Thursday, February 20, 2025

Larry Mweetwa’s description of conjoined twins operations leaves doctors shocked


Latest pictures of Mapalo and Bupe recovering in the ICH.
Latest pictures of Mapalo and Bupe recovering in the ICH.

Doctors who participated in last week’s operation to separate seven month old conjoined twins, who shared a liver, have expressed shock at the manner in which UK based medical expert Larry Mweetwa attempted to demean their achievement.

Mr Mweetwa, on Friday, stated that performing an operation on Siamese twins is nothing to celebrate as the procedure was as now as simple as performing circumcision.

Neurosurgeon Dr Kachizya Sichinga said the 30 member medical team that successfully performed the operation is shocked by Mr Mweetwa’s assertions.

The team comprised Prof Lupando Munkonge, Prof Tackson Lambert, Dr Chadwick Ngwisha and Prof Sultanov. Other include Senior doctors Prof James Munthali, Dr Penuis Tembo and Dr Mulondi Mwanahamutu.

The front line surgeons, led by Dr Bruce Bvulani also include Dr Robert Zulu, Dr Vernon Vernon M Pashi and Dr Mulenga Mulewa, Dr Dilbur and Dr Brown-Oranmore Ray.

Anesthesia was led by Dr Christopher Chanda, Dr Feruza Ismailova, Dr Dildora, Dr Sompwe, Dr Zubair and Dr Mumpasha.

Theatre Sisters were are led by CNO Josephine Chimpinde, Sister Peggy Mashikati, Rebecca Kamboyi, Lucy Nampungwe, Felix Kamuchungu and Yvette Chulu while the floor staff included Richard Siambilu and Gift Mudenda.

Dr Sichizya said the nation must celebrate the surgeons and every level of cadres who were involved in this operation and continue to pray for the quick recovery of the twins.

Below is Dr Sichizya’s statement

What is so “s**thole” about the Medical Practitioner?

The rather derogatory word “s**thole”, reported to have been uttered by one major World leader has been taken to another level by another gentleman.

Whereas this gentleman’s analysis about the surgery to separate the Siamese Twins was almost acceptable, given he had not fully comprehended the extent of the operation as he insisted it only involved intestines(you may read Mulindi Mwanahamuntu’s writeup for a better understanding of the whole operation), it was his diatribe against the Medical Practitioner that has left many of us shocked.

What is so “s**thole” about a medical practitioner?

I have read and re-read his posting and still don’t seem to understand how this got into his otherwise reasonably researched writing, especially that the media and the public in general have given credit to everyone who participated in this operation.

The Zambian society generally gives respect to doctors. To get into medical school anywhere in the world is challenging. It was even more difficult in Zambia a few years ago when there was only one medical school that picked less than 50 students from hundreds competing to get into 3rd year. These were further vetted until only 30 made it to become doctors. Only the creme de la creme made it to the finish line.

This is the reason the Zambian trained doctors tend to shine when they go into the diaspora to further their careers. It is because the panel-beating they receive during their training is second to none, despite the many challenges in terms of equipment.

Thankfully, the Government of Zambia through the MOH has worked very hard to improve the provision of medical services by acquiring modern equipment and encouraging Specialist Training through the STP program which is starting this week(And I am so excited about It!).

We celebrate the surgeons and every level of cadres who were involved in this operation and we continue to pray for the quick recovery of the twins.

Prior to the surgery, weekly Inter-disciplinary meetings involving diverse experts were held to plan for this operation. These included surgeons, paediatricians, radiologists, anaesthetists, pharmacists, nurses, nutritionists, social workers and spiritual directors and many more, under the expert care of The Women and Newborn HOSPITAL Senior Medical Superitendant Dr Chisembele.

Dr Mwanahamuntu chaired the meetings. Dr Gen. Adrian Maleya, the consultant radiologist from Zambia Army guided the team from the imaging point of view, maybe one of the most crucial components of the planning process.

The MOH gave significant support and they are commended highly.

This operation might have been done in other African countries, but this one is ours! Indeed in any match, you will normally only cheer when the home team scores. The Home Team has scored a major goal! Zambia, We celebrate. Glory be to God.

