Thursday, January 2, 2025

Lusambo brokers deal between striking SADC truck drivers and DRC authorities


Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusaka Lusambo during the commissioning of a a Solar Milling Plant
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusaka Lusambo

Government says 149 trucks crossed to the Democratic Republic of Congo via Kasumbalesa boarder post around 06:49hrs today.

ZANIS reports that Copperbelt minister Bowman Lusambo said after a successful meeting yesterday with Upper Katanga governor Celistin Kapopo , the ‘ striking ‘ truck drivers were asked to start crossing to Congo via Kasumbalesa boarder post adding that about 149 trucks by broadcast time had crossed.

He noted that the Democratic Republic of Congo has accepted to deal with all the concerns that the SADC truck drivers raised.

Mr Lusambo added that the truck drivers raised a number of concerns which were brought to the attention of the two countries’ authorities.

He noted that the four demands which are given to the Zambian side will be dealt with immediately adding that DRC has also assured to deal with the 10 issues immediately.

Mr. Lusambo who described the mission to Kasumbalesa as successful urged the truck drivers to continue with there daily business of transporting goods and services as their concerns will be worked on immediately.

The Southern Africa Development Community truck drivers were since Monday marooned at Kasumbalesa boarder post protesting on security issues and also to have Whiskey check point in Congo to be closed.


    • I can confirm to you that the trucks have started to move or you just only bad things to be affecting the country. I bet you don’t even know what the strike was all about.

  1. This is not development, we want to HEAR that lusambo and kambwili have reconciled also minister of health is fired as well as local Government and MUTATI AH THE LIST IS ENDLESS

  2. Yes, why whisky, Kisanga and the border itself and sometimes even bond warehouse, they should also remove OCC & Intelligence, customs can handle everything

  3. What deal can the chief bootlicker strike? Nikoswe mumpoto maybe mukula trucks are now being smuggled through Congo. Can people trust Lusambo, the confessed and documented bootlicker of the master?

  4. Still not my favourite minister though. What was he doing before becoming die hard cakuti cakuti? Why didn’t they groom him by starting him as assistant minister? Oh sorry there is no position of assistant minister yaba lets re-amend the amended constitution we need some training ground and positions.

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