Friday, March 14, 2025

US based Zambian Actor Apologises after news emerge that he is a gay porn actor


Patrick Shumba, a Zambian actor
Patrick Shumba, a Zambian actor

Patrick Shumba, a Zambian actor who recently became a national hero after he featured in the box office hit Black Panther has issued an emotional apology after it emerged that he is gay porn actor.

Over the weekend, X rated images and videos of Shumba emerged on the internet with many Zambians expressing disappointment and disgust at the discovery.

The Atlanta based actor who last month toured his home country Zambia and treated to VIP reception by the Zambian government said he was sorry for his actions which he said happened when he was a “young man.”

In a statement issued by his publicist Larissa Long of BlueRed Communications, Shumba said he has grown and learned from his past as “we all do.”

“Although he recognizes his errored decision he does own up to the immature behavior in his past.”

Below is the full statement issued on behalf of Patrick Shumba


Recently there was an unsavory video released of Shumba Mutukwa to the Zambian public from his 20s. He was a young man that made a choice not all may agree with however, it does not change who Mr. Mutukwa is as a man, philanthropist, or actor. Mr. Mutukwa has grown and learned from his past as we all do. Although he recognizes his errored decision he does own up to the immature behavior in his past.

There is nothing more he can do but continue to use his celebrity to better the country of Zambia. He temporarily closed down his social media accounts only because he knows there are children engaged with him that he knows should not witness the video. He asks that people refrain from sharing the video on social media to look out for young eyes.

Again, he was a young man himself and is not the same youthful person he was. His life is dedicated to bettering others and what he did in his past has nothing to do with what he’s accomplished and will continue to accomplish. He has strong pride in Zambia and works hard to make the country and its citizens proud.

That is his path and he has proven well beyond a doubt that who he is today and will be in the future. The man you’ve grown to love, not the youth that makes immature decisions. For any questions or statements on this matter please contact Mr. Mutuka’s publicist Larissa Long.

“Thank you for understanding we all make mistakes but know I will continue to bring pride to Zambia. My growth continues in everything I do from errors to successes.” -Shumba

And Shumba later penned an emotional poem below which he posted on his Facebook account to further apologise for his actions.

99 Things

Emptiness. It’s what fills my lungs when I inhale. My ribs constrict me, forcing my lungs to collapse. I’m still alive, but I’m dead on the inside. Pure darkness in my soul. 70 shades darker than dark black.

Silence. It’s what’s fills the air when I call for help. Not a word of encouragement. Deafening negative vibes echoing through space, magnified by hate and conditional love. Words, sharper than a chef’s knife, piercing through my ear canal. I play deaf, but I’m listening. God hears and knows my path.

Shame. It’s what running through my blood as I try to run away from the truth. The truth that I made a mistake. A mistake I can never fix, even if I tried. So, I hang my head low and pray it all comes to pass. Time stands still and it doesn’t pass fast enough. I’m emotionally constipated. Trapped inside the belly of a fish, I can’t run from my destiny.

Regret. It’s what’s left of what was once a heart full of beautiful songs. Feeling low. Listening to blues, but not for too long because there’s beauty in all this mess: lessons to be learned and self-loathing to get rid of. I did 99 things right, and one regrettable thing…and for that I will not crucify myself. I take comfort in knowing that a great multitude still love and embrace me in the good and worse.

An apology. It’s the only thing I have left to offer. No fancy words, no excuses. Apology to the people hurt by my past mistakes. I can promise you, I am far removed from that man. New path, new choices, new directions, renewed faith.


    • Show business in United states of America is very dirty especially for those desperate and no connection. Almost all directors and producers who are straight have a dark side of being gay apart from taking advantage of aspiring females.

    • Very funny indeed…..chikomekome cha nkope mukati muli nyelele…not all that glitters is gold…things people do just to get rich or famous awe mwandi let me just keep my 9 to 5 content though its paycheck to paycheck…

    • Stup!d hypocrisy! !
      Leave the guy alone its his life what do you care?
      Which one one is a greater sin? To sleep with another man or another mans wife?
      If you knew what most people do in the confines of their homes the shock would kill you!
      Most of you force prostitutes for ana! S3X!

    • The only problem with Zambians is that being Gay is the only sin that they know…lets talk about corruption in the Govt…adultery…alcohol abuse etc.

