Thursday, March 6, 2025

Cabinet Ministers offer solidarity to President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu speaking during swearing in ceremony
Cabinet Ministers this morning met President Edgar Lungu at State House to show solidarity and support following speculations that his cabinet and government is crumbling after the departure of two Cabinet Ministers.

There have been speculations being peddled by some sections of social media of an impending mass exodus of ministers which, would result in the crumble of government.

Chief Government Spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga told journalists that the meeting was meant to show solidarity to President Lungu and that all the Ministers are in support of what he was doing.

Ms. Mulenga said all the Cabinet Ministers are with President Lungu contrary to speculations that most of them want to resign.

She said no minister is going to resign as they are all in support of the leadership of President Lungu who appointed them into office.

The Chief Government Spokesperson said most of the Ministers were out of town in their constituencies while, others were out of the country.

Ms. Mulenga who is also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister stated that all the cabinet Ministers believe that President Lungu is the best leader for the nation hence, there is no one who has a reason to resign.

She noted that no one in the cabinet is indispensable as the two former cabinet Ministers have already been replaced to ensure that government continues serving the people better.

Earlier President Edgar Lungu appointed and sworn in Kwacha Member of Parliament Joseph Malanji as Foreign Affairs Minister replacing Harry Kalaba who resigned from his position last week.

The President has also sworn in Nkana MP Alexander Chiteme as the new National Development Planning Minister to take over from Lucky Mulusa who was relieved of his duties a week ago.

President Lungu swore in the two new Ministers at State House today and urged them to serve Zambians with humility and dedication.

The Head of State noted that the appointed Ministers were privileged to be given positions in government despite many people being qualified to serve in such portfolios.

He urged Mr. Malanji and Mr. Chiteme to work with the civil servants and other senior government officials if they are to succeed in their roles.

The President said the people of Zambia expect ministers to implement the manifesto of the Patriotic Front, the party which they voted into power adding that, those who are not willing to work as promised by the party are free to leave.

He said people who disagree with his leadership in government but decide to cling to the party are not being sincere and true to themselves as he is the leader of both the government and the ruling party.

The President noted that the 2021 General Elections will be a walk over if the party in power and its leaders deliver to the expectations of the general citizenry.

And speaking in separate interviews both Mr. Malanji and Chiteme thanked President Lungu for their appointments and pledged to serve the people of Zambia diligently.

Mr. Malanji noted that he was equal to the task stating that he will continue from where his predecessor left from and work with all the officers in the ministry.


    • Kalaba tripped on his own feet.

      You don’t resign that early, that soon – do it in Year 4/5.

      I think he will be lost on obscurity.

      This is the best performing Government in my opinion ever.



    • Its cheap school yard political propaganda synonymous with infantile politics to insinuate that departure of individuals mount to a national crisis. No doubt, PF has a lot of clean-up work to do if they want to keep the mandate and good will of the masses. The endemic of corruption is real and wide in Zambia enduring since the start of plural politics. This is why privatization has only robbed the masses of their heritage leaving the majority poorer, hopeless and disillusioned about the whole liberalism scam. The situation requires political will and selflessness to post any meaningful change failure quickly. Otherwise, the young ruling party can forget ruling Zambia beyond 2021. Chagwa inherited a totally broken system but he has to help arrest it for the common good and posterity.

    • On the other important note, i advise the PF party leadership, OP Special Division DG Nkhoma to urgently help the President increase his space safely of interacting with party members disillusioned or not and the General public beyond those Amos Chanda wants the President to hear from. The system of only opening the Presidency to rich Chinese entrepreneurs who can buy appointments and not Zambians intellectuals and patriots of diverse grounding is the anathema to Chagwa’s legacy of successful presidency. I’m talking from experience of how President Kaunda benefited from an open space meeting Zambians from all tribes, status and background. On this issue, President Lungu has missed out big time. Not everything is from the PF base only or indeed what advisors brief.

