Thursday, March 6, 2025

President Lungu declares Shibuyunji district part of central province


President Edgar Lungu addressing the marketers at Chisamba Market during his two day working visit in Chisamba Central Province

President Edgar Lungu has called on other councils in the country to emulate civic leaders in various councils in Central Province who are working together to foster development.

Mr. Lungu said councils are the immediate structures that are used to deliver development hence, the need for them to cooperate because without cooperation they will fail to deliver services to the people.

The President was speaking in Chibombo yesterday when he met civic leaders from various councils across the province as well as the clergy from Chibombo district.

Meanwhile, President Lungu announced at the same meeting that Shibuyunji district which was part of Lusaka province will now be part of Central Province.

And speaking at the same meeting, Mumbwa District Council Chairman Glacious Hamatala said President Lungu had demonstrated leadership across the country.

He assured President Lungu that councils in Central Province will support government’s agenda and ensure that government programmes are delivered.

Mr. Hamatala said Central Province will act as an example to other councils to show what unity of purpose can do in terms of fostering development.

The President who later met the clergy and assured them of government’s support also appealed to the church to bring sanity to the political arena.

”Tell us to forget about 2016, it’s gone. Let us begin preparing for 2021. As a Church, you are charged with the idea of bringing normalcy to the political arena,”he said.

The President also observed that government is working closely with the Church and the Traditional leadership to bring early marriages to an end.

Earlier, Pastor James Manda, a Representative from the Chibombo Minister’s Fellowship said the district faced a number of challenges such as high poverty levels, lack of banking facilities and nearby health infrastructure.

The President was in Central Province on a two-day working visit.


  1. The most hard working President the nation has ever had and also in the region. You deserve another term your excellency. 2021 Nafuti nafuti ECL!

  2. This is one reason Zambia is lacking in real development. All the president know is to creat districts or change boundaries. We are told that Lusaka has no land. Was Simbuyunji part of Central province before or part of Lusaka? If it was part of Central province then I have no problem taking it back to CP. Did Lusaka & Central province discuss about the decision or Lungu just woke up from sleep to make the decision. Any comment from others on this decision.

    • @ kavuba… HE ECL always consults before announcing such key developmental decisions. He is well informed and does not owe you an explanation for this announcement. Its in the best interest of all stakeholders.

    • My question to humbly Dumbly is so What?? He has run out of developmental stories to tell now he has moved to boundaries …

    • Shibuyunji (Nampudwe area) is much closer to Lusaka so could have made more sense to be under Lusaka. It is less than 1 hour drive to Lusaka from Shibuyunji district admin.

  3. Just like that ,no consultations and no “townhall” meetings with affected residents. I can tell you for a fact that the best countries always put such an issue to a panel of decision makers and not one man roadside declarations.

    • You cant consult on everything. You are elected as a leader to make decisions on key policy and developmental issues on behalf of the people. VIVA ECL!

    • No reasons for the change he is just a drunk ……alcohol is what keeps this man sane he would go nuts if he stayed sober I have a feeling his brain would go in the wilderness

    • The zambian map jiggle saw puzzle has confused him, he keeps moving slates back and forth, alekasabanyafye infintu.

  4. @Kumawa, Lungu does not owe me anything but he owes the Zambian people everything because of his poor leadership. when did we hear of the leaders saying that after consultation the people saying that they wanted to be part of central province? Where were consultations made? Don’t just be a blind cadre.

  5. This guy is of low caliber. When will he articulate a comprehensive plan for the transformation of our dear country?

    It’s just fragmented efforts here and there. And all PF vuvuzelas can do is cheer him on. Folks, we are being left behind the rest of the world. Just wait to see Zimbabwe in three years time.

    Low energy and low ambition in Zed. Sorry mwe.

    • It is you with low caliber hiding behind a key board and taking care of old people in a foreign land and you cal that ambition? grow a life

  6. So the new imagined NRDC will be moved from Lusaka province to Central province. If some civil servants want some problems to be solved, they will have to travel to Kabwe passing through Lusaka. Very efficient indeed!!! Problem solved.

  7. Lungu, just wakes, and say, shibunji is a district. Did you consult the chief? Where is the money going to come from? You failing to find markets to people in the city. He must had taken a lot, before pronouncing shibuyunji

    • You get drunk with bitterness and you think everyone is high,he only aligned the district,thats the problem with grade 4’s who run away from there country and when they can afford a smart phone think they are more informed,stoyopet!

  8. Let Shibuyunji be part of Lusaka. this area is very close to Lusaka province , it won’t make sense for people to travel from that place to Kabwe via Lusaka , it is like travelling from Kafue to Kabwe via Lusaka

  9. Mr President lam happy for you because now you are on the ground getting and doing good for the majority I give you my vote in 2021

  10. Our president needs to be prayed for and more to it, he needs to surround himself with political advisors that are full of wisdom and able to read times well. Moving Shibuyunji to Central Province is not ideal even the residents of Shibuyunji am sure are wondering what has befallen our president. Economically and administratively, Kabwe is fall from lusaka. Should he not realise this mistake, come 2021 PF will get worse votes than what they got during the Sata times in Shibuyunji, & our current president will be former. The writings are on the wall. Watch the space. Anyhow like they say, when a person is about to be destroyed, he is given a spirit of stupor such that decisions that are made do not even make sense. For sure there will never be a political champion like our Michael Sata.

  11. Is this the kind of message people would pay any attention to? Its so banal!

    President Edgar Lungu has called on other councils in the country to emulate civic leaders in various councils in Central Province who are working together to foster development.
    Or was the reporter unable to give us anything more interesting?

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