Monday, February 3, 2025

The Week in Pictures


Fake Bottled Water at the Chinese Plant
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji shake hands with outgoing Chinese Ambassador Yang Youming shortly after the ground breaking ceremony of the construction of Conference hall at Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji shake hands with outgoing Chinese Ambassador Yang Youming shortly after the ground breaking ceremony of the construction of Conference hall at Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji (l) with his term and outgoing Chinese Ambassador Yang Youming (r) ground breaking for the construction of Conference hall at Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji (l) with his term and outgoing Chinese Ambassador Yang Youming (r) ground breaking for the construction of Conference hall at Foreign Affairs
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching'ambu/ZANIS
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching’ambu/ZANIS
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching'ambu/ZANIS
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching’ambu/ZANIS
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching'ambu/ZANIS
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe teeing off during the Copperbelt Investment Expo fundraising Golf tournament at Ndola Golf Club- Picture -Frank Ching’ambu/ZANIS
First Lady Esther Lungu with India First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Instute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka Wdnesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with India First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Instute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka Wdnesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with India First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Instute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka Wdnesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with India First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Instute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka Wdnesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with India First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Instute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka Wdnesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs, a wheel chair and walkers to Mother Teresa in Kabwe on Friday, April 13,2017. Here, Kabwe Central member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube and Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Programmes Coordinator Mildred Chuumbwe and Kabwe District Commissioner Dominic Mulenga hands over a donation to Sr Sharli -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Alexander Chiteme, MNDP Director - DC Catherine Lishomwa and World Bank Country Manager Ina-Marlene Ruthenberg
Alexander Chiteme, MNDP Director – DC Catherine Lishomwa and World Bank Country Manager Ina-Marlene Ruthenberg
Alexander Chiteme and World Bank Country Manager Ina-Marlene Ruthenberg
Alexander Chiteme and World Bank Country Manager Ina-Marlene Ruthenberg
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthernberg and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken signing the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthernberg and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken signing the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthenberg and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken exchange the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project after the signing ceremony
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthenberg and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken exchange the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project after the signing ceremony
Patrick Mubanga of Rural Electrification Authority confers with World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthenberg (r) and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken after the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony
Patrick Mubanga of Rural Electrification Authority confers with World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthenberg (r) and Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken after the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthernberg (r) Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken and Patrick Mubanga of Rural Electrification Authority showing the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony
World Bank Country Manager Ian Ruthernberg (r) Swedish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Karin Svernken and Patrick Mubanga of Rural Electrification Authority showing the Administrative Grant agreement between Government of Sweden and World Bank on Electricity Service Access Project during the signing ceremony

President Edgar Lungu with visiting Indian President Ram Nath Kovind pose for a group photograph with their delegation after bilateral talks at State House
Traditional Dance performing during the State Banquet at Pamodzi Hotel on Wednesday, April 11,2018. The President of India is in Zambia, for a three- day State Visit


  1. I watched the clip on the arrest of the Chinese who was bottling water under Aquasavanna.I noted that the company has Reverse Osmosis equipment and genuine packaging machines.I totally disagree that it is fake bottled water but rather fake Aquasavanna bottled water.I challenge the Zambia Bureau of standards to test that water.I also challenge every Zambian who has ever bought any bottled water to tell me that it was 100% free of bacteria and other impurities.

    • So you have a machine that prints money and it produces exact copies of Bank of Zambia notes @ Katana challenge me!
      The problem is that when it comes to chinese products the range of fake products is too wide to even contemplate wake up people !

    • You missed the point and you don’t understand how Chinese companies operate.Zambia has allowed the Chinses companies to operate without making them understand local manufacturing laws.
      They bribe officials and later the ey you cry foul.
      In China, there is no law that stops anyone from copying.Ask companies like BMW. Are you following the trade war between China and the United States?

      The water was from LWSC,so how does it become fake?That is my point.What the Chinese company did was wrong and they deserve to be prosecuted.I hope the authorities will take time to translate the Zambian Manufacturing laws into Chinese since they have thousands of Chinese citizens who have invaded the country.

    • You missed the point and you don’t understand how Chinese companies operate.Zambia has allowed the Chinses companies to operate without making them understand local manufacturing laws.
      They bribe officials and later they cry foul.
      In China, there is no law that stops anyone from copying.Ask companies like BMW. Are you following the trade war between China and the United States?

      The water was from LWSC, so how does it become fake?That is my point.What the Chinese company did was wrong and they deserve to be prosecuted.I hope the authorities will take time to translate the Zambian Manufacturing laws into Chinese since they have thousands of Chinese citizens who have invaded

    • @Carlos,
      What is fake?Is it the water, the Container or the process?
      With Money, the paper is fake, the machine is fake and the whole system is criminal.Suppose the paper and the machine were original, how would you know it is fake?
      People have been consuming the same products for months and did we hear of any Aquasavanna water contamination?Had it not been for the informer, people would have continued to drink the same water with probably no side effects.That water from that Chinese company is even better than the water from the shallow wells of Mandevu.For marketing purposes, the Chinese company took advantage of lapses and corruption in the system.Is he justified to do such?Absolutely not.

    • @Mpundu, it must be. LT does not even have the staff to present decent captions to their pictures. Cadres, maybe? Who/what the caterpillars is “The Esther Lungu has donates”?!?


  3. Mr. Ngulube, just accept the gifts of the wheelchairs and don’t think that is fun being on one for the rest of your life.

  4. You want to know why nepotism is bad look at the cation in the above pictures.
    “The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs”

  5. You want to know why nepotism is bad, look at the captions in the above pictures.
    “The Esther Lungu has donates foodstuffs”

    See, I’m also catching the disease.

  6. What was the reason advanced in changing the old Kwacha currency to the new one? I thought counterfeit was up there as the main reason amongst the other reasons! Why do we see people being involved in this trade? What is even worse is that even cops have jumped into the trade of printing “more money in our pockets”!

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