Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pictures of the week


Airtel Acting Manager Director Estud Tonga joins in performing with the Ngoni Impises during the donation of K50,000 towards Ncwala at airtel Head office
Airtel Acting Manager Director Estud Tonga hand over the dummy cheque of K50,000 to Ncwala National Organizing Committee Brighton Ngoma during the donation of K50,000 towards Ncwala at airtel Head office
Airtel Acting Manager Director Estud Tonga shake hands whilst hand over the dummy cheque of K50,000 to Ncwala National Organizing Committee Brighton Ngoma during the donation of K50,000 towards Ncwala at airtel Head office
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (r) interacts with Senanga School for the Hearing Impaired pupils in sign language during the donation of cash worth K30, 000 to the school in Senanga District
Senanga School for the Hearing Impaired Art Pupil Lubinda Lubinda (l) demonstrates to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (r) how he makes his pieces of art during the donation of cash worth K30, 000 to the school in Senanga District
Senanga School for the Hearing Impaired Art Teacher Chipo Masiwa (r) explains to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (c) how she handles her classes during the donation of cash worth K30, 000 to the school in Senanga District
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (l) hands over a cash transfer slip worth K30, 000 to Senanga School for the Hearing Impaired Headmaster Mwezi Oliver (r) from the Provincial Administration
Nominated member of parliament,Mumbi Phiri being
ushered in the house during the official openning of second session of
the twelfth Assembly
Minister of lands Jean Kapata(r)and Minister of Muchinga
Province Malozo Sichone(left) logging in the computer during the
official openning of second session of the twelfth Assembly
Vice President Inonge Wina confers with Finance Minister
Margaret Mwanakatwe during the official openning of second session of
the twelfth Assembly


    • These foreign companies are embarrassing a K50,000 to be publicized in this matter?? LT get serious these companies should have proper social responsibility than this nonsense. They make billions in Zambia to mock us in this manner. The sense of dependence syndrome you mean Ngonis themselves can’t raise such cash?? Be Innovative

  1. Twelfth Assembly of the second session. this simply means that from the time of independence in 1964, zambia as an independent country has held general elections 12 times, the immediate past one was in 2016. we are now in the 2nd year of the twelfth assembly. hence the phrase 2nd session of the twelfth assembly.
    @Fulano, I hope this helps to answer your very important question.

    • Thanks @ ‘Mutulang’oma’, I actually never knew that myself. I learned something today on Lusaka Times. Much appreciated.

  2. Its like Mumbi Phiri was being dragged into the house! What was she afraid of? Ba Airtel, just a K50,000 and you even go on to publicize such a small donation

    • It’s not the size of the donation that matters… but the symbolism of it. 50k is the new ZMK 50 million in the new currency… so not bad at all.

      The question for me is how they will use and account for it, those warriors who never fought any war haha :).

  3. I see traditonal ceremonies always needing donations to take place, no one has come up with a way to turn the tables and change the fundraising norm to money generating arrangememts ?

  4. MARARET MWANAKATWE looks so beautifull when a photo is taken face straight BUT now this photo showing her side left hmm..NOT impressive to make matters worse with INONGE yaba

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