![Antonio Mwanza speaking during his defection](https://i0.wp.com/www.lusakatimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/IMG_7783.jpg?resize=650%2C424&ssl=1)
The Zambia National Students Union has challenged Antonio Mwanza to explain his stance on the issues affecting the nation which he spoke so passionately about when he was in opposition.
Speaking in an interview ZANASU Vice President Eddie Miyoba said young people in the country expected Mwanza to firmly stand for what he believed in when in opposition such as better standards of Education in the country.
Miyoba wondered how the charismatic former FDD Spokesperson will speak about the issues he tirelessly advocated for she he was in opposition.
“As ZANASU we expect Comrade Mwanza to stand firmly for what he believed in the time he was in opposition,i.e better standards of education (in higher learning institutions) now that he is in the ruling party what is his take over the pro longed closure of CBU and UNZA.
“The time he was opposition he tirelessly advocated for the amendment of the Public Oder Act now that he is in the ruling party what’s his take? After his few Media appearance under PF, we question whether his defection was genuine or was because of hunger that every Zambian is facing under this government,” said Miyoba.
Miyoba further said Mwanza was an embarrassment to youths not only in the student community but to the general youths as well.
He added that the confidence young people had that such political practice would change but that Mwanza had proved them wrong.
“He is an embarrassment not only to the student community but to the youths at large, we deeply feel ashamed that a person like Antonio is even linked to student governance because those are not values of unionism.
“We were confident that we were going to change the practice of politics as young people but what we have seen is not inspiring at all, one thing for sure is that he will not have a clean consious because we know what he believed in and we are very sure that there is a spell which was cast on him and we shall forgive him for that.
“We want to urge the youths not to despair in their fight for clean politics, Antonio is but just a drop in a ocean who cannot halt the process of cleaning the political environment, we have many young people today who can who are more vibrant and can do a better job…..aluta continua” Miyoba said.
Which Party did you want him to join?
The name gives him up – Miyoba wanted Mwanza to join his tribal grouping to be used by their ka god ka hh.
What is wrong with you people? Now people like Miyoba can voice their opinions because they are Tonga. Ashamed to Zambian!
Leave Antonio alone all he wants is to serve Zambia. Even HH is welcome to join PF to come and serve the country he condemns a lot.
“Congratulations to Times of Zambia employees. 9 months without pay but faithfully writing propaganda for their tormentors. This is real patriotism”- Antonio Mourinho Mwanza, November 15, 2017, at 10.15 am.
21.1–It is a shame that we have a lot of shameless tribal bigot in Zambia. Habitatcoin is a neo-nazist.
Here is snippet from Antonio’s writing not so long ago……Antonio Mourinho Mwanza
August 25, 2017 ·
What happened yesterday, were the Zambia Police, armed with guns and teargas canisters surrounded Lusaka’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross to STOP people from going into the church to pray and thank God for the release of HH is sacrilege and a stain on the conscience of all those who claim that ours is a Christian nation.
How can a leadership that has been calling for unity and reconciliation through the act of prayer and Fasting among all our nationals be the first one to use guns and teargas to stop God’s children from praising and lifting the name of Yahweh for what He hath done? These are not leaders. These are not Christians. They are Charlatans,…
All politicians are the same … lairs, greedy people, changers of goal posts when it suits them, untrustworthy, thieves..etc. PF = UPND = FDD= any party you may think of. They are the same.
musiyeni. Yamunyonkola njala. kukanwa pyuuuuuuu nanjala. Nimwana wa nyoko?????
mumala mulila bwadu bwadu….. njala yamutema mufana….
Very shallow statement from ZANASU Vice President. So, if he had from to another political party, other than the ruling party, that would have been termed progress?
I think what ZANASU are saying is that he is a hypocrite. The fact that he spent everyday attacking PF and then he joins them. It’s like for example you, abilima, spend the whole day insulting a girl coz she has stinky breath and ifimina but at night you are there trying to get into her panties and considering you have done this before you must understand that you are being a hypocrite. OK?
