Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How Zambia’s elected leaders treat each other


1.1997 Zambia’s First President Kenneth Kaunda was arrested for 5 months on trumped up charges by the MMD government under president Frederick Chiluba.He served time at Mukobeko maximum prison before President Chiluba buckled under pressure from world leaders and placed former President Kaunda under house arrest

2.2009 Zambia’s Second president Frederick Chiluba was arrested on theft charges by the MMD government under President Levy Mwanawasa.
He was later acquitted

Late Former President FTJ Chiluba
Late Former President FTJ Chiluba

3.2009 Former President Chiluba’s wife,Regina was arrested for possession of stolen property including a Television set.She was later acquitted.
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Arrested by the state and later acquitted offence possession of stole property (namelyTelevision set
Mrs Regina Chiluba..Arrested by the state and later acquitted

4.2010 As opposition leader Michael Sata and his supporters were teargassed by police at DEC here for more details

Mr Sata wipes his face after inhaling tear gas smoke
Mr Sata and George Mpombo in the background talks to journalists after the police sprayed his party supporters with tear gas outside the Drug Enforcement Commission offices in Lusaka
A cloud of tear gas engulfs the entrance to the Drug Enforcement Commission where Patrotic Front cadres were throwing stones because their leader Michael Sata was being investigated
An unidentified youth helps Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo rinse his face when they were tear gassed.

5.2010 Father Bwalya arrested for conduct likely to cause breach of peace
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Frank Bwalya

6.2011 Former Labour minister in the MMD government sentenced to 2 years imprisonment after K2.1billion was found buried at his farm.He has later a released from prison on medical grounds.
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Former Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato
File picture:Former Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato

7.2011 MMD cadres arrested for beating up a journalist
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8.2012 Police raid Former Vice President George Kunda’s farm and seize mealie meal bags,sewing machines and bicycle pumps
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File:Vice president George Kunda

9. 2012 Police clash with UPND cadres after the police threw a teargas canister in a room filled with UPND officials
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Police officers push Zambezi West Member of Parliament Charles Kakoma out of the Lusaka Central Police Station
FILE: Police officers push Zambezi West Member of Parliament Charles Kakoma out of the Lusaka Central Police Station

10.2012 Nevers Mumba arrested for issuing an “alarming” statement
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Nevers Mumba talks to his special assistant Raphael Nakachinda through a window at Kitwe Central police
Nevers Mumba talks to his special assistant Raphael Nakachinda through a window at Kitwe Central police

11. 2012 Nevers Mumba arrested at Kamfinsa prison for “unlawful” assembly
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12.2013 The PF government under President Michael Sata cancelled Former president Rupiah Banda’s diplomatic passport.Click here for more details

President Rupiah Banda talks to Vice President George Kunda and Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja before he left for Angola at Lusaka International Airport
FILE: Then President Rupiah Banda talks to Vice President George Kunda and Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja before he left for Angola at Lusaka International Airport

13.2013 Former President Rupiah Banda had his immunity removed click here for details but it was later restored in 2016 click here for more details

President Banda
Former President Rupiah Banda -had his immunity removed by the PF government.It was later restored

14.2013 Mazabuka UPND Member of parliament Gary Nkombo and seven UPND supporters arrested on trumped up charges of murder.They were later acquitted
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MAZABUKA Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo (with arm band) and seven others took to the streets with UPND supporters in celebration over the discontinuation of the case and walk to freedom in Livingstone
MAZABUKA Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo (with sling) and seven others took to the streets with UPND supporters in celebration over the discontinuation of the case and walk to freedom in Livingstone

15.2013 President Sata refused to recognise Henry Sosala as chief of the Bemba people and sent
500 armed paramilitary to chitimukulu’s palace.Chitimukulu was banished from his palace to live in a hut.
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Chief Chitimukulu

16.2013 PF government cracked down on anti-government news websites
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Zambian Watchdog Correspondent Wilson Pondamali makes his campaign speech during the Misa Zambia annual general meeting in Lusaka.

17.2013 Professor Clive Chirwa,Zambia Railways chief Executive Officer arrested over rent money and was acquitted two years later.
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Prof Clive Chirwa

18.2016 Nevers Mumba arrested for criminal trespass
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Dr Nevers Mumba Inside a Police Cell at Woodlands Police Station
Dr Nevers Mumba Inside a Police Cell at Woodlands Police Station

19.2016 UPND President and vice President arrested in Luanshya click here for more details

HH and GBM at the Police Station
HH and GBM at the Police Station

20.2016 UPND Vice president Geoffrey Mwamba arrested for “proposing” violence
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FILE: GBM arrives at woodlands police station

21.2016 Journalists arrested for conduct likely to cause breach of peace
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Police officers outside Radio Mano
Police officers outside Radio Mano

22.2016 Police shoot dead female UPND supporter
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Mapenzi Chibulo, a UPND cadre running for her life moments before she was shot dead by police during the protests in Lusaka

23.2017 UPND president Hakainde Hichilema was arrested for treason and later the PF government under President Edgar Lungu buckled to pressure from world leaders to release the opposition leader
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Mr Hichilema counsels his wife Mutinta in court this morning.
Mr Hichilema consols his wife Mutinta in court

24.2018 Former minister in the PF government and Roan member of parliament detained and denied bail by police upon his arrived from South Africa where he went for medical treatment.After being kept at court offices all day for bail hearing without access to medical attention he collapsed and was rushed to the University Teaching Hospital
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Kambwili after he failed to walk
A very ill Kambwili fails to walk whist in police custody

25.2018 MMD President Nevers Mumba sentenced to 3 months simple imprisonment for giving false information to a police officer
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Dr Nevers Mumba in court before he was convicted and sentenced
Dr Nevers Mumba in court before he was convicted and sentenced


  1. Sad very sad. I’m at a loss for words.So is this the face of multi party democracy ? to use the police and the judiciary to settle political scores? How much time and manpower is wasted doing all this. SAD! We can’t develop if this continues.

