A person who has been elected twice to the office of the President cannot stand again for the same post, Lusaka Lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube has said.
And Mr. Fube has charged that Zambia’s worsening poverty situation is due to bad leadership.
Mr. Fube who has since authored a book titled “Zambia Must Prosper-Actualising Zambia’s Prayer for Prosperity” said the constitution in Article 106 as amended in 2016 is clear on the term limits for a president.
Refusing to specifically mention President Edgar Lungu’s bid to stand as President in 2021 which has been contested in the Constitutional Court, Mr. Fube said there is no debate on what constitutes a presidential term.
He said anyone who has been elected twice as President without any reference to whether the first election was a result of death or resignation of the incumbent does not qualify to stand again.
Mr. Fube said he did not want to mention any personalities as the matter is in court and he did not want to be cited for contempt of court.
He said he has tackled the issue of the third term bid for the presidency in his book which will be launched this Saturday.
The 174 page body with 13 Chapters tackles just about every aspect of the issues that have held Zambia back for so many years.
Some of the chapters in the book include; Employment and Productivity, The Church and Zambia’s destiny, the Youths, Women, Patriotic Entrepreneurs, re-thinking our engagement with foreign investors and modernizing the ruling party.

Thief, bitter because he has not been appointed as he wished.
I will not buy the book!
It appears anyone outside government is bitter and u can never have any other view because again….you are bitter more so even Jealous for such is the Zambian way of thinking albeit someone can come up with the most progressive ideas but still if not in ruling government and of different persuasion they all crumble down to bitterness and Jealous. Eish it is all to tiring
Who will buy that, people don’t read cheap books, like that which Anthony wrote about some Edgar or Jonathan.
I saw a copy at UN mission in bathroom.
So tomorrow ati Fube is under arrest or at police storm Fube’s offices
So not all in PF are brain-washed PF00Ls. I’m surprised!!!
Taking back Zambians to 3rd term debate is taking us back to the year 2000. This debate was buried with FTJ.
What’s so special with this Malawian Fraudster to take us backwards in terms of $-Billions Debt, destroying the economy, job creation, 3rd Term, IMF loans, recolonization by foreigners, political violence, budget deficits, corruption & looting of State Coffers, bribing of judges, abusing public order act, freedom of speech, freedom of association?
@1.3, So Anthony’s book is so captivating that people can take it to the bathroom to read it while having a bath or… I didn’t think it is a must read as you have put it. I’m off to buy a copy. Thanks to you pal.
I personally know this guy..he stole my late cousins US $4000 in 2000 when his law firm was at EW Tarry house on cairo road.I dont like Lungu either but KBF is a thief.This guy used to steal his clients money and if he is reading this he knows what am talking about.
So i wont listen to you KBF big kawalala and thank you are not in the government. KBF is originally from Mufulira and he moved to Lusaka after the Gabon disaster
KBF very dull lawyer and very corrupt worse than Lungu
@dontcare if you can afford to buy at least borrow and read! There is nothing better that information- don’t be like Mushota who would not have read the book and would proclaim – It’s a LOUSY BOOK
Condoms come in many forms, the only common thing is that you dump them after use. Is he the same fellow mentioned in the following article;
A video in which UPND Kalulushi Candidate Evaristo Mwalilino’s driver is revealing how HH and Geoffrey Mwamba’s Kalulushi Constituency votes where concealed has gone viral after it was aired on Prime TV.
In the video, Wanna Chiyanga is confessing that his boss Mwalilino was given K21000, K360 000 for 21,966 votes and dropping the election petition respectively.
He disclosed THAT President Rupiah Banda, Information Minister Kapamba Mulenga and axed PF Deputy Chairperson for Elections Kelvin Fube Bwalya(KBF) and Mwalilino were heavily involved in the scheme of things.
We are so poor, we lack the capacity to think and reason.
@Mbili kekekekeke, bathroom here is toilet. Don’t come and ask for toilet. Ask for bathroom or restroom.
But Fube is right wether you like him or not. The Constitution is very clear and Lungu is a lawyer he should be able to see this. But no he wants to be blinded by his greed for power I.e political and financial.
But Zambians are enlightened they won’t allow him.
As for the Con Court don’t be intimidated, I know most of you are women but the truth will set you free
To put his own picture on the cover when the book isn’t a biography is quite misleading. In this he’s going with the crowd. It’s quite common but it’s misleading. He’s not the subject in the book but his views on what we should do to become a respectable republic.