Dudelove – Clearly you do not understand politics. This is a daily occurrence and part of the game of politics. The hypocrites are you and Miyoba who are saying what you are saying because Antonio has not joined your party.
Mr Miyoba try vieing for PF recognition and tell us what you will be standing for? Have you noticed that the best player is the one watching and not the one in the field. The one watching knows who to pass to and when to score. So when you are out you only see your point of view. So try to go in and see if you can change the course of things.
Boxing is fought inside the ring and the people watching can not be part of the fight, unless you are talking of street fighting….in street fighting in bemba we say uwalutambile ewalulwilwe…is this what you are saying ba sergio chilao or what ever your name is??? Probably Mwanza wants to fight from the ring, who knows? Give him chance and condemn later!!
In PF, if you start fighting them from within you get fired, and vilified and become a non-factor. PF is a criminal organisation that rewards those abiding by its law of silence (omertà ) Antonio has realised that his principles are just as fragile as lungu’s and can’t see why he shouldn’t join his tribes mates at the feeding trough while there is still time. Antonio’s decision to join the thug community is a cold blooded calculation to eat with them rather than to fight PF from within.
Freedom of association is part of our constitution. The Kennedy family were ardent Democrats but the grand son of Bob Kennedy is a senator under the republican ticket.
Dull one, I think the issue is the hypocrisy of Antonio. No one is disputing his freedom of association. The fact of the matter is that he had a huge youth following that believed in him and now he has let them down. Even for a PF cadre this should be easy to understand not so mune?
His outing on Sunday interview was an anti – climax! He is fooling himself if with those lies and conceit he thinks he has longevity in politics! If he is not corrupt, he will have to learn the ropes very quickly to fit into the game plan of that den of thieves. In the event that he incorruptible, then his dalliance with the thieves is short – lived.
Is Miyoba speaking as a Unionist or a politician? Lets be coming out in the open the way we articulate some of these
as a tonga tribesman
Iwe Miyoba please think before you utter nonsense. What you are forgetting is that a lot of us past through UNZA when it UNZA as we knew it and of course reasoned even beyond what most of you paid up chaps rant.
Mwanza is a free citizen and he needs to move on! Who tells that when one works with the ruling party then they stop thinking? That what Eisten would call madness on your part.
In Zambia there is no poverty my brother and if you choose to expect food when doing nothing, you will certainly don’t expect to eat do you? It’s high time youths started despising chaps like ’cause your thinking is wapped. Leave Antonio alone.
Njala yanyokola Muntu. If you can’t beat them join them mean while.
Leave him alone…Bushe ni mwana wa nyoko?
The kind who promote violence at institutions of learning because of being inclined.
Miyoba says Mr Mwanza was an embarrassment to the youth……………………..Excuse me!
Why don’t you encourage him to continue advocating for:
1 better standards of education (in higher learning institutions?
2 amending the Public Oder Act?
3 changing the practice of politics as young people etc then next topic?
……. now that he is in the ruling party what is his take over the pro longed closure of CBU and ANZA. Sirr, all these observations are achievable wherever he is.
Why are you competing with Kambwili and Akainde for the loudest IDI0T of the year?
Wamweba bwino. Miyoba didn’t complain when Kalaba resigned but why is he complaining when someone joins PF. It’s two way traffic some are going one way and others the opposite way.
its a spell called hunger,politicians cant be trusted…
Now that Antonio is in the ruling party he will be dancing to the tunes of the party. If I was in the ruling party I would not trust him 100%.These are not principled defectors. It is hard to admit but the opposition have lost a formidable voice for the voiceless.
mwanza has struggling to put food on the table. RB simply ask him to join PF. it is hunger……….finito.
I know the young man well
when you are a leader. and you change pricinples, than you are not leader.
Mwanza is fairlier .
That’s a new word or are posting from a bar counter
you bakoswe and bakolwe. you are destroying our country zambia. leave miyoba alone, you plunderers and foreigners. miyoba is actually speaking sense. miyoba is more sensible than all you pf misfits. mwanza has just shown his true colours – a liar, and that he is in politics for personal gain. mwanza has joined a party and govt of misfits.
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