The Ministry of Health says it’s optimistic that cholera will be eliminated in the coming few weeks due to the positive results from the multi sectorial approach.
Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Administration Kennedy Malama said 87 cases were recorded in the last 24hrs of which 14 are children and 73 are adults.
Dr. Malama explained that Lusaka has so far recoded 2,927 cases of which 2,664 were successfully treated and discharged.
During the Media briefing on Cholera update yesterday, The Permanent Secretary pointed out that 182 people are under treatment in various treatment centers with 47 being admitted to National Heroes stadium.
He said over 60 deaths have been recorded stating that only one death was recorded in the last 24 hours.
“So far 65 deaths have been recorded of which 38 occurred in communities and we encourage people to rush to hospitals whenever they have symptoms of this pandemic.
Dr. Malama advised the general public to exercise high levels of hygiene despite the oral vaccination that is being given out.
Meanwhile, various entities made donations towards the fight against cholera.
Among them was Save Life Foundation founded last November that donated 400 work suits, ZAMTEL donated assorted items worth k250, 000 and Agro Chemicals Company that donated various items valued at k100, 000 among others.
Need to outlaw street vending; let all the empty spaces in the markets be filled. Also build more markets
In a few weeks so Chagwa can start flying around. I bet he is failing to travel because of cholera
As it is, He’s not welcome anywhere.
Am so sure he’s desperate to just fly to some excuse of a place and pretend he’s making connections.
what is Amos Chanda doing there? Don’t allow him to participate in decision making.
Cholera will only be eliminated if you eliminate the cause and not the symptoms, you can clean and remove vendors from the streets to markets but if there are no toilets, better drainage systems. Clean drinking water, proper habitation we are kidding ourselves. Let lessons be learnt from what has happened today by those in Govt and those aspiring and for the rest of us time has come to hold those in power accountable for actions they implement or fail
to implement.
The toilets are there in town but not suffucient for street vendors. Also vendors dont want to pay k2 for the fee paying toilets so they use shake shake packs to help themselves and later throw them. The vendors also increase gabbage which clog the drainage system coz u and i buy stuff from them and later throw rubbish around after use. So vendors out of lusaka will go along way in keeping it clean. Lusaka is just too congested.
The damage has already been done.
After eliminating cholera we should go on to eliminating evil in our society. Maybe prayer will help.
Street vendors must be eliminated permanently period! Also remove the K2 fees of toilet usage. Public toilets in other countries are free and are properly maintained by the city’s councils (Government). Toilets are a necessity to good hygiene not a LUXUARY. Why is our Zambia Government failing such simple tasks? The VAT collected is supposed to be put to proper use such as prioritizing Clean water and sewage systems.
The markets is where street vendors need to be conducting their business. Not at all in the streets
As long we allow street vending to continue, cholera will continue haunting us. lets find a lasting solution. lusakas streets are a mess. Dirt is just too much.