Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Travelgate: Zambians deserve answers-HH


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has demanded that government must come clean on the alleged plunder of national resources during President Edgar Lungu’s foreign trips.

Mr Hichilema stated that the leaked dossier as published by the News Diggers on the abuse of public resources by President Lungu and his PF leadership cannot be taken lightly.

He has since called on all those mentioned and the entire government machinery to own up and come out clean.

Mr Hichilema said the dossier is a clear testimony of the levels of recklessness, extravagance, contempt and patronage with which President Lungu and his administration holds their offices, which he said they dubiously obtained from the Zambian people.

“Being custodians of public wealth is a noble and sacred responsibility but these people care less as can be seen from this waste of scarce resources that are supposed to be channelled to needy and critical areas like health, education, farming and the fight against poverty,” the UPND Leader said.


“To imagine that at a time like this where students have had no bursaries in learning institutions both at home and abroad, where farmers’ input provision in the last season was not prioritised and regarded as critical, where our citizens were dying of cholera and other water borne diseases in hospitals and clinics that have no drugs and clean running water, and yet Edgar Lungu and his large entourage were busy lavishly spending taxpayers’ money shopping in exclusive designer boutiques,” he said.

Mr Hichilema stated, “They were busy chartering cruise liners and expensive chauffeur driven limousines and hiring special cargo removal services to repatriate their made to measure merchandise while the country is struggling with poverty and the economy is on its knees, is just something we find abominable and absolutely despicable. What really are the roles and purposes of all these PF cadres and cronies including ‘bedroom attendants’ named in the published dossier and all at taxpayers cost?” he questioned.

He said Zambian people are being forced into destitution by addition of more and more taxes under the Health Insurance Bill just to fund expensive tastes for President Lungu and his State House Staff and other Government officials, whose insatiable appetite for reckless expenditure is now in competition with Hollywood.

“We have always been questioning Edgar Lungu’s numerous trips abroad and their relevance to the country, but there has already been justification that they were beneficial to the country and that we were just bitter and envious of their new found luck. Based on this dossier, it is more important for Edgar Lungu and his large entourage to be in foreign countries to dance the whole night, hire luxury limousines, take part in walking safaris, hire shipping cargoe services as compared to the life of that poor Zambian child in the streets and villages, learning in grass thatched school roofs leaking with rain water, and sitting on bricks and bamboo desks.”

According to the dossier sent by a whistleblower which details part of the cash transactions made on one of President Lungu’s trips to the United Nations in September 2015, the Treasury deposited over K17 million for various logistics, but some of it was spent on unexplained costs at Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas Texas, limousine hires, dinner dance cruises and walking safaris.

The document also shows that millions were spent on shipping cargo for government officials by Air See Land shipping company of New York, a transport firm that is specialised in providing a range of moving services to the Diplomatic Community, corporate entities, individuals and government employees.

Some amounts were spent on shopping in various department stores including the International Jack’s place phone accessory shop in New York and Innovation luggage store on Broadway, New York.

But State House press aide Amos Chanda on Thursday told Journalists that the dossier could have been doctored.

And News Diggers! has confirmed that the President’s delegation on international trip was not as small as State House and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed.

On the New York trip, government sponsored PF officials including deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri and media director Sunday Chanda, PMRC executive director Bernadette Deka, musicians as well as traditional leaders.

And on a State Visit to China in March 2015, President Lungu travelled with 20 senior government officials and State House staff, 16 ministry officials and secretaries, 21 security personnel and 11 journalists, all paid for by the Treasury.

President Lungu’s senior delegation List to China departed on March 28 and returned April 1, 2015:
1. Esther Lungu (First Lady)
2. Harry Kalaba (Foreign Affairs Minister)
3. Margaret Mwanakatwe (Commerce Minister)
4. Lt Gen Paul Mihova (Zambia Army Commander)
5. Peter Kasonda (Deputy Secretary to Cabinet)
6. Amos Chanda (Press Aide)
7. Kaiza Zulu (Political Advisor)
8. Mwinga Hibeene (Economic Advisor)
9. Lucky Mulusa (Projects advisor)
10. Godwin Phiri (Police commissioner)
11. Dr Dorothy Kasanda
12. Dr Mwinga Sheyo
13. Yobe Luhana (police staff)
14. Mark Paul Nyirongo (police staff)
15. Chanda Chisanga (President ADC)
16. Kenneth Ngulube (Mihova’s ADC)
17. Sandra Ngushi (First Lady’s secretary)
18. Daniel Siwo (Private secretary)
19. Bertha Mutale (President’s Secretary)
20. Salim Henry (President’s photographer)

