it’s because of PF he looked popular now he cannot even win a ward seat

    • A minster does not have to consult his constituency when resigning from cabinet. A cabinet appointment is between the president and the individual. In fact an MP would have more time for his constituency if not a cabinet minister. Cabinet duties do not bring benefit to the constituency instead diverts a ministers attention to others matters of less importance to his constituency. Genuine constituents of Bahati should now be happy that their MP will now find more time to spend with them. An MP would only consult his constituency is he is resigning as MP. I PF cadres are too dim to understand this.

  6. This is disgusting, I mean both Ms Nkandu and Fube are looking for a job from Koswe Mumpoto. Fube thinks it’s his chance to be appointed minister while Nkandu wants to be the Bahati MP. With Fube, the guy’s father is Katangese from Lualaba, forsake kaboke iwe?

  7. Its actually total mediocrity for one to say HK has not done much for the constituency. can someone mention any serving MP who is a force to recon with? can u tell me an MP who has done anything in your constituency for that matter..ZAMBIAN HYPOCRITICAL VOTERS

  8. All I want is a Zambia that is clean and everything functions. And Zambians are able to pay for the services provided. I couldn’t care less who would rule the country then.
    I suppose I can dream but I also know that these dreams will never come to realisation. It is really sad. This beautiful country has never been given the chance to shine at its best.

  9. Hon Harry Kalaba gave reasons for resigning his Ministerial post of Foreign Minister. Kalaba is against high levels of Corruption among the PF Leaders in the Party and govt. In addition Kalaba believes in the Rule of Law and has offered to payback money illegally earned by him in 2016 as ordered by Concourt. These are the issues raised by Kalaba in his resignation letter. KBF should discuss the reasons given by Kalaba instead of character assassinating the person. PF needs to adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy on Corruption in the PF govt to curb the alarming high levels of Corruption. Respect for Court orders is required by the PF Govt. As per Concourt order all affected Ministers must payback their illegally earned salaries and benefits to the Treasury.

    • And Harry Kalaba should distance himself from associating further with “corrupt” PF by relinquishing his parliamentary seat and attempt to win it as an independent or with any other party so he can be close to his people in Bahati, don’t you think so??? Let him prove to be the “man of honour” he wants us to believe he is by resigning from”corrupt” PF, like Levy did by relinquishing the VP and resigning from the MMD.

    • All these are unnecessary attacks on Harry, you are forcing him to make a decision contrary to his will and intentions. And when he will start defending you will be the ones again crying foul. It’s interesting how you PF people are harassing your own members and yet you blame UPND. It appears your whole intention is to see Harry out of PF and force him to join NDC, then you will be the same people condemning him. You yourself, you have been in MMD, then UPND and now PF, it says a lot about you. You should be the least one asking Harry to leave PF. Harry is not a political prostitute hoping for opportunities, and you are trying to make one out of him. He simply disagrees with the way PF is handling things, instead of you solving issue, you resort to intimidations. That is not political…

    • cont`d
      That is not political maturity. Its such practices that are demeaning political environment in Zambia and people like Pilato start calling you names.

    • @Kanyenye: But Harry resigned sighting rising corruption in PF, why should he keep a PF parliamentary seat??? He resigned out of his own will. These are not attacks but realities.

    • @ Zambian Citizen, HK should not resign just to prove his popularity in a event of a by-election. Elections are damn expensive and It’s better to fight the evils he has pointed out from within the party.

    • Iwe, @Citizenyoko,
      Honestly, these are attacks. The realities are that of rising corruption in PF. Instead of PF addressing the issue you are witch hunting. That is the problem with Zambian politics, you focus too much on things that do not add value. What do you hope to achieve by getting rid of Kalaba? Are you yourself convinced that corruption is not on the rise? Only a person benefiting from current status would be suppressing the voices calling for measures to stop corruption. You want to suppress critics. Again, its such practices that are a demeaning political environment in Zambia and people like Pilato start calling you names. So friend @Ndanje who also raised his voice, can also be excommunicated from PF

  10. Today his a fraud? so your entire party kept a fraud that was Bahait MP and that held a very important position in cabinet? what does that say about the appointing authority? Are you suggesting his incompetent? when will country stop character assassinations? Prove to us that you are NOT CORRUPT!

