Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Somali Community in Zambia donate 35 trucks for garbage collection


One of the Donated Trucks
One of the Donated Trucks
The Somali Community in Zambia has donated 35 trucks to the government which will be used for garbage collection.

Community Chairperson Mohamud Mohamed says of the 35 trucks donated 10 have been allocated to Ndola while 25 have been allocated to Lusaka.

Mr. Mohamed says the Somali community is concerned with the increase in cholera cases hence the donation of trucks to supplement government efforts in fighting the disease.

And Some of the donated trucks are already being used collecting garbage in Lusaka’s Garden and Chaisa compounds where residents have conducted a cleanup exercise.

Ngwerere Ward 19 Councilor Adrian Banda has expressed happiness over the full participation of the residents in the ward.

Mr. Banda has also hailed the Somali community for the donated trucks.

And Chaisa ward 20 councilor Ruth Phiri says the cleanup exercise is not once off as it will continue in the area.

This is the first time the Somali community in zambia is making such a huge donation to the Zambian government, this is because the newly elected Somali community in zambia chairperson Mr Mohamud Mahamud Grew up in zambia and understands a lot about the Zambian culture which has prompted him to help the Zambian government in the fight against cholera.


    • The other day soldiers were in streets of Lusaka, it looked just like Mogadishu. Somalians were reminded back home.

    • In a related development the Zambia community in Lusaka has also donated zero trucks. In making the donation the Head of the Zambian community in Zambia Mr Jonathan Chendelamumwela added that it is important to supplement the work that the government is doing…

    • That is thirty-five, I mean 35 trucks, not three or two or one, but thirty-five. Thank you very much Somali Community in Zambia for such a generous donation. Once more, THANK YOU!

    • But wait a minute!! Is it offering the trucks to be used in the Cholera fight or out rightly donating them as government property? Gesture appreciated !!

    • @Dr chaos theory you are acting like most pathetic Zambian journalists. You have the wrong name for the Head of the Zambian community in Zambia. His rral name is Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

  1. Shame on PF and LCC. If the Somali community is able to afford to donate such trucks it shows that there’s money in Zambia which thieves in government and at the council have abused which could have been used to transform Lusaka and Zambia; even Somalia which has experienced war and terrorism is cleaner than Lusaka; shame on the so called leaders; Well done Somali community;

    • Shame on you KK Airport Cabinet, If the Somali Community that has been in Zambia and grown in size in a few years can donate 25 trucks for garbage collection, what about the self proclaimed richest man in Zambia. What is he doing about it?

  2. Be careful guys with those Somalians. Soon they shall build a Huge Mosque in lieu of those vehicles and lure you “pentes” in believing in their Allah and his teachings. This is how even CHORELA germs enter our systems because of our own carelessness.

    • If them building a mosque is the price of the 35 trucks and helping improve hygiene and end of Cholera then so be it? What have the thousands of churches and Christians in Lusaka done of significance that can match the gesture of the Somalian community!!? They have shown themselves to be more Zambian the self-proclaimed patriots and politicians who have nothing to show for their so-called love for Zambia

  3. What a wonderful donation!! This is the most huge donation ever, from an African country. The sleeping Ministry of Local government and the Lusaka Mayor will now have enough trucks to use for garbage collection. I hope these trucks will be utilised to the fullest.

    • The donation is not from Somalia but from Somalis living in Zambia. This gesture is unprecedented to say the least and will go a long way in insuring garbage is collected and disease prevented. Where are our local tycoons? Just donating chlorine?I had a negative perception of these fellows but now I have a lot of respect for them.

    • Good question. These truck have been lent to Govt.
      I will not be surprised to learn that this is another “fake news”.

  4. Country led by the unenlightened. You should be feeling ashamed of yourselves. You see it fit to spend $42 million on 42 fire trucks and spend nothing on simple public health systems like cleaning your excreta. What kind of people are you?

  5. But kwena umuntu pls learn how to appreciate ! Even you is anyone happy to see someone dying from cholera let us contribute in fight of cholera

  6. These are great people who believe in respecting and preserving humanity. Zambians should be ashamed of this. Not Zambian tribalist S mysoginists who mobbed me to steal whatever I came back with from my United Nationsa assignment in abuse if the court process. What do they want me to live on. HH! ECL and Linda Kasonde must shame the Zambian LegL Framework and hold them to account for pillaging a UN female Diolomat. They should emulate the Somali community and not shamefully reducing ithers to inhuman and degrading situations. They must make up and compensate me immediately than to expect Mira les to replace whT they stole.

  7. @Zambia@53, you might be a PF cadre who defends PF corruption; You ask the rich man you’re referring to; I am not his spokesperson; I am not his party cadre;

  8. Shame upon you. Zambian men, Mina evi kuuzweza basali limitation. Gilbert Phiri, Makebi Zulu and AKM legal Practitioners must see this and feel ashamed of themselves. Real men don’t abuse state machinery to steal from women. Get a life you bandits and use your professions to build the nations and not to steal from a female UN Diplomat,math rough your relatives in the Judiciary. I have been to humanitarian hit places and I worked so hard to come and be pillaged by men. How sickening. If you are lawyers you must follow strict prescriptions of the law than to steal like *****s, rats and monkeys. I am not giving any of you impunity, You owe me and I shall not relent in asking you publicly to make up for what you did. President ECL and HH are not even ashamed to have you in their company…

  9. Im from Somalia I Love Zambia a beautifull nation. We as africans have to help eachother we dont need the west. Africa has the most resources and skilled people. Go Zambia and go Africa!

    • Point of correction! Zambia is beautiful country but it’s people are filthy and dirt, hence cholera is savaging them.

  10. Given how useless our journalism is in Zed iam doubting this story. Donation? Really? Of 35 trucks? From Somalian community in Zed? Not even colonial master Britain can give us such a huge donation! If true Somalian settlers must be commended

  11. As a Somali-Zambian, we are grateful for the Zambian people and the country for hosting us in their beautiful country. We are now part and parcel of this country and we will stand with our native Zambian brothers and sisters through hardship and we will share the times of prosperity together. Thank you Zambia, we can never repay your hospitality, but we can try. Viva Zambia!

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