Advance party departed on March 25 and return on April 4, 2015:

21. Chalwe Lombe (Ministry director)
22. Florence Chawelwa (First lady’s secretary)
23. Imakando Walubita (ministry director)
24. Winnie Chibesakunda (ministry assistant director)
25. Lucy Mtonga (Ministry official)
26. Inyambo Libomba (Deputy chief protocol)
27. Mary Muwowo (Protocol officer)
28. Alick Banda (secretary ministry)
29. Commerce representative
30. Mines representative
31. Agriculture representative
32. Works and supply representative
33. Finance representative
34. Imprest officer (Cabinet)
35. Valet
36. Bedroom attendant
Ø 21 security personnel
Ø 11 journalists

Below is the list of countries President Lungu has visited between January 2015 to date
1. Ethiopia – AU Summit – 30/01/2015
2. Zimbabwe – State visit – 06/02/2015
3. Angola – State visit – 13-14/02/2015
4. SA – State visit – 25/02/2015
5. SA – Private visit – 10-13/03/2015
6. Mozambique – State visit – 18-19/03/2015
7. Namibia – Inauguration of Hage 21/03/2015
8. China – State visit – 29/03 – 01/04/2015
9. Zimbabwe – SADC – 29/04 – 01/05/2015
10. Angola – Great Lakes Summit 18/05/2015
11. Mozambique – Independence Celebration 26/06/2015
12. Uganda – State visit the – 23-25/07/2015
13. Malawi – Independence Celebration – 8-9/08/2015
14. Botswana – SADC – 17-18/08/2015
15. Namibia – Heroes Day – 25-27/08/2015
16. US – United Nation – 27/09-01/10/2015
17. Tanzania – Magufuli Inauguration – 05/11/2015
18. SA – China-Africa Summit – 4-5/12/2015
19. Namibia – Committee of Ten – 15/01/2016
20. Ethiopia – AU – 29-31/01/2016
21. Italy – State visit – 4-6/02/2016
22. Vatican city – State visit – 05/02/2016
23. France – State visit – 7-11/02/2016
24. Malawi – 5 hour bilateral talks – 25/04/2016
25. Uganda – Mseveni Inauguration – 11-12/05/2016
26. Saudi Arabia -State visit – 17/05/2016
27. Uganda – Entebbe anniversary – 4/07/2016
28. US – United Nation – 16-21/09/2016
29. Madagascar – COMESA – 19-20/10/2015
30. Angola – Great Lakes Summit – 26/10/2016
31. Morocco – UN Climate change – 14-18/11/2016
32. Equatorial Guinea – Africa-Arab Summit – 22-25/11/2016.
33. Tanzania – State visit – 27-29/11/2016
34. SA – SA-Zam Business Forum – 7-9/12/2016
35. Ghana – Addo Inauguration – 6-7/01/2017
36. Ethiopia – AU – 27-31/01/2017
37. Botswana – State visit – 6-7/02/2017
38. Israel – State visit – 28/02- 5/03/2016
39. Swaziland – SADC – 17-19/03/2017
40. Equatorial Guinea. – AU c10 Summit – 17-18/05/2017
41. Lesotho – Tom Thabae Inauguration – 15/06/2017
42. Swaziland – State visit – 18-19/07/2017
43. Rwanda – Kàgame Inauguration – 17/08/2017
44. SA – SADC Summit – 19-20/08/2017
45. SA – Security on Lesotho – 17/09/2017
46. US – United Nation – 18-20/09/2017
47. Angola – Presidential Inauguration – 25/09/2017
48. Botswana – State visit – 29/09/2017
49. Congo Brazzaville – Great Lakes Summit – 18/10/2017
50. Egypt – State Visit – 14/11/2017
51. Zimbabwe – Mnangagwa inauguration – 24/11/2017
52. Kenya – Kenyatta inauguration – 28/11/2017
53. Rwanda – State Visit – 21/02/2018
54. Botswana – State Visit – 10/03/2018
55. South Africa – State Visit – 11/03/2018

The Alleged Statement of Account


  1. Here we go again. Unconfirmed allegations that will lead to nothing. Probably diggers trying to get their unsellable newspaper moving.

