The United Nations Development Programmes(UNDP) has donated US$20,000 ( approximately K200,000 ) to the Lweendo Lwangu Cooperative society in Monze District in Southern province to spearhead the promotion of sustainable use of nature resources and maintaining of bio diversity in Chief Mwanza’s area.
The two year project, done in conjunction with the Global Environmental Facility Small Grant Programme (GEF-SGP), would see the planting of more than 4,000 trees, training of 8,000 community members in bee keeping, community based natural resources , forest management and positive indigenous conservation practices.
Speaking during the launch of the project Chief Mwanza’s area today, Project Coordinator Killian Nsadala said the project was designed to protect the environment and control pollution in the chiefdom.
Mr. Nsadala noted that the area has been severely affected by deforestation, poor land use resulting in soil erosion, prolonged drought, silting of dams among other environmental ills besetting the area.
“The UNPD through GEF-SGP has pumped in K200,000 to Lweendo Lwangu Cooperative society towards the implementation of programmes aimed at the promotion of sustainable use of nature resources and maintaining of bio diversity in Chief Mwanza’s area in Monze District,” said Mr. Nsadala.
“At the end of this two year project we expect to see training of 8,000 people on community based natural resources management, forest management and positive indigenous conservation practices to protect the environment and control pollution, planting of more than 4,000 trees, and training of the community in bee keeping in the chiefdom,” he added.
Mr. Nsadala urged the people in chief Mwanza to support the projects which would help to provide health and welfare of people, animals, plants and the environment.
The rational of the project is aimed at reversing the environmental damage through planting of trees, sensitization the community on proper land use, thereby promote the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, help to maintain biological diversity and essential process of life support systems.
And Monze District Commissioner Cyprian Hamanyanga says the indiscriminate cutting of trees has affected rainfall patterns in chief Mwanza.
He told the people that global warming was a serious threat to human livelihoods saying that the time to act to reverse environmental damage done in the area was now.
Mr. Hamayanga , who was represented by District Forestry Officer Andrew Kamwi during the launched of the project, observed that deforestation in Monze was highest in chief Mwanza’ areas adding that this was the more reason for the community to support such projects for them to have sustained livelihoods from the environment.
” Environmental problems here in chief Mwanza started in the 1976s due to massive deforestation and up to this day, this area is still the highest in terms of deforestation in the District and this has contributed to distortion of rainfall patterns. Therefore, we are need to support this projects for us to reverse the environmental damage we have caused so that we can have sustained livelihood,” said Mr. Hamayanga.
The District now has 4,120 bee keepers who produced 26,000 liters of honey in July and 10,140 liters during the period from November to December, 2017.
Chief Mwanza representative pledged full support to ensure success implementation of the project which he noted would positively change people lives and called on the people in the chiefdom to embrace the project so that it is sustainable even after donor funding has dried up.
This is appeasing the Government while doing more damage. UNDP is colluding will Ministry of Health to commit genocide in Zambia. The warehouses you are building with Medical Stores are for storing Vaccines laced with Cancer virus. Why build Cancer hospitals in a country where there’s no cancer? Where can Zambians get Cancer if not from Cholera vaccines that have cancer virus in them. Cholera doesn’t need a vaccine. Which Medical school teach that there’s a vaccine for Cholera. You killed People with Ebola in the West now you come to the South and contaminate water so people can have Cholera and you give them vaccines smuggled through the Chinese on Cha Cha Cha Road. You lie that vaccines are for birth control but they have cancer in them.
Ba Lombe, These are serious allegations. I know UNDP is constructing warehouses in Luanshya for medical stores to carter for the Copperbelt, North -western & Luapula Regions. Am sure you are ware that medical stores has warehouses in Lusaka for 10 provinces. Now to say they will be storing cholera vaccines lased with cancer virus. Is a serious allegation that needs to be reported to relevant authorities. ZAMRA would want that information. Plse call. 0975 949632. all you information will be treated ultimate confidence.
y you see .thats what we tell. why not north or east
his brain is ceased. its all about tribe.
never never ever give him plot one vote.
his lawyers. his press aide. his bloggers. his mps all come from one province.
hes childish
sturbon like a donkey
he cant learn from his previous tribal mistakes
Your ignorance is appalling. There’s a huge difference between UNDP and UPND.
Chipimo 2021.