The Zambia Environmental Management Agency -ZEMA- says it will not ban the use of plastics.
ZEMA Director General John Msimuko says banning the use of plastics either for package or for other purposes may kill the recycling industry.
Mr. Msimuko says what ZEMA will instead do is put up legislation that will make producers of the plastics to manage them.
He was speaking when Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Environmental protection Ed Chomba visited recycling plants in Lusaka.
And Bishop Chomba has called for proper management of the Chunga Dump Site in Lusaka.
Bishop Chomba said the dump site is an economic site that is supporting the country’s recycling industry.
….mmmmm???? I didn’t like this, it’s like saying we can’t encourage pit toilets because pigs may surfer. Barn plastics and recycling industry should start making wood paper materials. why not?? can someone make me understand????
Dump site is an economic site that is supporting the country’s recycling industry.
Children work there and are burning plastics to tell which plastic is which. If you call giving children cancer, an economic site, I don’t understand how backwards you can be.
SHAMEFUL once again.
Agree entirely with Whiteson. Very short-sighted stance by so-called ZEMA. Rubbish institution.
What recycling industry?
Ban the manufacturing or importation of non-biodegradable plastics. Since when is ZEMAs mandate more about the economy than the environment? Let others worry about the economy, you worry about protecting the environment.
Just wondering about the same thing… What recycling industry is he talking about??? Why do we have so much plastic filth in the country if we have a recycling industry???
Ban the damned material to save our lives and our cities from choking in filth.Try this plastic littering nonsense in Kenya or Rwanda and see the stiff penalties you’ll get.
Look at that picture. Can people work from there. What kind of people?
Use of plastics should just be banned as they are not biodegradable. They dont rote and keep on piling and piling. And ECZ in their wisdom they think this is funny.
What a disaster!
The so called jobs at the dump site are degrading. We can’t have humans sifting through garbage and we call those jobs? Shame….
What would you rather do? Kill the recycling industry or Save the earth? Plastics are bad news!
If ZEMA is not ready to protect the environment, who will lead the fight???
Institute a law for a charge of 50 ngwee for plastic bags
And who will pay the 50 ngwee? Shallow thinking.
This is the dumbest heading subject i have ever read, why do people encourage plastic use when other countries are trying by all means to get rid of the use of plastics as it it is dangerous for the environment . you big *****s go online and see the help researchers out there have investigated about this mad way of taking care the motherland
Ban plastic carry bags and only use Zambian made cotton bags and reuseable shopping “sack” bags.
This the only way we will put life in the Kabwe Textile Factory.
These nuts should realise that it’s not all the plastic that’s recyclable, it’s the recyclable ones that should be banned! Did money change hands?
These nuts should realise that it’s not all the plastic that’s recyclable, it’s the unrecyclable ones that should be banned! Did money change hands?
ZUMA is politically afraid.
ZEMA Director General John Msimuko is very dull
It is better to ban a party than to ban plastic.
For real? What recycling industry? Guys be serious, you have the responsibility of protecting our environment and to be honest statements like this don’t give me the confidence you can do that. If we had a recycling industry we wouldn’t have so much plastic all over the place. Ba ZEMA, yaba.
The problem is do we have enough company to recycle plastics. What is needed is not to ban but to reduce on the use of plastic bags. For let all sugar, bread, small packs of mealiemeal etc be packed in paper packing materials.
Is it only plastics that are recycled ? The man ( this PS ) has been captured by those in the recycling business . He needs to be investigated when the time comes and very soon .
The problem is Zambian people they behave like children throwing litter everywhere, we need 2 think about our environment in town when u see someone buying groundnuts u can’t even understand if he or she is a normal person who can think about the surrounding throwing everywhere he\she stands