Sunday, September 29, 2024

PF cadres call for the arrest of Professor Hansungule for Defaming President Lungu


Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)

The Patriotic Front (PF) leadership in Northern Province has strongly condemned the defamatory remarks made by South African based Law-expert Professor Michelo Hansungule against President Edgar Lungu and called on police to arrest Professor Hansungule for allegedly defaming President Lungu.

The party officials led by Northern Province PF Vice Chairperson Peter Mwansa yesterday staged a peaceful demonstration in the Central Business District of Kasama to express displeasure over the matter.

Speaking in a speech read on behalf of the demonstrators, Kasama District vice Secretary Kelvin Sichizya said President Lungu deserves respect because he is legitimately elected by the majority Zambians.

Mr. Sichizya advised Professor Hansungule to stop issuing unwarranted attacks on the Head of State.

He said PF members will not sit idle and allow some disgruntled individuals to ridicule the Presidency.

And PF Provincial Vice Chairperson Peter Mwansa said the people of Northern Province will not allow anyone to continue issuing disrespectful remarks against the Republican President.

He warned that whoever, will be found issuing defamatory utterances against the Head of State will face the wrath of the law.

Recently, Professor Hansungule was quoted in a local tabloid (Globe Newspaper) as having issued defamatory remarks against President Edgar Lungu.

Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Patriotic Front (PF) in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Hundreds of Patriotic Front members in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)
Hundreds of Patriotic Front members in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edgar Lungu attributed to Prof. Michelo Hansungule in Kasama today:- Picture by Tizaona Ngoma (ZANIS)


  1. Lord have mercy. Such trash of so-called party cadres! What a party, indeed. This is sickening; to say the least.

    • Imagine if it was Southern province demonstrating against Fake Bishop Chomba.
      Who can win civil war, Northern vs Southern.

    • Pf only promotes laziness at it’s best. Now introducing 5days holiday when the economy is shrinking. What governance of appeasement at the centre….

    • Them they don’t need a police permit. If it was UPND or NDC, awe sure the battalions of heavily armed police & Paras would have descended on the protesters.

      Whether you care about who is leading your bitter aszes or not it means nothing. The size of the protesters does not matter. Whether POA or not your asz needs to respect leadership else it will be sued and you will go do more publications behind bars.

    • Cholera plus hunger times this polony disease from South Africa,,,, people lose their minds,,,, what attacks mwebantu,,, lungu drinks much more than me and all of you pa lusaka times … If people say chikolwa,,,,its not an insult,,,,, it’s a fact

    • Politicians are there to divide us….dont listen to HH,Lungu,GBM or whoever wants to be in state house.Lets us all unite as Zambians…let us business together, play sports together go to church together.Both Lungu and HH have their own agendas. After all they are both living comfortably..but as for Cadres kuwayawaya fye

    • Bembas stop worrying yourselves the prof is a tonga. Make sure you vote wisely by voting someone else not from the tonga land. If the tonga is elected bembas you will cry foe for the term a tonga will rule Zambia. Abashi tongas

    • Ba police ku kasama are all cowards who have nothing to offer. PF fools protest at will while opposition are denied their right to protest or even to hold public meetings. The worst police force in the world even a country born today can have a better police not zambian police crap.

    • The big question still remains; “Is Lungu a ZAMBIAN”

      We need answers like yesterday.

      God bless ZAMBIA.

    • If it’s proved beyond reasonable doubts that bo Lungu is not Zambian, he should be asked to step down immediately whilst the Law agencies continue verifying the Ndola Central Hospital Records birth records.

      It’s only a few months ago the Zambian judiciary declared a well loved musician as PI and sent packing to Congo DR. But what about bo Lungu???

    • This archaic law on defamation of the President should be done away with as it infringes on people’s freedom of speech. You can’t have it both ways. It’s either you’re democratic, and will allow people to freely express themselves, or you’re not…to which you should then acknowledge that you’re dictators. Threatening a president’s life is a criminal offence. Lying about a president is libel which is a civil offence,…i.e. if the president decides to sue the offender. Other than that, people should be free to express their opinions. Let the people speak. You may not like what they’re saying, but they still have a right to say it. Africans like putting presidents on a pedestal and treating them like kings. No wonder some presidents easily turn into dictators.

    • Never seen such stupidity in my life? PF is so cheap to waste women time to demonstrate on their behalf. Zambia is a democratic country with free speech anyone can say anything so what the hell. It only suits PF not others?

  2. Countrymen and women, I am longing for a day when I will see Youths or so-called cadres from the ruling party demonstrate calling on their government to improve the economy, reduce corruption, promote affordable and quality healthcare, quality education etc. These are the issues that matter. Let’s not be obsessed by irrelevant matters concerning defamation of the president, Zodwa wa something etc.

    • That can’t happen,,,,, cholera plus hunger times this latest polony disease… Awe shuwa, their brain cells have perished….

  3. Hansungule is a very level headed analyst and I am sure as is common with our newspapers, the story could have been fabricated in order to boost sales. I know this man, he’s got a lot of substance.

    • Have you read what he said? I doubt if he were misquoted. I have just returned from Munyumbwe, the atmosphere is polluted with UPND spite, they believe they can rule themselves. Suppose other regions reciprocate? Did he need to incite the Army?

  4. When I go to the Police Station and tell them I will be conducting a peaceful protest against “Corruption and Recklessness” of Lazy Lungu’s govt …they will refuse and state you will be disturbing the peace and traffic as people enjoying their 4 day holiday!!

  5. What “Northern Province?” This small crowd of cadres don’t even make the population of a single village in Northern Province.

    • Not Zambians! But clueless so-called pf cadres led by their equally clueless, mediocre and illiterate ‘leaders’.

