Ms. Mulenga who is also Minister of Informational and Broadcasting Services has also dismissed Mr Kambwili’s allegations that the digital migration project is marred with corruption.
She says Mr. Kambwili’s utterances are based on his bitterness and frustration.
Ms. Mulenga says it is unfortunate that Mr Kambwili has unfairly accused President Edgar Lungu of single sourcing StarTimes of China for the Digital Migration project.
She has clarified that the process used to contract StarTimes, is allowed in the procurement process and no objection was received from the Zambia Public Procurement Authority -ZPPA.
The Minister has also reiterated that government has and will prudently spend funds for the digital migration project.
Ms. Mulenga said this in a statement issued to ZNBC News in Lusaka.
Meanwhile Minister of Information Kampamba Mulenga has reiterated government’s commitment to ensuring that the Freedom of Information -FOI- bill comes to pass.
And Ms Mulenga has commended the U.S Government for its continued support towards capacity building of media practitioners in Zambia.
She says government recognises the importance of the bill and is working round the clock to ensure completion of all the necessary processes.
Ms Mulenga was speaking when U.S Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote called on her at her office in Lusaka.
She said Government has taken a cautious approach towards the bill because it wants to ensure that once passed, the law stands the test of time.
And Ambassador Foote commended the government for its efforts and determination to grow the media industry.
He said the American government is proud of the growth Zambia has recorded in the media industry.
Mr Foote said the U.S government stands ready to provide support to enhance this progress.
This when they have released Sharon to comment…she was lowly ranked to comment on the Mukula debacle!!
Of late Sharon aka Victor only visits LT late at midnight. If someone accuse of something you are not, is it not just right that you have to seek the court’s intervention by suing them for defamation of character.
This Jelita K Mulenga is a disgrace. She lost opportunity of her career to pin Foonte over as$hole countries? Instead of Kambwili, we had opportunity to hear hear if Zambia is a pampputy country….
Buti Kampamba uli chipuba uwamupamba zooana.
Kambwili is only confirming what we know and seeing chipuba iwé.
Is this news worthy or some woman trying to be relevant. Ba Kambwili if you are really Junior Cobra don’t even respond to this. You are above not on top of this woman. Bonse aba bakaluba muchani.
At some point, the powers that be admitted, on radio and television, that there was overpricing in tenders secured by government and public enterprises and that heads eould roll.
Who is this Spokesperson to disagree with researched and verified reports on sitting on the table of the boss?
The question is was it a single sourcing that was used to contract StarTimes?
The vague clarification that “the process used to contract StarTimes, is allowed in the procurement process and no objection was received from the Zambia Public Procurement Authority -ZPPA.”, does not say much.
This doesn’t tell Zambians exactly how sourcing was done, if you call this an explanation, then you are mistaken. Its indirectly telling Zambians to shut up. Which is an insult to all.
I don’t need Kambwili to know you are corrupt. You are stinking corrupt guys!
And they want BUFFOON CK to report to Police on Friday….really laughable…this has to stop of trying to let people send weekends in filthy police cells!!
HIS uncle fired him as Labor Minister when charged at the Chinese investors with the unpalatable unprintables. Loud mouth CK president? Please! Gimme a break it doesn’t rhyme right. Some people are better off chola boys and bootlickers. Watch CK defending ECL and his government those days as he demolished
the yup n’ down any one who crossed him . Serpents are not difficult to detect.
From the genius Hon. ministers own admission i think this is food for thought to his excellency that she records all conversations he probably has with her. If she can openly tell her predecessor to have been recording the president then she does it.
Kambwili is a low life and a hypocrite who is on record of not paying his workers well and abusing his authority to get contracts – its just the people around the President don’t know how to deal with such people- you don’t need to arrest them or take them to court- just dig into their past and release their past misdeeds so that all Zambians know their true character. This is what civilised politics is all about and what our friends in the West do! It is more effective and less messy. Remember Aesop’s fables? The competition of the Sun and the Wind to remove a man’s coat! The wind tried to blow harder but the man pulled his coat harder, then the sun shone bright and the man removed it due to the heat. A clear case of force (Wind) v tact (Sun) and tact won.
Iwe Ka’bamba do not under estimate our intelligence!
Most Zambians don’t need Kambwili to see the corruption under PF and we all know Jonathan is the mastermind
Who is Jonathan? Ive seen that name referred to on different platforms (asking for a friend lol)
Madame we do not need Kambwili to sway us, we see it ourselves.
Kambwili is an empty tin who will be jailed soon.