Sorry to say Kelvin Fube Bwalya is a certified criminal without a trail of decency to move any rational citizen. Its his right to dream and launch a campaign of imagination in a democracy. But in no way will it actualize anything to talk about.
Good lucky.
Yes MB. Judging by its cover, it is lousy. Don’t tell me about the adage. In this particular case it applies.
@Mbili Yakale they say: it takes a thief to know a thief! Another says the proof of the pudding is in the ….. Again read before you make judgment!
KBF is taking advantage of peoples ignorance and unwillingness to read. Part 6(a) of article 106 reads
(a) to have served a full term as President if, at the date on
which the President assumed office, at least three years
remain before the date of the next general election; or
ECL only served less than two years after Sata’s death on 28th October 2014. ECL qualifies to contest 2021 elections.
I have had a chance to skim through the book at Bookworld today. It has no index, the statistical tables inside aren’t acknowledged as to the source as standard practice of good writing stipulates. I will read it all the same just to know what the heck he is up to. He is one of those dreamers who think Zambia can pray its way out of poverty given his emphasis on religion,that is, Christianity in the book. Truth is there is no shortage on Christians in politics but how are they serving us? KBF cannot and will not answer that question.
So he is not selling book, he selling himself like Mukwita of this world.
What a styupid picture!! Put it at back of book or on page 41.
that sly boy Anthony the Official autobiographer of Lazy Lungu who can not even defend him!!
Nostradamus: It doesn’t look like he is trying to dialogue with Zambians. He looks more like trying to use religion to climb his way to public office. He knows with religion, you can do Zambians in the eye again and again. I have penciled it for reading on Labor Day. It’s a book a serious reader can read in one day if you start at five in the morning and read up to 21:00 with short breaks in between.
I hope LT you have been paid for this marketing of his book…if you haven’t then you are sleepy fooooools!!
Nobody in Zambia supports a Third term and it ended with FTJ Chiluba in 2001.a term is ruling for 5 years and not less than 3 years in case of president Edgar Lungu.so please ba LT dont mix up issues!!
HH and GBM told the world before 11/08/2016 that once UPND for Govnt in 2016,they wont give ECL presidential pension because he does not qualify having ruled for less than 3 years!!Today Kainde has changed goal posts on this matter because of his fear for ECL-mukose!!!
PF kolopa(d) 13 out of 16 wards yesterday including 4 from Kainde’s bantustan areas!!MUZAMUZIBA YESU BA OPPOSITION MU 2021!!
This is just a distraction ..red herring fallacy…wise up my friend!!
Bauze Njimbu!
Ala bane insala ibi. Am sure his law firm is not making enough money and he has resorted to writing books. People want money in their pockets and not reading nonsense.
UPND and its supporters maybe too asleep to come to terms on why they have not formed government this long.
The revelations of KBF [whatever his past] are in congruent with the Zambian Challenge; no-one spared. What is key for you guys is to start thinking out of the box: PF has mastered the RIGGING of not only elections but also the entire Electoral Platform. KBF is and be useful to their quest for State Power if properly engaged. Learn to even accept ideas even from perceived enemies – do not bury your heads in sand lest KBF is next PF and Republican President. Ask Gary Nkombo, they laughed over whiskey when Edgar left parliament to go and meet RB for an alliance: Today ECL is President with Ex.DPS Kaizer Zulu in-charge.
Not everyone is that clean in UPND! “namupuba mwine…
Politics is a funny game. You can never be sure of absolute victory until pronounced so , the Hillary Clinton case. SO PF take it is easy because politics is a game of chance. Between now and 2021 only God knows what will happen. The victor and the villain game you are plying can backfire anytime because tomorrow is a mystery.
K.B.F, be prepared for Corruption allegations coming from State House.
You have been warned!
So that is the game when you are out you are visited and you are even proud to say that very embarrassing am not proud to be a Zambian anymore because we all are behaving as though we have no shame
Kwena baLawyer muli bakopo,read again the constitution please!!!
Constitution is very clear on 3rd term by a VEEP who automatically takes over presidency after incumbent has passed on. Not an elected defence minister.
Hasn’t Lungu done enough damage? Are you not aware of the economic Armageddon around the corner caused by your small god?
When ECL was elected to serve the three years of MCS’s term, what was he? Was he president or he was not? Was he elected or he was not? In the three years he served, he was elected and in 2016 he was also elected. So he has twice been elected as president and that is what the law says. So he doesn’t qualify to stand in 2021 because the law talks about being elected and not how long one has served. KBF is absolutely right and in any case Zambia has had a bellyful of him already.
