The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has banned Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Emmanuel Mwamba from issuing statements without permission.
Over the weekend, Ambassador Mwamba issued a statement to the effect that Roan PF member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili had been evacuated to South Africa when in fact not.
Mr. Kambwili’s family later rejected the evacuation offer saying it was ill intentioned.
In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that such statements were supposed to be issued by the Minister of Information.
The Ministry said the Permanent Secretary for Administration Dr Ronald Simwinga has cautioned Mr Mwamba to desist from issuing press statements without permission from the ministry,” read the statement.
“Following a press statement by Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Mr Emmanuel Mwamba that Mr Chishimba Kambwili had been evacuated to South Africa for specialist medical treatment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to clarify as follows: Mr Mwamba’s statement had the potential to undermine the standing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Zambian government,” read the statement.
“Such press statements should to be issued by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting who is also the Chief Government Spokesperson. Mr Mwamba as well as other Zambian Heads of Mission abroad have been cautioned against discussing policy matters in the media.”
Great move. He was causing confusion with his statements. He was not behaving as a diplomat.
This guy was banished by SATA and sent into the wilderness. LUNGU for his ineptness brought him and other irrelevant individuals back into the fold. Lungu is a JERK!
Simply recall him.
Lungu surrounded by clowns and himself is a clown too. Late Sata warned us that PF is full of dull ministers
Need to hear what the Mumba blogger will say about this lol.
On a funny note he now joins Zodwa among the Banned ….. except he has lost some diplomatic b.alls
Each time Emmanuel Mwamba is brought on SABC, he looks like a clown & makes a F00L of himself & the country when he’s trying to defend Lungu’s blunders.
He refused to go to Malaysia as thinks he’ll one day become president. But when he was told to resign as a civil servant in order to contest adoption for MP, he grew cold feet. What a douche bag, an oxygen thief who is unhelpful to the plight of Zambians living in RSA.
He is busy doing Chi Mbuya on Facebook instead of focusing on his job. South Africa is an important Economic partner/ally to Zambia. Please appoint a mature man in that position. Ba Mwamba is only fit to be Ward Chairman somewhere in Kalulushi.
That’s when these PF waking up. How many times we said Emmanuel is call-boy?
Yield to that crazy lady’s advise of firing Amos Chanda, and replace him by self impossed hero Emmanuel Mwamba as Press Aid at that leaking State House.
The problem is everyone wants to make political points, even where it’s not necessary. This guy should have been banned at the point he issued the statement against Pilato, even then his comments were inappropriate.
Next, they should ban Amos Chanda. He acts as though he is the VP. he acts way beyond his presidential spokesperson.
What is an oxygen thief?
If only he can observe protocol he can make a good spokesperson. Unfortunately he’s fond of issuing unauthorized statements. He announced the death of FTJ when he didn’t have the mandate to do so considering that FTJ was a former president. This embarrassed RB who was the President at the time. However, he is better than Amos
Ichiwowo ba Mwamba.
Ok you can ban him from speaking on matters on which has not been cleared to do so. However this statement is wrong: “Mr Mwamba as well as other Zambian Heads of Mission abroad have been cautioned against discussing policy matters in the media.”- HOW CAN HE REPRESENT THE COUNTRY IF HE CAN DEFEND OR EXPLAIN GOVERNMENT POLICIES?? JUST ENSURE EMBASSY STAFF GET RELEVANT CLEARANCE ON SUBJECT MATTERS BEFORE ISSUING STATEMENTS OR HOLDING PRESS CONFERENCES!
Cipantepante and in-fighting is now becoming the order of the day in PF. These are the fruits of ‘Don’t ukukbeba’ ideology. PF Govt makes that TV comedy ‘Yes, Prime Minister’ look boring.
Imagine banning a High Commissioner from issuing statements as if he is some institution…why dont you just sack him, this chap is a cadre…Lazy Lungu should not be dumping his rubbish in the civil service like Father Bwalya, Silly Anthony in Germany, Ngosa Simbyakula and this Mwamba.
Why doesn’t he give Mwamba a job in his cabinet…he can do a better job than most of them although he is corrupt like them but he knows how to promote himself via all medias/sympathizers that’s why they are afraid of him in Lusaka.
The same Mwamba who called for a press conference at night to announce Chilubas death. Why am I not surprised? The same Mwamba who Sata warned to use his government job to fight personal battles. How did he bounce back into government?
What can you expect from this disorganised ,disorganised and functional government of born idle and Lazy Lungu. It is populated with thieves and piss6d up people like like Mumbi and former open pit machine men like Mwila.
And what about he who misled investors?
Mwamba is an intelligent guy who survives the wrong way
How can you state that one is intelligent yet he is doing the wrong thing….really laughable!!
You will see them by their fruits, chipantepante Bola/Ngoma yaba PF, vina mwamene wa imvelela. Destroying our country, can’t wait to see their backs.
Is it a Policy statement to all embassies or is it just beef with this Mwamba ?
If it is specific to Mr. Mwamba then Why put it the media when you can just communicate and correct this specific individual without this embarrassment. ?
What can you expect from this disorganised ,disorganised and dysfunctional government of born idle and Lazy Lungu. It is populated with thieves and piss6d up people like Mumbi and former open pit machine men like Mwila. Zambia twasebana from these thieves
Forgive him…he still thinks he a spokes person for Late president FTJ ( MHSRP)