    • The only way PF can win 2021 is : improve the maize floor price to at least up to K80 per 50kg bag, keep the price of a 25kg of breakfast mealie meal at less than K55, keep the USD at no more than K10, reduce the price of fuel to at least K8 per litre for diesel, FIRE all non performing civil servants, stop traffic police mounting ATMs, cancel all outstanding works from non performing contractors, FIRE Dora, Mutati, Kaizer and Kampyango, reduce the taxation of SMEs, improve prison conditions, remove hefty salaries, allowances and luxury SUVs from work packages that all top civil servants get including MPs both opposition and ruling party, rubbish collection and drainage management and better..what else??? This can be achieved but I doubt the will is there, so come 2021 HH is winning!

    • ECL said,”.. people who disagree with his leadership in government but decide to cling to the party are not being sincere and true to themselves as he is the leader of both the government and the ruling party.”
      Is he motivating his cadres to continue harassing Kalaba? Because, Kalaba did not agree with his government, so he should leave the Party? This should be of concern to PF, so it means, even ECL was wrong, just say YES. No wonder so many dunderheads here who cannot reason logically, always defending undefendable!! THEN GOES TO SAY “the appointed Ministers were privileged to be given positions in government despite many people being qualified to serve in such portfolios.” So he left out qualified people and ended picking up these bootlickers.

    • Keep on doing what you’re doing. Corruption.
      Deliver Cholera and 2021 will be a walk over.
      Reality check for ba Koswe. Zambians deserve better. It’s one of the top mining countries in the world. Don’t auction the country and pursue chipantepante techniques to the wonderful country. Zimbabwe is awakening to reassert it’s place.

    • I want to believe that Lungu can succeed if he can be his own man. Forget RB and all those distractions for now and do the right thing. Mwanawasa followed his own instinct and he was better. Tell RB that you will be his friend but you now have you credibility to manage and he will understand. All these Ministers will tell you tales but when the chips are down you will be answerable. It’s not to late for you to follow the right call mate

    • @1.2 senior citizen

      “…Chagwa inherited a totally broken system but he has to help arrest it for the common good and posterity…”

      What ??? Lungu has had billions of $s at his disposal and spent billions …..the man could not believe his luck , such that he would break out into spontaneous dancing at airports , in churches , in the middle of meetings !!

    • @ 2020vision agreed pay farmers accordingly in relation to production costs but never cushion consumption if the mealie meal is too expensive in non grain producing areas then what are those who have no means to afford it doing in these areas? There are just too many people crowding the cities doing nothing really productive why not go home or rural areas where they can feed themselves as subsistence farmers and leave farmers who grow grain for sale make a profitable business out of it! Government can not continue punishing farmers to subsidize consumption in cities! Rural areas need money too to improve infrastructure and services! True incompetence and corruption must be weeded out thought it takes willingness to deliver by the leadership and the luxury of splashing SUV’s in ministries…

    • contd…. has to be reviewed for a serious ministry with well laid out plans for each department can make do with a well managed program and a few pool vehicles!

    • We are too far away from 2021 for anyone to say ECL would lose. There are several variables at play if ConCourt says he’s eligible to stand.

      Among them is the economy maintaining yearly GDP above 4%, which means that by elections year, ECL’s stewardship then yielded a 20% growth in one tenure.

      Compare that to any time under the MMD!!! Only my parte UNIP surpasses that from 1969 to 1974 and it’s hard to feel that impact among the citizenry.

      One more item is to appoint a clean, smart and articulate VP who is actually Tonga. One in the likes of Baldwin Nkumbula or even better yet Kirby Musokotwane with real chieftain attributes.

      The last point shares HH’s votes even taking away a third of his last SP is a sure victory all things being equal. Ignore having a Tonga VP at your own…

    • Continued…

      Ignore having a Tonga VP at your own peril … we are king makers and we have always predicted the real winners, we even predicted our own first UNIP loss some of us.

      Look for a real young and upcoming Tonga, the best among them. One with the fire of Anderson Masoka with a patriotic heart heart of Mainsa Chona but with the intelligence of Kirby Musokotwane and the grits and wealth of Nkumbula Sr.

      We run this country, listen and you can always count on the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise to make you proud by making the right choice.

      Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr.

    • With the economy moving in the right direction and the geo-political strategy of a VP picked from among the smart people of Southern Province, the PF would have a clear path to victory.