    • Maizegate, fire tenders, NRDC, now travelgate, Kambwili etc all lead to what??? Let’s channel our energy into more progressive issues. There are bills in parliament to handle, the constitution. hh himself has the saturnia scandal he is mute about.

    • Anonymous: “The forest was shrinking yet TREES kept voting for the AXE because its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them”.

      PF00Ls wake up from being shingered butter by humble thief Lungu

    • That’s a doctored statement and any seasoned banker like me can tell at first glance both by alignment and font characters.

      That part doesn’t even take forensics but I guess News Diggers are not aware that if proven to be wrong can be sued and that would be the end of their business.

      Dan Irvin Rather Jr. lost his 24 year career with CBS News and the network suffered irreparable damage because of similar reckless reporting so it’s not worth it.

      The folly for Hakalusa is that, he jumps on without verifying the authenticity of the document and when proven wrong, don’t expect him to come back and apologize.

      Are foreign trips excess? Heck yeah!!! And that part can be debated and proven without doctoring documents, that’s what intellectual honesty does but in guess its in short…

    • Continued…

      Are foreign trips excess? Heck yeah!!! And that part can be debated and proven without doctoring documents, that’s what intellectual honesty does but in guess its in short supply among some of the not so smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.

      Overall, the delegation sizes are not justifiable for most trips that ECL has been taking and I have personally talked to that. We are now seeing reduced trips and expenditures and Margaret will see to it that it gets under control.

      But at the same time you can’t expect the President not to make certain essential trips even though in this case everything else gets to be under scrutiny because of past experience.

      Let’s be level headed and reasonable …

    • What we have at State is not a president for how would a president of a poor country travel with 67 people? Edgar Lungu and his cronies are bad for Zambia

    • When I see people defending what is clearly wrong, I really really can’t understand…
      Guys, this is doctored? Really? That is how you casually dismiss such a serious allegation? Even after seeing state house miserably fail to defend itself? If you listened to Amos chanda you saw a man who had no clear explanation. Your saw the face of an adultery who is angry at being caught pants down.
      And others are also defending the issue of buying one fire truck at 1 million? Buti kwena… Oh Well, I guess monkeys in a tree eating the fruits don’t care about the ants on the ground on whom there poop falls. But the day of reckoning will come.
      To some of you here who speak with high airs I say “pride goes before a fall”. You will see this saying fulfilled in your lives in due course.

    • I was looking at Tanzanian President Mangufuli’s motorcade…this guy has probably the longest presidential motorcade in Africa. He preaches something else and does completely the opposite. Well, they say if you want to know the true character of a man give him power..Mangufuli is such a hypocrite and so are all Politicians HH and Lungu included. Check Mangufuli motorcade on YouTube the man travels with half the country behind him and also Gambia’s President…this one has gas guzzling stretch hammers H4 in his convoy. All politicians are the same just look at Mnangangwa’s entourage when he is traveling…3 times more than Mugabe

    • Abena Journeyman … the embedded document is a fraud no question about it. That can be proven, that’s on one hand.

      On the other hand, the entourage is f000lishly huge and unjustified. So, you have wrongs on both sides and needs to be talked about.

      Given the above then you have 2 issues at play. One of them is a legal matter (fraud) and the other is a moral (entourage) matter.

      One is a crime and needs prosecution and the other is a political matter that opponents can score points on. So, I meant what I said when I said we need to be level headed and reasonable.

      That’s because when you have national treasury involved and then people actually mentioned, you have a murderously dangerous combination.

      None of the people mentioned are my relatives and even if they were it…

    • Continued….

      None of the people mentioned are my relatives and even if they were it wouldn’t bother me much but these are known people and neighbors to some whose lives can easily be endangered because next time you see them, you would be looking at their shoes or handbags wondering if they were bought using state coffers.

      Responsible journalism takes such things into account. No bad to the crime, every crime is committed with partial truths to it, and there are elements of truth to the excess spending but doctoring documents is illegal no matter how the end maybe justified by the means.

      So in conclusion, PF needs to pursue the perpetrators of the fraud aspect because their people’s lives are at stake and the opposition need to pursue the moral aspects of having such a huge…

    • Continued…

      So in conclusion, PF needs to pursue the perpetrators of the fraud aspect because their people’s lives are at stake and the opposition need to pursue the moral aspects of having such a huge entourage using national treasury when we have immediate needs that need those same resources.