Latest pictures of Mapalo and Bupe recovering in the ICH.
Latest pictures of Mapalo and Bupe recovering in the ICH.
Surgeons hard at work separating the conjoined twins
Surgeons hard at work separating the conjoined twins
Surgeons hard at work separating the conjoined twins
Surgeons hard at work separating the conjoined twins


    • Why doctors spend time with us at LT??
      This is what attracts insults from the guys like Larry.
      Larry was responding to Inonge’s praise of PF government that now the PF doctors can even split babies. I wonder why it reached UTH doctors.

    • Please media don’t make Larry Mwetwa important by covering his stup!dity. Doctors also as if they are not above this Larry academically they choose to answer him.

    • Larry’s comment is so pathetic, it made me want to puke … this operation is blue sky stuff and the smart doctors of the Zambian Enterprise made us all proud. Does Larry even know how many doctors in the west would die to be part of such an endeavor?

      Ifi bantu fimo awe mwandini. Be patriot and proud of your friends achievements.

      Kano nga nibo … akaso bane kills. And to the Doctors, yours is a noble enterprise!!! Guys like Larry are nothing but showboats for nothing. We are very proud of you … you put Zambia on the map once more.

      Please document and make sure your publish this work and share it with the like of John Hopkins, etc. the world renowned advanced hospitals took notice of what you managed to do, forget maggots like Larry.

      God speed!!

    • If Mr. Mweetwa really said what he is alleged to have said. It’s abhorrent. He should channel his anger elsewhere.

    • Doctors are generally very Educated People & above Board. Continue doing the Great Work that you all do in Hospitals. Lekeni Larry uyu tu dilinge nankwe ifwe ba “Kaponya”. Tulajiswa with Larry’s levell of Reasoning if at all he trully made such remarks. But lets not generallise because Ive Lived & Worked very well with his Tribes mates. Twalumba ba Sir.

    • Dr.Kachinga Sichizya loves the limelight…he would have done good to ignore Larry. The unsung hero is Dr Bruce Bvulani, he is the only pediatric surgeon in Zambia and he led this operation

    • Just ignore Mweetwa. Maybe he’s just trying to use the occasion to draw attention to himself. You did a great job guys and we’re proud of you. Keep on doing your thing.

    • Dr ‘Penuis’ Tembo. Man can’t you just get a simpler more straight forward name like Michael or something. PENI(U)S!!! Please…

  1. Ignore pharmacist Larry Mweetwa’s comments. He fails to understand that even in the developed world doctors had to make a breakthrough in the separation of siamese twins at some point. Besides, not all siamese twins are conjoined the same way. Every case is unique, and every intervention has to be planned and prepared differently. I have here in mind the operation of siamese twins from East Africa carried out by pediatric surgeon Allan Goldstein in the US. It involved two one-and-a-half-year old girls who were attached just below the ribs. They had two heads, four arms, one belly, one pelvis and three legs. The case was rejected in 20 clinics in the US due to its complexity. When Dr. Goldstein carried out the op, the weaker twin died leaving behind the stronger.

    • LARRY is right…you are missing his point here…thanks to the doctors who did this operation…Such kind of operation should not be one of its kind after 50yrs of independence…He is trying to tell us how far behind we are Zambians…Why do these guys go abroad for their Medication yet a poor Zambian goes to UTH…?…Thats why we still have patients sleeping on the floor at UTH yet those in government are busy fattening their pockets…How much money has been stolen through all these tenders they call development…millitary uniforms…fire trucks…ambulances….we should not be blinded by something that other countries have been doing for years…those in government should utilise the resources and funds the country is having to such kind of operations…Buy beds for patients pls…

  2. But larry mweetwa cralified that he never posted that post. Mr Mweetwa said he never said that. Lets stop this character assasination. The best lusaka times can do is to get it from him. If he said that its very unfortunate. But lets get first hand information before we dispise someone.

    • The guy is sadist and enjoys the suffering of people who don’t support HH. He’s a scandalfluent without a human heart.

    • Do not defend this rabid upnd fool. This typical reasoning in upnd. It is all cow dung politics. That is why you will continue losing elections.

