Saturday, January 4, 2025

It’s pathetic that people in Lusaka’s Central Business District are using pit latrines-Lusambo


Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusaka Lusambo during the commissioning of a a Solar Milling Plant
Lusaka Minister Bowman Lusaka Lusambo

Government says it is devising a master plan that will correct address the numerous unplanned settlements in Lusaka and change the face of the capital city.

ZANIS reports that Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo said Government is worried with unplanned settlements in Lusaka which stand at fourteen.

Mr Lusambo regretted that the bigger chunk of Lusaka City has been taken up by unplanned settlements with the majority of them being a few minutes’ drive from the Central Business District (CBD).

“We are putting our foot down, so that we can redesign and plan Lusaka, we know people will complain, but they will appreciate it when it’s done,” said Mr Lusambo.

He said it is unacceptable that in this era people living near the CBD of the Capital City are using pit latrines.

He said Government will not tolerate the trend and will ensure that pit latrines are decommissioned from the CBD as government moves to change the face of the capital city.

The minister stated that most of the unplanned settlements such as Kuku, Misisi and Kanyama were erected in areas designated for the establishment of industries.

He said this explains why service companies such as the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company has failed to properly provide water and sewerage services.

“The status quo is pathetic, it’s very bad to have people using pit latrines, 3 minutes away from the CBD, in the capital city of Zambia, its bad, we can’t allow it” said Mr Lusambo.

The minister also said that the Central Business District will be redeveloped and the new Society park building will be the yard stick for all the buildings in the capital city.

“We are in the 21 st century and we need to improve our town, other countries are redesigning their capital cities, and we are going to do that,” said Mr Lusambo.

He urged shop owners who have no capacity to renovate or put up new structures to partner with investors in order to improve their buildings.

Mr Lusambo said his provincial administration has engaged the Lusaka City Council (LCC) to come up with a lasting solution to the problem of unplanned settlements that has dodged the city of Lusaka.

He said part of government’s upgrade of the settlements will see construction of bituminous roads, and suitable water and sewerage services and the erection of high rise structures that would be mortgaged to people.

The Minister warned the planning section of Lusaka City Council to desist from flouting planning procedures and instead do the right thing.

Mr Lusambo also appealed to the general public to follow laid down procedures when constructing structures in the city.

The minister said he will ensure that the Lusaka planning authority extends the redesign and re-planning exercise to all districts in Lusaka province in order to ensure that the areas benefit from infrastructure development.


    • Either :Sell 1 firetruck for $1millin, give that $1 million to ZNS and see how they will construct water/sewage system.
      OR: Sell Kuku compound to AVIC, take people to Mumbwa.

    • Does he know difference between provincial administration and municipal functions? Everything is fused under PF.

    • Lusambo is talking as if he is learning for the first time that people including himself when he was mposa mabwe was using pit latrine. That is pretence indeed because the young man is behaving like he is from another country. Do something don’t just talk irrelevant stuff to prove that you are working we need action.

    • That’s why i will vote for PF again. They have good dreamers than UPND whose followers only have nightmares night and day.

  1. Its pathetic and irresponsible for a govt to spend $280k by 50 units on Ambulances that cost $80k…when people are using pit latrines in CBD.

    • We can only believe his “every word” for say he managed to do the same on the copperbelt before coming to Lusaka, anybody on the copperbelt who can attest to that?

    • @George,,,,
      There is a video where women were complaining about pooping in plastics and using bars and borrowing neighbors’ toilets. I think was in Kabushi. The video was released not too long ago before Lusambo moved to Lusaka.

  2. I support the re-designing of Lusaka CBD. but you demolish people’s ram shackles, compensate them handsomely to begin ne life.

    • Yes and relocate them in an orderly manner. But people are also a problem. Nkana Division moved people from Nkandabwe shanty to Kawama a well serviced. They moved but a short time later they sold their plots and returned to Nkandabwe. Today these people are calling for all sorts of services starting with piped water, Zesco power, bridges etc. The place is an ugly eyesore and can make you cry. The place abandoned is reasonably serviced.

    • You seem to think redesigning a city is a joke where a dingbat like this door bouncer can just wake up and bark orders to appease his lazy drunkard dullard of a boss in State House…you need to speak to architects, town planners, consult with RSA, Rwanda Municipal councils for the best practice.


    • Your idea is not bad at all. It would make a lot of sense to put up little towns around Lusaka with their own business districts far away from the CBD.