      So, Bo Journeyman don’t just read what you want your itching ears to hear. I am the most unbiased and rational UNIPist left standing … Bashikulu Ba Chikwanda ni kale Ba bwitwike mo mu UNIP … I rest my case, Ba Saa!!

    • I also want HH to check out ‘ Best African presidential convoy compilation 2’ on YouTube. Lungu’s entourage or convoy is nothing compared to other African leaders. I have seen these African entourages here in New York when they come ku UN…believe me they are all the same.. these guys can spend money. Ask every high end retailer on Park Avenue or Fifth Avenue. African presidents with their gangs are big big spenders

    • “Maizegate,Travelgate whatevergate vonse nivokopela we cant even come up with our own words.ok add this gate also….Hakaindegate has over stayed as UPND President

    • A lot of bloggers thought they would be appointed Ambassadors/High commissioners due to their Pro-PF comments on LT, Facebook.

      I know 1 guy whom other bloggers even started calling Ambassador due to his die-hard comments praising, worshiping & defending Lungu. Unfortunately Lungu never noticed & even today the poor guy is jobless.

    • @ Zambian Citizen: No need to be emotional, please show us your defence and cost breakdown “expenditure” of each Trip. How does a president travel in this manner, When the country is on its knees. Let’s get serious than back things that don’t make sense. Lungu is a failure, very careless and should show leadership. He is not patriotic. He behaves like a Foreigner who wants to finish Zambia.

    • Look at him I am sure he was in the US crowd this is where fontinis like him would spewing out his make-believe claptrap about Enterprise to drunk dullards like Kaizer and this tin Zambian Citizen…this komboni classic wheeler-dealer’s casual bravado trademark of this chap BR Mumba Junior.

    • @B R Mumba Sr: With all due respect, I would like to request evidence to show that this statement is doctored. I respect your claim to be an experienced banker. But for someone who thinks critically, we need a little bit more than you learned opinion. Foreinstance based on you claim that the font etc show it is fake, I would say ok then show me a geniune zanaco statement side by side with this one and point out the elements to show it is doctored.
      secondly if I was government, I would consider, in public interest to release the real statement for the same period to show that this one is false.
      You see big man, this is where you are missing the point. Amos Chanda must show us evidence that the document is doctored. Not just dismiss it and threaten diggers news.
      All am saying is that as…

    • continued…
      All am saying is that as a responsible citizen, I can’t just accept an off the cuff dismissal of such a big allegation. especially in view of some of the other things we have seen like the Auditor General report, fire tenders, digital migration etc. We are concerned. That is why we are making noise. And the suffering of our people is real. A wise old sage (Job) once said “does the wild donkey bray when it has grass, or the ox bellow when it has fodder”? Forgive some of us, but we have no grass or fodder. We must bray and we must bellow

    • Bo Journeyman … you seem to be a decent man and Jay Jay is just a useless maggot, I stopped wasting my time with blowheads like him. So, I will show you some few tricks from our highly esteemed Investment Banking and Forensic Accounting fraud detection rules without going into too many details.

      To start with blow the image on your phone or computer whatever your devise. After you do that, look at the black thin line in the middle. It indents inwards from your left side and protrudes outwards on your right.

      That alignment can’t be duplicated once a document is doctored, I won’t tell you how to avoid that … that’s beyond the scope of this discussion. The second thing you look at is are what we call shades of gray. In this document, the alignment of top 2 graphics is…

    • Continued…

      That alignment can’t be duplicated once a document is doctored, I won’t tell you how to avoid that … that’s beyond the scope of this discussion. The second thing you look at is are what we call shades of gray. In this document, the alignment of top 2 graphics is completely off kilt to bodies of information below.

      Coming to fonts … both columns 10 and 11 have characters that have been squeezed focusing them to go in the line below. Characters like that tell you someone did a very amatureish job trying to move the columns but did not notice, fonts did not align … again, not going into more details there.

      Within the document, there also different font sizes which means that the actual font type used by the bank to generate the statement is propriotary as most…

    • Continued…

      Within the document, there also different font sizes which means that the actual font type used by the bank to generate the statement is propriotary as most banks do but the computer used to doctor this document had to use the closest font size and font type it could recognize … again, not going into more details.