    • Very interesting take by Zambiano . . . . . . “He came to the US the normal way then he found life different and wants to make it big but going the wrong way than working hard. He wants to be popular like Iris Kaingu in Zambia. Life in America is tough for the Lazy ones but if you are focus, you can make it my brother this place is where dreams do come true to those who work hard. He can do good things than Gay prostitution he is doing. I work hard for my life and I can assure you I have a good life here and a very good paying Job, therefore, I don’t believe when lazy people are saying it’s tough in the USA. It’s tough in Zambia where you have civil servants not paid for months. Don’t get me wrong i’m proud to be Zambian. I’m just trying to make a point that, it’s not an excuse . . .”

  1. Yaba… A situation like this is like trying to remove blue ink stains on a white shirt using dirty water.

  2. Who is he apologising to? The Zambian minister of religious affairs? God? The Zambian judiciary? Kanganja? Such things are inner, meaning take a look at yourself and reconcile with the inner you. Don’t be forced into action by reputation issues

  3. satanic indeed, satanic indeed, the apology is fake fake UNLESS IT WAS DONE IN CHURCH we can accept the apology REPENTANCE IS more appropiate
    This is what has befallen this country because preachers like Dr mumba quited the pulpit very few postors dare to preach fiery gospel nowadays am ready to contribute money to any zambian preacherman who can take the message on TV
    THEY are many zambians within who are practicing this diabolic lifestyle
    EVIL EVIL EVIL AND SHAME UPON those who are homosexuals in this country stupid and dirty life indeed

  4. Neither Do I Condemn You
    “When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

    At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

    “No one, sir,” she said.

    “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.'”

  5. I can only sympathyze with the young man. Atlanta is so rural looking that you don’t expect such surreal evil does take place there.

    • @Ndanje khakis
      “Atlanta is so rural looking”..are you sure about that…which Atlanta are you talking about?

    • @Ndanje khakis
      FYI…Atlanta has the largest African American Men Gay population in the the United States seconded by Chicago. Atlanta looks decent yes and very clean but that has nothing to do with being Gay. Most of our brothers are just hungry and they do it for money

  6. The problem is that the word “gay men” is an English word. If you really want to feel how men homosexuality is bad call them in your local language. In Bemba are called ” bantunka mafi” or “Ntuka mafi”.

    All homosexuals are bantunka mafi.

  7. It’s not like he was forced kuti azikamba ati mistake. Philanthropy yake niyanbwanji? Yo pasa ma other big dudes for free. Anyway picture this, guy gets rammed hard the a$$ abwelo kambamo ati ‘forgive me I made a mistake’, ninshi venzo kuti uchite regret? Unaeziba doyo.

  8. The young man seems to be in a hurry to become a celebrity. My advice to him is that calling wealth requires patience (Kushembo fumu ni mombocima) and speeding is no guarantee of success.

  9. It seems homosexuality is so life in the West, just like corruption in Africa. It becomes difficult to make a fair comment in such a scenario. To whom was the apology directed? Where he is he doesn’t need to sorry for being gay, it’s acceptable. Sorry for Zed slay queens, your man is another man’s woman

  10. Zambians you like sounding holy when most of you are pretenders . Homosexuals and adulterers are just the same. Evil. If you cheat on your spouse you are a great sinner like a gay. who doesn’t do chigololo just a few of us. Leave Mr. Shumba alone

  11. I really don’t understand what the big deal is? This guy doesn’t need to apologize to anyone, not to any Zambian person anyway. Who did he hurt by what he did in his own private life? The politicians that you worship everyday have done far worse evil things that have sent many people to their early grave. Corruption has deprived people of medicine in the hospitals; made people suffer from such things like malnutrition; poverty; hunger; depression; HIV/AIDS. These are the people who need to apologize to Zambians.

    Religion and beliefs to myself but I should not be hypocritical and judgemental about people and their sexual behaviours – gay, straight, besiality, self sex, who cares. If it’s a sin, I’m not the hell/paradise judge.

  12. Such headlines have the capacity to spoil my day. Nonetheless, we have to learn to accept and deal with all issues life brings our way- whether good or bad.

    No man can ever find satisfaction in loving another man because it is an illusionary, unnatural way of life. We have all done wrong but there are certain kinds of wrong that you do not want to be associated with. This is one of them. That said, who are we to condemn our brother when Christ took all our iniquities upon him at Calvary? All we can say is: “Go now and sin no more.”