No normal person takes Kambwili serious.last week on radio phoenix Kambwili was shocked after a lot of callers called him names and told him to keep quiet because he is not better than anyone in PF today.had ECL not fired CK,he could have continued singing praising songs about PF 24/7!!!
Kambwili is same as Chilufya Tayali and Mulyokela!!
Improvement ba njimbu, you can do better. This first comment you have not strayed out of the topic, you have stopped taking viagra, RIGHT?
@Njibu, please respect us the poor. Mulyokela is second best Opposition leader after Miyanda.
Only the gullible stand to be swayed by the very shallow diatribe from Kambwili.
Only the weak minded…very true.
You mean like Yup n’ down supporters on this podium ka? Amazing!!!
The right for lungu to do is come out and protect his character and integrity by denying those allegations or sueing….but it seems by his silence those allegations are true…
We believe Kambwili.
We do! He was there! Stop taking Zambians to be fontinis! Do not underestimate!
You want to know how a crocodile lives in water, ask the hippopotamus.
The mansions you are building are beyond your earning capacities, we know too well that most of you were vagabonds before politics.
Suddenly you have become wealthy, also the arrogance you all have is a tale tale sign of being corrupted by power and stolen money.
It’s very clear what would happen if the greatest blunder happened and upnd was accidentally voted into power. They would spend 75% of their time blaming everything on PF. Like the Mwanawasa regime, they would want to hoodwink the population with the corruption rhetoric while they go about carving up the national cake for themselves and their tribesmates. Like FTJ or RB, all that corruption talk would fizzle out as evidence of it would never exist. Look at Kambwili, alarming the nation about corruption yet he is the one at the heart of it. CURSED IS THIS COUNTRY SHOULD THIS EVIL RETURN.
Keep the dumb speculations to yourself @ Zambian citizen, right now our concern is with the PF crookedness visible to our eyes. Unlike you, am no cadre.
PF crookedness my!!!! Why are you failing to expose and convict the crooks??? You want to do another task force??? 8 years and $100m wasted!!!! Look at RSA who enacted a progressive constitution in 1994 and created effective institutions to fight corruption, today they are apprehending the state capture crooks; not trumpeting corruption in one newspaper, hand picking prosecutors and achieving NO CONVICTIONS!!!!!!
Why don’t those black a.s.sho.les which are in majority in parliament then enact effective laws, as well as, manage or lead the institutions that are under their jurisdiction in an effective manner so that, you will be giving Zambia as an example and NOT RSA. You seem to be proud of RSA achievement, while we want Zambia to be an example. We are not seeing the results. You defend your PF, and then you are giving thumbs up to RSA, which is ridiculous. It’s a flawed argument to ask @Mafikizolo to so-called “expose”, so are you telling us there is no corruption going on in Zambia? Hey, be it CK, or whoever it is, let be. But the point is about smashing out the rot. Your constant defence is tantamount to an insult to a cause of eliminating corruption.
Skin lighting creams impair judgement.
Mufuta niku zola manje kazoledwe.
She looks like she was embalmed,sisi kampamba black is wonderful.
Ghana have banned these nasty toxic products and not giving these yellow black people jobs!!
And you are convinced ZPA can object to the president orders?
..reading btwen her minced statements, one can not help it but conclude that there is everything fish about what she is yapping….looks like someone has an ambition to be among the riches in Africa…top TEN…
I believe Kambwili on issues of corruption. Why? Simply because he was part of the scheme and he got short changed. Everything he says about corruption is true and the only problem is that he is equally corrupt. It takes a thief to know one!
Another only thing is that he has fails to have the CORRUPTION charges registered at any courts law or anti corruption wing. So where does his corruption claim or allegations lead us. What’s the next step people? Put on bitterness jacket like the yup n’ down thugs here? Hypertension might creep in kaili. Oooooh! doesn’t CK sound like an empty tin. Let him constitute a team of powerful lawyers and let them sue corrupt individuals in Government. Do someting about it aisha.
BUFFOON CK knows all the corrupt dealings as he is implicated as well but he knows that those he is accusing can not object as they were all together at the crime scene…so its better to let him run his mouth alone!!
He is as confused as HH. Possibly due to evil spirits. Common denominator.
Sharon its night time and the only thing on your mind as usual is your silly HH
Why are the book shelves in the minister’s office empty?
This girl’s highest qualification is an Advanced Certificate in Health Care and Advanced Certificate in IT…really laughable ..surely what books can she refer to even if she knew how to do it!!
Underestimating the intelligence of the Zambians. Trying to dress the naked truth.