      This is total fraud and it needs to be pursued with the fullest extent of the law for making an example of the culprits even so that next time someone thinks of doing this, they would think twice. In closing, the argument could be made that there is excessive spending but you don’t have to resort to fraud to do that.

      That’s what CLEVER people do … not SMART people. Smart people win arguments without using straw men, they win arguments by presenting…

    • Continued…

      … but clever people over dramatize things and in the end they either go to jail, lose their business or overall just lose the respect of those they wanted to impress in the first place.

      Hakalusa is not SMART … I have said this time and time again. He is just a CLEVER guy. Smart people don’t jump on things like that without verifying the authenticity of the document in the first place. This and many other things he has done in the last 12 years as leader of the opposition made me count him out long back then.

      Now, is ECL a better alternative? Heck yeah!!! You know what? Despite his short comings; we all have those and by God, you really don’t want to know how much I suck myself, at least ECL is humble enough and has his head screwed up right.

      Jay Jay thinks…

    • Continued…

      Jay Jay thinks he’s lazy and dull but believe me, you don’t get to be president without a higher IQ than Jay Jay. Furtherstill you don’t beat credible opponents twice without skills … so, Bo Journeyman, I hope I endeavored to explain for you not everything but a few tricks of the trade.

      Mind you those come with years of academics and professional experience, you don’t pick up that like f000lish Jay Jay would pick up a can of tomato sauce at the grocery store in London … I rest my case.

    • @BR MUMBA, SR – Have you personally seen the doctored bank statements ??? When are you going to wake up and realise that this Government is the MOST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT ZAMBIA HAS EVER HAD!
      They are plundering all the resources while the poor can’t survive !!!
      Maybe the bank statements were doctored after whistleblower came clean about the millions spent in USA.
      Maybe Lungu himself doctored the bank statements to make it look like someone had doctored them so that the country can rather focus on that instead of HIS WHOLESALE THEFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @Abena MUSTAFA … yes, the one that is given for all to see on this site embedded in the article. I have personally seen it!!! I have analysed it and I will give you my expert opinion on this document being a doctored document.

      Now, you can be in denial all you want and that’s your prerogative as a free moral agent … but that is fraud and it needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And the rest of the details are nothing but water under the bridge and if you have read my comments above, you will agree with me that I am not condoning being wasteful.

      You got to have your head screwed up right and realize though that being wasteful maybe immoral and politicians can have a field day for that but it is not a crime. Fraud on the other end is a crime, we are a nation…

      I have not really been in love with and a fun of ECL’s excessive international trips. Who can investigate these trips which KALABA vehemently defended with his life.
      Now these are checks and balances although we have as usual an emotional double H concocting and mixing the supposedly good story with his personal unsubstantiated emotionally charged bitter innuendos.

  2. What a mess we are in all because of voting on tribal lines. Next Time fellow zambians sober up and redeem yourselves. We deserve atleast better not this chipante pante

    • Allegations are not facts especially from fake news mongers like Diggers…but I am happy to see HH behaving like a proper Opposition party not just always barking about dead issues and spewing bitterness and hatred and pointless anger.

    • @2 Mary, I DOUBT your assertion that Lungu got to where he is and Zambia to where we are because of tribal voting. People voted for PF because it was IT WAS TOO EARLY TO CHANGE THE GOVERNING PARTY and they thought Lungu NEEDED TIME WITH A FULL MANDATE TO IMPLEMENT HIS PARTY PROGRAMS- BUT HE HAS FAILED! Yes there was TRIBAL VOTING IN SOME PARTS OF THE COUNTRY as can be evidenced by consistent records of certain regions voting for the same party since 2001! IF the vote was PURELY TRIBAL, even Lungu could have not have garnered the numbers he got as there were contenders from other ethnic groups who could have elected there own. In 2001, UPND dominated Lusaka, after 2006 all that was lost to PF so how could you explain that? Massive tribal migration in favor of PF or better party…

  3. We have said it, that we have auctioned this country to the biggest bidder by allowing sycophants, reckless cannons to preside over the affairs of this beautiful country. Honestly you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to fathom that something is terribly wrong here. 55 trips in such a short space of time? Can we quantify the total expenditure of the this spurious extravagance of all the 55 trips? The true costs will shock even the die hard PF nincompoops and so called bootlickers. This cannot be allowed to continue full stop.