    • Problem with Upnd cadres like divide and rule is that they don’t want development lest it gives more votes to PF. I am sure even the Chimwemwe solar street lights were damaged by Upnd.

  3. bitter souls. all they want is u5 to rule at all cost. it wont happen. let him rule upend forever. not zambia

  4. In addition, this is one case that Dr. Goldtsein claims made him cry for the first time during his many years of medical practice because of the ethical challenge it presented to himself and the parents of the twins of having to lose one life in the hope of saving the lives of both.

  5. This is a breakthrough development for Zambia on various fronts. It shows that: (1) we have competent medical personnel: (2) we have sophisticated equipment; (3) we are ready to be counted on the world stage and are still matching on in the right direction.
    I pray for the nation to forgive our prodigal son as he needs urgent deliverance from the already conquered evil spirit that only wishes to see doom for Zambia!

  6. Thanks and a very Big Congratulations to the whole team of doing a great job.We are really proud of you as a great Nation. As for Larry I think he is just being accused. I don’t think and believe he can sink that low as a medical expert.
    As Zambians let us love and respect one another and stop this stupidity of accusing innocent people.

  7. This is joke right. Give credit to the Zambian doctors for what they have done, I work for NHS myself and we see how some of these procedures can be complicated at times even here in the western world.

  8. Larry Mweetwa is a moron who deserves to be caged in the mental hospital so that his brain can be checked.
    He airs all the frustrations to the humble and dedicated medical practitioners who deserve thumbs up for putting a developing nation like Zambia on the world map, it is really a milestone worth praising, the real fathers of medicine and the new ones teamed up to prove to the world that they can do what the western world can do now that UTH is fully equipped with tools which the Hospital used to luck in the past.
    The man of color Mweetwa is trying to de-bottle the frustrations he is going through in UK to those back home as if it is us who asked him to go in diaspora.
    We all know what goes on to the blacks in diaspora, they are regarded as modern slaves and with the onset of…

    • Your comment is misguided and could cause offence. You can make valuable comments without mislabelling other people who have done nothing wrong. I would like to inform you that SLAVERY was abolished centuries ago. If we were regarded as modern slaves we would have access to the same privileges natives have to like Health and Scholarships. Larry Mweetwa utters an offensive comment and you disparage all Blacks living in Diaspora. You need to realise that the world has become smaller. It is okay for people to live anywhere. This does help because skills transfer occurs. Even Western Countries benefit from people who live in Zambia as they are able to create investments and send money back home.

      We are all Zambians, let us work together to develop our Beautiful Country so that huge…

  9. What can you get from the UPND strongman? Larry Mweetwa celebrated the burning down of City Market and blowing up of Zesco pylons. Each time Michael Sata was reportedly sick, the entire UPND was filled with jubilation, they were very ecstatic! That’s the kind of people they are. They rejoice misfortunes

  10. The problem with Larry is that , HE’S TRIBALISM GENOMES,let he go to HELL. A reflector of UPND psychology.Tribalism and bitterness will kill them!

  11. Without hearing what Larry has to say , media making news where there is no news is a strong possibility…..or I must commend OP propagandists, you have learned fast from the amature bweengwa kidnap operations…..

    • We don’t expect anything else from you. I just wonder what you do in the UK. Probably I will want to meet you when I visit in July this year. I will be thrilled to meet you in person.

    • Ndanji

      We can meet and discuss problems our country faces, finding common ground is what progressive nations do….

  12. I don’t think Larry can say that, someone hates my friend. Larry is a gentleman can not stoop so low to utter such words. No way

  13. It is important to understand that Larry’s comment are his own expert opinions and should not linked with his tribe or the political party he affiliates himself with. He issued the statement from his expertise point of view and not tribe or political perspective. Having said that, Larry is not an expert as he is being referred to, he is a deranged fellow who enjoys the attention we and the media are giving him. We all know Larry was childish and arrogant to utter those words and hopefully he will come out to apologise for his careless mouthing. But let us not such myopic comments make us look at one region as bad. We all know some of the people involved in the operation room were from different parts of the country including those we are insulting.