  2. Even the current leaders should expected to be treated badly once they lose power. This is generally whats makes most leaders in Africa to cling on to power. It starts like this.

    • max
      Without doubt we shall be collectively liable for failing ourselves if we allow the current leadership go scott free.They are the worst when it comes to police brutality because it appears that is all they have to offer.
      Long of it all indeed we are Africans and naturally of very limited capacity upstairs.

  3. A statistical perusal shows PF has made more arrests – proportional to the intent of hiding koswe shenanigans.

    • Rubbish!!! PF has made more arrests because one Hakalusa Hagain whats to cause problems by pretending to be be very popular among his cattle.

  4. Whist in the meantime, during this same time frame other headlines in advanced countries have read: NASA discovers new planets, Doctors discover new life changing drugs, New computer proves smarter than humans etc… For us however, all the headlines still read: Corruption, Poverty, Third Terms, Campaigns, Theft, Tax Evasion…. The negatives always outweighing the positives. Can we please move on to evolve as a nation, self sufficient, proud and free…

  5. This is good, in the sense that we are documenting it. It should be published every now and then to remind us that politically we are not growing as a nation . We keep moving back and forth on the same issues year in year out. As a nation we lack a documenting and reading culture which plays a huge role in why we are unable to create new good policies and solutions for passed errors. We need to stop treating government appointment like a “miss Zambia pageant selection”. This is a body of the country that is meant to help society grow and build a future that preserves. What honestly have we achieved since independence? (And lets stop calling it independence day and call it national day)

  6. It’s a trend that has been set.It will be very difficult to break it.I would have been happy if the genesis of this was illustrated starting when Zambia became independent.KK was also ruthless towards other political opponents.He had no regards for human rights.He treated political divergent with a firm and strong hand.People,who opposed him,vanished mysteriously under his leadership.The same measure of brutality was inherited by Chiluba.He was also very ruthless.Worse still,he was hiding under the canopy of Christianity.A lot of renowned politicians were killed and vanished without trace.This brutality is historical and it will be difficult to dispense with.

    • Only difference with KK was that the country developed and moved forward. We had better hospitals, better schools and Education was powerful and strong and very competitive. We had better profitable mines that benefited the people of Zambia across the country without drama for it was done in the name of ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ slogan. Zambia was well respected world over and that brought in a lot direct investments to the country which again benefited the masses across the country. So we need to be careful when run such comparisons. The fact is that the PF government has failed the Zambian people period. And it is embarrassing to say the least both locally and internationally.

  7. What about that sad picture of late Simon Kapwepwe beaten to the ground during KK’s days? And Major Richard Kachingwe grounded by Bowman’s boys? If you recall how Simon Kapwepwe, Elias Chipimo, Nalumino Mundia and many others were treated from KK’s days, you will know the root of this culture. Stone throwing and pangas still trending in this day and era, reason why the Kaponyas’ are now a great asset for political parties, to harass and intimidate.

    • all these baffoons except Sata desreved punishment, Remember how Chi Kaunda used to kill pipo using intelligence, very stupid

    • Abuses under Sata were unprecedented.I think RB was the only one not out to settle political scores on large scale like the rest. KK was and is dignified ruler who is greatly respected,maybe we were too young to know what he did to his opponents but the generations after him have done the country a great disservice

  8. On point Lusaka Times….if we forget our history we are bound to repeat its’ mistakes….when UPND takes over, they will surely need to do a lot better than showing revenge and retribution to PF….might be worthwhile to offer bena ECL, Kaizer, Chanda etc etc an ammnesty to declare their stolen loot, return it and let them go scott free..Zimbabwe just did it and billions of dollars were returned…Fowadi meanwhile….

  9. @Maharaji. You were clearly too young. KK after 1972 was a troubled soul. He cleared the most political opponents. FTJ was ok the 1st term but lost it afterwards. His 3rd term campaign was the beginning of the fall of MMD. After FTJ, high profile politically motivated journeys to the graveyard are hard to point to…

  10. This is the song some of us have been singing for a long time. Old repressive laws will lead to everyone being arrested at one point or the other. We need to change this! Secondly we continue to keep the prisons in very terrible conditions. Kaunda was President for 27 years and the state of our Prisons really went bad during that period did he ever think one day he too would end up in the cells? Those with ears hear “wisdom calls out to you”. So today is the day to change things minister of Justice improve our Legal system and change the attitude of our cruel Judges who prefer to sentence people on misdeamours to custodial sentences when an option of them doing community service. Community service as a matter of fact even benefits the community as a whole better. Politicians think they…

    • Ctn…Politicians think they are immune to the misfortunes of life which they are hugely to blame for. Well history has proven them wrong and it will continue to prove them wrong.

  11. Well done ba LT for highlighting and reminding us how our Leaders treat each other once in power.

    I am reminded of the saying by Abraham Lincoln:-

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
    More than anything else known to man, POWER exposes just how actually small-minded OR just how genuinely mature a person is.

    This is why the motto of journalism should faithfully remain anchored in “To Inform, Entertain and Educate”.

  12. elected leaders? is it me or some of the people here were and are not elected leaders..title a bit misleading

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