  4. Visiting countries alone is not a such a bad thing but the entourage could surely have been much smaller.

    There a number of advantages for a land-locked Country like Zambia to explore trade opportunities with our neighbours and other countries.

    I think the question should centre around opportunities created than anything else. For example Rwanda has got need for teachers for English. To me the teachers that have not yet been posted should have taken the local positions and those that have got the necessary experience can be sent to Rwanda on a Government-Government programme.
    Botswana is struggling with Fresh water. How about a deal to supply fresh water to Botswana.
    DRC is hungry. How about a deal to supply mealie meal (not raw maize).

    There are several positive ways of…

  5. This issue has been in public domain for over 2 years. Zambian Watchdog released this very dossier way back in 2015. But because it’s been published by a print media, it’s now receiving the attention and publicity. That shows you the importance of a strong independent print media. I am sure News Diggers will be targeted by PF operatives in the coming weeks. It may end up being closed like the Post


  7. Talk a thief pointing fingers at another thief. This is remarkable. Oh maybe he thinks we have forgotten how he stole from us through bogus privatisation of viable companies.

  8. The nation must wake to the fact that voting this drunken chap into office was a grave mistake. He was a wrong chap in the driving seat from day one. What is unfortunate is that he a rabid incorrigible who will not change and listens to none. He can only get worse. He has shown many times over how irresponsible he is and the hearts of many who love this country bleed for the retrogression the nation has suffered during the Lungu years! Change is nigh, this country deserves better!

    • …in a democracy, not everyone agrees with you. While you say Edgar was the wrong pick, majority didn’t agree with you. That’s why hh is not president. Infact, the same majority in our democracy have disagreed with you four times previously over hh. Welcome to democracy….

  9. Paradise papers. Some of HH’s papers are in Paradise already. And we hear some are hidden in hail, no one know how many!!

  10. Theres nothing wrong with a president having 20 state visits in 3 years in a world of 195 countries. The only issue here is the use of resources. The trip to China I think everyone who remembers it was a business trip for various government departments but the issue which needs to be addressed is accounting for money. If the visit requires 500 people and it is beneficial to the country I think even HH would do that. When we talk of corruption in Zambia we have a wrong target most of the time. The biggest gate to close in Zambia is Civilservant Gate. A good number of civil servants who including members of various political parties PF and UPND among them can not explain where they got there wealthy from. The houses and cars some people drive

  11. Lets not take issues lightly we need answers our economy is collapsing even if you discuss important issues as you put without money in your coffer its nothing my friend its same as making a budget at home without money which has been stolen by your parents

  12. cont….Can not be traced to any savings, bank loan, gift from a friend or relative, genuine business profit. Civil Servants form a large part of contractors or suppliers of government depriving friends who only rely on business to survive. If any politician is sincere and cares about Zambians they should 1. Introduce a law that forbids any civil servant to be a government supplier. One must choose one thing not be both. 2. Every civil servant who has built and acquired property should show where they got the money from. We are not talking about 10 pin or 50 pin here. We are talking of hundreds of thousands and in some cases million. No one can forget where the money they bought cars or built houses or acquire farms came from. Lets be serious please.

  13. So what if cash was spent during trips? Trips are not for free. More so Presidential trips. Explain what you will do for Zambians so that you are voted. Get back to your 10 point plan or whatever you called your plan of action.
    ….and Badala some image building advice: lighten up a bit. Your face looks very heavy and scary to kids!

  14. @dominion and others who are supporting the wrongs of the president. what do you know about economy? do you care about the future of our mother Zambia your reasons are not carrying convincing reasons because change in numbers will bring either profit or loss and for to gain that gaps it takes years not months or days. reply

    • Am not supporting any wrong. Read through my comments again. Twice I have repeated that there should be accountability of our resources by those given an opportunity to rule. I only extended my opinion to include civil servants. Some civil servants who benefit from these same trips are pro opposition why don’t they decline travelling on moral grounds? Friends lets not deceive ourselves the largest corruption in this nation is done by civil servants and not politicians. Most of the wealthy these politicians acquire from kick backs for awarding tenders to foreign companies(which is wrong of course) but when we talk of looting the nation treasury, the reason why medicine is not in hospitals, schools and universities suffering and councils failing to operate , four fingers should point at…

  15. Only 55 names,Mr HH, Your plunder is worse. And you are still plundering by stealing peoples money through you regina sartunia. I wont mention the number,but almost everyone registered with your organisation is affected.

