Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dora Siliya calls on women to do something extraordinary to transform their lives


Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP
Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya, has called on women to do something extraordinary to transform their lives.

Ms Siliya says time has come for women in the country to take centre stage in developing their families and contribute to national development.

The Minister was speaking today in Kapiri Mposhi where she joined thousands of women to commemorate this year’s International Women’s Day.

She said the very fact Zambia has a female Vice President, and many women in high government positions means that women have fought and won their political battle and it was time to fight for economic independence.

Ms Siliya said the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day challenges women to be activists towards development by doing something extraordinary to transform lives starting from their homes.

“Activism begins in the family, Church through to government and it’s time for women to take leadership at various levels and ensure transformation takes place at all levels,” she said.

She reminded the audience that government has set targets to be achieved through the Vision 2030 which aims to see Zambia be a middle income country by then, adding that this vision can’t be achieved without full participation of women.

She emphasized that the Equity and Quality act empowers women so that they are not left behind in all sectors of economic development.

And International Women’s Day organising committee chairperson, Faith Mbaza, thanked President Edgar Lungu for appointing women in high ranking government positions including that of the Vice President, Finance Minister and Information Minister among many others.

Mrs Mbaza said the appointment of women in such high positions was indicative of President Lungu’s recognition of the important role women play in national development.

She revealed that during the week preceding to the International Women’s day, women in the district embarked on various activities including cleaning of then district hospital, police cells and government offices.

Mrs Mbaza said women in the district are working very hard to ensure that cases if Gender Based Violence is eradicate.

She called on Ms Siliya to facilitate installation of a community radio station to help women and stakeholders spread issues affecting women to far flung areas.

This year’s international Women’s Day is commemorated under the theme: Time is now: Rural and Urban Activists Transforming Women’s Lives.

Meanwhile, Women in Luwingu district in Northern Province have joined their fellow women across the country to commemorate international women’s celebration.

The women organizing committee chairperson Cleopatra Mwenya appealed to government to consider promoting women in senior government position at both district and provincial level.

Ms. Mwenya observed that most of positions at provincial and district levels are manned by men a situation she described as sad.

She said time to transform women lives in now as stated in this year’s theme which state that time is now rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives.

And Luwingu District Commissioner Patrick Chanda has appealed to women to refrain from vices that undermines women integrity such beer drinking and other vices.

Mr. Chanda said government is committed to uplift the lives of women by promoting them in senior government positions citing the appointment of Zambia’s first female Vice President Inonge Wina.

He further pointed out the promotion of Margret Mwanakatawe as Finance Minister to man the finances of the country.

Mr. Chanda appealed to women to desist from marrying off their girl child at a tender age but allow their child to attain the much needed education.



    • Extraordinary from being fed on OFALS by Dora to what level now!!?
      Animal intestines were/are used to make condoms….

    • Yes, our mothers should stop wasting time dancing to Dununa reverse. To that end also stop voting based on a simple and cheap chtenge material buoght with stolen money.

    • After Sata died she did another (something) extraordinary thing by joining the party she kept castigating. She is the Zodwa of the Zambian politics this girl/woman or whatever. Now she wants all the morally upright women to join her so that she can say that that is the norm. GO AWAY!

  1. Zodwa Dora Siliya emphasises the extraordinary thinhd for women hope she didn’t mean Zodwa way of becoming rich.

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