      At least this is the pattern that I’ve seen in Germany and it is quite good for many reasons. As long as there is a reliable transport system connecting the main city to the surrounding towns, people don’t mind living and working outside the city and a survey shows that they are infact more stress-free and happier than the city dwellers.

    • Lusaka is nothing just have to enforce municipal laws that have been ignored; its not a big City like Lagos or Joburg…there is simply too much laziness if you can not clean Lusaka how can you clean a new seem to want new things but you have no strategy for Facility management.

  4. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Is this merely talk for political expediency? Let it not be just talk, and talk only.

  5. This nincompoop was living in Lusaka moving with an overall dabbed MMD die hard. What has changed just after two years iwe. Just because you can put on those Chinese suits and speak broken English you think you can redesign Lusaka? Are these the lies you were telling the drunk one that you will bring change to Lusaka? As a matter of fact, can you point ant any tangible difference or meaningful development you have left on the copper-belt apart from bickering with the buffoon Kambwili? Tekanya ukaponokwa mulusaka mo.

  6. As you know this is not my favourite minister, too much hot air and seeking media attention. The question is, where can we see his works? In Lusaka is he trying to claim the credit for the American financed MCA water and sanitation project? Yaba ati minister, kwena nabuchipa bu minister, naine mukwai bampeleko njesheko.

  7. I do support you on that one .know I m repotting a police officer off salima road who has built on the road blocking five homes, which is unacceptable can you ask the city council why they are torareting such a thing.

  8. Bufi bweka bweka. I hear Kambwili is now in Lusaka. He seems to be making a follow up. Its like fighting CK is all this goon can do.
    Uko!!! Street vending is back in the CBD so whats this Bla bla bla!!!! all about. Ni MuLusaka ka – bazatimba uyu mambala!!!

  9. “….The minister stated that most of the unplanned settlements such as Kuku, Misisi and Kanyama…”

    He delibratly leaves out chawama where the corrupt theif lungu was MP……lungu was MP there, they were using pit latrines , lungu was made minister he left them using pit latrines and drinking water from contaminated wells , and so as is the situation to date….even cholera ravaged them…..yet some pathetic pf rats will claim lungu has experience ? Experience in dereliction of duty and looting maybe.

  10. It is pathetic that Ministers are driving Range Rovers to go and inspect pit latrines. What a pathetic bunch of wankers!

  11. Wanker is meaningless term normally copied from developed countries.A man finding pleasure by touching him genital .It is rare in Zambia because a man will find a woman or marry .So this wanker is meaningless

  12. Pipo seem to forget that PFcame to power 7 years ago so why has it taken til now to be discussed let alone acted upon.Governments are elected to work for the pipo so we shpuld be seeing action not rhetoric.
    Imagine how our donors react to stetements like this. Another minister has announced in sweden that we will be holding the next international meeting on environmental issues due to our record and policies on the environment.
    Did he discuss with Doctor Bowman first. Embarrassing for the nation

  13. Maybe we could have the international environment meeting under the banner of ” come and sh#t in a pit” or we hold the meeting in kabwe

  14. Let’s protect our country from diseases as we sort out pit latrines we make sure underground water is not contaminated. Go green use bio fizzy tablets to kill bacterialand bad smell from septic tanks, pit latrines and drain lines. It also kills vibrio cholerae bacteria which causes cholera and sorts out bad smell and blockages. For more call 0978539185 if we are serious as a nation.

  15. If only Lusambo was sincere & honest!
    Problem here is Lusambo is P.F, & we all know, if your name is P.F, then your surname unfortunately is CORRUPTION, & visa versa.
    Therefore we know that if Lusambo implements what he’s talking about here, P.F officials will sell the land to AVIC, Lebanese, & other speculators, leaving out non P.F affiliated Zedians & the rebuilding will be overinflated, full of kickbacks, & the unborn Zambian will pick up the tab.

  16. “Mr Lusambo said his provincial administration has engaged the Lusaka City Council (LCC) to come up with a lasting solution to the problem of unplanned settlements that has dodged the city of Lusaka”

    You have ‘engaged’ the same council that has lamentably failed? Hasn’t it always been the council’s responsibility, vis-a-vis planning/settlements etc.?

  17. Why not ask who is responsible for such pathetic performance?
    Actually, as MMD/PF “die hard”, please enlighten us about crappy development from post UNIP blood-sucking parasites.
    And you thieving bunch are now advocating to borrow USD 20 billion for nuclear technology?
    Fix the sh!tholes instead of day-dreaming!!!

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