  16. People, that is a doctored document. There are no transactions for the account stated for the period mentioned in that document. Ask those who work in the named bank

  17. If ur caught scratching ur anus, do not say even so and so did it. Its on public record that ecl was suspended from practicing law for theft. Hh has no record of wrong doing under 4 govts:mwanawasa, the real and only fighter of corruption, rb, sata, and lungu. So read the topstar scandal, another smelly fingers from scratching ur anus. Are still going to blame hh?

  18. Unbelievable… to think these crooks and playboys are actually leaders of a poor country is just unbelievable.

    And some low IQ bloggers supporting this level of extravagance and mediocrity is even more staggering.

    You don’t have a country people, except on paper.

  19. continued…
    All am saying is that as a responsible citizen, I can’t just accept an off the cuff dismissal of such a big allegation. especially in view of some of the other things we have seen like the Auditor General report, fire tenders, digital migration etc. We are concerned. That is why we are making noise. And the suffering of our people is real. A wise old sage (Job) once said “does the wild donkey bray when it has grass, or the ox bellow when it has fodder”? Forgive some of us, but we have no grass or fodder. We must bray and we must bellow

  20. If he’s not careful ECL’s ending will be the worst ever of all the Presidents in this country. Time is ticking

  21. Bro Mumba, you sound professional & educated. But what let’s you down is your suggestion that PF should investigate this doctored BS. In my own humble understanding the only constitutionally bodies to investigate such crimes are ZP, ACC and DEC if I am not mistaken. Please let’s stop the mentality of the party and it’s government.

  22. Thank you Brainwave snr. I was about to say the same thing, but you have said it all. I think Zambians have misunderstood and misconstrued democracy. Let them ask what is the entire entourage of President Donald Trump or Vladim Putin, let alone the queen?

    • Compare and contrast the economies of Russia and USA with Zambia’s. Does the end justify the means? Its expenditure we can ill afford as a third world country the majority of the population survive on less than a dollar a day and our medical facilities are not only inadequate, but lack basic medication. The wanton recklessness is criminal and unpardonable.

  23. Anything about PF Govnt which comes from HH and his evil friends is usual Kainde is just policking,hoping that Zambians would buy into his lies about PF leadership!!!
    HH,LIES ABOUT PF WONT TAKE YOU TO STATE HOUSE BUT ONLY VOTES CAN!!So encourage your tribesmen (including cows) to vote for u in 2021 if you are to win.BUT SINCE COWS NEVER VOTE IN ZAMBIA,YOU SHALL LOSE ONCE MORE KAINDE!!
    Come 2021 ni PF nafuti nafuti!!

  24. I have liked it that we have broadened this matter across the content and individual politicians. And I have also very much liked comments to say politicians are just the same. Today he may be saying this condemning the friend as if he is any different. These who are busy talking cursing, blustering, being scornful, give them a chance they’ll do exactly the same even worse. So the base line shud be NEVER LISTEN/TRUST A POLITICIAN no matter how sweet or convincing his language could be. unless we just want “nayeve adyeko” kind of thing.

  25. If anyone steals a bank statement for whatever purpose, then I have a major problem with such a person, and also the person who receives the stolen document. One is a thief and the other a thief too by implication for sharing the spoils of theft. And also would a decent person, for that matter a leader who wants to rule Zambia feel so free to receive a stolen document, and use it without shame? Clearly there is something seriously wrong with the moral standing of h.h.
    Option for state house? You gotta be joking! Or is that how desperate mr h.h can be? Despite what I know about h.h I did not expect him to sink so low in desperation!

  26. I have answers but not from you! We do have answers only you don’t listen! You choose your own answers from twisted minds! Chainama cases only! HaDelusions!

  27. Hichilema gets very excited over unfounded issues, there’s an inquiry into the doctored statement. The way he behaves one can suspect that he sponsored the leakage and adulteration of the document. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were found that News Diggers are on his payroll, just like the now defunct Watchdog. What’s unfortunate is that he believes his own propaganda, big money small brain!

  28. the only opposition part which is able to bring development is upnd=because is the part which is able to oppose in certain areas

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