  11. Ba Fube Fube what are you trying to exhibit, uselessness, ubupuba or what? Be wise enough to remain quite and work out your own way to presidency. Such like you should not be trusted. A short while ago you complained of despondency in PF alluding to fraud, corruption etc. what has changed? I am told that you are well known within PF, alas!, you are not known outside PF/mmd.
    GBM is better than you.

    • Last time he opposed ecl and called fir an indaba kbf was praised by these cretins who today are showering him with insults because he says he supports ecl. The reason why opposition minions will never win elections soon at presidential level is because they aim at presidency only rather than building their base. If you can exert your energy at been popular in different provinces other than southern then you can think of scooping the presidency.

  12. So we can’t have men of integrity and ethical leadership can’t take root in Zambia cuz someone will call them a fraudster?

    This KBF guy is like those dirty Soweto mkt vendors who got used to operating in a filthy marketplace so when one clean vendor comes along they label him “alien fake muzungu”

  13. Ms. Nkandu said Mr. Kalaba had neglected the people who voted for him by not developing the constituency because he was not regularly visiting them.

    She said township roads in Bahati were impassable because Mr. Kalaba was spending time on petty issues instead of developing his constituency.
    why vilify someone when they leave why didn’t she say this while he was still minister…

  14. KBF is very right and i believe him!!that must be the spirit of all genuine PF members!!HAVE YOU EVER SEEN TONGA OR BANTUSTAN MPS TURNING AGAINST THEIR TRIBAL PARTY UPND?NEVER!!FOR THEM ITS A TABOO TO BE AGAINST UPND!!Havie Hamududu formed a political party and it died the same day it was why should Northerners and Easterners support Kambwili’s NDC which is simply a spoiler?OPEN YOUR EYES PF LOVERS!!NDC CANT FORM GOVNT IN 2021 BECAUSE ZAMBIA IS NOT ROAN CONSTITUENCY!!as for Harry Kalaba this marks the end of his political career because in 2021 PF wont adopt him in Bahati and he cannot win that seat in Luapula on any other party apart from PF!!LUAPULA PEOPLE VOTE FOR PF THE WAY TONGAS VOTE FOR UPND IN SOUTHERN!!so politically Harry Kalaba is gone for making a wrong…

    • Njimbu, you are spot on. These young politicians lack vision. Harry knew Luapula is a PF stronghold, how does he expect to shake them there??? He saw the way Matero taught Miles a lesson and he goes and does the same exact thing, what a loser!!!

  15. @Thabo

    Nkandus sentiment are the exact reprica as those expressed by residents in Mazabuka or Choma about a UPND MP in Southern Province a few weeks ago.
    Meanwhile, I’m in diaspora, I have never met or seen our Harry in person before.. Which country except perhaps SA could you have a miister of foreign affairs who is so shy and who cannot even articulate like the one we saw in
    the video clip? Please compare and contrast with Felix or Vernon.

    • Kalaba sat in corruption all this time until it now looks like he might not stand as PF president. He has suddenly seen corruption. His prophets said he will be president of Zambia one day. He even bought a man of God a new Ford Ranger, I guess from his salary. We pray for our brother.


  17. To me Harry Kalaba seems to be one of the most hard-working ministers. At such a young age if he’s able to leave such a highly paying position, then it speaks volumes about how rotten the system is.

    • He seems to be too ambitious – remember Dean, Baldwin, Chitala, Kalumba, etc (the Young Turks) – Chiluba crushed them. Be careful.

