Thursday, January 23, 2025

Draconian cholera fight measures meant to save lives-Kabwe Mayor


From (right) Central province Minister Sydney Mushanga, Kabwe DC Dominic Mulenga and Kabwe mayor Prince Chileshe flagging of this year's independence celebrations in Kabwe
From (right) Central province Minister Sydney Mushanga, Kabwe DC Dominic Mulenga and Kabwe mayor Prince Chileshe flagging of this year’s independence celebrations in Kabwe

Kabwe Mayor Prince Chileshe has called on the councillors in the municipality to actively participate in the ‘Keep Zambia Clean’ campaign which he said was a sure way of fighting cholera.

Mr. Chileshe said since the outbreak of cholera in Kabwe, all the cases were successfully treated except for one patient who died from the disease.

He said the district has achieved this through draconian measures put in place to combat cholera.

He said these measures include the removal of street vendors from the central business district (CBD).

ZANIS reports that the Mayor said this when he handed over 36 bicycles to the Ward Development Committees (WDCs) in Kabwe Central and Bwacha constituencies yesterday.

He told councillors and WDC representatives from 27 wards that although the interventions were draconian in nature, they were taken to save life.

He said the authorities in Kabwe had to get rid of street vending to combat cholera.

Mr. Chileshe observed that time has come when the ‘Keep Kabwe Clean and Healthy’ campaign should be decentralised to the ward and zone levels.

He said there was need for WDCs and the councillors to work together and organise the people to embrace cleanliness.

Mr. Chileshe said the decentralised efforts for fighting cholera should be extended to HIV and AIDS to protect the future generation.


  1. What you consider “draconian measures” in Zambia is what is considered normal way of doing things and ordinary life in Rwanda,Japan ,USA ,Singapore etc.

    Lets all resolve to change and learn to “live with it” as routine cuz nothing good come easily my people.

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