      Elections are about winning, if you don’t have the right candidate, you set yourself up for failure. The VP pick should be someone affable with the possibility of being the first Tonga President the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise would be collectively proud of.

      My parte UNIP has an unbeatable history of tenure combining all geo-politics that yield the maximum benefits for all … thereby not just sloganeering One Zambia One Nation but living it.

      We had a tight grip on power through PIG (the Parte and It’s Government) but we had an inclusive agenda that made no one feeling left behind. It’s…

    • Continued …

      We had a tight grip on power through PIG (the Parte and It’s Government) but we also had an inclusive agenda that made no one feeling left behind. It’s no wonder we hold the record of ruling for 27 years in a corrupt free environment.

      We usually went out of our way seeking talent from all parts the country, we groomed young ones and offered everyone an opportunity no matter where one came from. Politics for us was a unifying serendipity.

      It’s no wonder we still run this country despite leaving Office 27 years ago.

      That record is unsurpassed by any political parte after us and we are proud of it, because Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr

  1. The best way to show solidarity is to work and produce results so we can vote for him again. Just showing solidarity on the face is nothing. He will be judged by what is attaining in peoples live not a number of solidarity meetings. When he was elected he explained that he was going to follow Mr. Satas vision. All he has done is so far is to complete Mr. Satas vision.

  2. Zambians , look at you so called Ministers , the best solidarity you can do with my Brother the President is stop corruption or looking at your pockets and start working . Also make sense out of nosense of your so called social media. Look social media is the new media now , including emails and websites .

    So stop wasting time , work and ask for ideas from Zambia they donot want your jobs at all , we are all happy with what God has given us at a time . So please lets not continue to be myopic at all .

    You are acting like nonontities , waskeup guys and do the work .Concerned Citizen

  3. That’s what we call poverty of ideas humble one. Really? Is winning the 2021 election all you can think of?

  4. Of course you will show ‘solidarity’ until EL falls. Flees and ticks don’t abandon a dog while it has blood flowing in its veins. As soon as EL loses power, these parasites will jump ship. EL should learn from what happened to Mugabe. The parasites around him were busy singing his praises and showing ‘solidarity’ as long as they could suck some blood out of him. As soon as he lost power, they scattered like swine from under a falling tree. Beware EL.
    These ministers care nothing for the country. All they are there to do is line their pockets. And clearly Lungu is a very weak headed man with no direction. As soon as things go wrong or seem to go wrong, he disappears from view and locks himself in His room to sulk. Only until his cronies come and tell him all is well does he reappear…

  5. The handful cabinet ministers support corruption of the humble leader.
    The majority Zambians detest corruption!

  6. His Excellency, President Lungu is the best Man to run Zambia. He has dedidicatedly kept to his Leadership and Mandated programme. He is honest and humble in serving the people of Zambia.

    There is no current candidate of equal skill and gifting as President Lungu. He has been able to keep Zambia United and keep his eye on the job at hand while others have been running hither and thither talking the country down and causing friction. One Zambua, One Nation. I urge Zambians to work together and allow governments to finish there terms. Leadership challenges lead to bad economic performance and dispirited the citizens.

    • Farewell Comrade Kalaba. It’s such a surprise, since he has been a staunch supporter of PF. We shall miss his jovial manner in service.

    • Stop lying…..political violence at its worst….corruption at its highest…..public funds abuse worst according to the AG….after spending $17 billion we are begging the IMF and unemployment is at all time high …..the list goes on…..what are you taking about ??

  7. Harry Kalaba made a life time mistake which he will ever regret.he resigned too early.a wise man waits until its 4/5 years as Mushota put it.WHAT WAS HARRY KALABA TRYING TO PROVE?NOTHING!!this is Africa where GOOD jobs are hard to find my friend.LOOK,WITH ALL STOLEN MONEY VIA PRIVATIZATION,HH STILL WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT OF ZAMBIA.WHY?BECAUSE OF LOVE FOR MONEY.HE BEHAVES LIKE A CROWN ON DAILY BASES DUE TO HIS DESPERATION FOR GOVNT MONEY!!!then here is poor Kalaba who had a VIP passport and could land into any country on earth any minute fo0lishly resigning from the comfort zone trying to make name-shocking!!!BELIEVE YOU ME,ONLY A FO0LISH MINISTER CAN RESIGN FROM CABINET TO JOIN THE SUFFERING MASSES!!good chance only comes once in life.if you spoil it,you are finished!!AFRICAN POLITICS ARE…

    • He didnt want to be part of the rot…he is still a Member of Parliament. Who are you to determine when he should have resigned from cabinet? Is it because you have no integrity or moral fiber in you? You see nothing wrong with buying a $200K Scania truck for $1million…

    • A scania truck cost around 200k you’re right. But when it’s integrated to a fire truck from an ordinary truck you spend more but of course less than a grand.