    • @ Mpundu Mwaume, that’s not how he got the slot in Black Panther. I’m sure you understand Extra Background on movie sets. He was an Extra Background on this movie and he did a stunt part for David Kaluuya (Get out). Remember this movie, the British-African guy in the movie Get Out. Patrick worked as an Extra Background, you don’t get credit on this work, and in his situation you don’t get to see him because he did a Stunt work, when the movie is done you will see David Kaluuya being kicked by King T’chala. He is a Barman at a club and he advertise himself as a Gay Sex Escort, so men are having sex with him and paying him. he goes by the name Shumba Jones on his webcam adverts. He is sick in the head who does that.

  13. according to the bible , there is nothing like consexual sex between adults which is allwed in zambia and yet you call this nation a christain nation. ba religius minister i confront you to remove that law which allows sex before marriage as it is highly against christain principles. some of you straight guys are bussy condemming the actor as if you never sinned. infact you have slept with a lot of innocent zambian girls and spoiled thier future with such acts and yet the only sin you know is gay sex. sex before marriage is sin whether hetersexual consexual sex or gay sex. it is still not acceptable according to the bible.

  14. according to the bible , there is nothing like consexual sex between adults which is allowed in zambia and yet you call this nation a christain nation. ba religius minister i confront you to remove that law which allows sex before marriage as it is highly against christain principles. some of you straight guys are bussy condemming the actor as if you never sinned. infact you have slept with a lot of innocent zambian girls and spoiled thier future with such acts and yet the only sin you know is gay sex. sex before marriage is sin whether hetersexual consexual sex or gay sex. it is still not acceptable according to the bible. imagine most of you straight guys even have a time table, friday and sataday is sex day and sunday is church day. christain nation indeed. ba religious minister put…

  15. How else do you think he could have made his way to the US and his eventual stardom? Leave the boy alone. Its touch out there

    • @ Matador, please sir have your facts straight. He came to the US the normal way then he found life different and wants to make it big but going the wrong way than working hard. He wants to be popular like Iris Kaingu in Zambia. Life in America is tough for the Lazy ones but if you are focus, you can make it my brother this place is where dreams do come true to those who work hard. He can do good things than Gay prostitution he is doing. I work hard for my life and I can assure you I have a good life here and a very good paying Job, therefore, I don’t believe when lazy people are saying it’s tough in the USA. It’s tough in Zambia where you have civil servants not paid for months. Don’t get me wrong i’m proud to be Zambian. I’m just trying to make a point that, it’s not an excuse…

  16. A christain nation is a nation that completely follows bliblical values all the way and not half way. where in the bible does it say consexual heterosexual sex is acceptable by God. The religious minister should change the law that allows consexual sex. zambia is a christain nation all the way and not halfway.

    • Faith is personal matter, not a matter for legislation. If it becomes a matter for legislation, then in order to enforce the law against consensual sex you have to create the Sex Police who are going to search homes to find and prosecute people who are indulging in consensual sex. Do you remember South Africa and the police searching for people who are indulging in inter-racial sex. Some things are better left to the individual. This is timely advise to the Minister for Religious Affairs to keep away from the Penal Code.

  17. One of the most controversial topics is here again.Only God will tell us whether being gay is man-made or natural on the day of judgement.But personally I don’t think anyone in their right mind can just wake up one day and say “I want to be gay”

    • @Human rights activist
      But if this guy is apologising then being gay is man made because if someone is born gay there’s no need to apologize. Maybe we have fake gays just doing it for money or hunger

  18. We are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. I hope he repents and and turns from his sinful ways, especially that kind of abomination

  19. There are worst crimes in everyday Zambia…adults defiling and impregnenting and infecting children with aids …..

  20. Public figure issues eeh, before black panther,no one ever bothered to bring it up, now u feature in the movie and its now a matter of concern to them,, I mean I don’t get it, whether you got diped in the rear or not, u still in the movie and its oredy out, there can’t edit you out, so keep your head up, coz when u do something greater, others will be there to say he also did this in his past, like they never knew that before… Sick bastards

    • @Anonymous, what you have to understand is that when you are not known nothing about you will surface but once your name is up in I cloud everyone can just put your name on Google search engine and your secret comes up that’s why he is in this situation. He is been doing this Gay Escort for some time until he had his name on google now all the secrets are out, you have to understand how google works, there is no jealousy involved here but the truth, that’s why he is apologizing because it’s the truth, he is not saying balembempeshafye, he is saying I’m sorry for my behavior.