    • @ zambian imbec!le

      what about your “vise”, “humble”, “visionary”, “anointed” and convicted embezzler neglecting his constituency, Zambia?
      Hard working drunkard visiting fellow dictators and developing his assets by striping the Country and fellow Zambians of the wealth?
      Day of reckoning is getting nearer by the hour?

    • @ Zambian imbec!le:
      And who is going to offer intelligent response? You? Njibu? Victor? Wow. What is your collective I.Q.?

  18. Mr Bwalya cannot be swayed as he is an analytical thinker. The devil you know is better than the angel you do not know. Where as ECL may not be perfect in everything he has so far done, I am yet to find the perfect person. ARE YOU THE PERFECT ONE?.

  19. Harry Kalaba is now ‘Fraud’ because he has exercised his democratic right to resign and all along KBF knew that Kalaba is Fraud…yet he didn’t do anything. Sit down Kelvin carrying on competing with Lusambo and lick some boots. Zambians are done with 1d10cy!!

  20. Pro-Chatez don’t think the current political winds are blowing in favour of UPND, why is it that people that are resigning or being sacked from PF are not joining UPND? this suggests that UPND is not and will not be a factor at all in 2021. Worse still, in the event that there is a re-run Between PF and UPND ( which I doubt very much) NDC is most likely to side with PF( because they are cut from the same cloth) and not UPND because like CK said UPND is dented with tribalism, so this will still grant PF an election victory. People have come to realize that non tongas in UPND are just being used to achieve a selfish agenda of putting a TONGA president in the state house after that they will be dumped like diapers kkkkkkkkkkkk. Meanwhile there is no alternative to PF government may be in…

  21. Ladies and gentlemen let’s put things into perspective .For those that do not know KBF ,this is a guy whose legal practicing licence was taken off him for stealing money from his client .He is lucky he practices law in Zambia now were they tolerate nonsense . If he was practicing law in a in some other countries Fube and his ECL would not be on the register of lawyers for their dishonesty .

    As they say ,some things are difficult to change .You now have a government that is stealing hard earned tax payers money with impunity and building mansions across Lusaka and FUBE calls Kalaba a fraud for resigning . What are we doing as Zambians to deserve such a government who are Sh!t at their job .

  22. Interesting the last two days almost all these PF Vuvuzelas were in hiding, today they seem to be born again and all over insulting their own PF member and of course blaming whoever agreed with Harry, to them whoever supported Harry was UPND.

    Unbelievable !!!

    @Ndanje, you wrote a petition to ECL, your friends are ditching you, you are UPND

    • I can’t and will never join a tribal party. I am not even PF but I support it because it’s not based on one tribe support. Letting a Tonga in his current form would create another Rwanda. I implored the President to put his house in order not because I am PF but a concerned Zambian. Those GBMs in Upnd are not there because Upnd has a welcoming heart but because they were rejected by PF and their main purpose is revenge against one Edgar Lungu. You once called Kalaba”Scarface and corruptly making money by creating foreign trips, but today he’s a hero…no principles at all.

  23. Its a sad day in todays politics that when a fellow human being decides he cannot live with the wrongs and opts to leave he is called names. However, the real issue is that Harry is not an ordinary person. He was in the midst of confusion a man of reason. He reminds me of Lubinda before he was kicked out and when he was brought back he had no voice. In the MMD as well there were men who if they had been allowed to run they would have defeated MCS but alas such is politics. In our own party there are those of us that have been called names simply because we have said Adolf cannot win us an election and if he really has the interests of this nation at heart he would have put his money behind a more plausible candidate…..

  24. When seemingly intelligent people open their mouths only to say the most nonsensical utterings. This KBF is another Lusambo the bootty-licker. What a bunch of morons,little wonder Zambian development is stagnant!

  25. HK insinuations may be correct. Think talelyamo muma dubious deals becoz balemuchinga. Insult him now and see what will happen to PF in 2020, that is 2 years from now. Am not a prophet of doom but I can see the fate of PF at the time of the next elections. Ask Bwezani RB. Time will tell.