  6. Only 4 in 10 people are employed….

    And those used in these usless marches are part of the 4 in 10 that are employed.

    • Come on be sensible for once, how many economic migrants are you giving money and contracts so they can corrupt you? so your so called Lebanese, and Chinese investors are what? He has skills he can sell wherever he wants, that is the world we live in. Have you ever wondered why he had to practice his profession somewhere? With no jobs in the country what do you expect? Africans are dying in the meditrenean sea because of that kind of selfishness you are showing. Graduates are walking the streets of Lusaka and you talk about economic refugees? Refugees run away from failure, yes they are running away from the economic failure in Zambia and throughout history that is what humans do? Grow up for once and look at issues rather than party or individuals.

    • Do you have to know what they are doing, what about this professor behaving like a upnd cadre waiting for job when there God hh win, now days these so called learned men are party cadres

    • Clement tembo,,,, nani wa kuleseshe ukusambilila?

      Kasambilile nobe tumone ngo kaleko kutontonkanya nge ntonko.

  7. Politics politics politics and obsession with egotistical individuals is Zambia’s achilles heel that’s why we’re still poor .Singapore & Malaysia focused on issues and development .

  8. Why is it that every observation nowadays from non PF members is described as defamation or lacking a police permit? Does it mean that during Levy’s time, such vocaburary wasnt yet known?

  9. Upndeez want attention at all costs and by any means, their professors not to be left behind. While they do that, they shoot h.h in the foot because people are observing and questioning their maturity. If you have to criticise anybody can’t you use civil language? Do you have to be bitter all the time? These are the questions being asked by mature people in my clubs. These senriments come from the general society and find their way into clubs. By society I mean voters, take out Dundumwezi of course, where they are probably impressed with the language.

  10. PF lovers must ignore tongas.Even a learned tonga like Prof Hamunsungule cant be objective.this Prof.Hamunsungule is die hard tribalist like HH who believes that it is time for a tonga to rule that could improve our economy or develop Zambia,only their sick tonga minds know it!!
    Nothing positive about PF would come out of a tonga such as Prof.Hamusungule.unless if he comments about a fellow tonga Kainde!!otherwise,forget people.
    UPND IS A TRIBAL GROUPING AND NOT A POLITICAL PARTY.SO US VOTERS SHOULD CONTINUE REJECTING HH ON THE VOTING DAY!!Zambia will only be united again after tribal Kainde leaves the local political arena!!

  11. “PF cadres call for the arrest of Professor Hansungule for Defaming President Lungu”. Let us be honest: Does ECL have a reputation to protect? Can ECL seek remedies for incompetence and cluelessness, resource and time wasting for uncessary flights to functions that low calibre officials can do? Does a man with unexplained wealth (and who has refused to explain how it got to be) from the “net worth of K2 million in 2015 to over K27 million in 2016 (one year)” (Zambian Observer [Feb 24, 2018], Zambia Reports [June 9,2016] ! have a name and reputation to protect? In real democracies, ECL who be under arrest for unexplained wealth, not Prof Hansungule– who seeks to uphold governance sanity in Zambia.

  12. That Professor you are talking about is a man of substance compared to your Lungu. PF, be real and get a life.

  13. If you ask these demonstrators what the Prof said, they certainly don’t know at all. They have never even read the Globe paper! Imagine an educated person supporting such!? What a wasted generation! It is like people have been bewitched. Perhaps it is the work of the Devil against Christian country status. Their hearts have been hardened.

  14. This is what we call in English Chest beating or beating your chest when you are aggravated. Arresting Prof Hansungule will back fire badly. PF is undestimating Pof Hansungule his international standing. Arresting him will be committing political suicide.

  15. Ban Cardreism. Useless bunch of illiterates. Wasting precious time and breathe for nothing instead of doing something constructive. How many packets of Chibuku were they given b4 they went out wasting time. Uluse mwe bantu. Balafwilapo no kufwilapo pafyabupuba. Ati PF, UPND Cardres. Atase. Sure someone can go to school and get an education and end up being a cardre.

  16. After reading what Michelo Hasungule said, I think he’s out of his mind. He has exhibited the Tonga in him. He’s even inciting the Army to take over the country just because Hichilema lost elections. Now I understand why Tongas beat and killed non Tongas when Hichilema lost. We will be ready for them come 2021. Ibrahim Gambari must take note of what’s coming from UPND senior members

    • You are the one out of your mind…pf blind cadres making noise for something which is true…pf has destroyed Zambian…the economy is on its knees…but blind pipo will like you will go to the grave with pf…cause your brothers and sisters have partisan tufulo…shame bamambala imwe

  17. Hopefully those cadres have paid schools fee for their children and have enough on the table. Soon they will be eating EL branded bicycles. Anybody know what exactly the learned professor said about our beloved president? LT is good at giving half baked information.

  18. Lungu is not God, if he does fyapuba he will rightly be insulted.
    Let lungu behave like a president and so shall he be treated.

  19. I have been talking about this member of the clan for a while now! Another “Well-respected and known professor” like that other “well-respected and known professor” but only a history teacher at UNZA! Hansungule Hakainde!

  20. Look at the numerous zaulas in the captions:
    Hundreds of Patriotic Front members in Northern Province protests over demining remarks issued against President Edga lungu

  21. Comment:Hope he was miscoted and if not the prof must then be not in his right frame of mind-by deamening the head of state he is insulting all of us who put him in power- a man worthy is salt should know there better ways of enganging gvmnt than attacking the president on foreighn soil- pls prof be man enough come lets help build our zambia

  22. Comment:Hope he was miscoted indeed but if not then he must be a very sick prof-surely a man worthy his status should know there better ways of enganging the head of state and gvmnt than insults on foreighn soil

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