Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Former IG urges police to fight GBV


The Zambia Police Command has been urged to establish their presence in all the chiefdoms across the country in order to fight Gender Based Violence (GBV).

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Martin Malama says having the police existence in all the 288 chiefdoms will ease the burden that victims of GBV go through to report the cases.

Dr.Malama told ZANIS yesterday that some rural areas in his constituency cover over 60 kilometers to reach the police post to report GBV cases.

“it is sad that some people in these rural areas we come from walk 60 kilometers to find the police post and report .We have the 18 and 19 years young girls who are being beaten every day by their spouse but have no money to cover such a long distance to report the matter,”.

He pointed out that traditional leaders in Kanchibiya constituency have remained resolute to ending early marriages and fighting GBV in their chiefdoms.

The Parliamentarian hailed President Lungu for highlighting GBV fight in his address to Parliament today, stating other the President’s speech was timely towards the elimination of GBV in the country.

Dr.Malama further called on both the ruling and opposition political parties to put their differences aside and shoulder the responsibility of eradicating Gender Based Violence which draws back the country’s social and economic development.


    • We just parrot and swallow western nations’ generated buzz feeds so that we receive crumbs they offer diverting us from and abandoning local issues needing serious attention as providing for conducive learning environments in our schools especially those in rural areas needing proper roofing materials, desks and, teachers! It goes without saying among our cultures a few slaps once in a while meted on a spouse is accepted as a spice of love. Just ask the traditionally inclined elderly alangizi!

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