    • This is bad Zambian thinking and that’s why you Zambians are poor. Lungu is in statehouse for himself and for Tasila while this fool thinks Kalaba should have done the same. Kalaba is a noble hero in the eyes on many sensible Zambians. Posterity will judge him well will be rewarded for his humanity.

    • @HH Oval head – I have lost patience with you thick dumb bells…so you think fitting a water pump, pipe and a pair ladder on the chassis of a Scania Tractor Unit can cost $800K extra ? What’s with this docility …you know for sure when I say Scainia I mean those wheelbarrows with a coat of red paint.

    • Oh..come on @HH Oval head.
      The same people calling for Kalaba to resign, now saying he resigned too early. Only God knows your thought process.
      So accessories to Wheelbarrow cost 5times the original price? Hmmm…awe sure, mweeee.

    • @NJimbu @Mushota. Your null hypothesis that Harry Kalaba should should have resigned at 4/5 does holds when you insist that Kalaba should continue with corruption of this regime looting the economy, and does hold if his survival depended on ministerial post. But for the shrewd politician he is, it is best to leave now at 1/5 to have enough time to galvanize and increase his support base for his presidential ambitions. You guys @NJimbu @Mushota, your thinking is equal President Lungu who made a political miscalculation by firing Kambwili at 1/5. No you fire such at 4/5 or at 5/5, so they will have no time to run their gut feeling against him. Kambwili used to uurinate on the opposition, now uurinating into the PF scotching ECL every minute! and you know Kabwili’s wee-wee contains…

    • and you know Kabwili’s wee-wee contains concentrated sulphuric acid. The PF sponsor ABC has acknowledged that PF is scotched and popularity plummeting at evil’s speed. Behold as the patriotic fissure rifts into a valley!

  8. ba preident stop corruption if u wanna win.Natumisula especially pali fire tender.You have ministers who can’t defend u.U made a big mistake to fire kambwili.u have seen yoself come 2021 muleya guys.Luapula,northern,muchinga,cb and lusaka ni NDC.Mwaya mudala.come 2021 u’ll in priso due to corruption


    • @JB
      The JB I am glad we are on the same page, and your observations are very objective. PF needed the likes of Kambwili and Kalaba to defend the party. Alas, are the politicians they sidelined.

    • Then you as good as kambwili, you are so naive that you didn’t see the poison that kambwili possessed, You are the same people that complain of corruption and today you wish CK shouldnt have been fired, Wait for the day when skeletons all those that have been fired will fall from the closet.

  9. Lungu needs to take a few steps back and reflect on his Presidency since he came into power regardless of the alleged means. After reflection then he can dive into real work and listen to the people. He had the best opportunity to establish his own pathway after Sata but he ended up surrounding himself with that serve their own interests. This has compromised and questioned his judgement on critical issues as a leader. Three years before elections, times are hard for the masses, the country is broke and extensive crisis. Scandal after scandal! Time to reflect and focus!

  10. Lungu needs to take a few steps back and reflect on his Presidency since he came into power regardless of the alleged means. After reflection then he can dive into real work and listen to the people. He had the best opportunity to establish his own pathway after Sata but he ended up surrounding himself with peopl (Kaizer) that serve their own interests. This has compromised and questioned his judgement on critical issues as a leader. Three years before the elections, times are hard for the masses, the country is broke and in extensive environmental crisis. Scandal after scandal! Time to reflect and focus!

  11. These ministers have zero moral fibre ,no integrity and no steadfast principles .Zambian ministers are simply in it for politics of the belly.