    • Spot on Mr. Observer! We really need to move away from demonizing entire regions or groups of people based on misjudgments of individuals who by chance belong there. There’s no perfect tribe or region and all have their fair share of ‘Larrys’ just as they have their fair share of decent and respectable individuals like ME.

    • Couldn’t agree more with you Observer… most comments are worse than those purported to have uttered by the man they are demonizing.

      Most of the people here who accuse Tongas to be tribalists are themselves the worst scumbags of tribalists (they just hide in numbers).

      Let’s be realistic here, between Sata or Lungu against the likes most of the opposition leaders, the only reason one would give votes to the former names is because of tribal affiliations. The guys are terribly underqualified and the evidence is there to see.

      This country is being failed by it’s people who can’t think beyond their own tribal cocoon. Sad!

  14. I have just read the alleged writing by Larry Mwetwa, I guess different interpretations but I didn’t think he was demeaning the medical experts who successfully conducted the surgery. Rather he was concerned about the state of our medical services in general, with his main point being that we should have been doing this type of surgery many years ago as it has been around for a while now with examples of some of our neighbours already done so in the past. In fact he gave credit to the doctors who conducted the surgery.

    What fails him is his misplaced and monotonous use of the Trump infamous word ‘sh!thole’. There was no need for him to refer to the word in almost every sentence.

    Also you could tell he is a pharmacist as he has tried hard to market the importance of pharmacists,…

    • Also you could tell he is a pharmacist as he has tried hard to market the importance of pharmacists, perhaps making himself feel important… I could smell some petty jealous towards surgeons. But again I didn’t think he was demeaning the medical experts at all.

      What Mwetwa also missed is the fact the celebrations were due to the fact this is the first time it has been successfully conducted in Zambia, notwithstanding the fact that the procedure has been around for a while elsewhere (but that isn’t the point). I reckon the PR people should have preempted him by explaining to the world their breakthrough (too slow being reactive).

    • Finally someone to put some mint on this article. I just don’t understand pf cadres, especially when it comes to ukusenda ichushi basha umulilo.

      Brilliant comment Sir.

  15. Couldn’t agree more… most comments are worse than those purported to have uttered by the man they are demonizing.

    Most of the people here who accuse Tongas to be tribalists are themselves the worst scumbags of tribalists (they just hide in numbers).

    Let’s be realistic here, between Sata or Lungu against the likes most of the opposition leaders, the only reason one would give votes to the former names is because of tribal affiliations. The guys are terribly underqualified and the evidence is there to see.

    This country is being failed by it’s people who can’t think beyond their own tribal cocoon. Sad!

  16. THERE INDEED NOTHING TO CELEBRATE ABOUT. This is supposed to be a normal operation without taking it to the clouds with cerebrations .. Malawi and other African countries have been doing such surgeries for many years now…

  17. Hey guys don’t waste your breath answering that uncultured Mweetwa. there more important issues to concentrate on.
    congratulations to the team of Surgeons and medical practioners who did a wonderful job at UTH! what you did wasn’t a daily news anywhere in the world and so its worth celebrating about.

  18. PF and it’s government just like UNIP and it’s government can’t take criticism. People are dying everyday in Zambia because of our backwardness just like Larry pointed out. Most of you who are grown know that these operations have been going on for a long time, this is not a break through but backwardness. To be honest our health care is very pathetic, if you have cancer you are toast

  19. It’s not right to sugar coat what that UPND chap said.
    The fact that the word sh#thole appears several times in his writing indicates the terrible state of his mind.
    It’s is easy for him to borrow from pipo perceived to be racist just because he is a tribalist like HH.
    Every little step we take as a country should be celebrated.
    We need to focus on the positives than the negatives.
    If that chap squatting in the UK thinks his more knowledgeable,let him tell us his contributions to his own profession in Zambia.

  20. I once had respect for this young man. But lost it many years ago. There is no doubt something is amiss in his head. Even his political party is not touching him even with a 10m pole. He is a disgrace to the Pharmacy profession. But his day is coming.