  26. No,No,No, and No and again. Harry Kalaba should just leave quietly. Everyone who want to leave the vibrant PF party want to use corruption as an excuse, WHY? They know that corruption is a disease every one is talking about and to justify their inequities they all leave on the pretext that they have seen a lot corruption in the ruling party, what a shame! Meanwhile if you ask them to mention one corruption case they fail to say even half of it…..utter rubbis1h! Only the truth can set the chap free….go on and tell us how corrupt the party or the people in the government is, otherwise leave without opening your smelly mouth loudly.

  27. I knew it was just a matter of time before they unleashed their mad dogs to go for the man’s throats. So Kalaba is a fraud and all along you chose a fraud to represent us as an international envoy? What does that say about your boss who appointed this fraudster? How many frauds are still out there serving as ministers?

    Look I don’t care what the real reasons for Kalaba’s resignation are (I can only believe the man’s explanation). But what I know is that he is a breath of fresh air in today’s Zambia political discourse. Very rare do you see a minister resigning on their own no matter what.

    So give me this fraud Kalaba any day. As for the lady in his constituency, apparently they are happy with Lungu because he has done so much for the people but not Kalaba. How is that…

    • (continued)
      …As for the lady in his constituency, apparently they are happy with Lungu because he has done so much for the people but not Kalaba. How is that possible? Isn’t it the same place Lungu has developed but Kalaba hasn’t? Ridiculous!

  28. I came.I saw.I analysed.Ours is a democratic nation.HK is at liberty to resign and form his own party.The only problem with politicians is that their levels of hypocrisy is too high.I will not be surprised to see that HK has become richer than he went into politics.He is hiding under the canopy of resignation to cover up his mistakes.Politicians are not supposed to be trusted.They are liars who are all cut from the same cloth of deception.He should be cleared by the ant corruption before he leaves his office.It will not do just to render in his resignation letter minus being cleared.Never trust a person who just leaves his office minus being cleared.Let his books be scrutinized at Ministry of Foreign Affairs before he claims to be a man of clean hands.

  29. KBF is fraud himself he has the guts of saying I was financing PF proudly you fool to hell with your money, us who know you will expose you with you fake riches get lost….galu

  30. Bushe resignation yakwa Kalaba mukwatilemo nobwafya mwa? Everyone has their own opinion nd dicissions,leave him alone….. Shaleni ne chaalo chenu!!!!

  31. If Harry Kalaba forms a political party, then we will know that he is selfish and more corrupt. But if he join the opposition, people will give him respect. It is a known fact that Harry Kalaba cannot win elections so but will just split the PF and NDC votes and it will benefit the UPND should he make that stupid decision.
    Still watching his moves.

  32. This is why I can never been in active politics, each time one makes a move, negativity will always follow. How on earth can someone clai that HK has never visited the constituency when record are there to show? Anyway, this is PF for you.

  33. 32 flag Umuswema January 4, 2018 at 10:02 am

    Ladies and gentlemen let’s put things into perspective .For those that do not know KBF ,this is a guy whose legal practicing licence was taken off him for stealing money from his client .He is lucky he practices law in Zambia now were they tolerate nonsense . If he was practicing law in a in some other countries Fube and his ECL would not be on the register of lawyers for their dishonesty .

    As they say ,some things are difficult to change .You now have a government that is stealing hard earned tax payers money with impunity and building mansions across Lusaka and FUBE calls Kalaba a fraud for resigning .We a government that buys over priced fire tenders costing tax payers 42 million dollars instead of building proper sanitation and…

  34. So sad that people like KBF and Lungu are the ones arrogantly profiteering from Sata’s death. Show me one piece of evidence that they substantially supported Sata in any way before 2011 campaign, akamba boza. Speaking of fraud, what was that case of a lawyer who stole the money from a widow???

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