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Sunday, March 9, 2025

US Ambassador praise Government for creation of a solid waste management utility company


United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with staff at Ministry of Finance
United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with staff at Ministry of Finance

Newly appointed United States Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote says the decision by the Zambian Government to create a solid waste management utility company to curtail garbage induced disease outbreaks and keep drainages free of debris is a smart move.

Mr. Foote says solid waste utility company to be established by the Zambian Government will significantly complement the efforts of the US financed Millennium Challenge Account Programme which is being implemented to improve sanitation and water reticulation in Lusaka.

The Ambassador was speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Minister of Finance Felix Mutati at his office today.

“We look forward to the formation of the utility company,” he said, after assurance by Mr. Mutati that the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government, was working round the clock to ensure that the planned solid waste utility firm becomes functional within the next three months.

Mr. Foote took the opportunity to pay tribute to Zambia for maintaining a strong partnership with the USA as seen in the quality and impact of programmes in various sectors such as energy, health, and water development that are jointly implemented between the governments of the two countries.

The US representative declared that Zambia’s natural endowments were second to none in Africa but was swift to advise that there was need to boost the competitiveness of tourism industry,“ in order to tap into people’s disposal incomes, create jobs and earn substantial foreign exchange,” especially from developed markets such as the USA.

“Zambia’s development is in the best interest of the USA,” assured Mr. Foote, adding that “we, therefore, look forward to your strong commitment in nurturing our mutual development interests.”

Prior to the appointment as Ambassador to Zambia, Mr. Foote worked at the US Department of State in US Capital, Washington DC, and was tasked with managing programmes and networks related to wildlife conservation and philanthropic tourism.

And responding to Mr. Foote’s request for a brief on economic affairs, Mr. Mutati reaffirmed that the Zambian Government was committed to continue on the path of economic stabilisation and growth path.

The Minister also stated that the Zambian Cabinet has halted commercial borrowing as an expression of government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation, restoration of policy credibility, and debt capping.

“In 2018, our pledge for policy consistency is manifested by the decision to promote tax stability in high foreign exchange earning sectors such as tourism and mining,” said Mr. Mutati.

United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with Finance Minister Felix Mutati
United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with Finance Minister Felix Mutati
United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with Finance Minister Felix Mutati
United States Ambassador To Zambia Daniel Foote with Finance Minister Felix Mutati


  1. Rwanda could have taught you this 10yrs ago,PF govt stop expecting praises for doing what you’ve failed to implement yrs ago.Your final motivation was only the disease and the bad image anyway.

    • @1 Enka

      That is sadly true, PF forgot the basics when the tender looting frenzy was going on awarding each other over inflated contracts for some economically useless roads…….how do you build tar roads in a compound that has no clean drinking water has full of pit latrines polluting the water table for everyone ???

      That’s like like PF wearing an expensive suit but forgetting to wipe the ars.e of……

    • It’s like your someone praises for Shindering yourself (wiping your & you smile like Mutati.

      Solid-waste management is loooong over-due. Actually councils should operate it or sub-contract this service using the rates they receive.

      LPM had started the “Keep Zambia Clean” which was meant to change Zambians culture of throwing rubbish in drains & anyhow. But his life was cut short & next came RB & his sons whose main focus was travelling & corruption, then MCS & then KOSWE whose main focus is travelling+foreign debt+stealing through road & infrastructure contracts+selling national assets to tu ma choncho-Lee. MxxxxxxxxxM!!!

  2. I like this ambassoder; he said “The US representative declared that Zambia’s natural endowments were second to none in Africa but was swift to advise that there was need to boost the competitiveness of tourism industry,“. i agree; i have been saying this for ages; but Zambians will only listen if told by someone from outside;

    • He is a diplomat; he wont tell you that you are foooools…that is their job not like those morons you have in Berlin and RSA.

  3. His just 2 hours in Zambia, reality hasn’t sunk in yet. This govt always pronounces things to suit the situation. Wait this rainy finishes and winter kicks in, the PF will be talking of installing communal heaters.

  4. what kind of garbage is this!!!! just engage viable private companies and provide a proper dumping site which should feed into a waste processing plant. Id!0ts pan intended by the way on the “garbage”

  5. Did it have to take a cholera outbreak for government to undertake functions that should be routine and expected of them? Working to put out fires is not a way to run national affairs. It is indicative of systems that have broken down or lack of planning in government structures for service delivery to the citizens.

  6. Looks good, , , ,the main focus for the new company should be employing thousands of unskilled labour as cleaners, gardeners, park attendants etc HH azapolomwa!

    • You cant just comment without bringing HH in the picture or is it that you are dead scared that the corruption stinking life you are enjoying will come crushing to an end when power change hands?

  7. So what exactly are these city councils for if they don’t have waste management systems? There is serious money in waste and recycling, it’s a no brainier for councils to invest in waste management.

  8. “..The Minister also stated that the Zambian Cabinet has halted commercial borrowing as an expression of government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation,..”

    You are lying mutati , no credible lender will borrow you money…..only loanshark chinise and Indians for which if you get from them , Zambias aid contributers will withdraw their aid….

  9. All these councils should have had a plastic, glass, paper recycling plants by now…you are 50 years old and you are not ashamed of being praised for this!!

    • Spot on Jay Jay, THERE IS SO MUCH PLASTIC, GLASS, ALUMINIUM CANS and PAPER WASTE with literally NO guidelines of disposing them separately for recycling for economic gains so that GARBAGE DUMPS CAN BE DEGRADABLE MATERIALS ONLY!!

  10. Other than a concerted refuse collection plan, the town requires a robust design and planning programme (an upgrade) to deal with sewer and water reticulation in the so – called shanties or informal settlements. Government should immediately implement a programme to provide safe water to Meanwood and Chalala, otherwise all other stop gap measures being instituted are only “band – aid” solutions. The problem of sanitation has to be dealt with at source.

  11. Just look at the face and trousers of Mutati, the chap just looks plain dirty. He is the repository of cholera. Just like his boss Koswe Mumphoto whose mouth always bears a cunning sembelence to the feminine genetalia! Mwati cholera ingasile na maditi aso in the corridors of power, zero man ai!

  12. The article is supposed to be about solid waste management utility company but there is only one sentence about it and the rest is about this diplomat who came a lomg time ago!!

  13. The Ambassador must be smiling thinking if the most I have to deal with in Zambia is collection of garbage, my boss Trump was right about the sh*%hole!

  14. He is settling in well he will us address many economic challenges Well introduced

    I also like the report on tourism from the EIU on Tourism “The sustainable Tourism Index”

  15. Bwana Ambassador, just want to remind you that President Trump hasn’t yet responded to the request by self-employed bricklayers of Matero to help your Government build the Mexican wall. Please follow up on this matter of utmost importance if you want the people of Matero to take you seriously

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