  21. Zed Doctors are 2nd to Non. Ive lost count of just how many times they saved my Life. Including Nurses. Mid Wives as well. They are very much dedicated to Work irespective of the Circumstances. Forget about this mud Slinger who is fortunate enough to live in the 1st World. “Alefyaya ukulanfya ingwena mu menshi”. It wont Work. And please dont create a Stereotype of his Tribe. Ive lived & worked very well with Tongas. Twalumba Kapati.

  22. As for me and all my relations we have tremendous regards to all the dears Doctors and the entire team who did this enormousgoal to everyone Human loving

  23. the boy is a hero among dimwit u5s. if upendi happened to win which not possible, these will be u5 handymen


  24. I like this part…?…”Thankfully, the Government of Zambia through the MOH has worked very hard to improve the provision of medical services by acquiring modern equipment and encouraging Specialist Training through the STP program which is starting this week(And I am so excited about It..)” and so IS EVERYONE OF US.

  25. He is an ungrateful fool for him to have come out like that. What kind of a human being is Larry Mweetwa who has no shame or cant feel the pain of the father and mother of the twins.The easterners have a wise saying: CHILI PA MZAKO MAWA CHILI PA IWE.Dont mock those in pain Mweetwa. You are a disgusting and insensitive man.

  26. I remember how the Upnd celebrated when Trade Kings threatened to leave Zambia due to loadsheding. Thanks to God they didn’t leave and have grown.

  27. Who even came up with the words, medical expert. This small boy is not an expert. He is just a frustrated UPND cadre who has been dreaming big in HH imaginary government. He has been hoping for a big appointment from HH but unfortunately that government by UPND has been elusive. These kind of disgruntled day dreaming creatures are the ones taking our country backwards.

  28. Next twins conjoined give their god HH to operate , then they will dance all the way from Lusaka to Kalomo! Tongas are tribal, no jokes about! Seriously tribal! Ask super Ken, they gave him lots of headache with their Harry Nkumbula and ANC, till he declared One Participatory Democracy in 1973, in Choma, and called it “Choma Declaration”!

  29. …wait until the real Larry disputes this….very easy to open up an account on any social media using whatever name one feels like…

  30. Larry Mweetwa is a mistake, he was not meant to be human. This elitist image he tries to portray of himself just exposes what a douche he is. And do not be misled, Larry does not speak for UPND or represent the Party in any official capacity. He is a UNPD sympathiser and nothing else. He should come out in the open and tell people what he is all about. Any normal person can see that the operation by Zambian doctors on Zambian soil, not South Africa etc is a big deal! What has Larry achieved? Gone to school in Europe like many of us? Forgive him and look away. What an embarrassment to learn that he is Zambian!

  31. Larry Mweetwa suffers from Attention Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) and cherishes controversies, it is an absolute waste of valuable time and energy engaging him.

  32. The problem is that Larry Mweetwa has been made bigger than he really is. First he is no medical Expert in anything but still a Pharmacy student still at school in Glasgow. Even in the ministry of difency he only worked as a soldier/driver for a certified period of years that earned him right to British citizenship. And with that he got studient sponsorship to do Pharmacy at University in Glasgow.
    Then of course he’s a UPND cadre. On his write up on the Siamese twins separation anyone can write what looks technical and informative. All he did and anyone can do it is just google and all information and procedure will be there for you an$ all you do is cut and paste to create your own article and everyone calls you an Expert of course out of ignorance.
    The chap lives in Croydon when not…

  33. Larry Mweetwa is one of the reasons that people tend to look down upon UPND. UPND is now proving to be not as bad as we thought but such characters should not be allowed to be part of the new-look UPND.
    The training that Larry has done can only be equated to that of a Mortician at a rural hospital so he should not pose big


  35. HaMweetwa, from the UPND’s point of view! Good job guys voting yourselves out daily! HaAnyoko, please use your brain for once not the same place where people get dailiya from!

  36. Ignorant people always think that things are always simple. Many children and grown ups around the world never come out alive after a major operation. There are always major detail complications that have to be managed simultaneously. For someone from outside to make a judgement on the professional work of dedicated people is a travesty. Let the doctors do their job. When they succeed we will celebrate them and their success. We will be looking forward to many more successes like this in the future.

