Sunday, February 23, 2025

President Edgar Lungu urges Zambians not to be swayed by emerging political parties


President Edgar Lungu confers with PF Secretary General Davies Mwila at ZAF Lusaka shortly before his departure to Muchinga Province for three days working visit
President Edgar Lungu confers with PF Secretary General Davies Mwila at ZAF Lusaka shortly before his departure to Muchinga Province for three days working visit
President Edgar Lungu has urged Zambians not to be swayed by emerging mushrooming political parties whose leaders’ agenda is to distabilise progressive operations of Government.

President Lungu notes that there is a growing trend of some emerging political parties to insult him and his leadership.

The Head of State says he will not sink so low to respond to any allegations and insults from such political party leaders but focus on the PF Government’s agenda to develop the country.

President Lungu was speaking when he addressed scores of people shortly after arrival at the Zambia Air Force Samora Machel Air Force base in Mbala on Saturday, enroute to Muchinga province.

He further urged PF youths across the country not to be provoked by politicians insulting him but focus on development.

Meanwhile, President Lungu said he is on a countrywide fact-finding tour to ensure people entrusted with jobs are working.

The Head of State stated that he does not want to see people earning money without delivering.

President Lungu said he will target everyone including Ministers, District Commissioners, ward councilors and that anyone found wanting risks losing their job.


  1. People have democratic rights to form and belong to any party of their choice. Emergence of new parties is a non-issue which doesn’t even need to be debated and the President would have done well to re-focus his energies on other important issues

    • Yea but you don’t form a party with an agenda of insulting the head of state. Too much insults landed hh in court.

      Fire lazy people who are earning without delivering. I will support you on that move. This is what the opposition should should applaud ecl for. He is doing what you want him to do. Can I hear hard core tribalist to congratulate ecl on this mission. Politics nd tribalism aside bane.

    • Clean up that thug infected champaign drinking state house before firing the katata drinking district commissioners.
      Edgar failed to fire anybody from Lusaka over cholera, now he start flexing his weak muscles on those cassava growing employees.

    • Emerging new political parties simply confirms the emergence of new ideas or as in the present case, as a means of correcting what has gone wrong in Zambia under a clueless incompetent individual pretending to lead this country. New parties should be celebrated as they refresh ideas of governance, seek to wrestle against ignorance that retrogresses a nation. This is a contest E Chakolwaj Lungu is a distant nonentity. What kind of leader is this that does not discuss policy issues or even engages in an open debate? What wasted years, Zambia! Perhaps these new parties will debate real policy that includes understanding policy disfunction or non-existence under a current government running on an empty policy void and platform.

    • Yes fire and do away with certain offices such as the DC office which serves no purpose but to consume State funds. Too many non performing govt officers.

      @wenge exactly where is Frank Bwalya? He has been silent for almost over 3months.

  2. ”….The Head of State says he will not sink so low to respond to any allegations and insults from such political party leaders …”

    Lungu is the only leader in the world who does not deny that he is a corrupt thief…… Day in day out people are calling lungu the leader of a corruption enterprise and we too now think lungu is a very corrupt theif….in fact the most corrupt president ever…

    • The fake corruption story only exists in your tribal head. You started by screaming dictator dictator. When you realised it was not working you started another chorus of corruption. Fac knows what you’ll come up with next.

    • Lungu is a wanabe dictator , only the CW and international bodies warned him against abuse of democratic rights of citizens only then has he toned down…….

  3. We shall align and belong to the new parties as they look to have solutions to our daily life challenges and not the PF government. Enough is enough. Its our constitutional right.

  4. “President Edgar Lungu has urged Zambians not to be swayed by emerging mushrooming political parties whose leaders’ agenda is to distabilise progressive operations of Government.“

    Mr. President please let our fragile democracy run its course.

    Don’t interfere with your resources, when you speaks it carries weight.

    It’s the given rights to form parties by the constitution.

  5. When people form political parties it shows that the the ruling party is losing it’s strength and soon getting to it’s knee’s.

  6. Just sit down Sir. We are now accustomed Faith without action. I warn. l will fire, l won’t wait for AAC, what happened after?

  7. Why do you say that, you won’t be swayed by the mash rooming party, because you are corrupt, and you are buys , saying they are not a factor, but people are leaving your party. You can fire them, because you are also involved in the corrupt activity. Abantu baya, mulindwii!

  8. “not to be swayed by emerging political parties” – hey Bwana Lungu if that’s the backward mindset I guess we’d still be slaves to UNIP one party rule.

    • He has forgotten that pf also just mushroomed as result of sata’s presidential ambitions been hindered in mmd.

  9. Mr Lungu is feeling the heat of Kambwili NDC Party hence the reason to send Mumbi Phiri to Luapula where she was advised to reduce ubukaka and she spent time delivering empty message. Mr Lungu has been informed by intelligence that things are not ok the challenge you have Mr president is facing UPND and NDC. Mr Lungu appears to be understanding intelligence tips now hence the reason to embark on the so called fact finding mission. Try your luck sir but when people say enough is enough kulonga

  10. Lungu must be answering to the corrupt allegations laid bare by CK. You its said “set a thief to catch a thief”. Like the story of Lungu single sourcing Topstar to run ZNBC, its clear and failure to act on part of the accused means of iz quilty. The corruption in the country is alarming. It started with stealing our votes, choices , voices, democracy, liberties, and our good governance both in 2015 and 2016. Now they are stealing everything leaving citizens immatiated. LUNGU MUST GO.

  11. Allegations of rampant corruption do not constitute insults. ECL should not worry about insults as the President is protected under the Presidential Defamatory Law.What he is failing to reply to are allegations of corruption coming from people who worked closely with him.He should just respond to the corruption allegations and not worry about insults as Police will deal with the later.

  12. UPND and NDC not a threat to PF.Worst NDC patali.Mailo waupa uyu watanfya mailo waupya bakutanfya What a waste.When are you going to be satisfied

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