Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambia remains one of the most favorable Investment destination in Southern Africa-Yaluma


Mines Minister Chris Yaluma speaking during the Mining Indaba 2017
Minister of Mines and Mineral Development, Hon Christopher Yaluma has said Zambia remained one of the most favorable Investment destination in Southern Africa.

Speaking at the on-going Africa Mining Indaba being held in Capetown South Africa, Mr Yaluma also took the opportunity to dismiss remarks made by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, that Zambia was experiencing inconsistent mining policies.

Hon Yaluma said that the country had attracted some of the world’s largest mine houses which was a good demonstration to its favorable investment climate.

And Hon Yaluma has stated that government developed a new mining policy in 2014, to create a competitive, thriving and sustainable mining Industry that benefited both investors and the people of Zambia.

He said the policy aimed at increasing private investment in the sector and increased participation by Zambians as owners, suppliers and as employees.

He said the new policy was aimed at achieving increased revenue to government and promoted transparency and accountability through close monitoring of mineral production.

Hon Yaluma also said the new policy also aimed at spurring growth in the industrial, manufacturing and other sectors.
He said also helped revise the main legal framework; the Mines and Mineral Development Act no. 11 of 2015.

He said the new policy also helped establish new mines through exploration
He also said government had intensified efforts in oil and gas exploration and was calling for investment in the sector.
He said Zambia had a favorable investment climate in Zambia had this was confirmed by existing mines and and green field investments in copper production that had risen to 770,597 in 2016.
He said the country was also promoting diversification in the mining sector by focusing on the gemstone (emeralds, amethysts, tourmaline), industrial minerals(limestone, granite, phosphates) and energy minerals (coal and uranium).

He said government had raised efforts to ensure that there was adequate investment in the energy sector which was critical to the mining sector.


    • I agree with Yaluma, in Zambia you can go buy NRDC, State House, Chimbokaila, national parks, Mukula…. All on sale by PF government, as long as you can build:
      – new college in Mumbwa
      – build state-of-the-art state house.
      – build new capital city in Gabwe

    • If Zambia is truly among top investment destinations in the region because of its mineral assets, so is the (un)Democratic Republic of Congo! It has little to do with what politicians or planners have done or intend to do.

      Mining investors usually care less about good mining laws or other legislations as their primary objective is to pilfer the resources and can overcome most hurdles through bribery and effective military protection …

    • Who was he addressing? The audience disappeared when the organisers announced that one of Lungu’s spokesperson in charge of the mining sector would use the time slot for rubber stamping PF lies. It is abundantly clear that all the seats behind Yaluma are empty. In addition, even the seats in the foreground are empty. The camera man left the camera running by itself because the above still picture was taken by a preset computerised camera. Nobody cared and everyone just wished that HH would have been sent to deliver an important speech and made sense, as opposed to sending half-baked individuals with substandard education. Viva UPND, viva HH.

    • Hohohohoho, I cannot believe my eyes. For a moment I thought that I am blind but I am not. Please, someone with a good sense of humor tossed a glass with little water for Yaluma and the glass is positioned a few centimeters away from Yaluma’s toes. Organisers of that talk-show reminded him that he is not extraordinary but he is just a commoner and, that there is nothing special about him. Unlike the manner in which PF officials are treated in Zambia where self-exaggerated importance is flaunted. Members of the public are whipped (tortured) by security officials for absolutely nothing, that is, if Lungu’s convoy of cars is about to pass through a village or semi-village in Lusaka or Ndola. Shame. Viva HH viva UPND.

    • Yap, the same dog which declared that 2016 election was “fair” and “credible”
      Who is the real barking dog?

  1. This is true! Someone may be in denial but it will not change this fact! Before long Zambia will soon be one of the most developed countries in Africa! Watch this space Under Five and Hamweetwa and HaJayJay and HaSpaka and HaLombe and HaUPND!

  2. HaDenial, HaHalucinations, HaJealousy, HaMweetwa, HaSpaka and HaJayJay will never change the truth about the successes of this government.



  4. if that statement had come from the international community then I would believe it because they are the one’s investing……

  5. Keep on dreaming on Yaluma iwe! The stupidity in Zambia sometimes defies all manner of logic, with all the ravaging cholera, who wants to invest in a country like that sure? Maybe its Congolese infestors.

  6. When you hear abena Chipata bragging of how well the Zambian economy is attracting investment and thus doing exceptionally well, do not be disturbed for their nearest comparable to an economy is Lilongwe la Kamuzu Malavi where there is practically no economy besides bakoswe mumphoto cooking chil bushiki na akasuba! Just look at Lungu’s dental formula, it’s well positioned to chew imichila yaba koswe.

  7. We need people who can translate your words into action..not even you nor pF … even UPND can’t….we need people who have had a heart of our country at hand to govern Zambia…not reaction to anything they hear

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