  12. How do you know that no minister is going to resign?Who ever thought Kalaba was going to resign?He was one of Edgar’s right hand men.You will be in for a big shock!

  13. Interesting…..What is the point of ministers attending a cabinet meeting to show solidarity to a real President after one minister resigns? A check this out – the President suggests that the two cadres he picked to replace Kalaba and Mulusa were not really the best qualified by noting that “the appointed Ministers were privileged to be given positions in government despite many people being qualified to serve in such portfolios” – Lungu needs BOOT LICKERS only.

  14. One wonders as to what goals Kambwili, Musenge, Harry Kalaba etc are trying to achieve. Events that have unfolded in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe have shocked and frustrated agents of Brenthurst Foundation (General Obasanjo, Raila Odinga, Morgan, Maimane and HH) . Raila hoped that the Kenyan Judges would sail along with his wishes Odinga’s Party; decision by Kenyan Judges gave false hope to HH for Courts to give him Republican Presidency on a silver plate; the bloodless political change in Zimbabwe has shuttered the opposition fortunes; the re-branding of ANC in Dec. 2017 has blurred DA’s Maimane who thrived on criticizing Zuma’s relation with the Gupta Family. A Zambian Politician advised by Bushiri to wrestle the Republican presidency has faulted irreparably.

    • Naimwe wake up from your 1970s conspiracy hallucinations … cholera ripping Zambia is the fault of imperialists ????

  15. What jobs do minister do? In 1991, KK ordered his ministers to out to their constituencies to vigorously campaign for UNIP. Government operations never ground to a halt. I was, therefore, left wondering what their role was.

    One can be appointed minister in any ministry even though that person does not have technical knowledge about that ministry. It is the technocrats who formulate and implement government policy. But: UBUFUMU BUSHETA MENSHI.

    • Ministers are not technicians. They are managers. You can manage any factory as long as you have the appointed the right supervisors

    • In 1991 my friend, old man KK was hanging by a thin thread when reality hit home by then it was too late…ask us who were there!!

  16. Ministers are not technicians. They are managers. You can manage any factory as long as you have appointed the right supervisors

  17. Upnd are disciple with faith without works ,HH must first ans how he attained so much money without history because when ever he has been asked he become furious why ,For me hh should stop talking about corruption if this matter is not settled

  18. Lungu quoted above;

    “He said people who disagree with his leadership in government but decide to cling to the party are not being sincere and true to themselves as he is the leader of both the government and the ruling party”

    What a load of b.ull. So anyone who disagrees with his leadership style (if you can call it that) should leave the party? In any case, as leader of government you are accountable to all in the nation. People may choose to remain in the party to influence change (from this very behaviour he exhibits) They remain because they have a right to criticise wrongs or even offer themselves or support alternatives for leadership.

  19. Misplaced loyalty. You should have gone to discuss issues affecting your party leading to some members leaving not solidarity. A good friend is one who can correct you when you are wrong. Remember Jesus said that its better to leave the 99 sheep in order to look for 1 lost sheep. Know that the lose of one good employee can paralyze an organization if not properly replaced. Do not allow selfishness override your good judgment.

    • That’s wishful thinking …You lamentably failed to catch RB not even a cent was traced back to him…you honestly think you can catch Lazy Lungu who is mentored by RB.

  20. All of a sudden, “most of the Ministers were out of town in their constituencies while, others were out of the country.” This whole Koswe Mumpoto charade stinks, whether Kabbamba likes it or not, its crumbling! There is nowhere in the world where such a clueless alcoholic can be allowed anywhere near the corridors of power.

  21. Looks like the agenda for upndees is set by President Lungu. What else would they talk about if Edgar is not leading them with his topics?

    • Hehehehe

      he must be one du.ll chap to not care about public perception that your corrupt theif of a president……..

  22. It will take a miracle from lungu to rescue his legacy…..after blowing $17 by most estimates , Zambia should have been a major exporter by now with minimal imports…..employment should have been at an all time high…..what is keeping Zambia afloat is semi good global demand for copper and good rainfall , nothing to do with lungu…


  23. This government is one of the best performing governments in Zambia! It has managed to turn around all odds especially the challenge of power caused by drought and increased investment has been abated in such a short time! Well done Mr. President. Humpty Dumpty empty toilet tribal party has no alternative program but to employ his people as you see them online!