  37. Mwana Brainwave, as an IVY league graduate, I want you to answer this pharmacist mwana in Larry Mweetwa because I think he is crazy. What the professors and doctors including the nurses is no mean achievement and these are trained and who have earned their status quo. I am shocked as a Zambian who knows what it takes to become a general doctor, let alone a cosultant or professor of medicine.

  38. Larry Mweetwa’s personality is one that fits and lives up to the adage, “You can take a monkey out of the bush, but you cannot take the bush out of the monkey”. He is clearly monkeying around from UK. In a way it is a blessing in disguise that he openly demonstrates lack of leadership acumen, such a characters should never be allowed near the corridors of power it would be disaster, he is a loose cannon.

  39. Please People just deal with Larry but not bring HH , into this. Is HH a doctor, or did he comment something, so why insult our president in this utterance. Have respect for HH . It’s like the Davis Mwila said NDC cannot be trusted, coz KAMBWILI , has been pleading to Lungu to come back, can you insult changwa as if he was the one who said it. Please stay out of our HH

  40. Why many people in Zambia will not vote for a Tonga as President, its such attitudes of big headed buffoon. I pray someone from his party rebukes him. Otherwise you are finished.

  41. Lusaka times is run by pf cadres…post anything against pf it wont be published…Anything against the opposition it will pe published…otherwise it will be………..
    Your comment is awaiting moderation…..
    Lusaka Times is for pf cadres period…now we know….

    • @Fake Musonda, How did you post come through if you a telling the truth. The problem with UPND people always want to post insults that is why they get blocked.

  42. This Mweetwa humanoid is a proper dimwit. What is wrong with this scoundrel of a UPND cadre? He is so bitter a humanoid for the loss of election suffered by small god, Mr. Oval head.You will rule Zambia bafikala!!!!

  43. We in the UK have had enough of the Larry clown, he put a lot of people here off supporting UPND..

    He is delusional and thinks he is a Zambian minister.

  44. Larry Mwetwa is cadres never got what he is saying…the doctors did a good job…yes…but the medical and health institution in Zambia is messed up and there is nothing to be proud of…the doctors did this procedure and under shambles…we respect them…Many cilvilised countries ve been doing this procedure yrs ago…50yrs after independence you want to tell us that this is the best you can show to the world…fuseki…kk built UTH…since then you have been relying on UTH until when…?Zambia is a sh***hoe country not untill you citizens you fight for ur rights?the issue here is that Zambians ve surrendered to suffering…people in government are busy stealing funds yet …cant revamp the Health institutions…they want you to be happy for the 2% job well done…Zambians…

    • @Musonda, just use you correct name from we know where. Do not hide behind a Bemba name. There is one tribe in this Country that just wants to rule at all cost. This tribe in dangerous to the peace and the One Zambia One Nation we have lived in from Independence. What kind of people cerebrate at a misfortune like Chorela and burnt markets? The Doctors did a wonderful job and it should end there. There are a lot of Hospitals in the country that have been built after UTH. With the same effort that this tribe is putting in making sure the rule is the same effort that other a putting to make sure the unfortunate does not happen.

  45. I have come to accept that, there are people who are jealous, who don’t accept reality, no matter what and we know them, if people say it out ati tribalism, niboza they are like this. we have to celebrate the development in our own country.

  46. why should I be insulted as a Tonga when I don’t even know the *****. Zambians be positive I live in the Northern part of Zambia I mix well with the people around me we are one family but why talk against a tonga whenever, just one misbehaves what would you do if you discovered this fellow’s mother is from your own tribe. Tribe comments are not good. Let these politics not divide us. We need each other. The chiefs here are my parents. Fellow Zambians lets be above politics as human beings lets start seeing God in each other as it was before and not evil. Let our souls heal from the past. Yes we can condemn those who misbehave without involving their parents or tribes. Lets not agitate for confusion no one would stop the confusion once started. Prevention is better than cure. In fact…

  47. @ kci…thats the problem you pipo have…you are talking about tribe instead of the real issues affecting the nation…overpriced fire trucks…ambulances…military uniforms….instead you talk about tribe…what’s wrong with Zambians…you will remain a s***hole country cause of this attitude…

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