Meanwhile home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo is in the forefront of throwing stones and wielding a machete in rural Zambia…who do you turn to if the minister himself is a crook….opposition need to wake up and sort out governance issues now as 2021 will not be peaceful from ECZ to the Judiciary to the Police!!
Any way I have little faith in UPND providing that critical leadership [for the opposition] at this weighty and crucial time for Zambia.
Please get to the drawing board politics are never won in courts of law, this sound funny but this is Africa. Sata realised this just after 2001 but only accepted the winning formula in 2009. The likes of GBM and Mucheleka aren’t people who can get past the today’s PF/MMD formation its DEADLY and full of fraud INGENUITY; what UPND needs are guys to think like KBF, EMMANUAL MWAMBA, KAIZER ZULU, LEWIS CHISANGA MUSHO etc, Just look at your friend Julius Malema! Nga mwapwalala Kaizer is next president, the way Mwanawasa was implanted by FTJ – AFRICA + ZED
Empty tins make the loudest noise. We have a number of them in UPND including their minions like Mulongoti and this one who has just emerged from his hole. Cyril will be handing over the SADC Defence and Security chairmanship to Edgar soon. Even with deafening noise from one empty tin in SA, Zambia wasn’t mentioned as one of those countries of concern [DRC, Madagascar and Lesotho]. Evil will not prevail in Zambia. Only good will, because God chooses leaders and one ECL is our chosen leader as of now. Diabolical plans will not work in Christian Zambia. I’m off to verify the by-election results. I’ll be back!
How else can a Lawyer make money?
Inflated Bills, Clients money…………yaba!
APPARATCHIK, please note that almost all Zambian lawyers act this unfortunate manner in order to survive these hard socioeconomic tides
another Bemba wants to go to state house.
Fullsek iwe. Why not? Be ambitious chimbwi iwe….or you die a poor slave
Zoona: Perish the thought. The constitution recognises only citizens.
Kelvin Fube Bwalya was the same person who wanted to have LAZ dissolved because they stood on principle against PF. He wanted to get rid of Linda Kasonde to please ECL. Today he wants to pretend to be interested in the wellbeing of Zambia?
If he had been made minister of justice, would he still be saying these things? Hypocrite!!
Thats the caliber of Zambian politicians.
From, Nevers, Kabimba, Kilometers Sampa, Kambwili, Mulongoti, Lifwekelo, the list can go on & on!
Once they are thrown out of a thieving P,F, Cabal, do they preach badness, & shout Corruption.
All these Belly politicians, & charlatans are on record shouting”PF is righteous, until they are denied the opportunity to plunder State resources. I HAVE ZERO SYMPATHY FOR ANY OF THESE CROOKS!!
It’s not a third term. Let the courts determine. Besides why are people afraid of Edgar?
Indeed why?
Watch Muloikela video and I quote “if Michael is eating Nshima & T-bone at a market in Chawama and sees his friend Chagwa walking, upon spotting Chagwa Michael call Chagwa to come join him. Unfortunately Michael has to quickly dash off for a meeting and leaves Chagwa to finish the Nshima & T-bone. Whose bill is it?” Its Michaels!!!!! So Chagwa still has another term to go.
Elo chapwa fye nomba.The law according to Muliokela…lol
Come 2021, its PF Kolopa. Nafuti nafuti ECL.
It will be double kolopa in both PF and UPND strongholds.
aah, Jay Jay, you mean you are alive. Stop playing dead and go to the story of pf’s victories in the by elections. People are waiting for you. Am just a Messenger. Don’t attack me please.
If you are just a messenger then you are a bigger foooolish/halfwit than you think …if someone sends you into a lion’s den with a small piece of meat to feed the lion .. would you go? Don’t align me with partisan politics and dingbats who celebrate in hunger.
Wake up from your folly!!
So who is the hungry lion, You? Expect a big chunk in 2021 to celebrate PF victory. But @15 begged you not to attack him. I will not. Just bring it on.
We used to sit on stoolpid.
“Selective amnesia” by Chief Hooligan and Bully of the tribal grouping on which stories to comment on! Still in denial, loser!
Beaten PANTS DOWN Man-U 13 Vs Monze Swallows 3;
Beaten WHITE WASH Man-U 13 Vs Roan United 0
Beaten BLACK WASH Man-U 16 Vs Peoples-Mulongoti 0
ABANDONED GAMES Man-U Vs FDD-Nawakwi; Man-U Vs ADD-Milupi and many more due to electoral fever!!!!!
