Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stakeholders welcome launch of Parliament TV


Traditional dancers in action at Parliament grounds
Traditional dancers in action at Parliament grounds
Good Governance Activist (GGA),Gilbert Chisenga says the launch of Parliament TV will give opportunity to the electorates to hold their leaders accountable.

Mr. Chisenga said most Zambians are not aware of motions that are tabled in parliament because of failure to access Parliament radio.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr. Chisenga stated that through Parliament TV, people will be able to follow debates and make well informed decisions.

He explained that some Members of Parliament (MPs) misrepresent their constituencies because most people do not follow the proceedings.

Mr. Chisenga stated that the opening of the TV station will allow electorates to know the bills that are debated in Parliament before they are passed.

Meanwhile, Anti Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) has advised MPs to use respectable language saying insults will not take development to their constituencies.

AVAP Executive Director, Richwell Mulwani said no people from any constituency will be happy to be represented with bad language by their respective area MPs.


  1. Any serious democracy would have introduced such a TV in 1991. It promotes transparency which is a cornerstone of democracy. If the presidency sees just how transparent Parliament is it will have nowhere to hide in its attempt at obfuscating issues

  2. Beautiful! No amount of burying their heads in the sand will change the news of great feats that this government is scoring. A proverb says, “He who does not acknowledge with praise at success of others is a child of a witch!” And there are many here!

  3. Which channel is Parliament TV? Those sleeping beauty MPs will be caught without listerning to issues. Bravo Parliament!!

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