Zimba district in Southern Province is susceptible to experience another water crisis if rains do not intensify.
Southern Water and Sewerage company (SWSCO) has since opted to source for ground water through sinking of boreholes at the SWASCO plant for the supply to Zimba residents.
SWASCO Managing Director Charles Shindaile said only two boreholes were successful and that they are not enough to supply the entire district.
Mr. Shindaile said the only solution to counter the Zimba’s water
crisis is to rehabilitate the Sianankanga Dam which is the source of SWSCO water supply in the district.
He said the dam needs to be desalted and also raise the embankment and the spill way.
And Zimba District Commissioner (DC) Elizabeth Kalaluka stated that she is worried of the water situation in the district.
Ms. Kalaluka said the dam which is the major source of water is drying up and that there are no rains hence, calling for serious interventions.
The DC is also expressed worry at Zimba Secondary School who depend on SWASCO for water.
She said with the high population at the school and the Cholera situation in the country, the health of the pupils and teachers is at risk without water.
Ms. Kalaluka has since directed the local authority through the rural water unit which has received thirty(30) boreholes from government to allocate two of them to the school so that they can have water in case the dam dries up completely.
China Gangu the company which was given the contract to sink 30 boreholes is already in the district and engineers yesterday identified the sites for the two boreholes at the school.
The contractors who were accompanied by the DC, SWASCO management, Council Chairperson, School Head teacher said the drilling will be done as soon as possible.
But it rains on the sea…