Next league games June 5th 2018 Man-U Vs ………………………..[contenders not known yet]; Monze Swallows in internal rift with the supporters insisting on Ex-convict Mwaliteta as Shirt #9 while the coach and assistant coach are insisting on injured Keith’s wife! Does FAZ allow women to play in a man’s team?
Kamanga quickly clear the air before Monze Swallows face mighty Ex-convict Mwaliteta at Chilanga Independent Stadium
A person who has been elected twice to the office of the President with a total number of 10 years cannot stand again for the same post. Lungu has clocked 5 years and can therefore stand
You look smart in your photo but clearly nothing in the dome!!
The 3 years was to complete the reminder of late Sata’s period that PF was entitled to. Itr was in an acting period. He was left with the instruments of power.
How many times was Edgar Lungu sworn in as President of Zambia if I may ask? If he lost 2016 election where you not be calling him former President?
I find it hard to educate dunderheads. They twist everything to suit themselves.
The law does not operate retrospectively. Under the current constitution Kbf is quoting how many years has EL been in office? U can’t look at the previous constitution to interpret the current one.
“Fube said anyone who has been elected twice as President does not qualify to stand again”.
I would not want this Fube to be my lawyer even if he offered me free services. You don’t read and interpret law by selecting one phrase. Legal phrases are interlinked and interdependent, you have to read the whole thing in order to interpret it. So in this case he has been too lazy torrad and quite the part which defines a term of office as a period of three years or more. Anyway glad he is not my lawyer.
LAZ, UPND & KBF are right. The Applicants have no Locus Standi and Jonathan Mutaware doesn’t qualify for a 3rd Term becoz he has already been elected twice b4. Concourt will be foolish to ignore arguments made by LAZ, UPND & KBF. All eyes on the Compromised Concourt Judges.
Lastly I want you to go to bed with some sobering thoughts about h.h. and how to interpret his erratic behaviour during the past two weeks. Some of us are privileged to have cracked hichilema’s skull. It is all linked to one conclusion, the dialogue. H.h is disappointed that Patricia Scotland has rebuffed him as to who should lead the dialogue. Therefore his message past two weeks is simply that there will be no dialogue from his perspective. Hence what you have seen:
1. Nationality of President Lungu, how can he dialogue with a non Zambian?
2. His Royal Lowness chief Mukuni press briefing was no coincidence.
3. H.h’s statement in South Africa.
4. Fube on term limit
5.Didn’t I tell you that h.h,’s brain is simple to c
1. Nationality of President Lungu, how can he dialogue with a non Zambian?
2. His Royal Lowness chief Mukuni press briefing was no coincidence.
3. H.h’s statement in South Africa.
4. Fube on term limit
5.Didn’t I tell you that h.h,’s brain is simple to crack?
Jay Jay,you must be a Tonga by tribe,woke up UNPD why you fail to rule this Country Zambia
The ruling PF and other political parties must strive to have conducive environments within their parties for criticizing each and disagreeing on principle. We need to be proactive remove the bad tag of jealousy and bitter when we beg to disagree with those in power or holding political offices. Clearly FBK is not bitter but stand by what the constitution says even though we may not all agree with him due to the different understanding and interpretation of laws. I hope they will not pounce on him like it has been the trend lately. PF hard nuts and machinery will not like what they are hearing and will definitely respond harshly.
It’s well with pf freedom of expressions is allowed tell me which other part were members can criticis there president its only in pf that’s y they are winning elections
Childish talking to the former Ivory Coast coach: “Coach, you could have won this game, you were robbed!”
Coach, “We created a lot of chances but we lost. Who robbed us?”
Childish, “By the referee!” Coach, “How?” Childish, “He should have sent one or two players who roughed up Gervinho but only gave you a penalty! You must report the referee to the UN!”
Coach, “To FIFA, you mean?” Childish, “No! to the UN! As a soccer fun and future Zambian president I will write the UN on your behalf!”
Coach, “Childish, that is childish!”
After all these debates we engage in, the issue here for me, is not about whether you dislike KBF or what he did. It’s about reading. Isn’t it better to read the book – it may provide you with even more further ‘canon fodder’ to attack him. Or it may indeed actually be a ‘realistic’ reflection of where Zambia stands and provide you with an opportunity to proffer solutions. But it all comes back to a reading culture. I mean life’s issues, views and being en-lighted. Do we as Zambians have enough of that to form well premised positions? Or is it why we mostly wallow in retrogressive diatribes and continually get hoodwinked by unscrupulous shameless politicians?