    • Sharon, I hope Hakainde takes you as his second wife in 2018 and puts you on one of his rural commercial farms that off the grid and has no network coverage. We are tired of your dumb a$$…we look for a man for you in 2018!!

  24. Lungu is a failed project and his experiments on governance are flawed. Do him a favour and cut him loose. Enough damage has been done!

  25. United we Stand, and Divided we Fall. Stay United.
    Loyalty and Solidarity should first be to the Country and its People.

    • True that Col…..many of us would like to give lungu a chance but knowing what we know, we expect him to go against natural selection during elections and to use extreme violence and all manner of cheating against the will of many Zambians……if you think you won elections there is need to show and prove you won so as to unit the country….lungu deserves all the mistrust he gets for dismissing opposition voters with malice……that was nearly half of the voting public felt cheated and know lungu and his thugs will do it again….

  26. A point of correction, PF does not belong to Edgar Lungu to ask others to leave. He was UPND himself those he is asking to leave were there at the time PF was formed. He should be reminded that he is not PF/Republican president forever but those people will remain PF members if they wish so. He should not talk like his godfather Robert Mugabe lest people from PF tell him enough is enough especially that he will leave cholera legacy.

  27. Lungu is a wounded person. His MPs of the belly just want to hang on until parliament is dissolved in 2021; for now I wish Lungu well; but he should not reverse the removal of vendor from the streets; he should stop corruption and oppression of the opposition;

  28. Its obvious that Thieves would offer solidarity with the Godfather Thief. The Godfather Thief enables and facilitates these Cabinet Minister Thieves to benefit from numerous Corrupt deals in Lungu’s govt. Even CCZ realised that under Lungu’s Presidency “There is no Peace in Zambia due to Corruption,hatred and Injustice”. This is a serious indictment on Lungu’s Presidency. What is Lungu going to do about Rampant Corruption and misgovernance in his PF Govt? Action..Action speaks louder than words. Given that Lungu has surrounded himself with fellow thieves and criminals nothing will change in 2018. Collective Responsibility by the thieving Cabinet will continue. Wait and see!

  29. The Head of State noted that the appointed Ministers were privileged to be given positions in government despite many people being qualified to serve in such portfolios.

  30. Ati Lungu’s PF Govt is “lucrative”.Yes Madam Kampamba these Cabinet Ministers are benefiting from lucrative corrupt deals. No wonder they are now filthy rich. Honest admission by Minister Kampamba.

  31. You can see how misplaced their priorities are, pledging solidarity to a vision less Mr Jameson Cholera! Just remember the time he was murdering that mango fruit by the roadside in front of cameras, I would dare him to do the same now in Lumumba Road!

  32. This is embarassing. How can Lungu appoint a Minister of Information and Govt Spokesman who doesn’t know and understand what the word “lucrative” mean.Madam Kampampa has naively admitted that Lungu’s govt is corrupt and enriches Cabinet Ministers thru lucrative corrupt deals. The Koswe Ministers were showing solidarity with their Godfather Koswe. Its called collective thieving among Cabinet Ministers and their Koswe Mumpoto President.

  33. Lucrative is the bank accounts of PF Ministers (ref IFC and Auditor Generals reports). Business as usual id the continuation of lining bank accounts of ministers through corrupt deals; purchase of fire engines at US$1 Million each, inflated ambulance cost, mukula sales, etc, etc. That is what is the “lucrative” they assembled to offer solidarity for.

  34. Congrats to Hon. Malanji for his appointment as Foreign Minister. However, our dear Hon, Malanji must read extensively to dig into the history of Liberation Movements in East and Southern Africa to understand the genesis of OAU and AU. Come to grips with the birth of African traitors and economic leaches and their sponsors. He should appreciate the plight of the poor globally. He needs to grasp the essence of Security in SADC and Zambia in particular. Help consolidate diplomatic ties with all of Zambia’s neighbouring states. Learn concepts of Non-Aligned Organisation and the benefits of financial institutions such as the IMF and BRICS to Africa. Lusaka Bookshops stocks useful informative books. Congrats Ba Malanji.

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