Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lusambo warns mining firms over out sourcing


Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo addressing the media during a press briefing at his office in Ndola
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo addressing the media during a press briefing at his office in Ndola

Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo has sounded a strong warning to mining companies over a growing practice to procure most of their services outside Zambia.

And Mr Lusambo has revealed that the Provincial Administration on the Copperbelt will soon launch an investment audit of all mining operations in the province to ascertain the level of fresh investment that has been pumped into the sector since privatization.

Addressing the first media briefing at his office in the year 2018, Mr Lusambo stated that it is unacceptable that mining companies have continued to procure most of their products and services abroad at the expense of local suppliers.

He said the PF government will not tolerate this practice as it believes that Zambian suppliers have now attained the required capacity to service the mines.

Mr Lusambo said foreign suppliers will be required to partner with local suppliers when it comes to certain specialized jobs whose expertise may not be readily available.
“Time has come now to stop this habit of procuring everything outside the country. As Government, we want the mines to give jobs to local suppliers as a way of contributing to growing this economy,” Mr Lusambo stated.

He charged that it is illogical that some foreign owned companies have even domiciled their procurement departments outside the country.

“It is unacceptable for a mining company which mines here in Zambia to house its procurement department outside Zambia. We want to put a stop to this and we expect 100% compliance from our mining companies here on the Copperbelt,” he stressed.

And Mr Lusambo disclosed that in 2018, the Copperbelt Administration will engage the Ministries of Mines and Minerals Development and Commerce, Trade and Industry to carry out a comprehensive investment audit of all mining companies operating in the province.

He said his office has information that most of the mining companies have under invested in their operations, contrary to the investment pledges they made when obtaining their investment licences.

“We will be engaging our colleagues from the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development and the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and industry to see the level of fresh investment that has gone into these mines. What we are seeing today is that some of these mines are just mining the Copper waste or slug which was dumped by ZCCM,” Mr Lusambo said.

“As Copperbelt Administration, we see that there has not been any substantial Foreign Direct Investment in some of our mines. Some of these so called investors have not brought any new equipment or technology, they are doing very basic mining by focusing on the dump pit which even my young daughter can do, we will not tolerate such kind of behavior in the province,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo who was flanked by Provincial Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe warned this office will deal with politically aligned civil servants bent on frustrating government’s developmental agenda.

“As government, we are running a professional civil service and we will not tolerate cadre civil servants in the province. If you don’t support the government of the day, just know that we will flush you out. Bringing partisan politics to the office has potential to frustrate our work as government,” he said.

Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo addressing the media during a press briefing at his office in Ndola
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo addressing the media during a press briefing at his office in Ndola
Members of the Press covering a press briefing called by Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo at his office in Ndola
Members of the Press covering a press briefing called by Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo at his office in Ndola


  1. Mind your lipstick and your vima-wig iwe ka Mushota, what do you know or understand about Mining? This young man is talking about of sense.

  2. Sense with threats, someone needs to teach him PR. You set up policies and conditions which are enforceable not just mouthing threats.

  3. Way to go Mr. Lusambo. People thought you won’t perform when you were first appointed as Copperbelt Minister but everyone is seeing your efforts to make Copperbelt great again.

  4. Talk is cheap. We need action. PF has been barking about localizing jobs for years, with little fruit. Loud bark, toothless bite. The mines are laughing behind closed doors.
    Ask those who have worked at mines. If artisan jobs are done by “expatriates”. Really sad

  5. The pronouncement is very much welcome. Viva honourable. We need to empower our people and there should be controls to strictly monitor adherence

  6. All talk but no action.
    How long has this government been talking about foreigners taking jobs that Zambians can do? The same government issues work permits to these foreigners and nothing changes on the ground.How can a Chinese or Indian come to Zambia to operate a Grader for instance. Or a simple Grinder?? We have plenty artisans in Zambia but somehow these foreign ‘artisans’ end up with work permits. Let us see you acting on your utterances or threats, maybe you will be taken seriously.

  7. Congratulations Hon.Lusambo,but you need to check on our own Zambia Metal Fabricators’ Limited(ZAMEFA) in Luanshya.They procure most of their services outside Zambia.Leaving our local suppliers with only about 5%
    on which to survive on.

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