Sunday, March 9, 2025

First Lady, Esther Lungu enrolls at UNZA for a degree in Special Education


First Lady with faculty staff at UNZA
First Lady with faculty staff at UNZA

The First Lady, Mrs Esther Lungu , has enrolled at the University of Zambia to pursue a degree programme in Special Education under the Institute of Distance Education.

Mrs Esther Lungu is the founder and Chairperson of the Esther Lungu Foundation trust, a Non Governmental organization which helps out the needy in society.

The First Lady decided to pursue a degree programme in Special Education which is in line with her passion to help the vulnerable and disadvantaged people in society.

The First Lady posed for a group photo with Director, Institute of Distance Education, Prof. Boniface Namangala (2nd left), UNZA Librarian, Ms Christine Kanyengo (right) and other staff on Tuesday, 9th January 2018.


  1. Wrong time to be enrolling when you have sent our children back home. Where has she been all this time, right now she is just going to use her position to get an easy degree others will sweat for. If the lecturer fails her, he or she might be fired. It’s also a clear proof of corruption as most likely she is not paying for that degree herself.

    • Koma ni chimbwi uyu zoona. Is this all you can say about a women who is inspiring others and girls. She has enough money and does not need to school for money but she is going to school. Learn to appreciate our mothers. They work and live in very challenging circustances. Do it may take them long to do degrees.

    • @Amagenge, Esther Lungu has enough money? Where does she work or has worked before? Being a wife to Lungu is not a job. She is enjoying corruption money, just like a certain Grace Mugabe. Wife of a leader is not a job just like husband of a leader of minister. We will remain in a sh^t hole forever if we continue to think like you do.

  2. Chimbwi, you are indeed a hyena. What is is your address, Kafue National Park or South Luangwa National park? Okay I know, Mukuni Game Park.

    • @Upnd cadre—–Grow up! Tribal bigot, why are you full of hate? all human beings, irrespective of their ethnic groups, nations, etc. are born equal. When are you going to start behaving like a human being?

    • And what are the entry requirements for a special Ed degree program at UNZA? Start by telling us that detail then we can proceed to have an intelligent discussion. Otherwise stop spouting off insulting the intelligence of everyone responsible for making sure every Zambian (Younger or Older) who want to have a higher education can go and get from our Universities.

  3. That is great for Madam First Lady, really good and great!! A massive inspiration to our women folk.

    And also note that there is enough time at State House to do a Masters degree as well, all the way to 2026!!

    • which six or eight points are you talking about? You are misinformed. you dont need six or eight points to be admitted at UNZA especially at IDE. All you need is six credits.

  4. @ 8 Mary luwi. Six or eight points? Admission requirements for UNZA Special Education under distance learning (and under parallel programs) are more basic than that. It is of course a different matter if one is applying for admission as a regular student also seeking loan/bursary from GRZ-6 or 8 points might come into play. Luwi is a great name by the way…I hope you have some ‘luwi’ when looking at the case of Esther Lungu.

    • @Analyst before using a code name related to analyse you have to be cleared by me, Analyser. This is patented and you just can’t come up and use it. One character has called himself scrutinizer and my legal team looked into that and they feel it’s ok. Another adventurous goon called himself Anna lyser that was also, with the benefit of doubt allowed. You have to go through stringent checks to qualify. You appear ok with you luwi oratory but you need to find an alternative name until approval or we work out franchise options

    • I understand the Chinese influence filtering into Zambia and extending to LT but you just can’t copy other’s things and think it’s ok. STOP!

  5. Commendable but Grace Mugabe obtained a DOCTORATE in record time and how is it now? Where was Esther all this time? She can wait to after 2021 when the husband,s position may not impact.Otherwise her degree will have a lifespan up to 2021.

    • This Chawama woman ain’t going no where. The husband is a jerk. Vera Chiluba set very high standards for these women who suddenly find themselves in such places and they feel they can even be Presidents just because they sleep with the President. Look at Mulenga SATA, a dog seller who thought because he was the President’s son then he could rule. I quote Wynter Kabimba about Mulenga ( with his failings), ‘a President’s dog is not a President of dogs in the country. You have to have qualities.

  6. I think she is angry that one Mushota with nothing to show between the ears boasts of a PHD. She wants to show how a real PhD graduate functions

  7. Its good ridannce, now people of public standing like first lady , the zambians are interested to KNOW whether she met all the requirements for enrolment as a distance student in special education cos. one ,must attain certain level of pass at Grade 12 TO BE ACCEPTED , IF THESE CONDITIONS WERE WAIVED LET THE NATION BE TOLD

  8. Enrolling for degree is a private matter and not news. Is she going to let us know when she closes her Swiss Account or when she buys another apartment in Dubai? How many cars did she bring with her from Chawama to State House?

  9. This is commendable if she qualifies. Three questions should be asked on this article:
    1. Why are we parading faculty members for a photography for enrolling a mere fresher. She has not made any contribution to UNZA. So what is the justification for the photograph.
    2. Why did she only decide now to study? Will the faculty members in that photo be impartial when marking her assignments and exams or is she taking advantage of the position to get a qualification without the requisite work.
    3. Where is she going to find time to study judging from busy airport dance watching schedule and the jogging she occasionally does? Is there a deputy on call fir some first lady duties?

  10. For those of you bent on negativity, naive and mental redudancy, Mrs Lungu ought to be applauded, not chastised for her selfless charity and philanthropic work. Her desire to pursue further pathways to our nations prosperity is a bonus.All you illiterates fall short of a reason to attack her other than your target is the President.My father taught us that education is a lifelong process. The first lady exemplifies that conversation .

  11. Waste of time and resources! That money could have been a bursary for a poor child in the village to go to UNZA only the child would be more smarter. Zambia let’s not allow mediocre. First of all we need to see her grade 12 and diploma before being accepted to UNZA. How will she have time to write exams, do homework, research assignments, study at least over 6 courses, and also take care of her husband, children, and do her 1st Lady role! This is wishful thinking on her part. Getting a degree is not a joke and 4 years is a longtime! My question is who will mark her exams? We need an outside body to do that. I don’t trust any Zambia institution. They should get a top leading school in the world to do that. Let’s be fair to other students and not be biased.

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