From the way Kabwili has been ranting, it’s plan to see that he has Edgar and his minions by the balls.
The man calls the president all sorts of names and goes scot free.
From all this, I can deduce that whatever Kabwili says is true.
I wish PF good luck in removing the noose that Kabwili on their balls.
PF ni flat tire!!
These corrupt guys thought they were invincible. They never believed when people said a day of reckoning will soon come. God works in mysterious ways. He uses people you may not even dream of. Your very close friend will become your betrayer. Nothing happens without a witness. We’re now entering revelations phase. More is yet to be revealed. Even defending the indefensible is slowly becoming a very hard task. Kusabaila fye! The way the cookie crumbles.
The man surprises me the man confuses me!!!!!! just remembering the late Cobra………….
The venom with which Kambwili speaks you can suspect that may be he’s a Mfwiti. If indeed ECL and PF were as corrupt as alleged by Kambwili, by now most donors could have withdrawn their aid. We saw it under RB, but this is when we are seeing increased donor participation and that doesn’t reconcile. Indeed it’s sour grapes, mark my words
KM as a government spokesperson,my advise to you and your team is..keep part of that money safe,make sure you invest, because you will soon need it, for the following:
1. Payment to lawyers
2. Bonds:you will be in and out of jail
3. Food while in jail
4. For your children who will by that time,be in community schools not where they are now.
enjoy now coz time for reckoning is at hand
Stop talking about Zambia Kampmba wamupamba. You think the Zambian people don’t know? You does not need Kambwili to see corruption. It’s written all over you guys. In any case, days are numbered. It’s a shame that you don’t even feel ashamed to defend lies. The monies you are stealing for the Zambian people will not take you anywhere. It’s cursed money because it’s not rightly earned.
We do not need to listen to Chimbwili Kashimba, we are seeing with our very own eyes… fire trucks!
Political gymnastics waged by Kambwili, Musenge and Kalaba are a wake up call for UPND. HH must attain a 6th sense to appreciate the trio’s actions. Kambwili, Kalaba and GBM were each vying to grab the leadership of PF after the demise of President Sata. As GBM joined UPND Kalaba and Kambwili remained in PF with the hope of grabbing presidency within PF. Prior to the 2016 elections Kalaba galvanised a delegation to ask ECL for a position of Presidential Running-Mate. However when ECL opted to unite the country by choosing Mrs. Wina as Running-Mate, that dashed Kalaba’ hopes. Guy Scott’s joining NDC means that Bembas who voted for UPND in 2016 will vote for NDC in 2021. Wake up call for HH.
Kampamba Mulenga, you ought to understand that Zambians are smarter than you and your drunken boss think! Its incredible to imagine that you continue to think that Zambians will still believe your silly drivel that spew to cover the massive thieving you have been up to in government. What is the whole president doing getting involved in securing the deal when the line minister should be responsible? You and your lot will leave government in shame!!!! The next government should not have mercy on you, but prosecute you!
The venom with which Kambwili speaks, you would think he’s a mfwiti. If indeed ECL and PF were as corrupt as alleged by Kambwili by now we could have seen donors withdraw their funding like happened under RB. But now we are seeing increased donor activity! Their monitoring capacity is superb so they can’t keep quiet in the face of large scale plunder. So Kampamba is right, it’s sour grapes
Let Kambwili learn a lesson of insulting publicly the head of state. What example is he giving to our youths? that to be politically successful one needs to be insolent? NO NO Not at all in a Christian country like ours. let him just learn from GBM and HH that insults do not make one a hero or successor to presidency. Kambwili learn to be mature! The likes of Mwenya Musenge are nothing but in the same group of people who have no vision for this country but to be given another chance to come steal from this country. NDC what a party one can join. If you join they will insult you and claim they are the founders and so can misbehave as they wish. Mwenya and Kambwili waht a bad ending, this is the end of their political carreer. Even Elias Chipimo noticed that these are the same thieves that…
Let Kambwili learn a lesson of insulting publicly the head of state. What example is he giving to our youths? that to be politically successful one needs to be insolent? NO NO Not at all in a Christian country like ours. let him just learn from GBM and HH that insults do not make one a hero or successor to presidency. Kambwili learn to be mature! The likes of Mwenya Musenge are nothing but in the same group of people who have no vision for this country but to be given another chance to come steal from this country. NDC what a party one can join. If you join they will insult you and claim they are the founders and so can misbehave as they wish. Mwenya and Kambwili waht a bad ending, this is the end of their political carreer. These two should not take Zambians for Granted.