  21. I never support gay relationships but I’m impressed on how objective you are on this platform. You will be shocked on how many married men have gay relationships in Zambia even the people in very influential positions. At the moment there’s one sin that is really affecting almost every ordinary Zambian, CORRUPTION.

  22. Na chi panther chobe nshakachitambe po…atase! Kanshi twapepeke kuwa kaele zodwa wa bantu…
    But iyi nimbuli zoona.

  23. I don’t understand his apology. Is it for actually being gay (which he should’t apologise for) or for having engaged in gay sex for whatever gains, when he is not inherently gay?

  24. We say we are a Christian Nation and only support “Straight Relationships) Or “Heterosexual Relationships” When most people are sleeping around more than WILD Animals , no sense of self control and dignity !One person having more than 1 sexual partner, when they are either married or single. LUST is allover. Who is sinning the most here GAYS ,LESBIANS OR HETEROSEXUALS? You tell me! IF you ask me there is no difference. As long as their is no self sexual control or any kind of self control, animal will continue to be better than us. We are all doomed. Only God can judge us now. Why get concerned with what this SHUBA man is doing? This is his choice and his life ;Am sure his ready to deal with the consequences of his sexual orientation.Its between him and God, you just worry about…

  25. He should just man up and be whatever he wants to be or he is. Ama Zambians tebakukonkelesha. If you are gay just suit yourself for as long as you are not in Zambia were this madness is prohibited. Be where you are accepted and they do not mind sexual orientations. I wonder why he is even issuing apologies, whatever he did he knew the consequences back home very well.

  26. Hello friends and bloggers. I’m not writing this out of hate or jealousy. I’m writing this because I live in Atlanta Georgia and I know Patrick. Very unfortunate situation and embarrassing. I would describe him as a desperate young man who wants to be famous and make it big in life. First thing is he lied to have featured in the Black Panther movie. Yes he was there and he did Stunt work in the movie for David Kaluuya (W’kabi). there is a part in the movie when the king T’chala (Chadwick Boseman) was killed by killmonger (Michael B Jordan) and thrown in the lake, when he came back he was fighting with his own soldiers and there is a part he had to kick W’kabi. The Stunt on that part was Patrick Shumba. So when the movie is completely made and finish up with graphics, you are not…

  27. I continue….., you are not going to see Patrick Shumba but you will see David Kaluuya (W’kabi). This is the part where he lied and started telling everybody that he was in the movie, and Zambians together with Journalist who don’t search for facts and the truth welcomed him and gave him a red carpet.
    Next part is, Patrick is a Barman here in Atlanta at a club and out of desperation he advertise himself as a Gay escort, meaning those people looking for sex can see him and pay him for sex and he is doing this for money and stupidness, I guess he goes both ways because he sleeps with women too. He has a webcam page that leaked and goes by the name Shumba Jones. The last advertisement he had was November 2017, so he is still lying saying he was young some years ago this is recently. If…

  28. I continue….. If Lusaka Times wants the proof from me I can send them the evidence, I have the proof most people here in Atlanta now knows this and I can not send this on the panel. This is his life I have no problem with what he is doing, the only problem I have is him lying to the media that he was in the movie and yet when watch the movie you can not see him.

  29. The idea of quoting the scriptures to justify homosexuality/crime is very stupid and pure bull cr@p!!

    Let’s call this !d!ot a name he deserves and condemn him accordingly for the deep sin he has committed. We can not carry on hiding behind the same line ” He who has not sinned cast a stone first line” I will cast FIRST!!! Otherwise there would be no d@mn sin in the world.


  31. Judge your own selves and leave the young man alone. Hold your public officials as accountable as you hypocritically hold others accountable for their morality even though you are no better. Do that and your country will be better. Have never been in any gay relationship but it has always been there, even as a child but God knows the good in me and the blessing I am to many. Let’s not be too judgemental.

  32. Society that spends time on judging people’s characters. Societies with liberty do take that as an issue.

    Youngman, you are in the society that recognizes gay rights. U don’t ow us any apology.

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